(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="ff6000">dodos, you can easily slip one finger into your vagina. But feel upwards. You will feel something smooth deep inside your vagina. That is the cervix opening.

That is the opening they are looking at. not the vagina opening.</font>

<font color="ff6000">i'm going to pump liao.. bye..

bonbon, lucky you arh. can't feel anything haha. think the ppl looking feel more painful haha.</font>
pat, if she had not breastfed her kids before she might be making the statements out of jealousy.. even my grandmother knows that breastmilk is best for bb woh.. i also hate it when pple interrupt the bfg sessions uninvited.. thank God it only happened once or twice.. next time can lock the door.
Dun be envious la. Maybe cos my boobs r quite big. But expectations higher ok. Ppl will say "ur boobs so big sure must hv alot of milk". Slowly la...supplement first lor...i also supplement initially. Yes i did but it was tough. I always felt like crying in hospital cos bb dun get milk then will cry. Hb says just give FM cos i think he cannot stand to see her crying n hungry n me being so upset. I told him he was supposed to encourage me but he said he was just being practical. true also la. oh well.

Wah ur MIL really damn too much!!! i mean, my MIL oso came in w/o my consent but she was encouraging. said dun worry, 1st day sure like tt, slowly SS will build up n slowly will learn how to BF bb properly (cos i cldnt hold her properly...v scared my breasts will suffocate her). my MIL is opposite frm urs...said BM is the best...must try my best to give BM. but cos bb demanding n i really din hv enuf, she also sad buy to standby. It gets stressful when bb cries...mine esp so cos its like early morning 3am then scared disturb other ppl in the house. I think i immune already...cos we dun lock the door so MIL can come in to assist anytime, almost everyone has walked in when i BF, except for BIL..even my FIL has walked in b4 haha. good to hear LC said ur nipples r gd for BF-ing. Mine said mine r a bit flat...but shd still keep trying. pumping will help to make it "longer" n "better" for Bf-ing.

okies im logging off now. need to nap. cya all!!

Already accepted that he's the "practical" type of man lor. Well at least, I get to domineer over him at times. He knows me well, and as long I dont go overboard, he'd usually let me get my way with things. But, we still respect each other with it comes to decision making.

I'm not planning to feed baby using milk bottle. Cos milk bottle's flow is fast, then, direct latching takes a while for milk to let down, if baby gets used to the fast flow, I'm worried that she may be reluctant to feed from breast. I've already anticipated that will need to supplement with FM so I'm probably gonna spoon feed or use a syringe.
<font color="aa00aa">pat, DTSmummy,
bb kerryn woke up at 6pm to drink 70ml of BM, im surprised but confinement aunty said she finished. but later i will juz give her 40ml n add on if not enough.

i pump totalli n dun latch bb on once im hm. ur MIL reli inconsiderate leh but i heard most of the old ppl dun BF their children so they wonder y the mummies nowadays so particular abt BFing. Hang in there n jiayou k, supply will b established soon.</font>
Wah, Pat, irritating leh your MIL, dun think i'll be comfortable showing my own mum my breasts, let alone MIL lor, make sure must lock the door when breastfeeding..hee

Bonbon, yah lor, that's why i am thinking of getting 1 more 1.5l flask that u recommended me to buy, but dunno if there's any more promo at OG now for that similar flask leh:p I also have the small free thermo flask but using that one to refill like a bit small rite??:p
Pat, tell u a secret lor, Kris is a super producer of breastmilk one...she has a standalone fridge at home for breastmilk! I think its full from the last pregnancy hor, Kris!:p
<font color="ff6000">now,I seriously think my neh nehs are not working leh. Need to send somewhere for servicing I told hubby.

Irritating right my MIL? Haiyo, I nearly wanted to use chopper to chop her up.

Wah standalone fridge is very exaggerating leh. want to donate some to me.

Actually I think big or not doesn't affect milk supply one leh.kris not v big wor.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">KP,
hahha, u still rmbr, if u need space can come topang in my chest freezer.

any news frm dr. adrian yet?

so u went hm yest huh, tot of visiting u juz nw b4 discharge but nurse say u went hm liaoz.

i tot u went hm 2dae so din walk down n look for u, too bad.

the nurse was bringing kerryn down wif us so not convenoent for me to drop by at cafe to say hi to u.

whahahah, whr can service ah? i need servicing to make it bigger after BF leh. yeah, not big means got lots of milk, i got a fren super huge boobs but onli managed to BF for 2wks, after dat totalli no BM. i gave some of my #1 to a fren coz her son is sick n she asked me for it, give till i so paiseh, dunno y oso. like veri funi, ppl's son drink my BM.</font>
hmm..pat, yor MIL is quite inconsiderate n discouraging..

i oso agree size doesn't equal supply, take my 2 sis as example, my older sis is quite flat but she managed to BF her 2 kids for at least 6 mths, my younger sis is size 34B, her boy was on FM frm day 1..

kris, can donate some of yors anot?? i oso worry tat my supply will not b able to meet bb's demand..
Just to let you all know, my little prince was borned on 31 Mar, about 4 weeks earlier than EDD. My hubby has posted the birth story on his blog. If you are interested, can view it at http://jerlene.blogspot.com.

Hope everyone here is doing well. :)
<font color="ff0000">Ow_mummy,</font>
Hehe, thot nobody liao so I went to play with my bubbles game just now.

<font color="ff6000">Kris,</font>
Envy u leh! How I wish I can have a surplus milk suppply. Mine is just enuf only, always try to pump then get miserable amt.

Correct, size of boobs not in concern with milk supply. My boobs r small leh, but still can bf #1 for quite long. Luckily my MIL's nice, she has seen me bfdg cos she was doing confinement for me but she have never made any crude remarks when I was bfdg my #1. Otherwise I will go crazy also.
<font color="ff0000">Pat,</font>
U're so funny, if can, I also wanna service my boobies lor! Then can get surplus milk supply like Kris and my #1 can feast on BM popicles too!

<font color="ff6000">Jojo,</font>
Congrats! Let me go read your blog now.
Kris, never read my previous post? Dr adrian finally checked my dilation...1-2cm, so he say anytime can induce...we shld be planning to go in on the 8th night 11pm..actually wats the diff going in at 11pm or 3pm huh??
hi pat...your MIL really discouraging leh! hope you're able to mentally shut out her comments. Maybe should consider locking your room doors when you are breastfeeding.

think stress affects milk supply.. just my guess coz when i was on MC and resting at home, was leaking colostrum.. but once back to work, gana stressed and nothing anymore...

so mummies who are BF-ing... hope you'll be able to find a way to destress
I'm back to chat, anyone ard?

Cannot tahan the weather, soooo hot! Furthermore our bedroom's air-con is faulty, so now hiding in my gal's room to surf the net.
Baked potato,

Yes, I do agree, stress does affect one's milk supply. During my #1's confinement, I was mostly taking care of her by myself, day and night, and I just couldnt achieve a good supply. Stressing myself to express milk only made things worse. But I preserved, grit my teeth and drag myself thru. After learning to take things in my stride, I managed to do TBF, and I took ard 3 mths to do that.
Pat....dun care what others say...my own mum &amp; hubby also doubt me for #1. Dun take it to heart. No one except bf mummies can understand what u are going thru. As long as u tried, that's the most important! U are the bb's mummy! U are the best!

Good point, no one else except bfdg mommies themselves can understand the ordeal lor. My mom was also constantly worried that my #1 wasn't getting enuf. Luckily my hubb and MIL's alright and didn't add stress onto me.
Today went for 37weeks+5days checkup, bb is 3.3kg!! Oh dear....gynae said bb on the big side so expects bb to come out next week. BB not engaged yet (but gynae said for #2 onwards, bb can be engaged during contractions?!?). I was hoping to endure until nearer to edd...20 april...so now must watch diet again....
Size of boobs does not equate to amt of bm lah...my friend is very flat-chested hor but she can easily pumped 500 to 700ml per side after her delivery...I felt so discouraged when she told me that.
Wow Catherine, your BB quite big. Mine was 2.5kg at 37wks+, also not engaged yet. Hee, our edd very close, mine's 19 apr.
When my galfren told me she expressed 300ml+ per side every 2 hrs, I'm already so envious. Now Catherine, your fren can get 500-700ml per side! Me lagi lagi envious!
<font color="ff0000">Re: CL ang baos</font>
What is the market rate for arrival and departure ang baos?

<font color="ff6000">Ah Pat,</font>
Can share on how much you gave when your CL came? I've just prepared my CL's arrival ang bao, decided to give $18, not sure if this is ok?
Previously, some of you were discussing about drinking Raspberry Tea to help induce birth? My hubby's colleague just passed me two boxes of Yogi Tea - Woman's Mother to Be. The tea includes Raspberry Leaf to strengthen and prepare the uterus during pregnancy.

Maybe abit late liao since most of us are going to popcorn soon, but anyone wants to try, let me know, can pass a few sachets to you. I have 32 sachets total.

On ML liao, so shiok right.

Not sure when can collect the teether from you cos my hubb has been working late recently...
hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt...
i'm from Dec'08 thread, i hava one BN pack of 7pcs bodysuit (3M-6M) from mothercare letting go at $42 (RP $56), PM me if keen, thanks!
Cyan and Catherine, wow 500/700ml per side!?!? i did manage 300ml per side for a very very short while...then when i went back to work, cannot liao...dropped to 150ml per side.

Cat, my EDD same as yours leh. my bb is quite big too, oredi 3.1-3.2kg and engaged, head pretty low liao. hope both of us can endure until nearer EDD :D
<font color="aa00aa">haiz, time to pump again. breasts engorge till like rocks. got to pump diligently else if totally engorge sure die, got to get hb to massage, pain like hell.

tis mummy so KS, havent give birth oreadi think BM not enough. take it easi, sure got de. dun wori.

got enough BM can le, dun b too greedy k. my fren onli got enough to BF for 2wks.

i tink 11pm or 3pm no diff, juz whether u wanna go in midnite or afternoon. nw oreadi 1-2cm dilute, can wait till 8/4 meh? tink u better prepare urself for anytime sooner.

tink i can open up BM store liaoz, hahhaha.

i gave $20, if they gd, give them more when they leave.

coolzy, jojo,
our bb all born on 31/3, so hapi.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">catherine,
wow, ur fren gd leh. can chk wif her wat interval n hw long she pump each time? my max. is onli 230ml each side. i wan 500ml oso den can close my milk factory faster. keke</font>
cyan, how come so free today? hahah, any signs of labour yet? i'm going in tmr for 37wk+ checkup

pat, do we've the same MIL?!?!?! i was totally put off when she "sat in" my bfd-ing session initially, i told my hb to scoot her off, but she says she's tired and needs to sit somewhere, duh! and went on commenting her poor grandson is crying so badly blah blah. And when I decide to express to feed, she was like yah lah better, nipple too big, OMG!!! I told my hb, this time i dun care ur mom comes from mercury or jupiter, she'll stay OUTSIDE when i'm trying to bf ok, she can sit at the guest lounge or living room if we're home! oh i also made a "do not disturb" sign to hang on my door.

is really very insensitive of them to do that, as if we're not stressed enough when bb doesnt latch properly. Then she said why dun we just give him FM, all her kids grew up on FM blah blah. But when she told her kampong I Bf-ing my boy and they comment that BF is very good, she came back and sang a different tune, say MUST bf cos some aunty say is good, so so duh!
Went for my 37w checkup today. During my 36w checkup, bb was 2.3kg but gynae estimated 2.5kg based on my tummy size. During my 37w checkup just now, bb was 2.7kg already. I gained 400g over the past week and bb gained the same weight too, hehehe so happy, at least not piling on me anymore. By the way, I am eating 1 Magnum and 1 serving of other ice cream everyday, real shiok! I think I will die during confinement without ice cream!!!

Anyway bb not engaged yet though she is head down, so don't think I will pop too early before my 25 Apr EDD. Think I must be one of the slowest April mummies here hee... I asked my gynae about the Strep B test and he was actually surprised I asked as he doesn't voluntarily conduct the test on every mummy as the chances of passing to the baby are quite low actually. But since I mentioned it, he must do it for me cos in case anything happens I may blame him! Hehe... but quite true also, anyway it was quite uncomfy during the test, not painful but I think I was a bit nervous so made it very uncomfortable! Regretted asking about the test man... :p

<font color="ff0000">Kris,</font>
Thanks for sharing!

<font color="ff6000">Juxta,</font>
My gal is staying over at my parents' house lor, so this is a R&amp;R weekend for me! I'm now playing games on my laptop and updating some stuff.

No signs of labour yet, and I don't want it to come too soon; best if can wait till full term.

<font color="119911">Happylittlewoman,</font>
Wow, u sure are feasting on ice cream! Guess the weather's too unbearable for us preggies. Good for u, weight gain is totally on baby. At my last check-up (37wks+) I gained 1kg, only 263g went to baby and I gained the rest, in just a week! But, I'm still happy lah, cos at least baby is bigger now.
