(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Thanks for offering to buy Heinz rice cereal. Aiyo, don't want to trouble, with so many kids with u then have to buy and carry back.
I think my PIL will buy back for me, haven't work it out with them yet. Hopefully, I can get more boxes in too!

Re: Seafood BBQ
Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30 per pax

1. Pei - 2A
2. Kris - 2A
3. Owmum - 2A
3. Audrey - 2A
4. Marie - 2A
5. sh... - 2A

Please add your name and indicate the no. of people coming.
Thanks Audrey! I pass u on fri?
The packaging is yellow. It says baby cereal, with calclim, 8 vitamins and its gluten free!
And the language hor is swedish if I am not wrong! Bigger packaging than SG ones.

I just started Jovan on the homemade rice cereal. He loves it! But as I didn't manage to get the short grain brown rice, I've to cook it using the rice cooker brown rice option. It turns really soft unlike over the stove. Toasted brown rice really smells heavenly!

I feed after milk... so quite difficult to gauge if he is still hungry anot.. I fed him till he angrily pushes away the spoon... then I stop.

Do I need to wait till he replaces a feed with cereal before introducing puree?
Btw I went to vitakids in United Sq. Bellamy's is all OOS for the cereal and porridge!!

Love their organic collection so much. I shd be stocking on their organic oats and barley soon!!

Anyone has discount card? Else need to buy $150 on the same day to get 10% off.

Btw, I rem some mummies are feeding your bb with supplements like vitamins. What types and which vitamins and where do u all get them?
And I love this page! Seeing all the smiley adorable babies can make one's day!!And kidzkidz, your B1 & B2 are so cute leh.. how I wish if I have a 2nd child, they wld be sooo loving to each other!!

KP! U wanna get those portable aircon? I nearly died of heat when I was at my mom's... SO HOT! My PIL bought a portable aircon.. just to make sure their grandsons are well "cooled"...

Rose, u still need help with the grinding of the brown rice?? Get SHORT GRAIN organic brown rice. It will be softer. I wanna try the Jasmine brown rice! Too bad OOS in vitakids too.
*sigh* *sob*

Tried to separate B1 and B2 but B2 keep crying when he's in a separate room as B1?!?! Donno whether it's cos the room/air-con/his brother...
<font color="666600">baby_mummy: U can try cold storage or NTUC. They also carry Bellamy' products. U can try City Square NTUC. THey got ONly Organic &amp; Bellamy's Organic products.</font>
Catherine, oh my.. maybe it's a combination of all? I wish B1 a speedy recovery!!

Marie thanks!!I tried so many NTUC and cold storage ah.. all OOS. But I managed to get the baby porridge(the last box) in United Sq cold storage ytd.
Wah City Square NTUC is sooo "atas"! Only organic!! Shd chk it out one day... hopefully they have lots of variety!
audrey: is there heinz rice cereal in m'sia? i cant find in malacca leh...=( as for hw many box i reali no idea.. i guess less than a dozen shld b ok right.. i onli bought toys n 2 tins of FM...

Re: Seafood BBQ
Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30 per pax

1. Pei - 2A
2. Kris - 2A
3. Owmum - 2A
3. Audrey - 2A
4. Marie - 2A
5. sh... - 2A

Please add your name and indicate the no. of people coming.
Kidzkidz: Thanks. Cya on Fri.

Ow Mummy: You are back! How's your trip? Isit difficult to handle baby when in the car? and during the trip?
Marie: You able to join the lunch below? Would like to pick up my puffs from you at the same time. Otherwise, where do you stay? I see if I can pick up the puffs from you.

Date: 23Oct2009 (Friday)
Time 12pm
Venue: Fish &amp; Co (Paragon)

1. Lovj
2. Kidzskidz
3. eviangal
4. Rose
5. Audrey
BabyMummy: How do you cook the brown rice? you use the rice cooker?

Are u looking for jasmine and short grain brown rice? Saw it at cold/storgae at vivocity. had i known the short grain is softer, i wld have bought tat!

Do you grind a lot at a time? or only watever u are using ?
Marie, when u collect ur undershirts fr Eunice, can help me collect mine? Then i will go your place and collect all.

Btw, Xander better now?

Catherine, good grief. How to have a reoccurence so close to each other? U shld really ask them abt their cleaning practices.

Kris, Kerryn shld be called Milk Guzzler. Hehehe.
<font color="aa00aa">bb mummy,I wanna do it but can't find the time! Havent even bought the rice yet.Still must oven toast it ,sigh

Would you be able to advise me the steps (step by step)? As in from buying to washing to toasting (what temp. ,how long etc) to cooking ...I'm really an idiot at such things!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">I started on avocado on sat.Justin doesnt like it
He would casually turn his head to the other side and pretend not to notice hahaha very sweet hor ,still bother about mummy's feelings lol
Or he would just keep his mouth shut tightly!</font>
my boy is only about 7.5kg and 64cm....on the small side. He doesn't drink much only about 150ml and can drag 3-4 hrs.

your babies all so big, so good
mousy pig, dun worry, my gal also same as ur boy.. they'll grow up v fast in any case! u'll appreciate that he doesnt strain ur arms for now..
<font color="0000ff">Rose</font>: my gal did not like the avocado the 1st time too.. did you add in FM/BM to entice Justin?
After I added in the milk, she was much more receptive.

<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>, are you organising the BBQ? What time does it start? I might just pop by with baby F for a chat, can't stay for long cos she needs to be in bed by 7.30pm.
<font color="aa00aa">joie,yes I added his FM but he still doesnt like it.Yday I had to add in 1 spoonful of cereal then he took.As a result,the portion became so huge we had to throw away.Today will try again without cereal first and hope he will eat it!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Re:BBQ,sorry mummies.Hubby just confirmed we can't make it.His best friend is back from overseas that week.Our dinners are with him for the whole week.Do enjoy the yummy bbq!</font>
rose, try avocado with justin again. think its a matter of getting used to it cos initially isaac also din like it. try 2nd 3rd time then he took to it and now he loves it..remember i said he din like apple puree? i tried it again few days ago. this time he took to it, but i gathered he doesnt really like the taste of it still cos of the expression on his face plus he took a longer time to swallow though he finished it!

babymum, what kind of portable aircon? ex or not? but gotta close all the windows if i on it?

kidz, did u say there's a vitakids in paragon?

Re: Seafood BBQ
Date: 7 Nov 2009 (Sat)
Venue: Serangoon Gdn
Cost: $30 per pax

1. Pei - 2A
2. Kris - 2A
3. Owmum - 2A
3. Audrey - 2A
4. Marie - 2A
5. sh... - 2A
6. KP - 2A TBC (Need to double check with hubby)

Please add your name and indicate the no. of people coming.
Btw Rose, have u transferred money to me?

Date: 23Oct2009 (Friday)
Time 12pm
Venue: Fish &amp; Co (Paragon)

1. Lovj
2. Kidzskidz
3. eviangal
4. Rose
5. Audrey
6. KP

Pei, u wanna park at my place and walk there tog?
<font color="aa00aa">KP,since we're meeting this fri,i give you cash,can? Hubby has been sick with flu &amp; blocked nose,I dun dare "bother" him :p</font>
baby mummy
are u still looking for bellamy's rice cereal? later lunch time i may go to <font color="ff0000">Marketplace</font> at Tanglin mall to looksee, can also go to the organic shop <font color="ff0000">brown rice paradise</font> to shop shop, u want me to help u buy? i can sms u if got stock..

baby sitting in stroller
can your babies sit long in a stroller when u're out for a meal? i notice my bb can't anymore.. last time she can still fall asleep and let us have our meals in peace.. now after 5 mins, she will cry and want us to carry..
i'm wondering if she's uncomfortable in her stroller or we just need to train her to sit and sleep in it?
anyone having this problem? i dun want to buy another stroller leh, so expensive!
rose, when i gave raynie avocado for the first time, she dun like it oso, as she dunno how to say no, basically she eat n cry at the same time..hahaha..
i stopped for a few days n gave her avocado again with a little rice cereal, now she is ok to eat avocado puree..
Hey baked Potato, did you see my PM?

Also , if you are looking for a wide range of organic vegetables, try Super Nature. http://www.supernature.com.sg/ We get the Western farm box from them weekly, but now that Kai is on solids, we'll be getting the baby farm box.

Yvonne, your avocado story made me laugh! Your little girl is so darling! Crying and eating at the same time....hahaha, what a sight that must have been.
Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal

Any Mummies keen in getting cloth books? I bought these for my daughter last time and she loves it. The best part is they have a teething toy attached to every book. She enjoys chewing on the teething toy and the pages.

I would like to get more stuff this time round. If we can accumulate our orders, can try to negotiate for better prices:

BP Link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3129056.html?1256007177

Cloth Books (great for Christmas presents)

$12 sets. Get 10 pcs for $10 each set.
1. Cloth Blocks - eviangal
2. Big Bag Book - eviangal
<font color="ff3399">cat, do take care of urself esp with all the yr end marking! and Mal &amp; Mav too! so poor thing 2nd bout of HFMD came so fast after the 1st one..

oshgosh, my baby has no prob sitting long periods in stroller while we have buffet lunch hehe.. but i do realise they have preference to sit upright rather than lying down. cos they wanna look outside more and also cos learning to sit soon so mine will fuss if we recline her to lying down.

yday mr bon left for queensland already and it was quite comical to see those like mr bon "uncle pattern" compared to those gung-ho botak and fit fit 19 year olds nsmen at the airport hahaha

its now Day 2 w/o mr bon and we're all missing him. we've never been apart more than 3days before hehe.. </font>
<font color="666600">powerball: Sure i can pick up the undershirts from Eunice for u. Then u can pick up all the stuff from my place. I'll let u noe when i pick up the stuff.

eviangal: If u dun mind, I can pass ur stuff to my MIL when she goes back to Sembawang then u pick it up from her place. easier for u??</font>
<font color="0000ff">N M</font>, I am keen to know what comes in the baby box from Super Nature. I know it changes weekly but will the contents last for 1 week for 1 baby and 2 adults? It seems a lot of veggies for 1 baby :)

For the Western farm box, is there enough veggies for 2-3 people if we cook daily? What kind of veggies are in the box?
Marie: Your mil stays in Sembawang too? Great! Okie. Will pick up from your mil's place. Thanks. You can pass me KidzKidz and Pravina's stuff too. I will pass to Pravina. Pravina can in turn pass to Kidzkidz. If before Fri, I can pass to Kidzkidz directly.

Will pm you my number later.
I'm keen in the books!!! Please keep me in the loop. Later got time, I'll go see which titles I want.

*hugs* I'm sure he's missing u n cait even more lor...
NM, yalor..she will take one mouthful of the avocado n swallow then cry, after a few mouthful, her daddy buay tahan, said heart pain wor, ask me to stop giving her..
but surprisingly she take the avocado when i gave her the second time..
i hear already i also feel heart pain. eat until so xin ku. but i think avocado is an acquired taste. my girl also doesnt seem to like it tho when my dad tried the 2nd time, she ate everything. so far, i think her fav so far is apple.
eunice, same lor, my girl oso prefer apple, she usually will cry for more, one small apple is usually not enuff for her..
orh i dun hv the luxury to prepare on a daily basis so i prepare in batches then freeze. she takes abt 2 oz n wants more but i dun usually give. she likes carrots too but tt one makes her poo real hard.

ya..i do understand, working mum is like that..
i usually go back during lunch hour to prepare fruit puree for her n veggies puree in the evening when i get home..
