(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

congrats, finally you have a princess after 3 princes!!

another princess ah, never mind she can help u save $$ by wearing her jie jie's clothings! :D

re: cough n flu bugs
ladies, u all have to take extra care when u caught the above. do rest up more and drink more water - since we can't take too strong medication due to our pregnancy.
do take care ya!

any mummies feel any bb movement? me 16 weeks plus still I dun feel anything. I can't remember for my 1st pregnancy.
rachel C,
dun worry, will feel ur bb kicking u soon!

i'm 18wks + now but had felt bb kicking abt 2 wks back; now the kicks are quite strong and frequent. very excited everytime i get them; even hb can feel it liao

i can't wait for end/Nov when i go for detailed scan...
so more baby 'prince' dust for me ya! hee hee hee...
Thanks Mummies, I'll call gynae to check on med. How I wish I already know bb gender then I can shop for him/her at disney...

Rachel, I usually feel bb movement around 20-21wks, but this round 17+ week I sort of feel bby liao. Cos I guess this bb more active during scan bb alwys moving.
kittybride and coral: thanks for yr reply. Anyway tomo I will be off for amnio and will MIA for 2 weeks as gynae wants me to do bed rest for these 2 weeks and then I will login again.
Devil, your food poisoning sounds serious. Take care ya!

Can you update the following details for me? Thanks!
EDD: 4-Apr-2009
Expecting a boy.
Rachel, I dun think it will affect baby? Did not check with gynae.. GP said it is ok... So dunno to check anot... My hubby said it os ok leh..

Congrats tigger88 on your prince... so envy...
<font color="ff6000">Mommies who are unwell: I'm worried when you let your sickness drag...</font>
Not gd to wear yourself out further (pregnancy already is tiring) and in case the infection/virus devs into something worst e.g. a prolong cough may turn into bronchitis. Let Dr know your preggy state and any allergies. Raise your concerns. Dr wld know meds are suitable then. Must also try to get as much rest as you can -- sometimes I'm glad the flu meds knock me out so I can enjoy a good Sleeping Beauty nap

In terms of Dr, must of coz be comfortable with the one we see. If not, do seek 2nd opinion. My family always try to see this female GP who's very motherly and has lots of dos and don'ts to share w patients. She's a grandmother and even dishes out parenting tip. Only catch is she's semi retired and works 2-3 days/wk.

I personally would trust western meds more than herbal remedies -- in particular those from China. Our Health Sciences Authority (HSA) only do spot testing and often turns up results of the meds exceeding this level or that e.g. mercury. You probably can share same concerns especially after all the big hoo-ha abt the shortcomings in the standards they practice or rather, don't practice.
Hello mummies,

Re. gender
I'm expecting a boy (again!), but not confirmed. Dr. Ang says last Friday that it's still a 'guess' but he says it's likely to be boy than girl. Will probably confirm during detailed scan 3 weeks later.
Was a wee bit disappointed upon hearing that but it's ok, HB and I have no strong preference. As long as baby is healthy.

Re. baby movement
I could feel it since last week and more obvious and frequent the last 2 days. I'm in 17+ weeks now. I think baby movements are less obvious to 1st time mummies, usually will feel only around 19 or 20 weeks.

Lots of foods can be pureed.
Check out http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ or http://www.annbellekarmel.com

Generally, preggy mummies cannot take medicine without doctor's advice. So if *touchwood* that medication is needed, go consult a doctor in Hong Kong (make sure you have travel insurance!). But generally, normal panadol is safe for consumption. You might want to go to a GP to ask for stomach / vomitting medicine in case you get stomach upset. No need to see gynae.
Hi mommies, me also juz recovered frm a bad flu and doc did mention that for preggy mummies only can take panadol is safe. had sleepless nite too when unwell so panadol help to get thr the nite without to wake up in the middle of it.
Hi I m so glad to find all Apr 09 mums here. I happen to be suffering from flu these few days too. though i m given medicine i also dare not take. Just took a day off from work and felt much better.

I am also very amazed to know that so many of u already know the gender of your babies. My baby was naughty during my last scan and it kept its feet closed...hopefully it will be good the next time i see it.

Since we r all in the 4th month of our pregnancy, i m wondering how big are your tummies now?

my tummy is still very small and not visible to the public eye. i would not be offered any priority seats. Worse still, my hubby says i look like a teenage mum. i m not sure if my tummy is growing big enough or not. My gynae did nt raise any big concern though.
Hi mummies,

Jus went for Pre-natal class last Sat, and they say after around 20weeks, you are suppose to monitor baby's kicks... at least 10 times a day! So surprise to hear that... :p

can't wait for harder kicks... hahah! (sound abit silly hor...)
Indulgence Queen: 20wks is quite early but I suppose they meant we gotta pay attention and start getting used to it. I know my gynae advised in the last month to be extra vigilent coz any signs of "drop" in kicks can mean baby in some form of distress. And I've had a few friends share with me their personal experiences of when they felt less kicking from their baby in that last month of pregnancy. For 2 of them, their gynae made the call to do C-sect and found the umbilical cord coiled a few times around the baby so those were close calls.

When my girl was kicking harder, her daddy put his face against my tummy to speak to her and she gave him a good kick in his face! All daddies better watch out!
Anyway, she still kicks him often enough when he's changing her diaper coz she thinks its a game...
autumn21: Frankly, my tummy's smaller this 2nd preg. Think due to the massive throwing up I had for almost 4wks -- when I suffered very bad indigestion. Only relief was to purge to get that "stuck" feeling off my chest. Just last Thu I met a lady in the lift and she told me as I was stepping out that I was be carrying a boy coz from my "rear view" she couldn't tell I was pregnant. It's the 1st time I've heard this one. I know with my 21MO girl, many told me since she easily can pass for a boy, it means my no. 2 will be a one... So interesting. Other mommies, you heard any other type of traditions for telling whether it's a boy or girl?
kidzskidz, yah... i din know that is so serious, tot that as long as baby kick you a few times will be fine.. hahaha! thanks for the info though...

so cute, think she got used to kicking daddy when she's in the tummy so come out must carry on. hahah!

Dr say i might be carrying a girl, but still cant confirm till next 2weeks for detail scan... :D
Indulgence Queen: That's why when I 1st got pregnant, I went around gathering info and tips from my colleagues who hv children. All provided me very helpful insights based on their individual situations. Like recently one gave my girl (21MO) some masak-masak and told me to only bring out a few at a time. Then when my girl bored, keep and bring out a few "new ones". Keep rotating to sustain her interest.

Actually my hubby's boss gave him same advice about buying gifts for wife -- buy at one shot but hide and bring out to present one every now and then to hv element of surprise... Unfortunately I came back to catch him trying to hide the costume jewellry he got me on a business trip. Haha... but I must say it's the thot that counts -- and it's still a pretty good ploy.
queen... i will check out...

kidzs.. i follow the calendar last year and predicted my fren's gender ( quite ano and backtracked theirs and mine.. turned out the calendar to be rite expcet 1 wrong one for next yr) uses mummy's lunar year age and month of conception... hehehe.. so any mummies here who are 27 this year?? if yes.. know baby gender oredi?? maybe should be the same lah since we are apr 09 mummies.. i am born in 1981 .. try comparing our ages... if our bb gender the same.. then calendar should be rite.. hehehe
Then i have to worry everyday cos bb movement not good.

kidzskidz, you have got a very active baby who can response to your call. Envy! Your Kids must be very smart.

Idaarshad, im not so young liao. But according to the chinese calendar mostly for april mummies it's girl. If base on my age almost every month i make also girl. But some say not accurate.
One of the website I have listed is wrong... it shouhld be http://www.annabelkarmel.com/
the recipes there are very nice. Even I like to eat!

My tummy is still small, but can see liao. It seemed to have grown quite abit from last week. It wasn't obvious at all last week or so.
Don't worry about the tummy size, what's more important is that at every scan, your baby is growing at a normal rate (length) and that you are putting on weight. Need not have huge increase every month, as long as there is weight gain of around 1kg, it's fine.
Hi Mummies, me jus recovered from my fever .... for almost 2 wks liao
last mon gynac confirmed i hv diabetics
ask me 2 watch my diet 1st....currently nt eating any dessert which is my fav
any1 noe e do &amp; dnt 2 eat? gynac said k eat anyting bt moderate ... quite confused
idaarshad, u r 27 this yr?? gosh! and u have 3 kids and another coming?? u know yr baby gender already??

me same age as u.. so does devil..

by right, my EDD is 9 May 09.. but my gynae says he will c-sect me end of april.. so i joined april thread mummies.. i dont know how to predict the gender of baby le.. until now i havent know gender also.. very nervous..

if basing on lunar age, should look at age 28 right? and month of conception.. how we know?? and basing on lunar calendar as well?
I'm a diabetic before pregnancy, so this means I'm a high risk mummy.

Basically to keep your blood sugars constant is the main goal, to avoid the baby becoming too big. Maybe you should consider seeing a dietitian to plan out your meals. I'm taking 3 small meals and 3 snacks a day!!

Thus diabetes thingy is a big challenge for us. If you need me to share info/queries, feel free to PM me. I'll be glad to help.
Hi ladies,

Just to drop a note when I saw that some were talking about taking medicine.

Yes, Panadol/Paracetamol is fine for pregnant mums.

The gynae said that..

If the mum is having bad fever, she needs to take the medicine. Esp if the baby inside is still very young, coz the baby heartbeat will beat even faster (it's already beating bout twice our heartrate) and will be dangerous to baby.

Same goes to others like flu, cough.. Those who had very bad coughs will know that when you are coughing, the stomach, lung, etc.. can be quite painful when you cough real hard.. With poor little baby inside..
Hi, hope all the mummies feeling unwell will recover soon.

Is impt to take ur medication esp if u're having fever cos their heartbeat is twice of ours and likewise for temp. When we've fever, they feel the "heat" too, so gotta treat it fast!

kidzkidz, thats what my mom says too, when the tummy is all sharp and hidden in front meaning backview cant tell, is usually a boy. For a girl, the bump will be spread all around. Dunno how true is it! hah

my grandma and mum said that too.. think quite true coz it applies on my colleagues..

when i had my no 1, mine was all bump around.. hehehe
Shers, i've noticed some frens and seems quite true also. when i had no. 1, most of those who know how to see can tell me straight away i'm carrying a boy. My mom says i'm having a boy again! hahah we shall see
Shers, she just remarked cant tell i'm preg from backview, she says some very obvious even early, like they lose the waistline or back very stiff. My tum is just beginning to show also but still can get away with FAT!
Juxta: Haha, like that my B2 muz be boy lah. I wl ask next Wed when I getting detailed scan done @ TMC. Juz hope baby cooperates

Qian Hui &amp; Juxta: Thank you for emphasising importance that pregnant women must take care of their health so baby is taken care of! Mommies who are unwell, please x5 don't hold out on getting proper medical advice or you may risk your own and especially baby's health...
Dodo: Baby in womb will naturally respond. First we poke/press them here and there and they "retaliate", then we speak close so they can hear and they also will react. That's why some companies are making quick bucks from selling all the neonatal communication sets (recording device + playback so baby in womb can hear. I also almost bought into it during 1st preg. But then we just regularly speak to her, sing to her while she's in the womb. When she came out, she shows signs of recognition so low-cost techniques work well too. Mommies, do practice the Tickle Time Rhyme I shared earlier
kidzkidz, i'm playing the game u taught when i can remember that is! Otherwise, i normally shunbian read to bb when i'm reading to my no. 1. I'm not the will get very ga-ga over bbs kind hahaha.
Hi Devil, pls help me update my bb gender, confirm is a princess after my detail scan today

Very thkful to God is a healthy &amp; active bb gal for us, now gt to start looking for confinement nanny liao, any good ones to recommend???

MTBs here,
pls do take medication if sick, otherwise even worse if virus spread around in body and may affect baby, once symptoms improve, then quickly upload LOTS of vitamin C to boost your immunity
dodos, dun worry abt baby movement ok?
My baby also start wif light flutters frm 17 weeks and gradually can feel more of her movements now as I am 20weeks can feel my gal more of her active movements!
Morever, u are a 3rd time mummy, nt to be too stress if not ur bb will be stress too, think happy thoughts!
just had my 1st laksa lunch since i got pregnant! super shiok man!!! ahahahaa... even drank quite a few scoops of the gravy, can't waste and can't resist! :D

hey...u're expecting no. 4 oredi ah! congrats!
hahaha... must be tough. salute you lah! :D

re: baby kicking
agree with queen, 1st time mummies tend to feel baby kicking much later. 2nd time round, very fast liao... coz got prior experience mah, more or less will know. :D
i have to enjoy the current slight kicks coz when they grow bigger, it will be kallang wave or kungfu kicks liao, tummy will sure hurt a little. but the shapes that they create on our tummy, totally PRICELESS!!! i still kept a few vids of my gal's movement a mth before she was born. she can really MOVE a lot... :D

yup, i too heard abt the 'rear view' prediction. even from my coligs, a few said if they look at my back/rear, wun know that i'm pregnant!
so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that their predictions come TRUE! ahahaa...
last pregnancy, can see my rear expand liao... and my tummy rounder though not so big.
kittybride, I was looking forward to kallang wave or kung fun kicks, but too bad my 1st gal was very gentle even close to due date, so I've never had chance of the powerful kicks, Hoping this bb will be kicking harder.
SOunds sadditic. :p But I hope to see the feet or wrist shape from tummy. My gal was jus too gentle then.

Still dunno the gender and can't really shop for bb during my trip, very tempted to go for a scan just to know so I can buy things for bb in disney. But think gynae will say I'm crazy.
juxta: Actually now B1 takes up so much of my x, I feel like I'm neglecting B2 -- and B2's not even born yet! Guess situation will be reversed for B1 when B2 comes out -- but don't tell her

kittybride: laksa sounds yummy. Now I also feel like eating it...

coralmarine: I can't help but gotta ask, No. 1 still a gentle princess?
coral, my no.1 also girl. No Kallang wave and kung fu kicks for me. Only gentle movement. Till due date i don't feel movement have to visit dr regularly cos so worried. Now this one also girl i wonder girls movement is it more gentle?
wah, so envy you have have gentle princess...
mine to-date is still very chor lor type.
likes to kungfu kick us a lot, esp when she's lying on her back - when changing diapers, will get irritated and kick vigorously... even if kena slap on the legs by me she will still do so.

then at nite when she sleeps, i think is worst than kungfu panda... will toss n turn 180 degree then her hands and legs kick and slap... i always kena... so hv to put bolster in between as barrier, else will kena my tummy lor.

now bb2 also kicks quite a bit... i bit scared will have same pattern as jie jie ah... :D
Yo mummies! Lots of discussion on medications!

Ever consider going for flu vaccinations? I used to took this jab before and found it useful for me in preventing flus, coughs and even stopped for sinus! It only lasts for a year though.

I just had mine done at 16weeks. Did some research and consulted gynae on any risks. Gynae says baby will not be so prone to flu after birth too as part of the immunity will be passed on to baby!

Babies can't take the vaccination at birth due to their young age. No negative effects at all.. except you may fall sick for 3-5days post injection as the body builds the immunity.

An alternative to illness prevention and medication!
