(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Marie, thanks!

Can i ask - do all ur babies open their mouths when they see the spoon coming? Dexter still like don't want to open his mouth. Sigh. He only like a little receptive to papaya.

powerball, The farm boxes are good enough for a small family as it substitutes some of our grocery shopping for the week. We like it very much but there are hits and misses. Sometimes the fruits are too ripe or apples are bruised. But If you call them and let them know, they will change them for you.

Hope that helps.
joie, it's definitely enough for 2 adults and a baby but of course, because the selection is seasonal sometime you really don't know what is going to be in the box. We make alot soup so that's what we do when we get pumpkin, carrots and/or broccoli. The other stuff we grill or roast. We also request for more fruit esp. bananas (love the bananas). Just a tip. Don't bother with the Asian Farm box, because you can get most of the stuff at cold storage and much cheaper.
<font color="0077aa">marie,
hope you feeling better.

hope your child gets better soon .. the CC needs to CLEAN up its act....

Time will fly by soon and your man will be back soon!!!!

my boy loves the stroller rides.. must see everything and after a while dozes off.. he stares at us when we are eating..=D

first mouthfull, my boy will push the spoon out .. after that he opens his mouth wide for his next spoonful.. if slow to giv eit to him, he leans forward to reach the spoon.. or makes noise...=)

interested in personalised stuff.. need time to look thru the stuff.. will PM you.. keep me in the loop please..

where can i find napisan for baby clothes?? been looking out for it but cant find it at NTUC or cold storage...</font>
yups. my girl will open her mouth n lean towards the spoon...except for avocado. if she's keen on the food, she will do that. if she's not too keen then she will turn ard (cos i feel her in something like exersaucer)
LOVE THE UNDERSHIRTS!!!! so comfy to wear and i dun feel like i'm wearing an extra layer!!!
GOOD BUY imo!!!
very nice to meet you that day...hope the xmas party happens...
Allo Mummies,
Planning for Xmas party in Dec.
Available dates are
5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
any other dates suggestions, most welcome.
Venues - Please suggest!!

Thanks for coming out with something different! Let's make this event happen!

Christmas Party
1. Pravina
2. Eviangal
3. Oshgosh baby (provided she's in Singapore)
4. Catherine
5. Audrey
Allo Mummies,
Planning for Xmas party in Dec.
Available dates are
5th Dec or 12th Dec (both Sat)
any other dates suggestions, most welcome.
Venues - Please suggest!!

Thanks for coming out with something different! Let's make this event happen!

Christmas Party
1. Pravina
2. Eviangal
3. Oshgosh baby (provided she's in Singapore)
4. Catherine
5. Audrey
6. LovJ
received my order from jcastorsee.com
quite hit and miss on quality but prices are def good.

have fun at lunch. Ning and I need lots of rest and rehydration.
baked potato
brown rice paradise doesn't sell fresh produce...
only found Bellamy's baby porridge there, no cereal.. and left only 2 boxes. but they hv lots of other brands like healthy times, etc..

bon bon
hang in there, time flies pretty fast, b4 u know it, Mr bon will be back

my hub has been away since last Tues and will only be back on Sat, me and bb quite used to it liao cos he travels so much..
nxt month i will be travelling for 8 days (gonna miss my baby like mad!) and when i come back, hub's turn to go for 2 weeks.. so we whole mth the most see each other for few days only, sob..

hmm, my bb v naughty leh, dun like to sit in her stroller.. i really wonder if its the stroller, looks abit tight the space.. and she's not even big, only 7kg at 6 months..

my bb doesn't open her mouth for food.. only if she thinks its water.. if she realises its food, she will close her mouth, or if she takes it, the whole spoonful of food will come out of her mouth again, so 1 spoon take v long for me to feed, i will put it into her mouth, she will spit out, i put in, she spit out, it goes on until she swallows in the end..
must be v patient to feed her.. sigh.. i wish she was like the rest of the babies here, lunges towards spoon and food, so good..

Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE
<font color="0000ff">
Bon Bon, Hang it there..ur hubby sure miss u and cait too.. My hubby also used to travel.. but now no more.. Kinda miss his travelling time..

My baby too dun like to open his mouth. Normally need to feed him for 1 hour for only 3 teaspoon of cereal.

Between Mummies, read from the forum that most mummy give baby eat pure puree.. for me, i mixed the puree and the rice cereal together. Is it ok as well?</font>
Joie: There are a total of 6 titles for the item you are looking at. Which titles do you want? Each title is $10.

Other Mummies: Sure. Let me know what titles you want. I am still negotiating with the bulk purchase organiser for a better price. She could only advise the better price only after we have determined our quantity.



Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE
Bonbon: I knwo how it feels to miss your hb. Dont worry, he will be back in no time.

Yvonne: You work near your house? Got time to go home prep puree?

Osh Gosh: Stroller - I think as babies get older, they get more active and want to see things. My dd dont like to be in the stroller for long either. She wants to be carried. Maybe she gets to see more when carried.

And when she see something she will try to lean forward to grab it. I think most babies are like that. Hence, I seldom use the stroller now. More often the carrier.
Reply from AVArgds on HT barley cereal: they did an inspection at ht warehse on the similar batch of cereal tt I bought, they say the test found no contamination.
<font color="aa00aa">jac,yeah tmr.In fact,I'm free everyday from tmr to next wed
Kris wanna go? Silly me,all this while I din know that CP is so near my office,it's like $5 cab fare only .so near lol</font>
eviangal, i'm interested in 3 titles in the 4-for-$15 group, and 1 from the christmas pack (5-for-$20 group). Can check whether i can get the 4 titles for $15?



Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)
1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE
hi mummies,
I am also keen to buy Bellamy's product but there were T&amp;C - Minimum order : $200 and above. Anyone want to combine order? If base on the amount we need to have 34boxes. Let see whether can we hit the number! If you keen on other product, just list out, k!

Here's the link - http://www.kemena.com.sg/order.html

Baby Rice, 150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes

Baby Porridge,150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes
Ting Ting: For the titles, cannot mix with Christmas Pack leh. The BP organiser states that Christmas pack already pack nicely liaoz. How about choosing another title?

I bought the Story 1 in the Group Collection previously. Not bad. Got 4 stories in each book. Now getting the 2nd part of the Story collection. You can consider this if you want to get the 4th title for cloth books.

Can also consider Expression Title. Very interesting. I can show you during our lunch meeting on Thursday.


Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE
Hi eviangal, when will u be placing orders? I think i can only look at the titles tonight

Audrey - im keen!! wats the diff b/w porridge n rice?? good price leh. marketplace sells $7.15 per box.

ow_mummy - then wats the black black spots then?? mabbe u shd send ur box to them.
Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.

Another good news. For every 5 titles (blocks or books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)

oh.. in that case, i've changed the title for the last book. (btw, i wont be able to meet for lunch on thur cos got to settle some home reno stuff.. friday also no go for me.. will meet up next week then!)


Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Expression - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE
me failed to convince dh to get the babycook... sob><....

hmmmm.... my boy has 4 teeth lor and he can sit and crawl now... actually he can crawl before sit up... but he's the oldest here lah.... he's march baby...

Baby Rice, 150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes

Baby Porridge,150g, $6.00 ea
1. Audrey, 2 boxes

Baby Macaroni, 200g, $7.20 ea
1. Leereiner, 1box

Pasta Stars ,200g, $7.00 ea
1. Leereiner, 1 box
Tingting: okie.

Joie: Still meeting?

Eunice: Take your time. Can send me your orders by end of this week. BP close next Tuesday.

Dont know how to bold my text. Anyway, pls note the new prices and offers for our purchases.


Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.

In addition, for every 5 x $10 item you buy, you get a PVC story book that can be used at the bath or pool. They come in Disney titles.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.

Another good news. For every 5 titles (blocks or books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
<font color="119911">rose,
tmr i cant make it coz got appt in town at 2pm.

which model u bot? im looking to get one more DSLR.

is the lunch at AMK still on this thurs?</font>
Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.

In addition, for every 5 x $10 item you buy, you get a PVC story book that can be used at the bath or pool. They come in Disney titles.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. Nursery Rhyme, Tang POetry, Children's SOngs, Story Part 2 - Ow_mummy

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.

Another good news. For every 5 titles (blocks or books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.

In addition, for every 5 x $10 item you buy, you get a PVC story book that can be used at the bath or pool. They come in Disney titles.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. Nursery Rhyme, Tang POetry, Children's SOngs, Story Part 2 - Ow_mummy
4. Christmas Gift Pack - Pei (lemon_tea) (sorry is this the right place to insert this order??)
5. Tang poetry, children's song, nursery rhyme - Pei (lemon_tea)

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.

Another good news. For every 5 titles (blocks or books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
4. Left brain development - Pei (lemon tea)
5. Right brain development - Pei (lemon_tea)
Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.

In addition, for every 5 x $10 item you buy, you get a PVC story book that can be used at the bath or pool. They come in Disney titles.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Expression - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. Nursery Rhyme, Tang POetry, Children's SOngs, Story Part 2 - Ow_mummy
4. Christmas Gift Pack - Pei (lemon_tea) (sorry is this the right place to insert this order??)
5. Tang poetry, children's song, nursery rhyme - Pei (lemon_tea)

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.

Another good news. For every 5 titles (blocks or books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
4. Left brain development - Pei (lemon tea)
5. Right brain development - Pei (lemon_tea)
Eviangal, me also bought the books from her before.. Quite good.. Giselle also love to bite the books then i just throw in the washing machine to wash...now looking at the big cloth books.i like bigger books cos easier for them to see and read...

Hi Mummies

I have managed to get a better price for the 4 for $15 group and Christmas Pack.

In addition, for every 5 x $10 item you buy, you get a PVC story book that can be used at the bath or pool. They come in Disney titles.


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 for $14 for Group Set and 5 for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Tang Poetry - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. Nursery Rhyme, Tang POetry, Children's SOngs, Story Part 2 - Ow_mummy
4. Christmas Gift Pack - Pei (lemon_tea) (sorry is this the right place to insert this order??)
5. Tang poetry, children's song, nursery rhyme - Pei (lemon_tea)
6. Cloth Books (Left Brain Development,Right Brain Development,Do It Myself,I Love the Kindergarten) Big Bag Book (Four seasons,Animal's home,The diary of baby bear) - Tan

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.

Another good news. For every 5 titles (blocks or books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
4. Left brain development - Pei (lemon tea)
5. Right brain development - Pei (lemon_tea)
6. Cloth Books (Left Brain Development,Right Brain Development,Do It Myself,I Love the Kindergarten), Big Bag Books (Four seasons,Animal's home, The diary of baby bear) - Tan
For mummies who have placed your orders, could you start transferring the amount payable to my DBS Savings Plus account 033-1-067739 first?

Amount payable in spreadsheet attached below. Please check your orders and pm me your mailing address and transaction ref no.

Pei: Can check if you are ordering 2 sets of small cloth books? The Christmas Set + the random set of 4 titles? For the random set, Tang Poetry is not included. Can choose another 2 more titles?

Ow_Mummy: Tang Poetry is only available in the Christmas set. Can choose another title?


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Refer to www.mammabook.com for clearer pictures of the books.

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 titles for $14 for Group Set (11 titles to choose from) and 5 titles for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Expression - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. Nursery Rhyme, Tang POetry, Children's SOngs, Story Part 2 - Ow_mummy (pls advise other title. Tang Poetry not available)
4. Christmas Gift Pack - Pei (lemon_tea)
5. Tang poetry, children's song, nursery rhyme - Pei (lemon_tea) (pls advise another 2 titles. Tang poetry not available)

Big Cloth Books and Blocks. $10 per title or set of blocks

For every 5 titles (blocks or big cloth books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
4. Left brain development - Pei (lemon tea)
5. Right brain development - Pei (lemon_tea)
6. Cloth Books (Left Brain Development,Right Brain Development,Do It Myself,I Love the Kindergarten), Big Bag Books (Four seasons,Animal's home, The diary of baby bear) - Tan (free bath book)

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Apr Mummies (Cloth Books Order).xlsx (12.3 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Eviangal, I will want the following titles for the Big Book
1)Cognitive Ability
2)Left Brain Development
3)Right Brain Development
4)Do It Myself
5) I love kindergarten

THanks for organising it and getting us a deal :)
Hi Mommies, Here is the final list of all your orders for the Baby cook and cook book. All payments have been made/pending interbank processing, and the list has been submitted! I'll update everyone as soon as i get information. A big thank you to P.seed!

<table border=1><tr><td>No.</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>BabyCook</TD><TD>Cookbook</TD><TD>Amount Paid </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>NM</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Catherine (tft)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>$231.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Rose</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Dodos</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Pravina</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>KP</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Joie</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$41.12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Sunshinebaby</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1(c.o.d)</TD><TD>$231.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Porkylim</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>$231.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>baked potato</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>mangogal</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>$231.20 </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>DC xcapism</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>baby_mummy </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>$272.32</td></tr></table>
hi Kris,
This week lunch will be having at Paragon, Orchard.

Date: 23Oct2009 (Friday)
Time 12pm
Venue: Fish &amp; Co (Paragon)

1. Lovj
2. Kidzskidz
3. eviangal
4. Rose
5. Audrey
6. KP
between baby rice and baby porridge
I guess, maybe the texture slightly different bah
Any mummies tried using the porridge for ur bb? Any comment?
For mummies who have placed your orders, could you start transferring the amount payable to my DBS Savings Plus account 033-1-067739 (eviangal)first?

Amount payable in spreadsheet attached below. Please check your orders and pm me your mailing address and transaction ref no.

Pei: Can check if you are ordering 2 sets of small cloth books? The Christmas Set + the random set of 4 titles? For the random set, Tang Poetry is not included. Can choose another 2 more titles?

Ow_Mummy: Tang Poetry is only available in the Christmas set. Can choose another title?


Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Refer to www.mammabook.com for clearer pictures of the books.

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

4 titles for $14 for Group Set (11 titles to choose from) and 5 titles for $17.50 for Christmas Set

1. Nature, Children's Song, Nursery Rhyme, Expression - Tingting
2. Expression, Story Part 2, Natural, Wild Animals - eviangal
3. Nursery Rhyme, Tang POetry, Children's SOngs, Story Part 2 - Ow_mummy (pls advise other title. Tang Poetry not available)
4. Christmas Gift Pack - Pei (lemon_tea)
5. Tang poetry, children's song, nursery rhyme - Pei (lemon_tea) (pls advise another 2 titles. Tang poetry not available)
6. Christmas Gift Pack (powerball)

Big Cloth Books and Blocks. $10 per title or set of blocks

For every 5 titles (blocks or big cloth books) ordered, you get a bath book free. This bath book can be used in the pool/ bath. And its Disney based titles.

1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
3. BIG CLOTH BOOKS, 20x20cm - I want it in a set of 5 titles - JOIE (Could you advise the titles you want? By the way, you can get a free bath book for your order.)
4. Left brain development - Pei (lemon tea)
5. Right brain development - Pei (lemon_tea)
6. Cloth Books (Left Brain Development,Right Brain Development,Do It Myself,I Love the Kindergarten), Big Bag Books (Four seasons,Animal's home, The diary of baby bear) - Tan (free bath book)
7. Big Bag Cloth Book - Three Little Pigs, Left Brain Development, Right Brain Development - Powerball
If u've given ur bb new food for 3 days, no sign of allergy, then u may go ahead to mix with ur rice cereal, but don mix too much, once at a time. For example, rice cereal with carrot or rice cereal with banana or rice cereal with pumpkin or etc

Im not the main organiser. If im not wrong, we will start at 5pm.

Re: Seafood BBQ
Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30 per pax

1. Pei - 2A
2. Kris - 2A
3. Owmum - 2A
3. Audrey - 2A
4. Marie - 2A
5. sh... - 2A
6. KP - 2A TBC (Need to double check with hubby)

Please add your name and indicate the no. of people coming.
