(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

doc prescribed for me juz bef we found out I m preg. Wash inside e vagina. Alkaline solution. U can enquire fr yr doc. It should be part of fertility planning ba.

jennifer - kirs also the same la.. eat the books n pages... sigh... hard cover also chew into bits... -_-"

some of us goin royce on sat. if u wana join us just drop by lor. =P
Baby stickiness; does anyone's little tot complain about everything? kee would come running to me 'ah-mee ah-mee pain pain' and show me some bite or finger kena clip by toy or something. I feel it's very cute at first and heart warming that he wud run to be for comfort but now I think it's getting a bit too much that everything fm feeding changing bathing reading
He'll also come running to me. Like while watching cartoons, after a while if he can't see me, he call out 'ah-mee ah-mee again' and go whole house searching. Maybe I shud 'hands off' when his dad comes home *tough*
Also is it the right time to discipline them? At night after last milk feed, I'll bring him to the toilet to brush his teeth. Tonight he said 'No' and shook his head. Hubby & I laughed but I really felt lost and didn't know what to say. Eventually we brushed him and put him in bed, of course he struggled and wasn't happy with his teethbrushing *sigh*
Jenn, ops sorry tot u have 3kids dy..haha..u can also try the alkaline food such. u wan can PM me, then i send u the copy.

reverie, so if i wan a ger means i need to buy acidic solution?? like very scary ler..any side effect o not?
Re: Talking
Nic also cant really tok she only know ma ma, boy, no more, sheep, mum mum... oh n BARNEY!! her favorite cartoon now. she is now a TV addict now, refuse to drink her milk if no TV hai......

She also dun like to read leh. When I read her a story, she will snatch away the book n flip it then close it!

Re: Discipline
I find that Nic is getting more n more naughty when she want something if she dun give her she will scream!! wow v lose face when outside! Wanted to start discipline her but really dunno how.... any mommies face the same problem?
re: Talking

SH oso not talking much or rather talking in his bb language only. For now the clearest words are pa pa and jiu jiu (yes, he can call my bro!!) the rest are all his bb lanuage ... he can understand instruction though. Anyway me not too worried lar ... my #1 was quieter than him and started talking when he was 2yr++ only heehee

re: Gymboree

Started SH at Gymboree yesterday ... it was crazy lar ... the class size was HUGE and he kept crying. Guess it will take some time for him to get use to the lesson and wld be really useful if the class size was smaller =p

Starflower ...

Guess cos you are the main caretaker for Kee thats why he comes to you for everything. Of cos you can get your hubby to take care of him at times when you go out for gals' gathering heehee

Blurjen ...

You can start to show your displeasure when she does something naughty ... what I do is that I will hit his hand gently and show him a face hahaha aft that he will realise that he was been naughty. Not that he wont do it again just that can 'skip' the hitting part cos show face he know liao ...

I tried that b4 I hit until her hand is red, she still tot i am playing with her... hai... i think her pain tolerate is too high already wahaha cos she wont cry when she went for injection...
re: Talking

bb Jo also talking in his bb language. the most accurate word he can say is ah ba"daddy". from far when he saw his daddy walking towards us, he will call him..so sad..he nvr call me mama also..but i know he is learning...

yesterday went out, he saw a red color bear, he point to the bear & tried to tell me it is Elmo..i can hear he tried to say althou not clear..im so surprised and happy!

re: Discipline
Blurjen, bb Jo is also getting more n more notti..think all bb same?? kekek..he will screamed when we carry him out of the coin machine car..(sorry dunno how to describe)
Blurjen how abt "tiak" (flick)her hand or leg? Then say nooooo.... Works to some extent on kirs... Cos the tiaking inflicts sudden ant bite like pain but no scars... Lol! Slight redness depending on sensitivity of skin as well but the sudden pain does cause her to stop n listen... My frn uses rubber band lol! I don't recommend rubber band. More painful. 
jo, i see other bb nt so naughty leh i think mine is a girl born with boy behavior. Oh I know wat u toking abt, Nic also scream when i bring her out of one of this type of car which is with barney character on it.

missy, I think i will try ur method next time. I think my husband did that to her, forgot her reaction already. Oh I think he also pinch her also i think she will full of blue black soon.
What do u all let your kiddos play with these days? He seems to have outgrown the toys/ books that I have for him currently. wonder what can keep them entertained n stimulated n get to learn at the same time (other than tv, haha!)
I just called Polliwogs about their aniversary party on 14 (next wed), it's open the whole day 10am-7pm the with extra games as their birthday party special. Its $8 per entry for the whole day. i'm thinking of going say in the afternoon to let him run around like 2-5pm :p anybody keen to go together?
Jo mummy
ger= acid solution I dunoe abt it. According to e Today article, ger sperm is fragile n last a few days while boi sperm is strong but v short. To haf boi do nearing ovulation w deep penetration. Ger abt 4 days bef ovulation. For good good n healthy sperm to b replenish, it takes abt 2 days. So alot depends on good planning. Doesn't mean do everyday will get preg. Doc told me we only haf abt 5-6 chances of getting preg in a 12 months menses.
Hi Mummies

Super long nvr long in le dunno u all still remember me haha.Congras to those preggy again. Jiayou to those TTC

Blurjen for me I tried to like say hmmm with a very strict sound and look into her eyes and let her know I am very angry try not to laugh give a very strict face as this happen a few times they will slowly understand what is to do and what is not. For my girl she is I think like ur girl too very boy behaviour lor so mischevious cant stand compare to my no1 reali a big diff reali tiring taking care of her she is so active lor.
wow din know that only 5-6 chances of getting preggy for regular menses. then plus want a boy or girl got to plan environment, position, mood, lighting, weather, food... *faint!!!!!*

think i should just be happy with my one. too lazy!
Haha don. Ya not easy to get preg. That's y some poke tried for yrs. I fin Noe till doc told me. We are bull eye. 1x bingo. But now worried abt my preg. Cos my health already no good n w 1st on hand. I try to bed rest n get my maid yo help.
blurjen, ya we always see other ppl's bb behaved very well as compared to ours..but don forget they r all unique & hav their own characteristic..so mayb ur ger is more active type ba...haha..

my boy is like he likes to walk on his own especially when taking escalator..he found it interesting n wan to stand on it like us..then if in the lift, he will wan to press the button, touch here n there, or smile to anyone coming in the lift..im so busy always entertaining the ppl he smiled to...especially when shopping, he can smile to everyone in the shop when he pass by every shop..or smile to the ppl standing behind me on the escalator..
reverie.. do get as much rest as you can. ask gynae if there are any additional things to eat to build up your body? having babies really take a lot of out of us ladies.

Jo.. your boy is friendly! that's nice. he probably wants to make friends =)
don, he is too friendly until im too busy..also he can very easy walk away with strangers..he can let strangers carry him provided u give him food or handphone!
re: Talking

Vera also blabber a lot these days. Some very clear words from her are "Papa", "Jiejie" (her cousin and recently also refer to girls who are older than her), "ball" and only recently "Mama"; occasionally "ma..mee" hehehe.... Recently she also picked up 2 more words from the song "Head and Shoulder, knees and toes". "Hei..." as in "Head", "Ma...." as in "Mouth" as she points to her head and mouth. Usually we'll act as we sing the body parts song. She'll sing along with us but only the 2 lyrics (hei and ma). Anyway we continue doing the same until she picks up all the lyrics. hehe... I don't use the discouraging words like "no" or "wrong" when teaching her to talk. eg. I'll say, "this is my nose and where is your nose?" She'll answer either head and mouth as she point to her head and mouth respectively. To her she is right. That's her head or mouth she's pointing it's just that she's not answering my question. So I'll say "Yes clever girl, that's your mouth and this is your nose" as I help her point to her nose. So far I find this method works well. Just something to share. hehe..

Re: Discipline
Blurjen, ya Vera also does the same when we don't give her something or she can't get what she want. She throws tantrum by laying her body flat on the floor and rubbing her tummy against the floor while crying and screaming. She does this at home and even outside. We usually carry her away from e.g. that place or away from that object then distract her with something else that she can play with. So far I find spanking didn't work well on Vera. The more I spank the more she'll scream. I think she the '吃软不吃硬' type.
my ger is exactly e same. U r not alone. I let her b. She is always do cheerful n frdly. But good thing is she won't be trick or tempted by strangers.
hi mommies.

had a horrifying experience today.. still trying to recover from it..
i should have trust my instinct to cancel the appointment for Bree.. i kinda fell uncomfortable just before i stepped out of the house..

ARGH... Can't help blaming myself over it

my gynae didn't share all these with me.. he only asked me NOT to give birth till 5 yrs later.. faintz.. 5 yrs later.. by then I will be old woman liao... how to give birth by then??? Also, I do not want the gap to be so far apart...


where is royce? I dun mind joining... time n place???


me pm u liao

I think i have mentioned before that Bree is not eating well and at this stage..

as much as i wanted to introduce new food to her.. i am half-hearted cos her eczema is quite bad.. I don;t want to keep apply steroid cream on her fearing long term side effects..

so i decided to go ahead and do an allergy test as well as a blood test to ensure that she is not anemic.

when we were at the lab.. the staffs who did the test for her are not experienced enough..

i was outside while hubby was with Bree.. i know i will be nervous when the needle pierce her and i don't want bree to sense me and feel insecure..

so i asked hubby to go in with her instead.. cos hubby is her playmate..

when i was outside.. i hear bree screaming.. the frequency is unlike her usual.. if she goes in for any vaccine.. she will just give out a short cry.. then she will calm down pretty quick.. hubby has always been able to clam her down.. she has been quite brave with all the jabs so far

she screams.. then cry.. screams then cry screams then cry this goes on for about 5 - 6 rounds

i was edgy and started walking around...2 male patients asked me if its my baby inside.. i told them yes.. i was trying to hold back my tears..
till i cannot take it anymore and stepped into the lab..

i was told only one parent allowed inside. a patient (he is one of them who was outside with me asking if its my baby) who was waiting to do his blood test told the staff off.. "she is her mom.. Baby needs her now.. she has to go in" then the staff kept quiet..

anyway i didn't care.. i stepped into the room.. i saw bree lying down with hubby holding her and trying to calm her down.. 2 staffs were there holding down her arm.. with a thick needle.. est.. like a cross stitch needle.. and big syringe.. trying to find her vein to draw blood..
Bree saw me and cried.. the look she gave me was sending the message asking me to save her. haiz..

i kept asking them.. what happened.. is everything ok? can u find her vein? they are trying.. and one of them told me to go out.. tell me.. see liao more heart pain.

i stayed there and kept brushing bree's forehead.. trying to calm her down..and tried singing to her.. but it didn't help./.

i noticed that when they pushed the needle in.. she screamed and when its pulled out.. she cry.. Then it dawned on me why she has been screaming and crying then scream and cry..

SHIT!!! they have been trying for so many times and cannot find her vein so she has been screaming in pain.
i told them if they cannot do it then stop. I don;t want to do the test already.

i carried her and it took me a while to calm her down cos her whole body is shaking when i held her. i was really cursing and swearing

i got really mad.. and the staff told me to go back to the doc's clinic..

at the doc's clinic.. one of the staff apologised to me about the whole issue..

i actually was already pissed.. no one explained to us what the process in detail will be like.. i only know have to draw blood.. so we are not prepared of what is going to happen and how to react.

why are we not told how much blood will be drawn, how it will be done and if Bree's vein is too fine to insert needle.. why are we not informed and asked if we want to go ahead cos it will be a painful process..

when we go for vaccine.. a cream is applied on the area where the needle will pierce to numb the pain.. why is that not offered?

and why are the staffs who are handling Bree not wearing surgical gloves?!?

and the staff there seemed to be not experienced to handle very young children but ok with adults.

Now am very pissed and wondering what next steps i should do..

thinking of writing to the management about it..
i felt so terrible about the whole thing.. like making her go through this trauma.. argh...

was planning to cancel this appointment earlier cos Bree was sleeping soundly during her afternoon nap.

and i called the clinic to postpone appointment from 2.50pm to 3.30pm.. but was told that PD will be going off at 3.00pm and they called their patients to come earlier for appointment (i didn't receive any call though).. hubby is going off to work next week n don;t want to delay in case got any follow up hubby still in town so we woke her up and go..

told hubby that i am not happy about the staff not telling me that the doc is rushing off.. cos Pd might not spend enough time on answering my questions.. feel like canceling the appointment cos already pissed liao..

i should have just done that! than Bree need not go through what she has gone through.. *slap myself*
actually i was so pissed till i questioned hubby..

why didn't he stopped them? hubby told me he is holding her down and Bree was kicking his head throughout.. from his view.. he is blocked by the 2 staff and he thought they are already drawing blood so get it over and done with. it did came across his mind to stop cos Bree is crying and screaming so much..

i told him off.. telling him that he should just asked them if they are already drawing blood and if there are any problems..

he said he is focusing on bree, trying to calm her down so she don't move so much in case needle breaks,..

sorry for ranting out here.. cos i really need to let out..

and i have to be on standby tonight.. just in case Bree cries in her sleep after what she has gone through today
oh dear lenny...both you and bree must have been traumatized by this whole episode...which hosp may i asked? my heart really goes out to you. take care.
jo.. my boy also.. if you bring him outdoors and play with him, he will be your friend. recently he been wanting to play with older kids too, going up to them, playing catching (he chase they run) etc. i'm very worried as they can be quite rough but i don't want him to grow up without social interaction. headache la

lenny.. that is horrifying. where did you bring Bree? i think you should kick up a stink with them. even for an adult it would have been painful to have a needle inserted in and out.

bring her else where if you really want to do the blood test. my boy recently did a blood test at KK a&e and the experience was totally different. it was heart wrenching none the less but not horrifying. the nurse there prick his finger and squeeze the blood out. the nurse keep squeezing, my boy keep crying and it took quite awhile cos the blood comes out drop by drop. he stopped crying the moment the nurse stopped squeezing.
lenny, my heart goes out to u and bree...as i am reading i m feeling the pain..it just reminds me of how elixir went thru his high fever ordeal...much less getting poked so many times...i think u shld just write in to the in charge...i always ask for fine needles when elixir goes for his vaccines n e nurses will do as told...though e process take longer but not as pain as compared to thick ones...tats wat i observed...i believe u must have had a hard time...cheer up!!

starflower: i m keen but where is tat?
may I Noe which lab? I went to e Lab at paragon. Same. Inexperience. That x bb only few months doing blood test too. In e end e experience staff came to do instead aft I latched bb. I was pouring outside while waiting. bb was trembling n cold. I fully understd how u feel.
hi mummies...

mia for some time...

I need some advice. Intending to travel with my kids to HK this month and wondering which hotel is good and spacious for my family - 2 adults n my 5 yr old boy n my 15mth gal. Need a hotel near MTR n most importantly the bed can accomodate the 4 of us.
They r so bad! how can they do that to a small kid?! I really can understand how u feel. I think all mummies will feel heartpain when the incident happen to their kids. Is Bree ok now? Hope she is able to sleep well last night.

we went to Gleneagles.. the PD is great.. really patient with us..

he explained that it will be better to do blood test then skin prick test cos at this stage.. our bb will not sit still.

at the lab.. we are not told about anything else..i thought they will have staff who are experienced in handling small children in such procedures..

prior to this, Bree has always been at TMC, so far.. we went to the labs for blood test.. it has been fine.so i thought it goes the same for all hospitals.. expecting experienced medical staff to do the same thing. we wanted the change cos the PD that attended to her has moved out of TMC.. this PD that we go to yesterday was not the same PD that has attended to her..

Hubby told me we better go back to TMC and then source another PD for her..

Any good recommendations for a PD at TMC?
Lenny ...

Oh no ... help me give big big hug to Bree k

I can imagine the anger and heartache you feel ... even by reading I am already feeling the pain =p

My bro did this blood test when he was v young too cos he had sensitive airway ... in the end he grew out of the allergy. Is there any other alternative way to check on what triggers her allergy otherwise get the PD to do the blood extraction and not the nurses?
Lenny ...

Will you consider Mt A? Dr Terence Tan from Kinderclinic is great with kids and v v patient. The only 'problem' with him is that the Q is SUPER long ... so far the blood extraction at Mt A is oso fine.

Both Shayna and myself goes to Dr Oh Meng Choo from Kids Clinic @ Bishan. She is also v good with the kids. Not sure if she is able to do the blood extraction personally though
congras!!! got a 'hao' zi!!! plan to close shop at 2? or planning for more? kekeke

so sad to hear abt bree gg thru all this...
dun blame yrself as not yr fault... blame on tat staff who's so inexperienced!!! how can do tat to a toddler!!!! *$%$^%^* so piss off!!!
*hugz hugz* is bree ok now? hope she'll not be scare off by this incident when she go for jab...

Don't blame yourself... U r a wonderful mummy! U need to be strong to look after your BB...


U can try Dr Ang Ai Tin (Female) at level 3, TMC... I always bring my 2 gals there every month for their jabs... She's v experience! V good also...

Oh dear, poor Bree. A big hug to you and little Bree.. Even adults can have small veins making drawing of blood difficult. I too have small veins and whenever an inexperience staff attend to me, if he or she has no confidence in finding the correct vein to draw my blood, he/she will get an experienced one to attend to me. And I do my blood test in polyclinic near my place... Shouldn't this be the correct way? Yes, I'm as angry as you when I read your post. How could they use a toddler to test water.... After 1-2 failed attempts they should have stopped and get help already.... 5-6 tries and still want to continue until you insist to stop is really too much of them...
Hi mummies,

mee oso mia for a beri long time.. heee... been beri low profile actualli.. can c everione is either preg or ttc.. i oso wuld lik to haf one agn.. but still afraid dat i wil b able to cope.. nid to consider this & dat.. bills went up, bonus drop.. etc..

ask u all - actualli did ur smack ur kid wen dey r noti? & my girl lik to bathe, so wenever i bathe her, i had a hard time gettin her up from the tub.. she wil cry awhile & after consolin her, she wil b fine..

another link to get kid clothes which i got from my frend der frend..
i hav order b4.. & quite lik the material..

mayb sum mummies here wuld lik to hav a look..


I actually called Dr. Terence Tan prior to this.. but he is fully booked till end of august and i was told to walk in and be prepared for long waiting time.

Think i will try Dr. Ang Ai Tin from TMC then..

Hubby also upset about this.. he say.. no need to see PD liao
we just try our best.. anyway they will say the same thing to us.. like what we have read in the books.. too disheartened to see anymore PD
i lurveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee terence tan!!! but yes... must wait really longggggggggggg!!!!

if not try Dr Khor @ Paragon. Elizabeth Khor
Lenny and Seabreaze.. I agree Dr Terence Tan is great. He was the PD at the birth of my boy and we were with him for while. but the waiting really got to me (waited >3hrs once! OMGGGGGGGG) the blood test is not done at the clinic tho. but i have to say when Dr Tan jabs my boy, he is quick and my boy doesn't seem to notice. we are now with his colleague Dr Lee Chien Yee. she is awesome too!
If I'm not wrong, dr Lee C Y is his cousin  saw her once when he was on leave... Still prefer Terence  very gentle and soft spoken 

Hi Lenny
I just happen to click into this thread and saw yr post. I totally can feel how you feel. I had similar encounter with the staff there in the lab. VERY VERY annoyed with them. It's not just once but twice with both my children. I was super upset and scolded the staff the 2nd time.

If it's not because my PD is good and he's there, i would hv not gone. And as far as we are concerned, I'm going to avoid going for any tests there unless i can find a good PD elsewhere. Super insensitive and unprofessional way of handling children.
