(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

me think likewise too. my frenz kids are smart ones hor.. not only in studies, other extra ones too.. be it in music, ballet, arts, talking... well behaved too...

no tv, how about computer, internet? hubby sure die if w/o these... ha!!!!

HI MUMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!! Long time no post!

kidz: know wat?? my b1 also kena fever!! and persisted for 4days... only subsided today..

took panadol suspension, nurofen, antibiotics, fedac (for cold), chlormane (for cold), den took cough medicine also...
sigh... poor thing lo! now his voice is so sexy!! missed cc for 2days also..
hopefully he'll feel better after fever subsiding..
now only worry if b2 will be e next one to get sick....
Re: Mass Gathering
Date: 24 Jul 2009 (Friday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: TBC

1. Kris
2. Jam
3. Rose
4. Owmum
5. Marie
6. Pei
7. bbmum
8. Rin
9. Moogey
10. Catherine
<font color="aa00aa">
Re: Mass Gathering
Date: 24 Jul 2009 (Friday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: TBC

1. Kris
2. Jam
3. Rose-KIV
4. Owmum
5. Marie
6. Pei
7. bbmum
8. Rin
9. Moogey
10. Catherine</font>
Re: Mass Gathering
Date: 24 Jul 2009 (Friday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: TBC

1. Kris
2. Jam
3. Rose-KIV
4. Owmum -KIV
5. Marie
6. Pei
7. bbmum
8. Rin
9. Moogey
10. Catherine
Re: Mass Gathering
Date: 24 Jul 2009 (Friday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: TBC

1. Kris
2. Jam
3. Rose-KIV
4. Owmum -KIV
5. Marie
6. Pei
7. bbmum
8. Rin
9. Moogey
10. Catherine
11. Audrey
<font color="119911">rin,
haha, tink i too excited le, keke.

i heard LKY oso dun let PM watch tv when he was young, nw PM oso dun let his children watch tv when they were young, so if wanna watch, got to go gonggong's (LKY) hse n watch, keke. i tink thrs reli a link between tv n intellect level.

rose, owmum,
hw come KIV? got something on?</font>
<font color="119911">Re: National day!
was tinkin since cant get rooms anywhr, anyone wanna bring family to pulau ubin? we stay 1 night n have bbq dinner, shld b quite fun. lets c respond den i can block some rooms.

1. Kris - 1 room
HLW, hahah.. no tv.. that what happening to my gal.. i find so poor thing for her.. cos my hb say no tv till she is 2-3 years. He always say tv make the brain stimulated and when go to sch they will find teacher boring cos TV veri fast paced and teachers slow cos have to teach the concept well and some kids may find teacher too boring too slow not entertaining.
But i am a super tv addict.. hahahaha...

Pulau Ubin can stay overnight one ah?? Hee hee, maybe I a bit suaku nowadays :p What else is there to do on the island?

So fri go where? Vienna at US? I think places like Ikoi is too late to book now. I haven't been to other places that several others have suggested.


Ya lor, how come KIV?? Come join us lah!!!
today went out wit Mr ow to CP... den he say he wana get a play mat for bb...(*i m so happy*) hahaha... so he saw those at mini toons den i say don w...get better ones from those BP..he ask me hw much? i said 100 over lo..den he say "WA.....*think think* okay la..u go buy one.." YEA!!!! haha... now i m thinkin of which brand to buy n wad size...hmmm...any recommend? any i wana get a HAEMIN play yard also ...haha.. but the play mat i see is like ard 150 bucks..n e play yard is 192...i think i gonna get slaughter....lolx...
ow_mummy, haemin play yard is nice and good. Recommended to get it.

Rose, i know it's crazy but i bought 2 and keeping the orange. My mermaid like it so much. Tried bumbo but she doesn't like it.

Im bankrupt liao buying so many things and all items like...3 digit nos.

Rin, you got discount card for first few years? Can i borrow? Need to show card?
dodos: haemin playyard i m so so so tempted to buy ..will hint hint hubby in e mornin..hahahahahaha..haix..he say buy one playmat end up i wan more!!!!=P.. but quite ex leh.. need to get at least a 6 panels den fun..$192 wor..another bomb..i think mr ow wont agree unless I PAY on my own..lolx.. plus playmat total will be like 400 bucks?? gosh..
hmmm... so u jus got e bebepod plus ah?? or u bought long ago? i don understan y u buy 2.. bought separately or together?
heh.. i succumbed to the playmat last weekend too!! hubby finally agreed to buy it, was so happy heh..

we bought a lindam playyard to cordon off an area in our living room to put the mat (to keep out our dog). But the mat doesnt cover the entire area that has been cordoned off, sooooo tempted to buy another one to cover the whole area, but so expensive!

but my hubby really likes the playmat now! he fell asleep on it even before jade did!
ow_mummmy, i saw the play yard too in one of the bps loe...tempted..u tempt me somemore lah, i'm easily tempted btw haha...

and hor, i'm also thinking of getting baby monitor liao..andrea is getting quieter and difficult to hear her from my room at night le...only when she full blown hungry den she make noise, by then, she will be eye big big and difficult to fall asleep after milk....
Feeling very demoralised and sianz...my colleague called me up yesterday &amp; complained abt work, work, work &amp; work...made me so sian now....ended up drinking whole can of coke &amp; an ice-cream by myself *sinful*
catherine, yesterday i oredy got slapped in the face by the reality of work (after visiting a client with my boss and also coming back to office to see that all my usual kakis are GONE, leaving behind alot of new staff and they don't eat my kind of food, if u noe wha i mean).
ow_mummy, buy the japan play yard..color is much nicer!!! if u really really decided to buy, let me know ok...we can share the panels
I agree that the Japan play yard is so much nicer especially for girls. I bought it from the 1st BP. Read that stock is running low for the Japan play yard so do act fast cos SG don't sell this color. I bought 6 panels blue for my boy last time too.

I bought the bebepod plus separtely of cos. The color is really nice. 1 set is 2nd hand. Think with belt one better so i sold the other set. Mermaid can spin the toy and smile.

Rose, i bought at Robinson $149.90. Think the price is only $119. Going to get a refund later and buy it at $119. :p They are having 20% now. I don't usually buy things from robinson cos they always mark up the price.

lilmoo, item received yesterday night. So cute. Let mermaid play with it later...think she will like it.
<font color="119911">pei,
yup, thrs chalets thr but not the star star type, juz simple chalets with aircon n bathroom. thrs crab n prawn fishing, cycling thr. but wif bb, its more of a wkend getaway, we can do bbq in the evening den morning go walk walk den go hm n zzzz, keke.

come lah, change date lah, change to next mondae lor, a few days different ok de.

nvm lah, u r gg to b gone soon anyway, whahhaha.</font>
<font color="119911">SInce some mummies r saying dat wif bb, eating buffet is difficult, lets decide on earle swensen den, nw have 1 for 1 n salad bar too.

Re: Mass Gathering
Date: 24 Jul 2009 (Friday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Earle Swensen @ Vivo

1. Kris
2. Jam
3. Rose
4. Owmum
5. Marie
6. Pei
7. bbmum
8. Rin
9. Moogey
10. Catherine
11. Audrey
12. KP</font>
Jam, 6 panels better. Just the right size for the Bumper play mat. If you buy 4 panels and if you regret, it's quite difficult to upgrade. Where to find another 2 panels especially if it's the Jap set cos not selling in SG. Downgrade easier cos 2 panels can sell off easily. Not really super big lah..about the size of the play mat. If you have space for the playmat you should have space for 6 panels.

Kris, you really love swensen.

I tt to you liao. You got receive hor?
kris, u hor, what toking you, say i gonna be gone soon anyway ah...wan me to join ur SAHM league right??

dodos, i also scared 4 panel small, like machiam trapped in a small bird cage leh...
<font color="119911">dodos,
not reli love lah, juz cant tink of better plc unless some1 can suggest. i havent chk yet, if din receive will let u noe.

clever clever, sk is a better plc for u. since u dun like ur working environment, come join us lah.</font>
kris, you will be one of the first i will inform if i decided to join ur SAHM club k?? hehe...

i order the play yard le!!! ow_mummy, seems like japan one is very HOT HOT...low on stocks..make up ur mind quick quick if u wanna buy...
which one is the japan one?

i got hello kitty fork and spoon from bp, just received, quite cute. tonight can use to eat dinner.

glad it arrived, a bit hard to wrap, wrap until so ugly. hee

Cos kris know you super on one mah!! So fri you coming hor


Wa i thought go chalet is supposed to be relaxing. You made it sound so tiring that when we get home still need to sleep extra ah?!
Pei, wrong lor, becos kris knows vivo very near my house..hahahah!

I just went to swensens yesterday with my parents leh, place is full with the one for one promo!!!
So Kris if u wanna go gotta book early
owmum, how much is the yard huh? and Jam, what Japan type u referring to? Can give us the link to the BP or not?

Wa you chop chop buy your pikkolo ah? Sorry I didn't reply your email - I misplaced my discount card and by the time I found it, you had already bought the carrier!

Your girl like the bebepod ah? I hope mine will like it too. Think I will get the green one!!
Oh, Rin is lending me the card on Fri. I can pass it to you after I have used it
Or if you are going to get it before fri, then you can have it first and then she can pass it to me on fri.
JamGal: i need to get permission first..haix..i m such a bad wife lo..ytd mr ow say go buy one playmat for bb, end up now i wan 1 playmat n 1 play yard..haha.. i m thinkin of whr to put..i don dare to tell ow leh..

u super fast!!! lol.. u order 6 panels?... cc aso gt sell..
<font color="119911">KP,
wahlao other plc i dunno abt u lah coz of parkin but vivo if u den come, i go ur hse hijack isaac lor. im gonn call lata n make appt liaoz.

tell mr. ow, for chelsey leh, not for urself lor.</font>
Hi mummies,
Is Starhub's Baby TV better than Baby First? The Young Parents goodie bag comes with the Baby First VCD if I am not wrong, didn't play and check out the contents leh. I just switched from Starhub to Singtel Mio TV leh, and it comes with Baby First channel. I only let my girl watch a few mins per day though.

My hb also doesn't like letting bb watch tv but both of us like to watch tv leh! My living room tv is on from morning till night! If don't let bb watch, that means we cannot watch also? Torture leh! I was tv addict when I was young but still ok mah. Think I will let my girl watch, just be selective on the programmes can already. =p

which playmat did you get? I am still hesitant on which one to get! I prefer those with alphabets though.

i got the Sweet Bear. Ya, actually like those with alphabets, but I dont like those with the alphabets that the BP has now. Used to have a nicer one, but no more
