(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

ya heard from my boy's classmates mum that her eldest also speaks at 28 month & my nephew at 3. So I reckon my worries are unduly. Shall wait patiently for his 300 vocabs to be built up
My boy was induced baby as he was overdue and about 3.6 . I had epi & natural.. and my contractions lasted for 2 hrs & he was out. Perhaps because my pelvic area was big also la. ha..No worries k? All the best to u !! Have a smooth delivery !!

scrumpee - my frn had bb boy 4.3kg. epidural. natural but assisted with forceps. heh.

mummybean - once they start, its goin to be verbal diarrhea.. then u wana vomit blood becos they wont stop... hahaha! so becareful what u wish for... =P
papaya mama:
haha...he is already having baby language diarrhea...haha..he can blabber and shout non stop to make sure he is heard... *shakes head* I always tell hubby imagine all these blabberings turn into words... ha

Welcome Home !
Will most of you be sending your kiddos to full time childcare from 18mths onwards? Keen to do it to start letting my boy learn something instead of staying at home.

Going to recce Arts Kidz, The Little Skool and Eager Beaver tomorrow.
jus small clarification on starflower's post =p

for royce gym. u have to sign up as member to play. membership is $50/yr. free play is $12/hr. just so happens they r having promo for july. when u sign up, they wil give u a voucher which entitles yr child to 1 hr of free play. heh. if not usually have to pay $12. and... 1hr is not enough la... il post photos in FB later. cn go check it out. they have slides. dolls. cars. tents. trains. ball pit. swings. a lot of kitchen sets!!! also toys to play with... u dont knw where to start lor! lol. but must say its fun!
jtho - i early becos kirs wakes up means i have to wake up too
sigh sigh sigh... anyway back to work next week liao.. soBs
still prefer to cal u missy :p
Does 1st timer need to pay any entrance fee or bk a slot for the royce gym?
The way u describe the gym reminds me of toy story 3:
Regarding Sore Bum..

two days before.. Bree had a hard time pooing.. Her poo was so hard and it got stuck.. i had to use my fingers to pull it out for her..

Bree screams in pain and i saw a few drops of Blood.. think there is a tear caused by the hard poo.. she refused food and insisted on eating biscuits, slice cheese, bread and garlic toast throughout our trip to Philippines. Despite feeding her lots of water, this still happens.

i applied California Calendula cream on her after i bathe her.. the next day.. the redness was gone and the second application.. she was alright..

these few days.. she did eat her porridge..i think she knew that she can't eat biscuits anymore.. now her poo is back to normal.. thank god!!
Regarding Sore Bum..

two days before.. Bree had a hard time pooing.. Her poo was so hard and it got stuck.. i had to use my fingers to pull it out for her..

Bree screams in pain and i saw a few drops of Blood.. think there is a tear caused by the hard poo.. she refused food and insisted on eating biscuits, slice cheese, bread and garlic toast throughout our trip to Philippines. Despite feeding her lots of water, this still happens.

i applied California Baby Calendula cream on her after i bathe her.. the next day.. the redness was gone and the second application.. she was alright..

these few days.. she did eat her porridge..i think she knew that she can't eat biscuits anymore.. now her poo is back to normal.. thank god!!
popping in to say Hi to all and Congrats to those having babies again!
made me gian to try 3rd one, but i will be so horrific if it turn out to be another boy...lol
Thanks Lenny, did everything go well on yr trip?

scrumpee - kimberly is my hubby's cousin name. hehe...can call her kim for short next time....if i'm not wrong, its not related to your #1's name right?

so i see a few fruity nicknames popping up....haha, will be a fruit paradise here.

mummies, i jus got discharged from tmc on tues morning cos i had red bleeding, like menses. Now on long hospitalisation leave for about a month or so. Then morning sickness is kicking in, no appetite to eat and went to puke..feel so terrible =( jus wish this time will pass over quickly so i can be a glutton again.
Hi Lenny
I might haf to call up jg to cancel Alyssa class. Cos I m told by doc to rest. He even wanted to give me mc. If I haf cramp then I've to admit to hospital. Dun wanna risk.
Wonder anyone interested to take up Alyssa seat if withdrawal is allow cos waiting list is long.
me too. I vomitted and had fever ytrday. Feel terrible. Last night still haf to put bb to zzz n zzz beside her. As usual even when I m sick. She is too attached to me.
I too haf a little brown discharge on tue n went to see doc on wed. Doc 1 2 give me a jab but I told him is e duphaston he gave previously good enuf. I continue taking e pill but if cramp occur I've to admit to hospital too.
I m recovering fr fever wo med. Feeling breatheless, giddy, no appetite. Just half lying on e bed. Hope u we pass this phase soon.
Hi scrumpee,
can you post your review of Eager Beaver after your visit : ) Just to share, i had visited Art Kidz a few months back and liked their non air-con environment as well as the fact that their teachers looked friendly and professional. But i am not still not sure if they warrant the premium which they are charging - its abt $900+ for full day. thanks in advance
Hi Mummies,

My friend had a Brand New MacLaren 2009 Quest Sport Stroller to let go at SGD240 (COD). Anyone interested can PM me.

Thank you!
aiyo dear pink and reverie, u both better in good bedrest n avoid carrying ur kiddos for time being, i am dwn wif flu n my gal sch gt suspected HFMD so gt to ground her at hm today n take care of her alone, hubby gt nite duty till tomr morning so onee man show for me, so exhausted now n wish gt maid now! Really tough wif a belly getting bigger n take care tods alone at hm..

Thks Lenny!
Dear Mummies,

It's TGIF aagain!! Well, it's the 1st day of the month... Sad... it means no luck for bb

Will try again... hopefully I can get a boy this time.
Jennifer, u wan a boy har..but i tot u already have 2boys and 1 girl? sorry if im wrong..

if u wan a boy, don "do" it after ovulation oh..must do it before! haha..
take care n hold on tight. Get ur mum to help u awhile? Both my mums not helping do have to haf maid. I m thxful to haf 1 but so v tight on our finances. No choice.

my doc told me if want a boi do during ovulation. Meaning 28 days cycle then 13 days onward. Another way to increase e chance is to buy alkali solution n wash e part.
I read an article a few weeks ago on fertility at Today and there r some finding on getting ger n boi.
reverie thks, my mum working leh so me one man show lor

went to see my gynae cos of the flu bug n I am hving a boy, but wait for detail scan better :p
heehee, I like Caleb for boy's name
Reverie and Pinksorbet
Take care and have lots of rest. hope you pass this trimester soon and can eat and eat. I am entering my 39 weeks liao, tummy so heavy and back aching badly, pelvic also pain. I didn't had so much 'pain' when I had my no.1.

Yes, my no.2's english name not related to no.1 cos both hubby and I can't agree with the names chosen. But we both like Kimberly, so we pick it. But chinese name is related. My no. 1 is Jing Yu and no.2 is Jing Lei.

Childcare recce
Just went to recce 3 childcare today:
1. Art Kidz
Teacher/student ratio is good, 1:6. Place look airy and clean. Kids have chance to expose to Eng/Chinese/Jap language. They have 70 over students and about 34 are Chinese, the rest all Jap or other nationals. Price is expensive though, $900 for full day and no subsidy because they are not license under MCYS but MOE and the full day class ends at 3.30pm, will be tough for working parents..how to pick the kids up at 3.30pm?

2. My First Skool at Henderson Road
This is by NTUC, the less premium brand. (the premium brand is My Little Skool or The Little Skool, can't remember the name). Wow...many kiddos cramp together and the bathing/toilet area is just beside the area where they hold classes...I find it very cramp and not very hygenic. The kids were having lunch when we were there, the rice look so plain, like eating white rice with water. Teacher ratio is 1:8. Is cheap, only $315.25 after subsidy and is just one street away from my new place. But we don't like the environment.

3. Eager Beaver Schoolhouse at Bukit Merah Swimming Complex
The place is very spacious and each class has an individual room unlike My First Skool or Arts Kidz whereby the classes are separated by low drawers and cabinets. The bathrooms and toilets are also separated. Teacher ratio is 1:8. Curriculum wise, pretty similar to the rest, got nap time, lunch time, water play, etc. Price is affordable too, $400 after subsidy. Full day class ends at 7pm

After seeing 3, Hubby and I decided on Eager Beaver on the spot. So my boy is likely to enroll in Jan/Feb 2011 when he is 22/23 mths. Would like him to enroll earlier but too bad, is full now.

hope I answered u.

They only have 5 slots left when we recce today, so after reserving a place for my boy, left with 4. Go check out quickly if you are interested
Srumpee, thanks for the review on Eager Beaver
btw for Art Kidz they are not entitled to the subsidy but they told me they will offer a discount equivalent to the full day subsidy; maybe the promo is over...
They told me right now, they can only offer subsidy to 5 local kids and all the 5 slots are taken up. And if locals want to sign up despite not having the subsidy, they will give special discount of $150.

So for my boy, what I intend to do is to sign him up for Bibinogs or Julia Gabriels for 1 term for Sat classes when he finished his Gymboree lessons. After that, rest 2 mths, then go to Eager Beaver full day in Jan/Feb
Congrats to preggy mum.. So envy. How i wish i am one too. Really regetted telling my hb that fortune teller says we better have baby in dragon year. So our plan spoilt.

Btw, any of ur baby mumble words already?
I got hard time teaching her. She was trying very hard to follow wat i have taught her, but just difficult to say out.
Do mummy here having problem or am i too kiasu??
mango - congrats! yes caleb is nice! i thought of caleb too if i have a boy... but Kaleb... hee.. to "match" with jiejie Kirsten... lol... if not then Kyler... i lurve the name so much!! hee hee...

scrumpee - take care wor... i believe its becos kimberly is heavier compared to Eames... hehehe... so all the wgt bearing down on yr pelvis n back...

prosper - kirs stil speaks baby language... teach her also not sure she really doesnt knw or doesnt want to knw.. but certain words like ball... bo(no)... papa... mama... like that only... LOL!!! ive tried telling her soooo many things... from car to truck to doll to orange to apple to cow to cat to dog to cat to many many more... but nothing leh... but i knw who can repeat after.. though not very zhun but can roughly hear the sounds.. lolx... Keenan... starflower's boi... he can say corn... hong ro bo(carrot) and other words also!!! hee very smart n cute!
my boy started to say words more clearly at about 13m. he learns from flashcards that i show him everyday..then when i see the real item..like when we go to supermarket, there's banana, apple..i will tell him that it's the same like in the flashcards..then he gets the idea..and started to say the word..not perfect lah..but we understand what he means..
I talk to her many things too. She totally understand us and will response to our question. But just cant speak. I know she is trying but maybe not soon lah... When u see her response to u, we will be damn overjoyed. It was like we can communicate.

Wow keenan so clever can says words liao...


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Anyone interested in this?


The Polliwogs is celebrating our birthday with a big bang! On Party Day, there will be games and lots of family fun so come and celebrate with us!

“The More We Get Together” Contest

Visit the playground with as many kids as you can between 10am – 11am on Wed, 14 July and the group with the most number of kids will win a $300 cash prize! Simply register by emailing us through Facebook with a contact name, number, email address and estimated number of kids.
reverie, i think there's no definite answer...it depends on whether u n yr frd pantang anot...but i did visit my friend's when i was 8 weeks..

starflower: i think our thread will win agn if the response is like the past gatherings...hehe
I don't care one lor, especially if the person is a good friend of mine. I went to visit a few friends who gave birth during my pregnancy

Jo's mummy,

I have 2 gals, Jermaine and Jovia... haha.. no luck so far..

Where can I get those to wash? Also, where do I wash?


Jovia can't really speak too... and she doesn't like to read as well.. She prefers to 'eat' the books... *faintz...

Now got gathering is it? I wanna go too leh... Wanna meet all the mummies again...
