(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

hi mummies..hope u all enjoy ur wkend!

Wow..alot of posts...

Share wif u all my experience at my gynae last sat...i went to my gynae, he try to find the heartbeat, but CANT!! my mind instantly went blank...then he suggest to scan frm below, which i agree. aft awhile, he found it! but my mind stil in a blank state, even he told mi tats the heartbeat, i couldnt think properly.. wat a scare i got...haiz...

Hi mommies

if can better take those stay in type to help at night cos is really mental stressful.

during my 1st preg confinment, i stayed with my mum cos she during my confinment but since she 'old' i din want her to help me at night..
my gal got colic, is a nightmare, no matter wat time she sleeps, she auto wakes up at 1am n cries till 5am.. continue like this for 2 wks.. (luckily only 2 wks, heard some very bad can last till 3mths)
she will 'slow' down auto after 4:45am n will sleeps soundly at 5am..
she wakes e whole house up n neighbours too..faint!!

i ve to moved ard e room with her upright on my chest... ve to moved non-stop, i stayed up whole night once ( in standing position) to shake her till my feet swollen to double e size... so scary
Afternoon ladies..

Maternity clothes: I went kiddy palace too.. and I bought the maternity pants at 24.9 each.. its adjustable at waist, so I think can wear once tummy is obvious..

WL - at least got heartbeat, no need worry le..

915 - where is the prenatal yoga located at? I thot of going also.. sounds pretty reasonable leh..
jen, i got no choice but to empty coz they wan do urine test. so, everytime when i rch, they wil ask mi go for urine test 1st...

vera, it makes mi more worried to go back gynae which is 3wks time...furthermore, my hubby cant go wif mi tat day. i scare if anything, i dunoe hw to face it...
Re: Maternity clothes

I am currently wearing my maternity pants already cos they feel more comfortable. Those with adjustable waitbands. Most of my clothes are from my #1 pregnancy. I have recently ordered some from the Taiwan sites. Hope that they are of good qualities.

Re: Confinement lady
I had a very good CL as she is my SIL's mum. Hence, i could sleep well, eat well day and nite. I think good CL is necessary to help you in bf cos you need lotsa rest to build up the supply.

Re: raw food during bf
I have been faithfully eating sashimi after my confinement although i was bf leh. Throughout the entire journey of bf, i was eating sashimi. Only stopped recently when i found out that i was pregnant.

Re: Hunger Strike
I was so hungry just now that i almost fainted in class. Luckily i managed to drag myself back to the staffroom and grab some biscuits. Now waiting for my collegues to bring back lunch for me. Hmm, for my #2, i seem to have a much better appetite.
WL, i can understand how u feel, coz i'm feeling somewhat like you too..but i guess we cannot do anything but to rest well and look out for any abnormalities.
Now that the heartbeat is detected, just rest well. ur gynae din give us any special medication for stablising the pregnancy rite? if dun have means shld be good. Like me, my gynae gave me 3 more weeks of duphaston coz he detected dried blood and he said to see him immediately if i see frsh blood. I also abit worried.

Re: Prenatal Yoga
I just checked the website. (http://www.whatever.com.sg/yoga.php?q=2)
The place i took the prenantal yoga used to be at Keong Saik Street, now they shifted to club street and they also increased the price to Block of 10 lessons at $220. Valid for 4 months.
And the teacher is different too. The teacher who taught me last time is teaching at Tanglin Mall now but also more expensive. (Package of 4 classes $105 : Package of 8 classes $195)
Anyway i did some check, so far Whatever Yoga is the cheapest.

If you gals are keen, maybe we can all go together when we r in the 2nd trimester?

I can organise for online purchase..but..which webby? So far, I have organised for Gap/Old Navy/Children's Place. Not for Motherhood or Babycenter!
915, my gynae gave mi a med which will help stable the pregancy. he oso says if i have any spotting, must go back to him. but my cousin told mi, for her case, there is no spotting or watever. so, i scare lor...

Jen, will try ur suggestion for my nez visit..
WL, glad that ur saw ur bb heartbeat
i blur blur din take note when gynae pointed out to us but my hubby and gynae both saw it
rest well and take care till the next appointment!

my next appointment is 3 weeks time and scheduled for adnormalities test 2 weeks later. wish everyone move on to 2nd trimester smooth sailingly! jia you!

re: confinement lady
915, we also thot of doing without confinement lady -- ordered confinement food from caterer etc. but this being our #1, hubby prefers to have someone to help me out... when my pregnancy is stablised, will check whether my friends can recommend a good CL to us

re: prenatal yoga,
915, thanks for the tip on whatever yoga. sure, let's go together when we r in our 2nd trimester
WL, actually i also worried coz my very 1st time 2 years'back also no spotting nothing, then gynae said cannot see anything in the sac, and i took blood test to confirm also..
but i think we need to stay positive.that's prob the only thing we can do for now

adv_sports, if everything goes well for me, i will definitely 'chio' you for the yoga
as for confinement lady, better to get one
WL: don't worry so much. Too much stress hormones is not good for BB also. Just relax and enjoy your pregnancy and ur body will do the rest!

Poohwei: Take care! Eat many small meals to keep you blood sugar level up!

Re: Prenatal Yoga
915, pls count me in! I used to do yoga before I ttc and will like to continue doing! I'm on for going together during our 2nd tri!

Re: Confinement Lady
I'm thinking of getting a day CL also cos I'm not comfortable with someone staying over. It's a good thing i'm staying with my parents now so we can rotate taking care of BB. When should we start to look for CL? must make sure the CL we want dun get booked right?

Re: Maternity clothes
Am i the only one who hasn't started shopping yet? My goodness! I'm still wearing my normal clothes. They're getting a bit tight but still wearable. i'm lost on where to get.. maybe i should start shopping this wed.
Joyce: are the clothes from Old Navy, Gap and all suitable for us? i'm worried about the sizing.
Welcome Lee SP! I have abdominal cramps when I first tested +ve also. Gynae and books and websites said that it may be due for the uterus stretching. As long as no brown or red discharge, it's fine!
Hi Tiny M,

But my GP told me to go for ultra-sound scanning. she worried that the egg is conceived out the womb. i felt so worried.
re: prenatal yoga
cool, we have more MTBs for company
915, bean, tiny_m n me
welcome more to join in!

re: abdominal cramps
lee sp, how many weeks r u pregnant? if possible schedule an appointment with gynae to re-confirm. not sure ur cramps is the same as mine -- i felt on-off pain at my lower abdomen. after my 1st appointment with my gynae when i m 6.5 weeks, i breathed a sign of relief to see the sac and hear bb's heartbeat (rule out etopic pregnancy -- conceived outside of womb). gynae explained that my pelvic ligament is stretching which cause the on-off pain @ lower abdomen. Hope yours is the same case as mine
Hmmm.. If it's ectopic pregnancy (egg conceived out of womb) the pain is usually at one side. Is urs like that? my abdominal pain shifts here and there and sometimes last quite long. you may wanna google your symptoms and see what comes out. Do stay positive! Don't worry so much!
lee sp, sorry forget to congradulate u on my earlier post... congrads!

my GP suspected the same and sent me to A&E *wacko* erhm, come to think of it, he din even examine me??!! we had such a scare -- lucky the NUH A&E doc examined me and told me unlikely to have etopic pregnancy *phew*
my LMP is 21 Aug. Hmm. .should be about 5.5weeks bah. i still need to learn lots of u guys. seems quite lost when i knew i got preggie. i intend to vist Dr Adrian Woodworth at CCK tonite. Cos the nurse told me that i can walk in for consultation.
Tiny M,

My bust was 32B, bought all in XS for US sizes.. I just ordered 4 bottoms, 2 S, 2 XS, not too sure as this is the 1st time I order the Maternity clothes.. But I guess will be similar to pre-pregnancy sizes.

For pants, I used to order size 1 from Victoria Secret. Waist then was abt 26"
Lee SP: Yep yep! Can walk in. i was initially worried about the cramps and saw him quickly and turned out everything ok. Best is u go very near his opening time so u'll be the first few to see. He's very cool de, puts you at ease easily. But he speaks very fast and his consultation tends to be short so if u have any questions, you better prepare a list and ask him.

adv_sports: Your GP is so weird! should at least send you to gynae first mah.. wah leow, if me, i'm sure scared stiff!
I have just got back from my gynae place!!! Saw the small "mickey mouse" and heard the heartbeat!!!! so happy.. btw the term mickey mouse is given by my gynae hor.. coz saw bb head, legs.. so tiny ahahaha..
now very happy... i am at 8wks 4 days, EDD: 7 May 08

Tomorrow I will go off to Genting.. dun dare to tell my gynae kekekek..
Did my blood test and urine test also..
Gynae commented I am very healthy.. nothing to be worried about, can eat everything in moderation... yeah!!!

Wah so many new MTBs..

Lee SP, not to worry, the cramp could be your uterus is expanding.. I had the crampy feeling in my 6th weeks as well. so long as it goes away.. should be okay.
Stay positive and be confident k..
lee SP - me also ve cramps but now lesser liao..

joyce - i saw afew website on maternity, now abit busy, will try to check e website later tonight or tmr n post here.
tiny_m, yah, we had such a fright! lucky it was a false alarm
now have to take care -- not to run after the bus/train etc.

rc_cola, congrads n enjoy ur genting trip

re: MS
feeling nauseous since i came back from lunch(had beef noodle)... does taking a walk after meal helps? have been making trips to toilet -- nothing comes out yet...
915...u make mi more worried sia..but nt for the monent ba...onli when the nez chekup is abt due. hee...hope my mind dun keep thinking. last nite wouldn zzz well because of tat...
Congrats Lee sp...
adv_sports, y ur GP like tat 1...like tiny says, should send u to gynae 1st mah...f.a.i.n.t!
wow..so many posting....
damn busy in the morning......no time to have breakfast.

wow..so envy ..u all have your lst appt...mine still need to wait till this thurs evening.....hope everything will be fine.
cos 2 wk later i will be overseas.

WL, no worry so much...relax...

I will be gettting a CL too. but heard that cost ard $1.8k per mth.

Lee SP, Congrats! dun worry i also have back pains..seem like is just uterus stretching.
Adv sport,
Another qn which I asked my gynae : MY TUMMY IS SHOWING.. AM I FAT?
btw, our baby at this stage is still very low nearby our pelvic bone..
Then he pressed my tummy and said YES hahahaha..
rc - yesterday hubby also rub my tummy, i told him 'stop rubbing my tummy', he replied ' i touching bb lah' but i replied 'bb so small, dat's my fat's u rubbing lah'
Agree! hahaha hubby did that also.. told him it is the fat, baby has not climbed up so high yet hahahaha...
hahahah.. my hubby does that too! But he knows he's rubbing my fats and he will shake his head and go "tsk tsk.."

ladies, it's raining v heavily! hope that it will subside when we're going home! I very sian of rain cos everytime it rains, my office area will flood. Very difficult to walk..
915...no need keep quiet...i stil wan 10q u for ur encouragement...lets us all stay happy ok! i wouldnt think of it...
Re: rubbing of stomach, i saw 1 tv prog, they says dun rub leh coz wil promote early birth..juz tap gentle on the stomach...
hi gals.. can i join? i just tested positive and have not seen my gynae yet.. should be 5.5week too coz my LMP is about the same as Lee SP.. mine is on 22 Aug.. =)
tinyM & Joyce,
Thanks. I made an appointment with Dr Kee next Tue at Jurong Point, see how it goes

RC cola,
I'm from the TTC thread.. thanks to the babydust from ladies like you, managed to get a HPT +ve

anyone still plot you BBT? my BBT dropped from 36.8 to 36.6 degC this morning, scared until I take leave to see TCM coz gynae said too early to see them..
Wl, i mean keep quiet on the topic..coz i think i am feeling uneasy abt my situation as well when u mentioned abt ur worry...
coz my hubby wants to keep quiet abt this but i told 2 of my colleagues liao, so i feeling abit loss..u know..like happy to share the good news yet not very certain like dat.

Re: Obimin mix with milk
I checked with my gynae on this. he said just dun eat it with milk can liao..so i can take obimin in the afternoon since i'd like to drink milk in the morning....
Welcome & congrats May..

Jen, i at 1st oso dunoe 1. onli recently saw the tv prog then know. mayb c which mummy going back gynae there, wan ask...i 4gotten abt it til juz nw u all saying ur hubby rub...hee..paiseh...
Glad that you join in here
i think lee sp also from TTC thread if i am not mistaken..
Btw, dun need to plot BBT liao lar.. tested post, quick book gynae..
be confident and stay positive k..
congrats May

yeah..but so far i din take obimin everyday coz my gynae said if i got MS then better not take it..unless i feel ok then take.

Obimin is a multi-vit suppement whereas folic acid is a must coz it's important for baby growth. So even if u take obimin, u still need to take folic acid on top of it
915, i oso told 2 of colleagues liaoz, 1 of them is my boss, feel relieved as least my boss said heavy workload leave it to other colleagues..haha
fa, but none of the 2 colleagues is my boss

i hope to be able to announce after i see my gynae in 3 weeks'time...it's going to be grilling hard time boy

welcome, twinkle
Hello everyone!

Welcome new mummies, pls provide us your info so that i can update the spreadsheet tonite when i am at home.

WL - I also didn't see the heartbeat initially when they scan my tummy but when they did the virginal scan, it was so clear though i hate the feeling of doing that scan!

Re yoga
I would love to join but dun think i will have the time leh..just finished my 1st day orientation today and all the lecturers were saying how intensive the course is going to be and how mentally prepared we muz be
saw my schedule and am studying full 6 days almost every week sia! cham liao...duno whether i can cope or not!

Re Maternity Clothes
I always like to try first before i buy so online shopping not for me. Any mummies have any discount cards for any maternity shops that we can borrow?

Re Weight Gain
You all wont believe how much weight i put on during my #1 pregnancy. I put on a total of 25kg! No one believes me when i told them but actually i haven lost back to my pre-preg weight yet so still a bit fleshy!
hope i wont put on so much during this preg!

Have a good trip, rc_cola!

We got the same EDD. I am the 8 weeks 4 days today too!


Same here. I only managed to detect bb's heartbeat via vaginal scan.

Re: Weight gain.

I think I am fat also lor.. My tummy is showing too...
I am hoping I wun put on too much weight....hehe.But I am still sticking to my limited range of pants now. For tops, I am intending to get from This Fashion those babydoll tops.

Re: Confinement

I am thinking of doing confinement at mum's place too coz I got 2 dogs at home and CL might not like the idea of having dogs. But if possible, would like to find a CL that is ok with dogs one.


Did hubby stayed with u at yr mum's during yr last confinement?

U taking Diploma in Preschool teaching (DPT)? How long is yr course? Sounds like a crash course wor... with which insituite?

hi piggycow, my detail as follow

Nick : Maydy
Edd : 29 May 09
Gynae : Prof Tay
Hospital : SK
Current child : 1, Boy, 15mths old..
Staying at Buangkok, SK
