(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Eviangal, it's tough wifout hubby ard....I took the 2 bedded, tat china lady beside me snore so loudly!!! I so angry can't get gd sleepthink ow mum took the 1 bedded de rite. Better choose tat. Can't rmbr my bills le. 10k def enuff for u to claim la... Lol... Coy so gd!

hi ladies, we have 140usd worth of shoes now, anyone else wants to tag alone? We need ard 180-200usd to close


eviangal, will u be hiring a confinement nanny? I heard they charge double for that period!
<font color="ff6000">KP:</font> Tx 4 clarification. Shipping is via vPost or ...? Any discount there? Coz I noe UOB CC holders stl enjoying 10% for vPost. I'm keen 2 order 1 pair bt stl hv decided on designs.
<font color="aa00aa">Eviangal:</font> CONGRATZ! If wanna deliver in London you gotta find top class private hosp coz my fren who practised there also warned dat for maternity consults u onli see e mid-wives (who r actuali better trained then e obgyn) til pretty late in2 preg -- or unless there's complications along e way. &amp; yes, as Pei mentioned, hosp standards nt up 2 Sgp one. I delivered both x in Mt A -- single-bedded thru-out. Tho last Apr e single-bedders were all taken so we opted 2 take e deluxe rm whc is reali big - so B1 was enjoying herself since there was lotsa rm
The cafe @ Mt A serves veri nice hor fun -- got e wok-taste. Itz wat I like 2 order if I lunch there. Tink my hb says e club sandwiches, etc also nt bad. My c-sect so final bill came 2 abt $10k? Gd thing diz x Bastion didnt hv any jaundice issue so nd nt hv 2 'extend' e holiday @ Mt A

Can I still tag along too?? wanted to get Classic Noel Henry Baby Bag, let me know...how much is roughly the shipping cost? thanks
<font color="0000ff">yenz, yes, can, transfer based on 1.45 first and PM me? I guess it shld be ard 30+sgd?</font>
eviangal: i took 2 bedded,no epidural normal delivery,mine considered 1 day stay i think..so my bill was ard $1k+/2k+...full deduct from medisave..bb stayed same day as me,no jaundice so bill nt high..bb stay per day ard $500, if i nv rmb wrgly..u can get single bedded..But if no haf single-bedded,2 bedded also not bad..UNLESS u meet some inconsiderate ppl...i was lucky tt my 1st time there(2007), i haf the room all by myself..the last one i went i was like almost half day alone too...
yenz, that's what we're ordering as well... hahahaha.. we think shipping is around $40 but it's only an estimation ya. Pm KP if you want cos sale ending soon..
Hannah, I don't know about the construction of the stroller but so far quite happy with it, maybe I'm not too particular I guess
<font color="ff0000">KP:</font> I juz PM u my order for two pairs. Total is USD$44. I kan onli tt later, when I hv a moment alone.

<font color="0077aa">Gallop:</font> End up I choose 'Will' http://www.pediped.com/Product/ProductInfo.aspx?id=202. Coz itz a 'moc-style' type of design whc Bastion dun hv yet. I was leaning towards 'Sebastian' bt itz got double velcro strap whc I realise is bit hard 2 manage -- he owns a pair in such a style &amp; he's always pulling up both straps!
I ordered Size EU22/US6 -- whc is long enuf bt dunno if wl b wide enuf coz Bastion's feet quite wide whc made shopping for his shoes challenging e last few x we had 2 get him new shoes... Praying hard these wl fit
<font color="119911">Eviangal:</font> If u kan claim, then juz take single-bedded rm so u won't nd 2 worry abt possible noisy neighbour or her visitors. Also, ur hb/mom &amp; Val kan stay ovr. Val wl also b able 2 bring toys, DVD player, etc type of entertainment 2 occupy her w/o disturbing othrs. W B1, when my waterbag broke &amp; e labour was slow-moving, I was transferred in2 a rm &amp; I opted 4 2-bedder then since action was slow 2 take plc. E young lady in e nxt bed had lotsa noisy visitors &amp; during e nite she was crying on e phone 2 her hb &amp; aft dat buzzing e nurse for more painkillers (she had c-sect &amp; cldn't tahan e pain) -- I wldn't wish such a 'neighbour' for any1. So when B1 finally came out, we switched 2 single-rm. She was born in e evening bt thank God we were stl able 2 get a rm. Single-rms r usuali snapped up veri fast so @ 12nn when s/o's discharged, anthr pax wl move in2 e rm...
<font color="0077aa">Gallop:</font> Haha, 'Will' looks ah-pek 2 teenage gals ah? Oh no!
Hmmm, now u mention, mayb I shd get a size bigger so it wl b wider. I dun like e 'Brady' sandal-type -- I kant seem 2 find nice 'holey' shoes 4 him so far. Ok, I'l ask Karen 2 get bigger size for Bastion's wide feet.
I'm nt sure how e sizing compares bt I got him size 23 shoes fr Bata whc had 14cm insoles... Bt itz mayb Jap sizing?
KP, Gallop,

Both of you wants to get the same bag? I guess it's worth rite...since they are on sale. Ok will PM KP wait for me hor
@Pei: Yeah! We better set a date or else we'll never meet up! Gaah!

@Gallop: Thanks for your sharing! Went to Kiddy Palace at Sengkang and found Britax Blink stroller. Looks good and it costs $199. Quite happy with how it looks and also the construction so will prob get this if hb like it too. =)
KP: Wait for me too.. Wanna get the Kate spade baby bag too.. Will PM you details and tt $ to you tomorrow morning. Very tired liaoz.. + cant decide which colour to get also lei..
Kidz: Thanks.. Wow.. The deluxe room sounds great lorz.. I thinking of staying 1 week in the hospital lei.. =p, if can afford it la.. 1 bedded room in Mt A so hot one arh.. My last time was at Thomson in a 2 bedded ward.. Not too bad. Neighbour didnt have much visitors + she sleeps at 10+pm.. So I also follow suit. Just that bcos company change policy and allow us to claim 2 bedded and pay diff between 2 bedded and 1 bedded for pte hospital + they giving us 90% instead of 60% subsidy, i thinking of going for 1 bedded this time round and mayb an extended stay... =p kekeee...

Hopefully, hb dont need to go London (only know in Sept, 1 week before actual posting.. ridiculous horz.. so short notice how to prepare!!!)... If he goes.. hope he can come back in time.

Ow Mummy: Wow! You so li hai.. no epidural.. The epidural was a blessing lorz.. I cant imagine going thru delivery without it..

Gallop: Mine will either be a Tiger or a rabbit.. Haha.. I also duno lei.. Scali.. make it to be the first Rabbit of the year.. Hahaa.. If you see me in the news during CNY then know liaoz.. hahaa... EDD is 7 Feb.. Duno how early bb will be out too..

Yenz: When are you due?
hey ladies, if u want to order the kate spade bag, pls transfer asap as the sale ends today!
think eviangal, pravina and yenz is keen rite?

kidz, thanks for transferring..

owmum and catherine, can pm me ur orders and transfer, maybe do batch 2 if enuff to start. owmum, i am buying size 26 leh..

Congrats ler...another April's mom preg
mine is due next month 20 july, so another 4 weeks to go...hopefully can go natural, praying my baby will be in the right position. For the past 3 weeks, he's in breech...so doing lots of exercise too lately
eviangal, i did 1 bedder in thomson and enjoyed it..wished the stay was longer:p so maybe u can try thomson again!

Hope the next time i deliver, will have company again! Jamgal was giving birth same time as me so we had company then!:p
owmum and catherine, think can still take in for batch 1 at the moment, pls transfer based on 1.45 k? thanks
Hi eviangal,
congrats! =)
I took Mt A's single room and love the room! You must ask for Our Lady's wing, the St Raphael wing is the old one. You can call Mt A for a hospital tour too. Mt A's single room is like 20-30% bigger than TMC, and parking there is $5 flat per day, no worries of finding parking lots unlike TMC. The confinement food is yummy, my hubby likes the food provided for him, can choose from menu too. Service from the nurses and lactation consultant was good, but labour ward nurses were pretty blur. They threw away the baby cord blood, which I wanted to donate to SCBB! But the nurse was really apologetic and kept apologising, maybe cos I gave birth in the wee hours in the morning so she was blur hee... Nevertheless I will still choose Mt A for my next delivery. =)
I think the cash portion was around 2k for natural delivery with epidural, total bill should be around 5k.
Hey all! Just back from Tokyo disneyland which all of us thoroughly enjoyed! Sunay loved the teacup and airplane/flying dumbo rides, not to mention loved being carried by Mickey and playing with all the characters

We ended up spending most of the time in disneyland and disneysea (which is amazing!!!)

Congrats Eviangirl!!! Mt A is totally the best hospital i think, i delivered there by c-sect and bill was abt 4.5k, not incl. gynae charges. So i think 10k can easily claim
Thanks Mummies on the Mt A advise. I just checked my TMC bill. Its about $4K (based on 4 bedded) with epidural and baby's bills. Mount A seems cheaper overall lei.. I think most likely I will go for Mt A.. keke.. Thinking of staying longer than the usual period so that can have a better rest before going home.

Returning home during my last delivery was kind of like hell.. Soo.. busy and tiring...

Yenz: Congrats to you! Your bb is going to be born soon.. keke.. Somehow I have this perception that yours is July but cant confirm. Now I am wondering when is Jean due. Keep us posted on your good news when #2 is born ya.. =)

Pinkypink: You sounded like you had a great time with Sunay at Disneyland which is good. Lucky Sunay even get a chance to be carried by Mickey!! So lucky... Isn't it crowded whilst there?

KP: Have tt $288.55 to you for the Kate Spade Henry Noel Baby Bag. Will PM you shortly. Went down to Raffles City to look at the actual just now. They had the blue one. Look a bit different from pictures lei.. Hope is the same thing.. But anyway, its pretty spacious and nice. Except that I dont quite like the idea that its cloth.

Singapore is retailing it at S$600+ (Considered sale price somemore).
it was not very crowded actually, i think cuz june is not the japan school hols
most of the rides and attractions had about 10-25 mins waiting time which was quite ok i think...

okk.. must go, sunay needs me
eviangal, pravina, sorry, forgot to tell u gals to add on 5usd on top of the 199usd for shipping within US:p Pls let me know when top up done.

Yup, quite good deal hor?
KP: Can't really find any Kate Spade design that i like so not ordering...shoe-wise, rather spend more and able to try out the actual size..another time perhaps..sorry for being so fickle-minded
<font color="aa00aa">Decorating cake @ Icing Room:</font> On Fri, I brought B1 to decorate a Father's Day cake coz hb's away 2day 4 1wk trip 2 Nepal. Here's e cake she 'prettied' up
She had a reali gd &amp; meaningful x decorating e cake - now kps bugging me 2 go bak so she kan decorate a children's cake
She's reali cute - I had told her e cake was a surprise 4 Daddy so we muz kp it a secret. Half-way thru e activity, her Daddy called &amp; as she was talking 2 him excitedly told him "Daddy we have a surprise 4 u. It is 4 Father's Day. We r making a cake..."
So there went e surprise bt her Daddy reali luv e cake &amp; nt juz coz itz quite delicious

<font color="119911">Any lunch gathering nxt wk?</font> Any scheduled for diz coming wk?

<font color="0000ff">Pinky &amp; Pravina:</font> Wanna lunch in Clementi, HV or West Coast area? Btw, there's a pasar malam on in Clementi now. I hvnt gone 2 browse bt passed by 1 nite &amp; it had e usual bustling atmosphere - &amp; Ramly Burgers!
Kidz! The cake so cute! I got sunay to make a card for his papa... Still not very keen on holding crayons but he did a bit la...

I'm good to meet up anytime! Hehe! Super free!!
Crayola has a beginning range on crayons, paints n stamps. It has a rounded shape so babies can hold it, I bought the crayons n Sunay quite liked it.. Although colouring in the lines is still far away at leAst he holds them n tries to scribble
quite fun!!
<font color="119911">kidz,
dunno my 3 yrs old kelly can decorate such a cake anot? i dun mind bringin her to CP nw to do a cake coz daddy is out 2dae.

we r tryin to arrange a lunch at Da Chang Jing (Korean BBQ) @ Geylang/kallang area, it shld be on thur or fri, wanna join?

Re: Lunch at Da Chang Jing (No.8 Lorong 1 Geylang)
Date: 24 or 25 June 2010
Time: 12pm

1. Kris
2, Audrey
3. Powerball?
4. Owmum?
Kris: Did u bring Kelly? My B1 was lickng e icing flowers b4 sticking them on e cake. Tricky bit was holding her hand 2 squeeze icing bag - bag burst so she was mostly lickin her fingers ;-)
<font color="119911">kidz,
kelly n i juz came back frm CP but in the end we bot a cake coz the waiting time was abt 1hr. i tot since i will b doin most of the icing, might as well juz buy one, keke. kelly was disappointed thou coz i told her we r makin a cake for daddy.</font>
<font color="119911">Re: Lunch at Da Chang Jing (No.8 Lorong 1 Geylang)
Date: 24 or 25 June 2010
Time: 12pm

1. Kris
2, Audrey
3. Owmum
Kidz: Nice cake! I am sure Daddy love the cake not jus bcos of its taste.. His heart must have melted when he knew his child is making a cake for him. Is this the first Father's Day pressie from B1?

PinkyPink: I had the bath time crayons by Crayola during the last Motherhood fair when I stock up on my Huggies. Sadly.. Val finds more pleasure in biting the crayons than doodling.. Hb is banning the crayons for now..

Kris: Da Chang jing looks nice. I saw the advert many times but didnt have a chance to try it. Do share if its nice aafter the lunch event ya..
HI mummies,

saw that there's lunch @ Da Chang Jing... err... me heard -ve comments of this makan pl ya... me staying near there yah... maybe you all wanna change?
<font color="0000ff">Eviangal:</font> B1's CC hv kidz make gifts 4 special occasions. Bt e cake's onli 2nd gift i had her make 4 daddy - 1st was decorating a paperweight
