(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Scrumpee, I sms u Mdm Rokiah hp, cal her for help

Lizy, hehe oki thks
Will chk out the jap stuff

hugs ! Do u have cabbage leaves at home ? Can put in the fridge and use it like a mask on the breast will help to relieve the pain. Or can use warm water, to massage. Must take care. I rem last time I lasted for 2 days and suddenly become mastitis. So the doctor say the only way to relieve is keep on pumping.

Thanks ! I will jiayou ! ha.. on self image and everything.

My boy also has this prob so I just let him eat as he is underweight so my theory is every calorie counts. I understand what u mean too.My mil is opposite. She very kiasi. Everything also dare not let him eat. ha.. But I think if your gal is those active kind, need not worry since she would be constantly on the move and need more calories to burn off.
So long didn't come in to post le. Try using those small fruit juice bottle use 70% hot water plus tap water. Massage your breast in circular motion till u can feel that its soften than quickly pump the milk out. It do work but U have to bare with the heat. Do it on 1 side than follow by the other side. Try latching after a hr later to keep your milk flow smooth, if U start felling hard better pump before it turn hard. Help thats helps.
Scrumpee saw ur post suddenly have like the bf feeling come back ouch so painful cant think if I have to go through again lucky my factory close haha. JIa you Jia you u can do it de moo moo keep pumping anything just call mdm Rokiah I remember she is reali reali gd at helping release ducts or engorgement think it will not last long de as long u keep pumping or latching

mummybean I thought put cabbage will take away the milk correct me if I am wrong.
Anyway my girl also under weight lor that day went dr onli 8.5kg GP say she quite under weight but I think she eat well evrything is ok maybe too active burning fats reali fast hahaha.

Mangogal so when u due for ur no2 congras ya.

Btw any outting or gathering
Everyday mouth bitter. Drink little water. Eat 30% dinner everyday. Choking feeling till e throat. Prefer snacking but hubby scold me n tell me to eat healthy.

I used to haf v bad blk ducts n even mdm Rokiah help was of little use. Last x my confo got sauna. I went there 2 days n 1 hour each w towel to massage n squeeze out e milk. My breasts got abrasion aft e massage no choice. But it helps.

What you describe abt stomach enlargement really only applies if one takes a huge volume at one time - two hours after some food already passed onwards. All tots at this age are like that - curious about everything, and wanna imitate people in doing things. Guess she (and all others her age) are just experimenting. If I was in your position, I would see it as a good sign and use the opportunity to intro her to a wide variety of tastes so that she becomes open to all sorts of food
and I would do it while she is in this experimentation phase, cos if/when they transit to the complete opposite end (nearer the terrible 2's when everything also don't want) then you will wish they were back to being adventurous again ;p

Also like what Mummy Bean said, they are so active now they probably burn off all the energy from the food pretty fast anyway
Papayamama and caca
no la.. I'm kidding one! Maybe not in the next two years hehehe..

poor mummy .. Hang on there do more hot compress like what jasminebc suggested. Rem water btl cap must be tightly closed hor!!!

preg!? Congrats!!

cheese is ok.. Pickles maybe not so advisable like Kim chi.. But if is due to craving then juz go ahead n eat but juz rem practice moderation shd be fine..
Queenie, you are the youngest mummy in our thread, so still can wait 2 more yrs to hv ur no. 2

Ya gal, preg liao, never expect so fast ,keke God's timing :p
Then will be SAHM for 10 months

Caca, due ard xmas time but think will be 1 or 2 weeks early

Hiaz very worried and excited at same time as wonder how to cope with 2 kids at hm :p
Another challenge coming ahead...
oh is it ? pple teach me to use if painful engorgement.. opps .. think I got it wrong.. :p my boy is 9.3 kg the previous visit.. so PD ask me monitor his wt.. quite a stressful task to make them put on wt.. why is it so easy for us to put on ? ha

hugs.. I rem I vomit til 7 th month.. so maybe after first trim u will feel better.. if u feel like snacking jus go ahead better than not taking any food.. I think beef is rich iron so cheese burger is good
but maybe minus the pickles
Can't get to sleep as I just made a call to the police. So scary. 1st time doing it. My neighbour been battering his wife since I was pregnant with my boy. Always lasted til 3-4am in the morning. But it had stopped for quite a while. Just now it started again after so long and I heard the woman crying " 不要打我!" so decided to call the police to save her. My boy got scared by the cries and was hugging me for quite sometime before falling asleep.

I really wonder what is so wrong that he need to use violence to settle the matter ? Hopefully my call will do her some help.
Mummy bean
last x mu ms only I. 1st trim n I ate alot in e nxt few months. Hope it will be e same. But I 1 a boi! Haha

talking abt sahm, I've no saving n monthly I've fixed few hundred $ of commitments like insurance. So haf to take $ fr him lor. I hope to b Sahm forever. I fear of going bk to e society s my job base need alot of upgrading. By e x I go n work, I will be downgraded so much. Sigh. Hope hubby strike toto soon. Keke.
haha then u will have a boy !!! :p Cos i also first trim like u , no appetite , loves snacking. So everyone ard me guess its a boy. ya me also worrying about my future. I love to b SAHM but the future with no financial security scares me. And I would always think of touch wood stuffs which make me more insecure.Being a SAHM definitely needs to take money fr him one. Just that have to be zi dong with my shopping. Cannot go buy anything I like as in the past. I m also worrying next yr when I return to work will I b able to survive & how my boy copes in childcare ? sigh.. I also wish my hubby strikes toto ! :p
mummy bean,

well done on getting the police involved. people who abuse others deserve to get thrown in jail. poor woman. i hope they have no kids
Mangogal ...

I am sure that you can cope when your #2 comes along so dun have to think so much =) take everything in good stride.

Mummy Bean ...

Your neighbour is so poor thing ... hope this serves as a good warning to the man lar how can beat his wife until like that and some more wee hours in the morning.

Hope that everything is fine ....
hi mummies,

thanks for the advise!

haha i really prefer your previous nick, this took me a while to figure out who until i saw your gal's name :p wow, kirs is brave gal to follow the older gals in play. guess i'm overprotective in a way, i dun let my boy play with older kids in the playground, scared they too rough for him...

i'll try your method. come to think about it, he could hv learn from my hb too. coz hb starts smacking his hand lightly everytime he insisted on doing something like play with the electrical outlet so he could have tot it's ok to smack back when he's angry too...sigh, really have to be careful of our actions around our little ones...

re. sahm
love the time i'm spending as sahm now but must caution, will have some frustration at times facing an active, sticky and sometimes cranky little one all the time. haha and must watch out to still have some alone time with hb coz couple time and couple relationship is affected to a certain extend. and like all the other mummies mentioned, am sad abt the loss of financial freedom. still i'm so attached to my little one i wun trade this period of sahm for anything. it's truly priceless to watch him grow everyday

jia you dear! yes, pls call mdm rokiah for help, should be better after she do massage for you. rem to do some hot massage before you pump, help to aid the let down. jia you!!
Thanks for the encouragement on BF...so surreal for many of you right? haha. My breasts are slightly better today after pumping for 2 or 3 hourly since yesterday. Still lumpy and hard but at least can move. Yesterday was like rock. I also used hot towel to massage. Called Mdm rokiah for help, hopefully she can arrange a time for me tomorrow.

I really salute those of you who can bf for so long.

>> Queenie
ya..u are still young, can take your time but maybe just go ahead to try and you can close shop early while you are still young and energetic.

Tks for Mdm Rokiah's contact. I used her once, very good but lost her number. Are u in your 2nd trimester already? Take care
hee hee hee... no offence to anyone... but i dont wan kirs to be dependant on me and become sticky over everything... i dont want her to come running to me everytime someone bullies her... i wan her to learn some self defence... hee hee hee... if she falls she picks herself up... so can see she has a streak of independence... likes to walk by herself... doesnt like us to hold her hand... so i guess cnt have the best of both worlds...
Queenie Haha ya enjoy life first else have #2 le than even gt lesser time for urself like srumpee said u are still young lor haha still can afford to wait a while .

Mangogal congras congras oh so gt chance be christmas baby le gd hmmm.

Mummybean its ok ya when I have my #1 for some reson I din BF and I used that way to take away the engorgment and within the following relieve alot lor. Than my second I did Bf but due to very bad engorgment I also put cabbge than later like milk become very little dunno is it I put cabbage lor so kinda regret after putting but maybe its just me that doesnt have much milk ba haha.
Putting on weight my girl is onli 8.5kg nw but GP says need to see her growth chart lor than to decide if its normal for her weight cos she quite tall. Anyway my mil say its ok cos she is moving too much so no fats . For my #1 she is all the while sitting de very good girl and she is indeed very fat hahaha lucky now grow up le lose all the baby fats le. ME hmmm Its hard for my to put on weight also dunno y hiaz ( * No offence) I am onli like 43kg now at 163cm hope can put on some weigth too skinny le.
A.Fireangel and Seabreeze:
ya that man is too much. I think they don't have kids. If have kids , they would sure suffer together with the mum.

ya.. I also very conscious of my action now towards him although like u say, for SAHM, the long period of facing sticky , cranky toddler will make u lost your sanity sometimes. At times, I really lost it and hit him then I will quickly hug him again and telling him his mistakes. So tiring to be a role model to the litle ones.

oh ha.. I am not sure as my colleagues told me to standby cabbage at home when engorge will be useful..but din know it help to stop milk supply and I also don't have much milk supply especially after mastitis. All pus. My hair stands now at the thought of it.
Envy u lah ! I never smell 43 Kg in my entire adulthood before. Ha.. I am actually belong to the plump group so after childbirth become obese group...sigh..so always envy those mummies who are still so skinny after like two or three kids.
Haha than I must form long bean group hahaha I wish I can put on weight u all wish u lose weight if can pass me some ba will be great all balance wow

i agree with u on the independent bit
but if a kid is bullying another kid, whether or not it is mine, i would intervene if their parent/s don't. this is not abt overprotection, but about appropriate behaviour - kids who bully others need to be taken into hand asap. i don't think it's fair to make a todd rely on themselves if they are being hit/have hair pulled/pushed around by a bigger child. it wld be irresponsible for an adult to sit and watch without intervention. also your poor child wld be thinking 'what the hell this is too much man' - or something along those lines ;p I know I would.
Me, another more than 60kg mum. My slimmest when I ROM, about 53kg after married, went up to about 57kg. Then after birth of no.1, was at 61.8kg, now hohoho....haven't weigh myself yet and don't dare to.
Mummies I think 50plus 60 is absolutly normal right think I am the not normal wan I should consider myself malnutrition when I try to carry alot of things and walk mil wil say I look like maid lor hahaha

srumpee now of cos u just give birth after I give birth to my number 2 also quite bad I even tried to take herbal life if u know for slimming but not easy cos gt to skip 2 meals not snacks and stuff felt like dying lor now haiz too skinny . Maybe my natural of job help me lose weight ba hehe. Anyway if u are bfing it's easy to lose weight de jia you.
Hello Srumpee, how are you feeling today? Ya engogement made me cry in pain too. But with proper care and massage and pump diligently, it'll soon be over. So Gambateh k.
Oh remember to apply nipple cream after pumping. After intensive pumping, I usually had sore and painful nipple, nipple cream gave me a little relieve after every pumping session..

Weight, BF is the best and most effective method for me to lose weight. By the time I finished my maternity leave I managed to squeeze into my jeans ler. hehe...

Diet, if possible request for less oily confinement food? My mom and mil prepared confinement food for me then. They reduced the sesame oil when preparing my confinement food. Don't skip meal k since your body need to produce BM for your baby.
Feeling much better, breasts can move now haha. But my supply still miserable, pumping every 3hr but only yeild 10-20ml from both breasts. Disappointing but I am not going to stress myself with BF. I just don't want engorge painful breasts cos that affects my mood and the pain made me very difficult to look after my baby. Glad the pain is gone and less engorged now.

congratulations on your newborn.. about your BM supply.. don't worry too much about it as it grows along with your baby's needs..

the more u are stressed about it.. the less your supply will be.

rest well.. eat well and relax.. just pump diligently.. u will be fine.
areya - hee hee hee... i do draw a line when it comes to the degree of bullying... if it looks like they just want to play... then its fine... if its shoving then i wld step in... i will tell the other kid its not right to shove...

pulling hair... pinching... smacking... if the other parent is ard, i wld expect the parent to tell the child off.. i wld step in only if the other parent isnt ard and i find it a bit too much... so far the parents are around and they do tell their todds that its not right so still okie... but like i mentioned before... kirs prolly has this look that makes other kids wan to bully her or play with her... WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

anyway, with familiar mums.. i will hold back.. i dont want to lash out at their kids becos its not nice.. and so far they have told their kids off so its okie... i can be super direct and well... i dont wish to create rifts in frnships built... plus kirs still likes to play with them... lol!!! but i have told off some of my frns kids before (those that i knw are ok with my scolding) and also my hb's nephews... plus i tell them off in front of their parents when they bully kirs... so still okie bah...

about what u mentioned... "your poor child wld be thinking 'what the hell this is too much man' - or something along those lines " - sometimes i do think it kirs thinks along that line... lol... so poor thing i agree... but u knw... its hard to tell off some kids in front of some parents u know... so i usually say its okie and just sayang kirs or bring her somewhere else...

ps - im not directing this at anyone if any of u find it familiar... WAHAHAHAHAH!!!! but do feel free to PM/MSN/SMS me to let me knw if u are ok with me telling yr child off... LOL!!!!!!!!!! =P
papayamama (still not use to this name leh),
haha ... go ahead to scold moiiesha.. she can understand one.

YEAH !! It's friday liao finally ... time to charge up ..

Congrats .. make sure u rest more while u can...
YA finally Fri!!! Wahaha

Scrumpee, Congrats!! Take good care of urself ok!

Just share some good news with mummies here, hee hee I just tested positive! Currently I'm in the 5th week of pregnancy.
Wow Congras Blurjen yipee so happy for you. Another preggy in our thread.So u will be seeing Dr Ong again lor

Scrumpee just rest well ba I think for supply wise just let it be that time I also same like u 3hr onli 10-20ml so demoralizing after that I just latch baby as and when lor but I did give formula too for me its more of bonding stuff.Jia you
caca, ya gg to visit Dr Ong again but the clinic seems like moving on Oct dunno where the clinic will be.

Reverie,Lizy: tks! Ya it will be march bb again.

Give all TTC mommies my bb dust!!!
Hi mummies,
just dropping in to highlight that if you are planning to give ur babe the MMR jab and you happen to be pregnant, do highlight to your pd if you should still proceed with the jab. Mine has told me to put it off till after delivery but he tends to be rather cautious..

Just FYI. The baby dust has spread to me as well and its also a march bb like blurjen
Ann, High Five!! We are both gg to be Mar 2011 mummies!! Oh I dunno abt the MMR thing, luckily I bring Nic for the jab b4 i'm pregnant.

Thanks, Pinksorbet!
waaaaaaaaaaaaa congrats to blurjen & ann!!!!!!!! lol!!!!! looks like become fruit nt much use liao.... lolxxx time to revert! ...

i will miss u papaya....
wow our thread seems to be happening again so happy for u all. Ya dr ong moving le but I thought qin xia say dec but I dunno actually maybe u can check but according to them its still will be round this area maybe cck area according to her. Else u gt to go Mt E lor. So u gt 2 march babies my elder and younger both march babies to hehe update on EDD super excited for you.

Congras Ann
Congrats Blurjen & Ann!!

Blurjen ...

That day you still saying TTC but no news yet ... not bad ar seem like you did collect some bb dust from here heehee

Ann ...

Hey so its your #3 as well right?? Well done!! I was preg but the polyclinic nurse still give MMR jab to SH ler but she did tell me dun give chix pox jab only
seabreeze oh Chic job cant take too my girl have not taken the jab for both but my sil preggy wonder is it ok maybe need to ask the GP. Thanks

Wow Ann so its no3 Kudo to you. When ever I think of having another wan I wan to faint however when I see ppl preggy with boys kinda envy. Haiz think fated however still feel very blessed and glad to have my 2 girls however I think no perfect ba.
thanks for the congrats but hmm, its my #2 only, not so brave! .. think there is another ann around

Seabreeze, it was because i saw ur post abt not taking the chicken pox jab that i decided to ask about the MMR one just in case. Was already planning to bring my son tonight; have been postponing it due to travels. hopefully, he won't get MMR as a result (touch wood!)

Ann ...

Opps sorry ... yar there is another ann too ... both her kids are the same age gap as mine heehee

Did your PD say until when then can take MMR jab? Cos you are the 1st mummy who mentioned abt not able to take MMR due to pregnancy one ler ...

Caca ...

Yap their reason is that the child might develop mild chicken pox aft the vaccine so scared spread to the preg woman

BUT if your gal doesnt see your SIL ... then I guess its ok =)
