(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Lenny ..

Yap Dr Tan's Q is a KILLER and even with appointment oso need to wait ... so you might as well just walk in if you wan to see him. Be prepared to spend a waiting time of at least half a day =p

Dr Lee and Dr Lim are both q nice too ... in fact Dr Lim stays in the same development as me heehee but since Dr Oh is withink walking distance and relatively cheaper compared to kinderclinic ... we now go and see Dr Oh. She is my #1 fav dr lor .. pretty and nice hahaha

missy... dr lee his cousin? wah small world. seems all the doctors are related somehow. my regular GP also knows dr lee. and my GP also knows my gynea and my gynea was the one who recommended dr tan. *faint*

i agree dr lee and dr tan have different approach towards giving advise and handling babies. to me dr lee always say to me "don't worry, it is normal, it is ok, don't panic". dr tan will say "it will retify itself, 2 of my kids have the same thing as your son, etc". dr tan is more gentle, dr lee is "swift" - she caught my boy's water gun 2 times haha. amongst the few PD i've seen, i still like both of them la.
i'm bringing my boi for MMR jab tmr... anything i need to take note??

need advise :
my boy poo ard 3-4 times daily for past 2 wks... his stool is soft but not watery so dun tink is diarrhoea... other than tat, he's playing, eating fine, no other discomfort...
when he's pooing, norm will release gas
suspect is teething - his molar tooth coz his gum is swollen n he keep on putting his fingers or anything he can grab into his mouth...
b4 tis, his poo norm was 1 pc type...
i oso suspect his FM coz NAN3 just added some new element, more foamy n their mfg place chg fr switerland to philipines... he was on tis batch oso ard 2 wks+ back...
i just switched to goat milk 1 wk back but he still poo tat freq...
am considering whether chg his FM again coz not sure is it due to the FM...
Woww!! Just finished reading a few pages of the revived thread after MIA for a few weeks!

Great to hear so many preggy mummies again!!! Many Congratulations! Must take care of yourselves and rest more! As much as I'd love to have another bub, we're still putting it on hold for the time being. Too many things to consider. But fingers crossed that Shayna can have a companion one day.

Scrumpee, you were asking who gave birth to a big bb naturally.... Well, Shayna was 3.766kg and I did it naturally after 17hrs without epidural or induction. But of course have epi cut. So jia you!!

Hugs to Marissa!!

Gosh!! Hope Bree is okay! Poor darling. Absolutely horrifying to read your post. You must raise it with their management.

Yup Dr Oh is great with kids and I trust her as a PD.
big hugs to you and Bree. I totally understand how u feel. I rem when Favian was younger, he needed to do blood test and they are inexperienced too, pricked his heel a couple of times and I cried with him in the lab. The heartache is really undescribable needless to say seeing Bree being poke with such big needle. I am a difficult blood taking patient, hence I am always being poke at least twice before able to get my blood. Even me as an adult can't take the pain, needless to say Bree. I hope she is ok. And no bruises on the hand.

My boy faces the same prob. He always refuse to get up from the tub hence nowadays I only give him the tub once or twice a week. And I do smack him or like missy says, flick his hand whenever he tries to be naughty. Usually I will give him 3 verbal warnings before doing physical discipline. But it doesn't works everytime. ha.. I have a stubborn ox at home. Guess becos they are born in the year of ox. :p
anyone still have massage lady Mdm Ida's contact? the one I booked now tell me she has her schedule full and can't confirm when she can do it for me. so fed up.
Keron&Jeris ...

Just note that if you are not protected from chickenpox yourself then now is not a good time for ur gal to take ... cos they might 'spread' the chickenpox virus to you after the vaccine.

Thats what the nurse at the polyclinic told me ... preg better dun play play ... chickenpox will affect the younger one on the stomach

I put SH's chickenpox vaccine due to this reason too =p
Seabreeze is right. If you're not protected from chickenpox, better get yourself protected first before you send your little one for the chickenpox vaccine. I was told the same too. Chickenpox is not compulsory like mmr but I opted for it for Vera when we signed up her vaccine package. Oh one more thing, it doesn't mean that after taken the chickenpox vaccine, one will not have chickenpox forever. If he/she didn't develop enough protection when they get the vaccine may develop a mild chickenpox when in close contact with another person with chickenpox.
Hi Mummies,

Long time not log in liao. Congrats to those who r preggy now. My girl is 15 mths now, am thinking shld I try for 2nd one nxt yr. But, hubby told mi to move back to MIL hse, so that I can take care 2nd one if I dun want to work.

Any mummies here are housewife? What r the problems that may encounter if I dun work nowadays?
RE: runny nose

My tot is having runny nose for the past few days and I've been feeding her her leftover medicine from PD. So far no fever/cough, but should I bring her to see doc after 3days sick? My guess is PD might just give runny nose med again?

Question: how long does yr tot takes to recover from flu/cold?
Question: how to stop dripping nose?
Idlecat, my boy had running nose/flu for 2weeks already..now only can see he is slowly recovering..i only bring him to doc after the 5th day he still not recovered. Mayb u wan to buy iliadin nose drip for her and apply some vicks on her chest at night before u put her to sleep..
Hi Mummies

Can I ask what is the diff between MMR and chickenpox vaccine. Cos I gt a call from the clinic saying my girl is due for her 15month vaccine but I still dunno what is the vaccine can someone enlighten Thanks a million.
Idlecat.. my boy took 10 days to recover. usually start with Fever (day 1 to 3), nose dripping (day 3 to 8), cough (day 5 to 10). If you are worried, do bring your baby to the PD. There are other things that can cause runny nose.
hi all,

read about Bree.. sayang her sweetie pie.. Hugs to mummy Lenny too.

I am so excited for u, suddendly i got a feeling machiam i am going for delivery. hahaha. JIAYOU wor... Best of luck k...

My girl took her chicken pox and MMR jab last week. PD said some kids might get fever after 5-6 days later. just to take note..
Mmr is for measles, rabella and one more which I forgot. It is included in the package. Chicken pox is optional jab which u must pay separately. $70plus
MMR is compulsory for all babies.

you can find out more abt vaccines here



scrumpee - congratssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! JY JY JY!!! heheehehehehhehe

brought Kirs for her MMRV today. ho ho ho. she was quite good. didnt cry. flipped her over my knee becos jab the butt. was quite fast. after the jab she was climbing all over and waving to ppl in the clinic -_-" oh well... worse to come next week i guess.. lolxxx
Hi all mommies..

many thanks for your concern, Bree has been crying a lot at night these 2 days.. i am hoping that its not the trauma.

been trying to make her laugh more to make her forget..

Hubby is traveling again on tuesday, we are busy running errands and buying groceries and home consumables to stock up before he goes off.. so i don't have to carry bree out to buy loads

will catch up soon..
Scrumpee: All the best!! Wishing u a smooth delivery
so exciting to finally see ur princess!

Missy: wooo Kirs so guai n strong din cry
) Dun worry won't be v jialat. Aly took hers two weeks ago (finally over!) and had low grade fever on day 6 and 7. Fed her med once.
hey babe! hee... hmmm hope so ba... *cross fingers* when kirs gets fever... or sick, she doesnt like to eat meds... sigh... force her she wil spit out... so can only wait til it hits 38.5 then give her voltaren supp.. LOL!
argh i can't sleep even tho i'm tired as hell. just weighed myself n i gained 5 kg in 2 months! OMG! fat + fat = uber fat! din know stop BF can gain weight so fast one T_T
Good morning !!!!

Don alamak.... Maybe when u start running n chasing Lucas then wil lose wgt? Lol... Hb commented I looked like I lost some wgt after the 1week sahm stint.. Lol

Anyhow, TGIF !!!!! Yipeeeee!!!!
Thanks jo, don. My girl fall sick last May and took ~2wk to fully recovered. Didn't expect so fast fall sick again! Haiz... could be virus caught from the trial lesson last Sun.

For MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), only vaccination against Measles is made compulsory by law.
Morning ladies ...

Was just sharing in my FB that I was out v late last night to meet up with some ex-colleague. Had so much fun catching up that I totally forgot the time and reached home at around 11pm++

So this morning my #1 questioned me:

YC: Mummy, why you come back so late last night?
Me: Oh ... I went out with my friends.
YC: Do you know that Mei Mei (aka bb in my tummy) will be very tired??
Me: Mei Mei?? Or you mean DiDi (SH)?
YC: NO ... Mei Mei cos she have to follow you out until so late!

I was so caught off guard by this comments that I couldnt stop laughing lar ... then he started to 'nag' at me as to why I didnt pick up the phone when my hubby called (4 missed calls) and complain that Didi v naughty never zzz (the silly SH waited till I was home and I pat pat him - zzz within 5mins and my hubby so pissed with that poor boy hahahaha) etc

Srumpee ...

Congrats!! You can see your bb soon ... me still got to wait for Oct - neck long long but well going for gynae appointment on monday ... so see ultrasound oso good heehee
Good morning Everyone. it's friday! *do a little dance*

missy... be sahm can lose wight ah? okie i must tell my hubby i want to be sahm. actually i would really like to be sahm but am not used to losing financial independence =/

Idle.. my boy caught virus back to back for the month of june. week 1 to 2 is flu like virus, week 4 and 5 is roseola. PD say keep washing hands and be extra vigilant but hard to keep the germs away when our babies keep putting things in their mouths. yaaa i also think my boy caught germs from class. some people still send their kids to school when they have sniffles *angry face*

Seabreaze.. haha your #1 is so cute! he is taking his big brother role very seriously.
scrumpee, congrats!!! Jiayou... Enjoy your No 2.

Keke.. Long time no come in. My msn and stuffs all stuffed up. Can you all add me to your msn. [email protected]. Thanks!!

I only got missycandy and sinmey in my msn now..

Seemed like many mummies preggy. Congrats to all.

Just wanna share... I went to Taiwan with my hubby leaving behind my kids for 7 days.. Haha.. It was really shiok though I missed them for a day or 2.. Haha... Mummies, you should try and enjoy your couplehoods while they are still small and you and your hubby can go for tour without the kids...
Scrumpee, Congrats! Wish you have a smooth delivery ya!!

Seabreeze, your #1 is a indeed a big brother woh...!

It's TGIF!!! So happy! Planning anywhere to bring your kid/kids out?

Do share with me.....


I read your post on Facebook! How clever! ;)

Thanks all, I will jia you. Enjoying a quiet moment at home now before going to the gynae to insert the induction pill at 2pm today, after that come home and wait for contraction to kick in before admitting myself at night

your no.1 is so sensible, a boy right? that's good, usually boys more bo-chap, you can let him babysit the siblings next time. I am sure he can do a good job and give you a very good report at the end of the day
scumpee - wish u have a smooth delivery ok =) post up the pics of your bb and share with us your birth process soon.

u will get to hold kimberly in yr arms v soon...how exciting!

seabreeze - kids are getting smarter each day don't they =)
Eh Kimberly or Emma ? Hmmm anyway, smooth delivery to u!!!!

Don - can but not healthy... Lol ! I think lost becos nvr eat proper meals.. Not enough sleep... Plus keep chasing kirs... Sigh....
Hi Mummies
Thanks for ansing my que.

Scumpee wish u have a smooth delivery ya jia you baby pics ya.

Don Been a sahm is gd but losing financial independence can be scarythrough lor I was a sahm when I was preggy with my number 2 lucky gt some savings to spend of but after all the saving spend up than very stress lor u can just buy wat u wan . So now I back to work I still prefer if can earn at least get to buy wat I want. : )

Seabreeze so cute ur #1 anyway congras on ur pregnancy btw what is ur name in FB?

Devil have added u . Thanks
Hi all,

Really long time since i post. Was really busy at work and nite time must take care of my nite owl. Lol.. Wah... So many preggies by now.. Congrats to all! I intend to TTC from Dec onwards cos i am more comfortable with a baby in the last quarter of next yr. hope my wish comes true and end up with a end oct/early nov bb. Hee..Oh yes.. i not sure whether i wanna a bb boy or girl next so i catch the bb dust can le.. hahhaa

change nick to fruit might get preggie arh? ok.. maybe when i start to TTC in dec, i shall change my nick to cherry.. hahaha.. i love cherries!

Scrumpee: Good luck tomorrow!
Still deciding between Kimberly and Emma, but seems like all people around me including hubby like Emma. So we decide to wait till we see her, then see if the face suits Kimberly or Emma. Haha.

BTW, not sure if you all still remember what is contraction. I had the pill inserted at 3.30pm, now waiting at home for contraction. Just feel my v area like ganna poke now, got a bit of sharp pain, other than that, nothing much. So not contraction hor? I hope contraction kick in after 11pm, so that I can go hospital as planned.
Srumpee.. does the pain come every few minutes? think need to time it (sorry i cannot remember the timing already). if the pain comes, goes, comes, goes at regular interval, it is contractions.
Don, yes the pain come every 10 mins or so, v area and below abdomen. I find that its abit different from my no.1 which is more of backache, so not sure if this is contraction

I think you are having contractions...better go hospital liao. My #2 Ariel was like that and I didn;t know it was contractions till I called the clinic and went down for check up...my waterbag burst at the clinic and Ariel was out in 15 mins...ha ha ha..gynae almost did not make it to the ward.

Congrats ah, to you and all others with new ones coming along.

btw, hi and sorry for not posting for such a long time, hope everyone is well
time now is 11.13pm, i think Scrumpee should have checked into hosptial already right? not to mention her last post is 10.42 pm :p:p feel so excited macham i'm having contractions also hahhaa guess i do miss that excitement too :p

Will also wait till second half of the year to try, hoping to miss the "terrible 2s" peak period age of mar-apr-may, but i guess every kid is different so anything goes right, can catch baby dust will do
Wow can't sleep so come in kaypo...

Congrats !! I guess u r checking yourself in and maybe epidural inserted now..All the best..and u will be seeing ur pretty princess soon...
or maybe already seeing your pretty princess now !

Hubby and I got a shock just now. Let Favian walked around and he suddenly fell flat on the floor , picked him up and his mouth is oozing with blood! Hubby panicked and kept scolding him saying why u keeping running never listen to daddy and etc. My silly old man.. how would a 16 month old understand and he was already screaming, how could he possibly hear him ? *shakes head*. Even though I was a nurse, but seeing him in blood got me panicky too. Quickly applied direct pressure and checked the cut. Fortunately was not deep and bleeding stopped after sometime. Old man still ranting away, got me fed up and asked him to shut up. Sometimes men can be more naggy than women. Really cannot let our eye off the kids now even for a second. What a close shave...
Don & Caca:
ya agree with caca, feels abit helpless at time without the financial independence. And men will never understand our love for shopping. So sometimes get rather frustrating to negotiate with them to buy something we like... Miss the good old times where I have many more extra means to pamper myself and the lil one. I think if given a choice, working part time would be a better option.
Mar mummies,
My princess Emma Lee is out on 7 jul, 1.07am. It was a fast labour man. I left the house around 10.45pm cos contraction interval got closer. When I reached tmc, nurse checked my cevix, already 3cm dilated, don't even have time to poo cos contraction getting more intense like every 3min. called for epi, and had to rely on laughing gas while waiting for epi.

After epi, I could still feel the contraction n was 7 cm dilated, nurse said too fast, so sent to labour ward and called the gynae. All in all, i only spent 2hrs in tmc and bb is out. So much faster than no. 1 when i spent 16hrs

hi Scrumpee..

congrats on #2. wow..that's a fast labour.
i pray hard my labour for #2 in nov will be as fast as yours. But i don't plan to take any epi as well this time. kinda fear the pain ..but gonna try and bear with it.
So #2 has the ' Emma' face lah..hehehe..it's a nice name!
