(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Thanks for sharing. How much is it for full-day? Carpe Diem sounds like a christian sch. is it?

Nadia got leh. not rashes but like small pimples. she got 3 on her legs...n my dad says her privates like got one but when i check like dun hv liao.

Jas J
Errr...see Kris's msg above. Across the road is near the pri sch tt one rite? Tt one got infant care...

RE: Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser, Mixed Fruit - 0.7 Oz

* Removes plaque-like film
* Safe to swallow
* Fluoride-free
* Gentle, non-foaming
* Soft finger toothbrush
* For babies 4 month & older
* Pediatrician and pediatric dentists highly recommend that parents clean babys teeth and gums every day
* Sugars in formula, juice and other foods can build up a plaque-like film
* Cleaning the teeth and gums at an early age is important for promoting a lifetime of good oral hygiene
* Made in USA
* Helps remove plaque-like film for cleaner teeth and gums

I have checked with the BP organiser on bulk purchase price. This is what she is offering:

1 - 9 pcs - $8 each with FOC normal postage
10 - 14 pcs - $7.70 each with FOC normal postage
15 - 19 pcs - $7.50 each FOC normal postage / registered postage to 1 location
Anything over 20 pcs - $7.20 with FOC normal postage / registered postage to 1 location

Add your name to the list if keen:

1. eviangal
2. powerball
3. Pravina
4. Pravina
5. idaarshad ( i have one 1st teeth but elder boy use also
eunice, his is like not countable one! alot! but its all tiny tiny ones...the last time i saw the PD it was only on the neck, and PD says its heat rash cos he's fat, but now on the cheeks also have, maybe cos he's busy rubbing on saliva and mucus when he has running nose on his face?
btw marie.. u want anething frm querida??? mummies.. mite go next week.. bb just recover frm fever..

marie,.. u have spare heinz to sell me one?

i saw in JB giant still have leh.. but never check out...
ya .. ow mummy.. her stuff comes with free postage.. but if we collect.. she discount the postage money lah .. usually $1-$1.50 cheaper... coz i gonna exchange rompers... so tot cn save2 a bit lah...
RE: DeBabyShoppe
Hi mummies who bought the DOIDY package....be sure to check the EZ bib ok. Mine had 1 side unable to button. The seller was super nice n came to exchange it for me the day after i told him abt the problem n even gave me a free Carter's bib to "apologise" even tho i told him no need.
<font color="666600">ow_mummy: yes, but i haven got time to do my list of stuff to buy. gonna buy a number of sleepsuits.

Ida: i'll try to give the list asap. if cant then i'll get from her on my own. thanks.

eunice: rice cereal expiry is jan 2010. apple juice is much later. cant remember when. Xander dun really like the juice. so i try to mix with with apple puree n rice cereal to feed him.</font>
hi Marie,
ok take 2 from you
I can mix with HealthyTimes cereal together! You take MRT to Yishun or drive huh? Maybe can collect it from you this week
audrey: i bought healthytimes tt day also... i bought the barleycereal....haha..gd for digestion..want to try their full range...kekex.. but 1 pack cant open for too long right?was thinkin wen start porridge when bb turns 7or 8mths by then i think usage for cereal will b lesser...cant wait for baby to b 9mths leh so she tt she is almost ready to eat similar food as me.. i can cook pasta then, YUMMY! haix still got 3 mths... everyday wen its comes to lunch i reali headache!

Idaar: haha..oh ic.. but if buy a few pcs onli, isnt it wasting transport fee n time also? cuz she stay quite far also right?...
bb E also have rashes on her forehead, back, stomach area, hands, and legs too, hahahaha... basically whole body can find the small dot rashes! I bring her to the Chinese medical hall today, and they says due to the weather issue, n her case not that serious, so no need to apply anything.
Did your gal tried HealthyTimes brown rice?
Same want to try out their product too. Not because of the Heinz stupid thing, I think I will not explore to other brand! So HealthyTimes were my 2nd option

cant wait for baby to b 9mths? By then you will wish your gal don grow so fast, hahaha... ...
Don need to headache leh, come out with a meals time table then follow
I did that for my #1. I use to mixed home cook porridge with Heinz bottle pureed.
In that case, I'll take 1 box...cos I'm trying to finish the Healthy Times Brown Rice. Can u bring along when u collect ur undershirts? Can also give me one FM spoon pls? I find Nadia doesnt really like juice either. She prefers plain water. She'll happily drink from the bowl or doidy cup.

How much water should bb be taking huh? My girl drinks like 4-5oz a day liao. Im afraid its too much!!
How you find Healthy Times Brown Rice? Is the texture as same as Heinz's rice cereal? Does Nadia loves it? Cos I am going to wean bb E with Healthy Times Brown Rice, scare she don't like
I forgot to mention in my previous post! You are my Santa Claus, whenever I am clueless and need help, you are out there to help! **MUAKS! MUAKS!**
I like it cos its ORGANIC n its BROWN RICE haha... but its v flaky, very unlike Heinz. My dad says 5 teaspoon of it is equiv to 3 teaspoon of Heinz n it doesnt dissolve well. I hv yet to try mixing it myself so dunno issit the cereal or my dady's problem hehe. N nopes, sadly Nadia doesnt really like it. She prefers Heinz.
re: water
Good question, I didn't think about this. Any mummies can comment?
bb E is fully breastfeed, so I start to feed her 1 Tbps of water today. Will increase when she starts weaning.
my baby is 6 mths today. contemplating if i should slowly reduce my pumping session to stop bf. very tiring to wake up early to pump everyday.
Hey Eunice, you have email.

mommies, i have a little sumo on my hands. At 6 months old, Kai is 9.25kgs and 66.5cm.

A little poop talk:

He's been having greenish poop and the pediatrician told me to try to cut out dairy from my diet and when i am supplementing with formula to give him a soy based formula because she thinks he might have through the months, developed a milk allergy.

My mom however believes that i should continue with the dairy products because that would 'train' his body to get used to it.

WHat do you mommies think?
NM, some books wrote that if u take a lot of dairy pdts, some of the cow proteins may go into the breastmilk which may result in allergy. That's why the PD wants u to cut out.

Maybe u can stop taking dairy pdts and see if his poop goes back to normal. After a couple of weeks, take dairy again to see if it is really the cause of the greenish poop.
<font color="0000ff">RE: Disney singlet</font>

Idaarshad, r the singlets also 100% cotton n material soft? If yes, i am interested. Let me know the sizes.
mousy pig, i already reduced my pumping sessions. now i pump when i wake up at around 6 plus 7, 3pm, 10pm
much easier, no need to keep pumping:p

Audrey, thanks for sharing! i havent met u all for 2 weeks liao, when's out nx outing?:p

eunice, think as much water is ok cos it all comes out anyway!:p do u spoon feed her water while feeding or just feed water thru bottle after the semisolids feed?
N.M, do u want to pick up your CB super senstive washes first? cos the bebelicious lady told me will take 2 weeks for our towel sets to arrive!
KP, so u supplementing w formula now for majority of the feeds? How many milk feeds is Issac getting now? I still pumping at 9, 12, 3, and 6pm as Dexter still not eating much. Don't know whether i give him too much milk so he nt interested in solids.

Btw, the avocado normally taste like what? I tried yesterday to give avocado but it was like tasteless. Don't know if i too used to the creamy version with gula melaka.
dun worry la. Nadia doesnt like doesnt mean Enya wun like ma. Nadia hates avocado (i think) but Isaac loves it. So each bb is different. Nadia has already been drinking water since birth...Hubby, dad &amp; PILs all think its good n impt regardless of what doctors say. So Nadia love water. water girl!

hey sorry, havent replied ur email. when do u wanna meet? wow ur kai can fight with isaac liao!!

U pumping 3 times a day now? How much can u pump? I find my ss reducing again. Dunno issit cos tt time of the mth coming or cos recently v stressed. During meals i will let her drink direct from bowl/cup. Other times of the day, thru bottle.

RE: Meals
Just checking, when u guys first started purees right, how many times did u give a day? For cereal, the first day i already gave 2 feeds of 1 teaspoon each cos i found her v receptive. no problems. then i moved on to carrot puree n continued giving 2 feeds of 2 oz each. my dad says mabbe tts the cause of the constipation?? any comments? Also, any mummies looking for fresh prunes, carrefour has it! damn hard to find fresh prunes!
Eunice, when u do the avocado, is it easy to scoop out the flesh? The avocado i bought (waited 5 days! for it to brown) was still hard hard. Then when i tried to put it thro a sieve was mission impossible. Finally when there was enough for 2 tsp, i tasted it and it was yucky. All the effort wasted. Luckily i still had my dogs who appreciated the bb leftovers.
Anymore mummies keen in this toothrush set? We need to submit our orders by this evening. So far we are only midway to getting the discount. Free postage to individual addresses. Please indicate your name if you are keen to get 1.

I thought with all the feeding, we need to start cleaning our baby's gums now?


RE: Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser, Mixed Fruit - 0.7 Oz

* Removes plaque-like film
* Safe to swallow
* Fluoride-free
* Gentle, non-foaming
* Soft finger toothbrush
* For babies 4 month &amp; older
* Pediatrician and pediatric dentists highly recommend that parents clean babys teeth and gums every day
* Sugars in formula, juice and other foods can build up a plaque-like film
* Cleaning the teeth and gums at an early age is important for promoting a lifetime of good oral hygiene
* Made in USA
* Helps remove plaque-like film for cleaner teeth and gums

I have checked with the BP organiser on bulk purchase price. This is what she is offering:

1 - 9 pcs - $8 each with FOC normal postage
10 - 14 pcs - $7.70 each with FOC normal postage
15 - 19 pcs - $7.50 each FOC normal postage / registered postage to 1 location
Anything over 20 pcs - $7.20 with FOC normal postage / registered postage to 1 location

Add your name to the list if keen:

1. eviangal
2. powerball
3. Pravina
4. Pravina
5. idaarshad ( i have one 1st teeth but elder boy use also )
powerball, nope, isaac is taking almost full BM. Only occassionally the night feed i give formula cos dunno whether he can finish so dun wanna waste my BM..Avocado is quite bland, taste a bit buttery. And yes, if its ripe u can scoop the flesh out very easily with a spoon. When u buy, buy those black ones, and when u press it shld cave in slightly.

Eunice, yes, i pump 3 times a day now. each time right side will produce abt 5-6oz, left side around 2-3oz. Isaac takes about 4-5 feeds of milk now, think more often 4 feeds, then he sleeps around 8-9pm and wakes up at 6 plus usually for milk. so supply just enuff:p
Audrey, wonder if you have heard about the horror story about Healthy Times cereal? You can try Bellamy's, I find the texture very similar to Heinz Blue Box.
KP, how much is Isaac taking per feed? How much he weighs now? I find that baby getting more active now and appetite reduced so not growing as fast leh.
moo mum, if he its just a milk feed, i give him 5.5oz. If its with semi solids, 5oz. Depends on his mood also if he wants to finish it though, yesterday he didnt want to, so i tried giving him apple juice after the avocado feed instead.
KP, Ning has those small rashes at her chin too. It's prob due to excessive salivating. I am trying to keep the area dry, apply aloe vera to help heal and monitor...
0.5oz is not much diff, is he taking a good variety of semi solids already? My boy only gets Avocado on weekends when I'm home to puree for him, haha.

How long do you plan to bf? I'm also pumping barely enough - twice at work to produce 3 feeds of 140 - 160 ml. Can't wait to stop the hassle, but will hang on till at least baby's 8mths...
moo mum, so far he tried japanese sweet potato and apple which he doesnt like, avocado, cereal and banana which he loves. think i will try the orange sweet potato soon...BF dunno leh, see my supply bah, but at least it past 6 mths already!:p
yes, it should be very easy to scoop up. mabbe the one u got not ripe enuf?

not bad leh. ur ss still not bad. im also pumping just enough for her now... u giving 2 feeds of semi-solids or 1 feed? how much u giving now? mixing with cereal yet?

moo mum
2 pumps to get 3 feeds of 140-160ml is very good leh!!!! i wish i cld hv tt kind of results!!!
Anymore mummies keen in this toothrush set? We need to submit our orders by this evening. So far we are only midway to getting the discount. Free postage to individual addresses. Please indicate your name if you are keen to get 1.

I thought with all the feeding, we need to start cleaning our baby's gums now?


RE: Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser, Mixed Fruit - 0.7 Oz

* Removes plaque-like film
* Safe to swallow
* Fluoride-free
* Gentle, non-foaming
* Soft finger toothbrush
* For babies 4 month &amp; older
* Pediatrician and pediatric dentists highly recommend that parents clean babys teeth and gums every day
* Sugars in formula, juice and other foods can build up a plaque-like film
* Cleaning the teeth and gums at an early age is important for promoting a lifetime of good oral hygiene
* Made in USA
* Helps remove plaque-like film for cleaner teeth and gums

I have checked with the BP organiser on bulk purchase price. This is what she is offering:

1 - 9 pcs - $8 each with FOC normal postage
10 - 14 pcs - $7.70 each with FOC normal postage
15 - 19 pcs - $7.50 each FOC normal postage / registered postage to 1 location
Anything over 20 pcs - $7.20 with FOC normal postage / registered postage to 1 location

Add your name to the list if keen:

1. eviangal
2. powerball
3. Pravina
4. Pravina
5. idaarshad ( i have one 1st teeth but elder boy use also )
6. baked_potato
<font color="119911">KP,
bbies will oso develop rashes after fever, if the rashes move frm top to bottom, den its the fever rash. no wories abt dat.

nope, its a Multiple intelligence school. i dun favour religious sch coz our family r free thinker. after sub for working mum, full day only $395.

been reading but nothin to post. till i saw u all askin abt heinz so i asked my fren. ur postings keep the thread alive.</font>
Dear eviangal,

Is it possible to help me order these together with the baby's toothpaste?

1) Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste (2 pcs)
2) L'il Critters Gummy Vitamin C &amp; Echinacea,60 ea (1pc)
3) L'il Critters Gummy Vites Kids Multivitamin,70 ea (1 pc)

If it's too troublesome, it's ok...I would contact the spree organiser on my own...

KP my pumping sessions are quite similar to yours. about 6am, 2-3pm (depending on work),
10-11pm (depending what time my #1 sleep). I realise although I only pump 3 times but my supply still ok. About 270ml-300ml each time. I can still fully give my boy EBM sometimes supplementing with milk I store up when I was on maternity leave. My boy drinks about 800ml daily with 1 solid meal. How long do u usually pump with your freestyle?
