(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="0077aa">Coral, Eviangal &amp; Ting:</font> Thoroughly enjoyed lunch w u gals juz now - esp all e funni stories traded. &amp; now I kan put a face 2 e nicks
Coral, hope ur little 'monster' dun creep up on u 2nite!
Btw, juz now on e train back, B2 leaned back &amp; showed me dat he's got another two teeth coming out -- one on ea side of his two upper incisors - datz no. 5 &amp; 6. Horrors! Hopefully he dun turn in2 a little 'monster' like Coral's...
Juz now let both of them play w e cloth ball I bought - juz had them roll it 2 ea other (I assisted B2) &amp; both were laughing so much. Bt tiring 4 me since I was e one moving, stretching, picking it up, etc. Bt overall $3 well spent! There were also lotsa other HK, Disney &amp; Thomas items on sale @ e atrium in Amara. Chk it out if u got x

<font color="ff6000">Jean:</font> Oh dear! Did E cry in shock? Haiz, all these heart-stopping moments we get -- I dunno when it'l stop... Never?

<font color="119911">Pravina:</font> Tx 4 e link. Exploring it further later. U r wat we Hokkiens call 'kin kar, kin qiu' --> quick legs, quick hands i.e. veri fast-worker. &amp; itz a compliment hor!
<font color="aa00aa">Playmats:</font> I liked e thickness of e one Jean brought bt I understand it was a gift so dunno how thick e mat actuali is. Any mommy who was there Sat &amp; experienced enuf kan tell me? Dunno if it was a 15mm or 18mm? Coz am thinkg of splurging 2 get it 4 living rm floor...
<font color="0000ff">Eviangal:</font> Transfer rec'd. Tx! U also another 'kin kar, kin qiu' -- I opposite: slow coach or rather couch potato type
kidzkidz, coral, tingting &amp; eviangal: Got lunch never jio me....OOI!!...haha..was back in sch trying to pack all my barang barang back home (4 yrs worth) then suddenly got bombarded with PAPERWORKS!! Oh dear....101 things to do suddenly 8-(
Jean: Thanks. Yup, Coral and the rest were telling me that cervical vaccine not effective on us anymore. Maybe will make an apt with the gynae for pap smear instead.

Carters Sale: Is it worth going? I am thinking of not going anymore since children's clothes from BP are usually around that price. Am I wrong?

Catherine: Pai Sei! Its a Tanjong Pagar lunch gathering for Tanjong Pagar working mummies la, tat's y never post here. Next time will ask you okie?

Wow!! That really sound like a lot of work to do ya...

i wont be going with Cath and powerball already.
i am going this fri with my husband.. he is on leave and said he wants to go also...
Kidz, agree, nice to catch up with mummies and trade story. can't imagine my boy having so many teeth, then I really have to wear thick clothes to sleep. I kena attacked again last nite. But toughening up, less painful. Haha.

why dont we exchange? u call for the enfapro stage 2 for me lah..u get the sample then i will get the friso one...we exchange...
kidz2, coral, eviangal: had fun meeting up with u gals too! good break fr work.. just wish lunch time can be longer..hehe.. Cath, next time we can broadcast here n see who's free to join
Powerball: hmmm...Dun think I wanta go, too...as I'm not buying anything...bought lotsa Carters rompers at Querida's alr. Sorry.

Eviangal &amp; Tingting: Heehee...I very free now cos sch hols...so can meet up anywhere *wink*
hi ladies,

sorry to intrude.
have a good lobang here. need to confirm fast. please pm/sms 90011 110 me if interested.

rainbow hydrocleaner E2 (latest model)
usual price $3424 now $2800
only 3 sets available
8 yrs warranty and full accessories with receipt
there will be 1 person to give 1 hr demo - teach u &amp; yr maid.
$30 per lesson if u forgot in future

it is very good vacuum cleaner. can effectively clean the bed/bolster/floors/cars. able to vacuum the mites n dust very effectively. good investment if you have kids at home and worry abt their health.

please see this link for ppl's comments.


not yet but roughly know where i want to send my bb to already..usually i think u can only register a year before right except st james?
have u?
edj, yeah lor, i just registered him for st james and its on waiting list liao!! still must pay registration fee which is non refundable:p where u planning to register bb?
Calling for the following Mummies:

1. Baked Potato
2. Mommy of Gems

Hi, let me know how you wish to collect your beanies okie? They are still with me. PM me if you need my contact.
KP: St James is for babies 3 yrs old and above right? And your son is already on wait list? How come so popular? Are you referring to St James Church Kindergarten?

I am considering a childcare near my place. Will register only in Dec next yr. Cos their promotion usually in Dec.

eviangal, yep st james church kindergarten at harding. pre nursery at 3 years old and yes! its on wait list lor..first session 30+ppl on waitlist, so i bopian put on second session cos at least i am no 4 in queue:p

yes st james waiting list is just amazingly long...a few months ago i called to ask and they told me i can put my name in its still available..but after thinking about it, i decided not to...its a bit out of the way for me lah..i stay in the east lei...so thot for pre/nursery and kindergarten i will just stick to somewhere closer to my house...

i am actully thinking of st hildas....
KP: I am speechless... Babies at 8 months old register already on wait list??!!! Very kua zhang lorz.. Are the school fees there ex?

Edj: I support you!!1 keke.. St Hildas is my school!! Too bad too far for me. So I will need to register my dd elsewhere.
Eunice: I didnt know the earlier 2 days items too.. Curious to know too. Cos I want the pendant version. Hope its not put up for sale already. I think should be the chewy soft type ba. Didnt really take it. But I saw the babies enjoying it. keke..

edj: I personally like St Hildas because of its Christian teachings and environment. But the school has changed completely from the time I was there liaoz. I attended the school in my primary and secondary school days. My brother was the first batch for the preschool class.

The school has changed so much that I could barely recognise it now. All I can say is the school is def better than what it had been when i was there more than 10 to 20 yrs ago(as in when I started pri 1 there).. keke..
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">CARTER'S WAREHOUSE SALE: 3 rompers for $10...</font></font> datz wat I got last yr (my 1st x there). Itz veri worth going if u hv a gal. Bt last Dec I also managed 2 pick up boy's pj, romper &amp; tees in prep for Sebastian -- he's wearing them now...

thanks for the info. Actually we being the kiasu parents, had gone to the st hilda's open day few months ago..hehe..kinda like it..


is it normal to see frozen BM a bit yellowish? i have put in there for more than 1 mth and when i took it out today, found the colour a bit weird...
KP, I've also registered Keene at St. James but for the campus at Leedon. I put off too long to register for Harding, should have done it in Oct when there was still vacancies

Ya, registration fees non refundable, but Nanyang Kinder even worse, the registration is $100+. But the admin told me straight that the chance of getting in is quite slim as previous years they never hit the public waitlist, usually the classes will be filled up by siblings and alumni.. What do you mummies think? Should I try my luck?
wah, so fast plan for preschool already? but i'm a working mum so choices quite limited, either go somewhere near workplace or home. most likely she'll follow her kor kor and go cherie hearts.

today my dad complained that my gal behaves like a tyrant at their place during the day, always bully my mum to carry her all the time.. sigh, so young already know how to discriminate pple liao.. she's a fiesty gal!
gallop, there are still spaces left for second session at leedon but i din want that cos its gonna be in a church premise, i like the back to nature feel at harding rd:p hee Issit? The lady told me cos its top few on wait list for 2nd session unlike first, therefore higher chance, but slim for 1st session cos 30+ waitlisted liao.
Ya, I got the 1st session at leedon. Actually I also like the harding campus, cos it's outdoor, plus my daughter graduated from harding and she really enjoyed her times there. I think they will be moving though b4 our bbies graduate cos she mentioned that the lease is up but can't remember which year..
I'm talking abt Nanyang kindergarten that is slim chance for public, their registration only start in jan 2010 and it's only for waitlist. They'll let you know in 3rd Qtr 2011 if you get a seat or not.
eviangal, ya very kua zhang rite, must register so early for school in 2012.. that's why I kept postponing, thought it was ridiculous! But in the end, also kiasu.. quickly register hahahaha
<font face="tahoma"> wow... registered for preN school now enrichement class leh... but me find that those reputable always gotta put on waiting list lor.... so gotta be very very kiasu hor.... ya you have to be ks or else you cant get a place....</font>
<font face="tohoma"> shichida... heard lots of good feedback, provided you practice lor... my fren'z 3yr kid can rem 50 things in 5sec n said them out in correct sequence... but my hb is Skeptical yah plus me is the lazy, hack care mummy, so dont waste monies... keke...

how about http://www.juliagabriel.com/company_leaders.htm... is another hot school bah...</font>
edj, yes mine is stage 2.
friso contact 6419 8484 or
email us at [email protected]
but how do we exchange?
where u stay?
u PM me...

so many mummies going for carters sale...worth it har?
maybe tomolo nite i drop by and see...
Kidz, i not going to the Carter's sale as saw some Disney rompers fr Querida's BP.

Eastside mummies, anyone wants to meet up for tea at Parkway, around 2pm today? Edj / Cath interested? Can do a small round of grocery at Cold Storage and split the fruits as many of them come in a bundle now.
hi 3wkold,

i have called the friso and they will send me the sample. once i got it, will let u know then we can do the exchnage. oh btw, i still have your citric acid with me..we can do everything together..sorry havent gottn the timet o go postoffice..

i stay in siglap.

why dont u come over siglap...we can have tea at coffeeclub..there is coldstorage here also...i just went this morn..i wanted to buy the plum and peach..but way too much...yes, we shd share...

there is also one ntuc here....

let me know if u want...
Edj, i thought of eating at the Toby's place that's why suggested Parkway &amp; can buy xmas presents. U contact Cath and see if she wants to have tea then we confirm venue.
<font face="tahoma"> share the Grocery, me want to leh... me stay @ kallang... but me ftwm... how to meet and spilt the stuffs? wanna the fresh apricot, peach, rock melon etc leh...</font>
