(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

big congrats on your new little girl scrumpee

mummy bean yaya totally agree when not working if no savings reali hard lor but if u taking care bb urself hw to part time con be tedious lor. And even if men know our shopping its always hard to open mouth to ask for money even ask from hubby still think own money better no need to report to anyone lor.
wah Scrumpee! so ur cervix is not stubborn at all, great that you hv a short and fast labour! Rest well and Emma is a beautiful name!

Please drop me an sms when u are free of ur delivery charges pay in $$ after medisave, hehe then I will know how much I need to standby in Dec for Dr Chua :p U opt for 1 bedded rite & did TMC charges increase alot ?
Actually i thot of working fr home too. doing accounts. so that i can cover maid's expenses at least. I think this way it is better. cos maid can do housework and cooking while i can concentrate on the coming 2. Then the thing is i have to work when they zzz. And as what caca said, it will be v tiring for me. maybe more tiring than our hubby. cos we basically has NO OFF, NO LEAVE, NO MC, NO SOCIAL LIFE! U noe lah, guys come back home fr work and u expect them to b v hands on?! Rare. Hubby's frd's wife juz delivered and the hubby took 2 weeks leave. How many of you heard of this kind of daddy?
Bef and aft delivery, i call the wife hp, sometimes i ended talking to the hubby! 24 xiao lao gong...

Congrats! Emma is a beautiful name.. Enjoy your precious ones..

Seems like so many mummies are "doing national service".. so exciting.. haha

BTW anyone using training pantS? Are they useful for toilet training?
wow, din log in for a while to this thread, so many good news!

CONGRATS to all pregnant mummies - Mangogal, Reverie Island, Pinksorbet, Strawberrys, and others who i may missed out! Enjoy your pregnancy and take good care

CONGRATS to Scrumpee on the birth of your lovely daugther. #2 gal, really 好!
re. child smacking
any mummies having your little tots smacking people around him/her when they are angry or frustrated? dun know where my little one pick this up but whenever he gets frustrated (e.g want to play with something but denied it by us), he will turn around and smack us. sometimes hard, sometimes not so, dun tink he meant it intentionally, more like a way to vent and communicate he's unhappy. my little one is still not speaking, just a lot of babbling so non-verbal actions are his way of communicating. while i understand this, i really dun like nor encourage smacking. told him that mummy dun like it but it's like when he's upset, he dun seems to be listening much. any similar encounters and ideas on what to do?
good monday morning!!! arghxx.. cnt wait for the weekend to come.. wahahaha!


sung - its best to start trying to teach him that hitting is not right... you prolly have to "talk" to him abt it... when kirs hits me, i hit her back.. LOL!!! but i will also tell her no.. then she will "horrrr......." and wag her finger -_-" when she wants to vent, she will swipe her hands left right left right... -_-" then swipe all the toys all over the place... quite funny to see la.. lolxxx plus shes at the stage of imitation... so we have to be a bit more wary of what we do in front of her... like yesterday at the plygrd, she saw bigger kids climbing and standing on top of some toys... she tried to follow suit but ending up falling over... lolx... was quite funny... 2 bigger girls kept on wanting to carry her n play with her... then pull her ard.. but Kirs being her, she doesnt like to pull held or pulled ard... but she will follow... so quite hilarious.. lolxxx one trying to push her to crawl under some tunnel.. then in the midst of tryin to push kirs, kirs knocks her head against the tunnel... then she runs to me rubbing her head... then climb up the stairs... go dwn the slide... follow the girls up n down, in and out... cute sight.. lolx
Hi Gd Noon all
Monday again weekend usually flies .

reverie island wow ur friend hubby reali gd lor hard to find le ba haiz usually guys all same de after work come home most look see play with baby onli the most onli take care for an hour or so hard to let them handle long even if my hubby offer to be alone with child for long I dun dare haha wait my baby will either be hungry or dunno will get diaper rash lor haha cos he is those kind slp slp slp de.Totaxlly agree with what u say NO LIFE. If wife work outside come home still must do house work wat also need to take care kids what unlike hubby usually come home can rest men and women are soehow still not equal lor.

Think u gt to try to tok to your girl everytime she does that or get something else to distract her.

Seabreeze of so that is u so cute ur two boys .....
Hi Mummies,

Ryker had his MMRV last 2 Friday. He didn't has any fever last week, but according to doctor he may triggle the allergy since he has ezcema. Truth, on the 4th day, he had rashes on his arms & legs, especially at the angles, he kept scratching till it bleeds.... so sad to see him suffer. Hopefully, he will recover soon...
ya lor. Totally agrees. So really have to change into a very simple lifestyle when becoming a SAHM. And only rely on savings to buy things we like. All my other allowance are mostly spent on family and daily stuffs. sigh. hardly have any extra bucks to pamper myself.

totally agree with u ! after becoming a SAHM, I seriously have no life. Last time when working, at least I can leave my boy to my MIL and slip out for a meal with colleagues or friends after work. But now, weekends are for family, weekdays are for bb, I hardly have time for myself. Hubby usually act as a playing role to the boy. And men hardly helps after a long day at work. Beginning he would still bring the boy downstairs for a stroll to let me have a break, now he hardly does that. Whenever I am watching my favourite tv show, hubby would nudge me and say time to change his pyjamas. I would be like why u can't just change his pyjamas for him ? sigh.. your friend is really lucky. I also have a friend whom never complains about her husband and her husband would fetch the boy thru and fro everyday from her house telok blangah to bukit panjang (her mum's place to deposit her son and maid) after sending her to work. Then he would go work himself.I mean usually I will see Mummies rushing to fetch bb after work, seldom see Daddies doing that. Ha..but enough said, guess the priceless reward we get is getting to witness our precious growing up which make all sacrifices worthwhile !

ha..Kirs is so cute ! My boy also likes to play with the older kids but usually they are quite rough towards him so hubby being overly protective seldom let him play with them. But its quite cute observing them playing.

My boy also vent his frustrations thru smacking us and even his grandparents. I realised he learnt this action thru me as I always smack him whenever I am mad at his behaviour and etc. So I change tactic nowadays, if he does that I would just say firmly no and use my finger and point at him, staring him for a while. He somehow sense its wrong, he would stop his action and try looking away. But got to repeat for a long long time, he manage to stop smacking us but occasionally he would forget and did it again. Guess need alot of patience to rectify the behaviour. Nowadays he started to throw things around if he is unhappy. *shakes head* another behaviour to rectify.
Ya thats y I still choose to come back to work lor else saving will be used up 1 day eventually it cant be that lot till it cn be finish ya hahaha.
haha..ya agree. I am waiting to return to workforce but guess the fastest would be next year. Hope my savings can dong til then. haha
mummybean ya when go back to work at least still gt abit social life lor else sian right become yellow face women at home. I think thats when men will out find other women haha cos outside temptation reali hard to resist lor now adays so we reali must try hard to keep fit lor. Btw wat u working as?
mummybean - i think hb n i are quite bad la.. we let her get bullied... lolxxx! the older kids will pull n push her.. then she will look to us for help or some indication on what she shld do.. but we jus smile n leave her be... unless she falls down la.. then il go over and ask her to pick herself up... lolx... then at most tell her beat the floor... usually shes okie.. she will rub her head even if she doesnt hit her head... lolx... then il jus sayang her and she'l go back to her running around... hahaha
Just finished my first post-natal massage, whole body oily...and yucky. What a Deja vu! I really really hate confinement period.

I was never a good moomoo cow when I had no.1 and now the thought of going thru that again makes me sick. My breast beginning to fill full now and nipples are painful after all the latching. Why can't we just pop baby and skip all the ocnfinement and mooomoo process hor? I am sure more married women will respond to government's plea.

Although sometimes I envy you sahm, but I appreciate the financial independence and me time. So not likely I will be sahm unless my hubby is very very make it, can give me $4k amth to go shopping and hightea. But then, I may end up being a fat sahm with all the hightea gatherings
Hello Srumpee, wow you super leh. I remembered I super tired after labour. You still have the strength to come in and post.

Confinement period, tell me about it man. I hate it too. Don't like the oily sticky feeling either...

Moomoo, I understand the pain. It took me 3 months not to feel the pain at the nipples. Think about all the goodness that breastfeeding brings? ;) That was my only yet very useful motivation. hehe...

Btw, how's Princess Emma? IS she anyway like your #1?
Don't worry, Scrumpee. My BM came only on the 5th day. Drink more water, plenty of rest and relax. If possible let Baby Emma latch more? I know it's always easy to say but don't give up k. Lots of Hugzz!!!

I remembered when Vera was 1 or 2 days old. She also cried a lot. She wouldn't stop crying unless I latch her on... Put her down she cried again. Only on the 3rd day when we finally decided to let her drink some formula since she hadn't been drinking anything except my colosrum, she stopped crying and willing to sleep on the bed. Before that she slept in my arms.
I was a staff nurse before I became a SAHM.. just hope I won't lost my skills after such a long break..keeping fit ? ha.. i m barely half dead trying to do housework & taking care of bb.. really no extra energy for working out.. just pray my old man won't get sick of me

that is gd..Will build up Kirs social skills and courage.. I feel that Fav is too manja for a boy.. hubby & mil overly protective.. even go indoor playground..quite safe with all the safety mat, he is still under close supervision.. so he fall down abit will start to manja.. shakes head..

enjoy ur moo moo bz!! really kudos to u with a running tod and Bb Emma at hand ..
Congrats Scrumpee! i cant believe the moo-mooing has started hahaa wow brings back memories but still squirmish for me, think that means i still wanna be starflower for a while more ;P No upgrade to starfruit yet kekkeeee

Anybody have lobang for zoo tickets? Hear its lotsa fun
esp the water park feel like going kekekee
Scrumpee !!! Congrats! Have u post Emma pic in fb. Ooo I <3 her name so much!!! Emma Emma Emma ...Hehe ur labour duration is so short compared to the first.. Reading ur labour process really touch me so much till have slight thought of getting preg.. Haha but ok nw I juz wait till the right time. :p jia u on bfing k! Nv say die k..

Papayamama new mum? Hahaha nice to meet u I'm strawberrymama lol

Sahm : I truly enjoyed my 1year and 1mth of sahm lifestyle with 110% of being in charge of Tristan life. But something is juz lacking. Monetary of coZ .. And some other issues.. But now wrking although v tired but I make sure I spend quality time with him and I'm not that worried abt future..
Any mummies face tis problem? My gal will look for tit-bits after 2hrs of eating porridge(1 bowl) or drinking her milk(8oz of formula). She will cry or throw temper if we dun give her biscuits/fruits/bread.

She is full after her usual meal/milk, but yet she still want to eat a bit of other stuffs. Any mummies can advise me for such behaviour?
Hello Vivian, I don't see it as a problem leh.. Maybe because Vera is underweight so as long as she requests she wants to eat, I'll let her eat. But of course unhealthy snack (e.g chocolate, potota chips etc) is out of the picture.

Biscuits (those specially for tots), fruits or bread to me is ok as long as it won't affect her next mealtime, meaning she'll still be able to finish her porridge/milk even after she has snack.
Hi Lizy, my gal's weight is average. It only recently that she has such behaviour. As long as she saw someone eats, she aso want to eat. Whenever, mil cooks finished n lay the food on the dinning table, she will wants to climb up the chair n demand that she wants to eat aso. So, to prevent her frm throwing temper, normally we will give her fish/vege/egg(food we tink she can eats).
MIL says maybe such behaviour is only for short period.
halo mummies, where can I buy foldable table &amp; chair? I want to train my gal to self feed using utensils on her own little table :p
Hi Lizy, my gal's weight is average. It only recently that she has such behaviour. As long as she saw someone eats, she aso want to eat. Whenever, mil cooks finished n lay the food on the dinning table, she will wants to climb up the chair n demand that she wants to eat aso. So, to prevent her frm throwing temper, normally we will give her fish/vege/egg(food we tink she can eats).
MIL says maybe such behaviour is only for short period.
Hi Vivian, my boy oso same as yr gal. Whenever we are having my meals, he definitely want to climb up to join us, grab our fork &amp; spoon to stir our food. If we refuse, same as yr gal, he will cracky... very tired. He don't want to sit on his high chair. Can't have a peaceful meals. No choice, I've to carry him while having my meals.

Starflower, you can go into the zoo website, the price is there. Suggest you buy package - like jurong bird park + zoo only SGD 32 for 1 mth validity entry. But if you buy individual entry ticket, it will be SGD 18/person. FYI, zoo, bird park &amp; night safari, they price is the same, is link. Last time, we also bought package price, worth it. U need whole day there.
vivian - kirs has the same habit when she sees us eating she wil wan to eat too... so i jus let her chew a bit... like yesterday i gave her cucumbers... lolx... she jus tk.. chew n walk ard.. then i faster eat... hee hee...

queenie - r u sure u wana strawberry? lolx... becoming a fruit means TTC... wahahahahx

mango - r u sure u wan foldable? might not be sturdy enough and if lil C is active, though chances are slim... but u nvr knw... it might kiap her fingers if she puts her hand where it folds... u knw? best to get something more sturdy...
mummybean I am sure u can do it de jia you. Anyway if we mantain like what we r like u say wonder will they men get sick of yellow face women hahaha.

Queenie u also ttc le haha if so jiayou

vivian my girl usually will also wan to eat when ever she see us eat regards less of she is full or not I think they wont know how to tell whether they are full ant ba as long u give they will eat. I think giving fruits and bis is ok ba I even give my girl some junk food at times. She will eat also.

mangogal I think u can try ikea .

piggysg, vivian think all our kids the same de ba at this age haha trying to climb up chairs to reach table to get whatever is on there lor hehe.So cute whenever I catch her she will try to scream ......

papayamama I thought those folder should have like a lock to keep it still when open so wont kiap?

I know 日本の家 got sell. You can also try the NTUC from AMK hub. I saw these stores selling but as I have no intension to get foldable table/chair for V, I didn't go and check them out in details. My concern is samee as papaya. I have been eyeing on the Mummot table and chair from Ikea but due to the limited space we have at home, I hesitate.. Gotta spring clean our home before we decide whether to get it or not.
miss papaya , Caca &amp; lizy, thks

I will chk out Ikea &amp; NTUC at AMK hub, but hse really gt limited space and no. 2 coming...hiaz space constrain :p
Ya Will chk those foldable table gt any safety lock before buying, Missy thks for ur safety advise

Lizy, where is 日本の家?
hmmm i actually bought a small table with alphabets for Kirs... the legs can be folded under and kept away... but so far.. she points at the girl pictures... climbs on it.. and pushes it ard the house -_-" you cn see glimpses of it in my fb.. i wil try to remember to take tonight and post for u... i bought frm Giant.. less than $15... but no chair...

im also keen on getting mammut frm ikea.. my mil's hse has... kirs likes to climb n sit on the chair..
Mangogal, I know 日本の家/Japan Home has a few branches. I know one in Northpoint 3rd flr that's where I saw that foldable table. hee....
Things that the store sells are a bit similar to Daiso but with bigger price range.
Hi mummies,
Seem like kids at tis age is the same....i just afraid that my gal eat too much....will enlarge their stomach...lead to eat a lot as times goes by...n my mil is those type that will give whatever my gal wants...my gal is very pamper under her care...
papayamama oki thks ah, waiting for u to upload in FB, cheap wor $15 only frm Giant :p
how is ur new job? coping well?

lizy, thks...haa the only japanese franchise i know is muji :p
Mangogal, hmm.. not all things that store sells from JP.. though its name Japan Home... I usually buy those ziplock bag for storage purposes, laundry net from that store etc. within walking distance as compared to Daiso.. Oh.. I like muji stuffs too, expensive though...

mummies, I want to cry, my breast hard as rock. I thot 2nd time bfing will be easier but wrong, so painful now. does anyone rem how long will such bad engorgement last? I hope it will not take more than 2 days. I m pumping now, can't even let emma latch cos breast too hard
