(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

coolzy, what was your baby's birth time?
Dr Ang said that before me, he had a pretty difficult one, take one hour to push still cannot come out, was it you? :)
dear mummies

my EDD was 15 apr....but bb decide 2 come out on apr fool's day after 10 hrs labour...at 10:28pm

juz discharged on fri afternoon...tried bf in hosp thu nite & bb was ok but tried few times yest....bb juz refused 2 latch on....am feeling a bit discouraged but will try again later...
<font color="aa00aa">swt2baby,
chk if ur breasts r engorged, if engorged bb cant suck dats y wun latch on, try massaging breasts b4 bb feed.</font>
Congrats swt2baby! Im so jealous. My edd also 15 april but bb refuse to come out. Everyday wake up got no feeling i damn sian liao. Very moody also. Hope to hurry get over with it and done with confinement. Don't tell me really have to induce out.

Also means i have to monitor bb movmment everyday. stressful.

For now i better don't read about bfeeding topics incase give me more stress.

Feeling relax also bb doen't want to come out. Im really complaining to bb and demand her to come out. Wasted another wkends.
<font color="aa00aa">dodos,
dun b gancheong k, bb will come out when she wans to. next wk is ur 39wks liaoz, shld b time soon. enjoy ur wkend wif hb, when bb comes out, there will b no weekday or weekend liaoz.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Pat:</font> Tune out to your MIL. She really sounds like a pain and the others may be rite that she's discouraging coz she's jealous! Go ahead and lock your door, you are entitled to your privacy.

<font color="0000ff">Catherine:</font> Wah, ur fren Super Cow leh! I also never managed to pump that much per side w B1... Bt so much and bb's appetite sure can't keep up so ur fren can freeze bt may end up overstock. Ask her to give away lah...

<font color="119911">Cyan:</font> I don't know anything abt giving CL angbao bt I'm juz thinking if it's me, @ the start I did give more to make gd impression &amp; kp CL delighted. Then along the way til end if got prob, don't give she chance i.e. complain to agency, terminate her, demand partial refund, etc.
My personal opinion lah...
dodos: me too feel e same way as u.. seeing everyone pop.. wa.. damn demoralise..lolx.. but well guess this will b the last weekend ardy.. so enj0y!!!
dodos n ow_mum, i feel exactly the same, i m already into my 38 wks n coming monday will b 39 wks liao..everyday looking up for signs of labour..reali very tired liao, last evening, both my hands n legs swell up till i can't feel them, especially my legs, can't even walk proper lei, when i went to bed, my tummy so tight n heavy tat i can't even lie proper, left, right, centre oso not comfortable..damn frustrating..
mummies who experienced swelling.. does ur swelling go up and down or do they remain constant? yesterday i carried my laptop home and after that found that my ankles were swollen.. not sure if it's due to the extra weight that i carried that evening, now trying to drink water n raise legs to reduce the swell...

going to see doc later for checkup.. so tempted to ask for mc for next week, but my covering officer is going for a "pre-covering" holiday n i have to cover him next week instead...
quite sianz...
tingting, my swelling comes n goes, usually will subside in the morning when i wake up but cames back again in the late afternoon towards evening..
Dear Mummies, if anyone looking for a home base professional infant care center@ AMK just drop me a mail for more information
just wanna to share some information

oh btw their service is quite flexible hours

[email protected]
Haha..everyone popping when no one is noticing. Ciarie, you got to work harder on the launch list liao lah...

And congrats to all mums who just popped, you know who you are keke...and those like me, still 'constipating', let's all be patient bah...
Cyan and Idaarshad: My next gynae visit will be Monday 1pm. If you going there, let me know, can pass teethers to you. But if not, no worries...
Ah Jam: seems tat im getting lost le!!!
will work hard on my poppers' list!! :D hee...

on u r officially on ML le lo... shall have world of time to forum loh!! hee... :p

cat: u delivered!!!!! CONGRATS!!!
wonder hows her birth story like??
Swt2baby: congrats!!! :D maybe can let me have ur bb details so tat i can post to our poppers' list! :D
bb name, wt, ht, launch method.. hospital, gynae.... :p hee...
dun get discouraged if bb dun want to latch on.. try again... or different style to see if bb likes which style..

Yvonne: not only u lo... every moni when i wake up, i feel like as if i din sleep at all!!
my whole body seems like just went for 10km marathon run lo!!!!!!!!!! ssuper achy lo!!!

Happylilwoman: so our bbs both not engaged yet... :p so we shall see who pops first!! wahahah... :p
Ciarie: Yah loe, finally ML has started. Today is the first day, already walking around at home, clearing this and that, like hands and legs cannot stop moving. Clean this, clean that.

And for the first time, I opened my new breast pump box to read the instructions inside ahaha...Gonna check out the sterilizer later
Kris: ur ss super goody leh!!! can open BM store! ENVY SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And i bet cat's birth story came fast man!!!! waterbag burst, go hospital, deliver liao! BEST!!!

Ah Jam: talking abt breastpump.. havent really try charging the battery and put to trial on my ah lau!! haaa... :p

me too, still have tons of things not done for my #2 arrival lo!!!
next week have to diligently start handing over my stuff to my colleagues le!!
Tingting- realyy ar.. u only o plus.. hehe same like ma son.. tot this cn never happen

all your kids except NB is A or B or AB?? only this one is O+?
its sorta expected esp if you are AO and your hubby is BO.. so the possiblity of your offspring having AO, BO, AB or OO.. but can totally skip generation as well.
=)- pravina.. both doters frm previous marriage has A+ - well me n ex hubby were A+..

Son frm current hubby is B+ same like him.. n now.. this NB is O+.. thata what doc said like u..

Ida: Take care! Think positive thots and if need, tell your bro to take a hike and leave your hubby alone!!!!- kidzs.. I wish I cn do that ..

Ida: stay happy okok!!! anytime, anything.. post here.. you'll surely find your support here!!!
Actually was thking.. why dun u get a PT helper to help u out in housechores??
they pay by hourly, like $10/hr??
can help ease load of doing housechores... 0- was thinking of this also… but a bit tight leh…

lilmoo.. hangin on lehh…

ida: cheer up - u will always have online support of mummies in this forum... dont keep ur frustrations and sadness to urself - ventilate it a bit here - u will feel better... also its nice having a husband who offers help and is around for u... =)- DTS MUMMY – thanksss….

Cyan.. thanks yah
jam, who else had launched, other than catherine??

think hasn't seen bb_mum posts for a while liao, where r u bb_mum??? went launching liao ah??

btw, jam, the raspberry leaf tea is not for inducing birth la, is more for strenghtening yor uterus n preparing u for labour, can still drink after labour, it will help uterus/womb to contract back to size..
hi Idaar,

yah lor.. always get teased for being "different".. :p but being O does give a sense of usefulness and "nobility" cos u can save everyone mah.. haha.. that's partly why i started blood donation.. :p

hmm, gynae advised me to start my ML now, even though i'm only at 36 weeks.. my water level is now just meeting the optimal level, she said if i'm busy/stressed at work, water level can drop n then will need to induce.. bb is now close to 2.4kg, while safe to deliver, but she prefers if bb grows a bit of fat so that she'll not be afraid of cold when out. but i'm waiting to hold out till 38.5 weeks.. when my dad is back fr his trip... plus i haven't finished my outstanding work yet... gotta pray hard that the water level will maintain for 2 more weeks...
hi mummies,
congrats to all mummies tat alrdy popped.to those still waiting jia you!!!sori 4 MIA so long been bz milking my bb,very tiring coz he keep waking up at nite haizz.

pls update my detail,tks.

bb name: Cash Ng Thiam Hong(Huang Tian Hong)
weight: 3.25kg
height: 49.5cm
launch method: c-sect
hosp: Gleneagles
gynae: Dr Lee Keen Whye
Congrats Catherine! Wow your baby really can't wait to arrive at this world, cos we both went for checkups yesterday and baby not engaged, but you popped this morning! Makes me feel rather kan cheong cos haven't finish my handing over work in school hee... Anyway I am sure you will be glad to get respite from your maternity leave and enjoy your time with your little precious! =)

Ciarie, oh yours also not engaged hor... my tummy not that low yet so think I will pop quite near to the EDD. I am wondering when you pop, who will update the launch list? Hahaha...
By the way, wanna confirm again, does Mt Alvernia provide red date tea? I read on this thread earlier that we can pay a few dollars a day for that? Is that free flow? Cos I am thinking if Mt Alvernia doesn't provide like TMC, then better go get the red dates and longans as such...
kidz: you are making me crave for brownie.

pat: enfac is good leh, when we compare which fm to get for #1 we decided on enfac. but later on she refused to drink (quite a few months later, already stage 2 fm), went on strike. hb tried it and said it tasted horrible, like melted plastic. we felt bad then we started trying diff brands and she finally settled on nan. heehee

jojo/swt2baby: congrats!!

catherine: congrats!!! still said not engaged suddenly popped already. your bb size quite accurate from scan.
Last few daz till now is a busy day for me.

Coping with 2 is nt easy. 1 so jealous and nt feeling well. Now he is coughing even more. The other having jaundice. Got to monitor and bring back hospital.

Now I am scare my b#2 will catch the virus from my boy and me (I also coughing)

Everyday my HB and I are playing musical bed... my big boy wants me to sleep with him, feed him. etc.. While I hv to breastfeed my B#2.

UPDATE: BB Name: Rian
POP on: 28MAR 09
Length: 50cm
Weight: 3.105cm

Congrats to all mummies hv pop so far. The rest Jia you!!! (But don't stress yrself hor)
Kris: wa catherine one reali is fast n furious...

haha.. jus nw went bishan with hubby for lunch n catch a movie.. plus we doll up our iphones.. lolx.. with e GMASK thingy..lolx.. now hubby went bbq leh with his sec sch mates..haix.. left me alone..so bored.. hw i hope i can pop now..=X
ow_mummy: You pop now, hubby got to chiong back from BBQ ah? Relax ah, next week will be our chance. Take this last opportunity to R&amp;R first, whack all the forbidden food
im also bored. Today at home play game nothing to do. tomorrow hb go play badminton i will be at home again. Sian! Wish i can be like catherine like that pop by tonight after chatting here.
Jam, you really can tahan. Endure endure.....
So far how's the bb movement? My is like no space liao only tiny movement here and there so tight.
I hope the milk come fast after delivery also. Now everyday got the yellow thing got to clear it. Looks like squeeze liao got water come out.
Waiting for hb to buy dinner back.
JamGal: i actually planned to pop this week one.. but too bad tt day check up doc say nt yet dilated.. so no choice lo.. but he say ardy shld b next week..very sian ma.. faster pop faster finish.. i wan hold bb in hand.. now tummy inside no much space liao plus she so active, make me very uncomfortable.. my hubby say she too comfortable inside liao..lolx..
i now lookin at the full month cake packages leh.. got some is reali cheap but dunnohow it taste.. i m keen in choz but seems abit costly than the others...
<font color="aa00aa">anyone noes if we can eat chocolate during confinement? my crave for chocolate is reli strong, the chocos in my fridge r callin me. my CL says as long no nuts can eat a bit.</font>
dodos: She don't wanna come out also no use, somemore my next appt is only next Monday, so will just wait and see what Dr Adrian says.

My tummy also no more space liao, it's hard already loe, so when bb stretch abit, really uncomfortable. Every night when I go toilet to pee, will check my waterproof sheet to see if it's wet too haha, no luck so far.
ow_mummy: I'm also so boliao till I'm checking out what dishes to order for the bb's 1st month buffet. I should be using Neo Garden for buffet and sweetest moments for the gifts.
