(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

hey mummies, haven't log in for long time..been bz at work and w baby..
since Sun, she has been on total milk rejection, i have no idea why, but doc says could be due to teething..
i hope she will start drinking milk again because i dun think its good for an 8 mth old baby to be completely off milk, sigh. She is still eating her solids, just not drinking milk.

Anyway, here's wishing one and all a very Merry Christmas and for first time mummies, enjoy your first christmas with your darling

Have a wonderful Xmas with your family n friends!

The Robinsons sales is crowded... Decided to just chill out at toastbox instead :)
hi hi !

so which hospital did u stay
mine is at TMC

thks for adding mine to the list
a bit more details
choden eng, boy, sengkang rivervale
currently SAHM, come Jan FTWM

to all mummies
have a blessed n merry xmas
it will certainly be a merry one cos of our little ones celebrating their first xmas!

my baby also refuses to drink milk but only formula....if i latch him on, anytime he will drink...headache,...becauese he doesnt want fm, i have been resorted to not giving him any milk coz i am tyring to break him from the habit of latching..

then suddenly realised that he has been drinking very little milk...dont know what to do...shd i just give up and start to latch him on..or just be persistent/..

actually how much milk shd bb of 8.5 mths be drinking a day?
merry christmas to all...
Din really have time to log in these days.. so tired cos started spring cleaning for my house if not jan no time to do...
HLW, i also went to Jusco this holiday. Bought nothing except bras... so cheap and the quality not bad.. hahahaa
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000"> So this is Christmas,
And what have you done
Another year over And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one The old and the young</font>

<font color="0077aa">A very <font color="ff0000">Merry Christmas</font> &amp; a <font color="ff0000">Happy New Year</font>
Let's hope it's a good one Without any fear</font></font>

Wishing all mummies a wonderful holiday!
oshgosh, edj, my baby is also on total milk strike, not a sip from the bottle. He's ok with latching and solids though. We suspect it's due to teething. Very worrying indeed, like drinking very little milk coz I'm working and can only latch him at night.

just want to share..i m very disappointed with the dress i ordered from RL for raynie, the quality is really bad and look cheap..as compared to ON, ON is a lot a lot better and price is much much cheaper..
the polo tee for raynie are ok but mine is really big n over size..
Blessed Christmas!

moo mum/edj
yes i think our babies are teething hence the refusal to drink milk.. at least u 2 still breastfeeding, so ur baby still drinks some, i've stopped bf since i started work at 4mths.. sigh..
1 good news though, she managed to drink 120ml last nite while dream feeding and 160ml this morning while half asleep..
i asked PD, he says if bb doesnt want milk or drinks less, just feed them more solid.. as long as they are eating and growing well, we shouldnt worry...sometimes babies just get sick of milk..

at 8.5 mths, she's about 7.9kg.. quite small size.. in fact, she can still wear 0-3mths clothes from chateau de sable!! maybe cutting big.. for carters, she fits 6mths jus nice
Merry Xmas to All!

Looks like a lot of the babies are going thro a food phase.

Edj, whenever Dexter teeths, he will go on bottle strike. I suggest u just let him latch for now. What i did was everyday was to try to see if he will take the bottle. But if he rejects then i won't force it.

Yvonne, for clothes, i m disappointed with the ones i bought fr babymallonline. The shoulders are so big till it falls off but the sleeve holes are so small.

Oshgosh_baby, mine is the opp of yours. He likes his milk and does not like solids. PD actually told me that for babies of his age, he shld be eating 8tablespoons (6 - carbo, 1 - protein, 1 - fruit/vege). When i asked if she meant 8 spoons per day, and the response was per meal, my heart dropped. He only manages 4 baby spoons. He was also diagnosed with reflux and now put on meds for one month when i told the PD abt his eating problem.

wah looks like our babies have the same problem.
Oshgosh, your baby is the same size as me...very small hor...

Powerball, yeah looks like i have to give in and just latch him loh...i just bought similac. I was just thnking maybe its the formula that he didnt like coz of the strong smell...lets hope that he likes similac...anyone given similac to your bb? they like it?

Powerball, how did the PD diagnose reflux for bb ah?
oshgosh, isaac also dun really want to drink a lot of milk now, these few days sometimes he also doesnt want to open his mouth for solids..only when the maid distracts him during meal times and plays with him, then he'll open his mouth to eat:p

No minimum milk intake required a day right? I suppose we just let them drink whatever they want?

So funny, just now we were at church and bb voimitted, i din bring extra change of clothes so he went home only in his diapers:p

merry christmas to all once again!
KP, hahaha, Issac must have been quite a sight esp since he bui bui. When it comes to eating, my maid has to feed Dexter on the floor as he needs around 2 to 3 toys around to knock knock here &amp; there. She even has to feed him partially inclined. High chair collecting dust.
Btw, when u say little milk, how much is Issac drinking now? Thought even with solids, shld be 600ml per day still.

Edj, when he was having fever and flu, she checked his throat. Then during subsequent visits, she noticed tt his throat was still red. So "not eating" + "red throat" = reflux as per her diagnosis. I was surprised as i always thought reflux means milk coming out but she said is acidity in the stomach and not all cases throw out milk. Now he on meds and has to go back for review 3 weeks later.

oh i c...but generally he is feeling okay?

I read from a book when bb is on 3 solid meals, u still need to give 500ml of milk...sigh...dont know how to attain that??

anyway, powerball so we r on for the 8 Jan hor??
Isaac still using #2 teats? I tried #3 again and she took it ok when she's awake but when she's sleepy, then she'll reject if i use #3 teats...i asked a GP n he said its nothing to worry abt. If she prefers #2 then just use tt, as long as she drinks. My PD says min 400ml per day.
my boy having teething problem here as well..found orajel which is working so far.. forgot to bring the ones i bought via eviangal!!
instead of rejecting BM, he's been rejecting FM...

looking forward to seeing you all at parties/lunches/gatherings!!
Edj, 8 Jan still on.
Yep, Dexter still ok. Now he becoming a little cannibal. Keeps testing his new set of upper teeth by biting my arms. For milk, i try to divide it into 4 to 5 feeds of ard 100 to 150ml so that that the target is easily achieved. Anyway if u latch at night then shld be ok as bb still gets to drink.

hahah...wah he is biting u ah?
i dont think Dexter has an issue with milk lah..so nothing to worry for you..but some of our bb really quite jia lat lei...24 hours prob only drink less than 300ml..so now try to give as much milk with the meals...and just bougth similac..gave him a bit just now, as expected, refused again..


oh has anyone of u tried using fresh milk to cook with oats/cereal?i was told we can do that as long as the fresh milk is cooked..
Happy Boxing Day!
Glad to find April Mummies like me too!

I have a query though. Are Tollyjoy milk bottles BPA free? Does anyone know? Please advise.

Thank u!

Hi Mummies,

Hope everyone had an enjoyable Xmas celebration!
I have logged in once before when my bb girl was born in April but have been a silent reader all the while.

Pls add me into the list. Thanks!
BB: Girl
Name: Kenisha Ang
DOB: 20 Apr
Location: Yew Tee
PTWM-music teacher

edj and moo mum:
My girl has the same milk problem too. I used to partial BF her while supplementing her with Friso. She was alright with the bottles. Then when she was 6 months, she went on a milk strike and since then she has rejected FM totally. No more bottles for FM except water. Luckily she has started on solids, thus not so bad. Now I just latch her on for her feed and before her sleep. I am not sure if it's teething problem cos her 2 lower incisor just erupted when she turned 8 months. Since babies need iron intake from 6 months onward, I have been adding FM in when I feed her with her cereals. In this way, at least she's still taking in some iron. I have tried the friso, similac, mamil and enfapro samples when I mixed them into her cereals. So far, she has been agreeable to the FM taste. I am not sure how much she is taking too when I BF her cos I don't pump now that she doesn't take milk from bottles. However she's 8.9kg now and about 74cm tall. Some times, I think babies know how much they want for their feed.

I never use any Orajel for my girl. How does it work? Does it help to soothe the gums? She drools and gums anything that comes into her hand but she doesn't take the teether nor the pacifier. She prefers to suck her thumb.

Enjoy your sunday mummies!
<font color="119911">Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey??
3. Owmum??

I am a newbie here but would love to meet other April mums. I am Suraya. My vote would be Compasspoint.

Do update me!

Thank u!

Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey??
3. Owmum??
4. Catherine (anu location also ok)
Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey??
3. Owmum??
4. Catherine (anu location also ok)
5.Suraya ( Compasspoint )
hello mummies,

just want to check if any mummy have mamil gold step 2 to exchange with similac step 2 (1 can of 400g)..
i asked for similac sample but decided to give my girl mamil gold and she is doing fine with mamil, so will stick to mamil...

i have but was supposed to pass to Marie but she hasnt got the chance to pick it up from me...

Marie, do u still want the mamil gold? if not i will exchange with Yvonne coz i am switching my bb to similac now. just nice..but if you want, i will still give it to you coz i promised u first..let me know okay???

ya, it seems like raynie never outgrown the bodysuits i ordered from bbmallonline quite some time ago..
the bodysuits are like growing together with her, getting bigger and the shoulder are now very big &amp; loss..
Has anyone experienced irregular periods 6months after birth? My period cycle is driving me crazy and I can't detect my ovulation period accurately as I am planning for another baby soon.

Would love to hear from mum who have similar experiences and what can be done....

Hear from u soon!

Thank u!

does the slp rompers expand too?
Mine seemed to shrink and shrink... Kept having to upgrade the sleep rompers as i bought those toes covered ones! And.. haha my bb is quite a small one! 7.5kg at 8M!
The sleeveless bodysuit isnt a good fit too? Oh no.. haha I just ordered those!! I hope it fits.

Su, yes my periods only came back when I drop my pump frequency! How old is your bb? Really salute you! I don't think I can handle 2 babies at the same time!!

Powerball, mine just started to eat betta now.. BUT he has started cutting his milk back at an alarming rate! KP, I think we need to maintain a min of 400-500ml of milk a day for babies ~9-12M. After 12M, I read that it is 300ml. But I think issac is cutting down coz he is going to hit his milestone weight very soon! (that is 3X his birth weight at 1 yr old!)
Hi Baby Mummy and the rest,

Frustrating to have irregular periods and even irregular ovulation period. Sigh.. I have stopped breast feeding 5 months ago but I dont know what caused these irregularities. I am a SAHM though..

Any one has a remedy for such ailments? hahah yah i m rather ambitious to have 2 kids within a short period of time.. hehehe

Thank u for replying Baby Mummy...

Thanks leh!!!
My mind keep thinking abt to post yet any time to do it

huh :p im craving of eating dim sum and going to Marche le... ...

Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey - either
3. Owmum??
4. Catherine (anu location also ok)
5. Suraya ( Compasspoint )
Kris! Lunch gathering back ya?? Really long time no post, no see!
This wed I am not sure if I can make it!! Gotta see schedule on the day itself. I'll text u!

Su, well sometimes its better to quickly get over the preggy and infancy stage asap!! U must be coping really well!! I still miss my pre-parenthood days of sleeping luxiously and having ME TIME! haha... Well, if you are concerned about the irregularities and intent on conceiving, I'd suggest that you approach your gynae! I believe they could help you out betta!
Bb_mummy, i bought the tops with sleeves and no sleeves. Both the shoulders are very big. Can see his chest each time he wears them.

Yvonne, yep, they keep expanding after each wash. Only good thing is the material is very thin but fit is lousy.

Audrey, yum yum on tim sum.

Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey - either
3. Owmum??
4. Catherine (anu location also ok)
5. Suraya ( Compasspoint )
6. Powerball (AMK hub)
Baby Mummy - lol i still miss my carefree travelling days too.. sometimes I can't chill with friends without him fussing for attention. My baby boy is small too. Born at 2.4kg and had high levels of sugar in his blood. Now still small at about 7-8kg,but so gutsy that I have trouble keeping up with him.

I will check with gynae soon. The other time I asked, he said it was pretty normal. Got to ask again then.. Thank u!

Hope to c mummies for lunch on 30 Dec!
Audrey,Ow mummy,I will bring down your ON/Gap purchases

Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey - either
3. Owmum??
4. Catherine (anu location also ok)
5. Suraya ( Compasspoint )
6. Powerball (AMK hub)
7. Rose (AMK hub)
<font color="119911">audrey,
i knew u need the lunch badly, keke. im keen on dim sum oso. lets do it next yr.

take leave on wed n join us. when is our durian feast?? im so craving for it.</font>
Any mummies keen on having lunch before the year end? Please add your name below n ur preferred location.

Re: Lunch Gathering
Date: 30/12/09
Time: 1230pm
Venue: AMK hub or Compasspoint

1. Kris - either
2. Audrey - either
3. Owmum-either
4. Catherine (anu location also ok)
5. Suraya ( Compasspoint )
6. Powerball (AMK hub)
7. Rose (AMK hub)

Most Imptly:
what r we having?
suraya, it's pretty normal to have irregular at this moment. Your body is still adjusting. Take a few months to get back.

Jas: I've been pumping once in office since I went back to work. Been regulating my pumping timing so tat I could pump only once...
