(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

IMM , my hubby say mostly those nice nice furniture but not kids one . Dunno he bluff me anot la.Haha
cos very far la, will arrange one day to go there.

Thanks babe!

hi mummies,

re: sleeping
my boy has been sleeping alone in his own room since birth (except for 1st mth with confinement lady).. also coz his cot can't fit into our bedroom.. so we use the baby monitor to listen out for his cries etc.. and leave a "nightlight" (the small ikea paper lamp) on for him throughout the night so the room is not totally dark...
St.. yes including fish and eggs too. my boy is just not fond of meat. I'm wondering how did 2 carnivore parents have a herbivore kid! he loves the stem of veggies and will stuff veg stalks into his mouth.

Teddy.. didn't know peas are high in protein! that is good news for me cos my boy eats them as snacks.

for protein, he takes a small container of yogurt everyday. sometimes we feed him tau kua. he is not fond of tau hu or tao huay or tao huay chwee. but i dun feed him much soy products cos long time back read that they are not encouraging for boys =P
Hi don,

How I wish my gals like veg like ur boy... *Sigh... my elder gal jus simply refuses to eat any veg at all... She would scream at the top of her lungs and say, "I don't want Veg!!!"

Mummies here, do u have any ideas how to make my gals eat more veg? Right now, I have to cut into very tiny pieces and cook it together with the porridge till she can't see any green stuff...
hi mummies,
a lovely msg to share w all the awesome mummies here


<font color="aa00aa">Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom...</font>
nthank u to all the mummies for sharing on the qty of solid food ur little ones r tking as well as on hoe to wean. sorry for my late acknowledgement but really want to say THANK YOU!
u mummies helped made my motherhood exp easier w ur sharings

thanks! n enjoy mothers' day tom.

unlike last yr when our bbs were so young, dis yr, our little ones can show theit loven appreciation for us liao. it sure rocks! to rec little kisses, smiles n hugs fm them, made everything seems so worth it n me so happy.

jts, was sick n down w fever n body aches. feeling rather poorly so was sobbing quietly, sitting on the kitchen flr (yeah i always need to cry to relieve, even after being a mummy :p). my little one camr by, saw me, stared for a while then flashing his sweetest smile, came up to me, gave me a hug n 2 warm kises on my cheeks. it gave me so much strength n made me feel so warmed n loved
hee best of all, he initiated it on his own, it;s juz so sweet

our little ones r really growing up! love him so...
haha Don.. you are funny :D I believe he's gonna be omnivorous in times to come..

Happie mummies' day to all the mummies here! Have a wonderful time! Cheers!
Hi Mummies!

I've been a silent reader for a while!! Been quite busy lately! Thanks to all whose still sharing good feeding tips! Am learning along the way....

<font color="ff0000">Happy Mother's Day to all the SuperMoms!! Stay Fabulous!!!</font>
Hey Jennifer.. As a child, I nvr liked veggies ... My parents wld still like 'force' us to eat.. Wad I wld do is 'hum ji' in my mouth then go behind n spit it out... Lol!!!! But as I got older, just started to eat on my own lor... So now I do eat but not all lor... Hee
hi all mummies, Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!!!

Little project for all of you on this special day...

1) list down all the verbal communication that baby gives you, includes words, sounds
2) list down all non-verbal communication that baby makes, physical gestures etc
3) list down any special songs or things that baby does

After that, you can add to baby journal, write it as a letter for baby to read when they are 21, or post it here and share with the rest of us!

My friend did it on FB and I was inspired to do my own lists. Had a lot of fun doing it.
Happy Mother's Day to all too! Sung, i can totally understand you. I was so tired yesterday from the night feeds and housechores and decided to just lie down flat on the cold floor for a breather. Kee walked up &amp; i asked "Kee, sayang mummy" and he bent down, big smile, looked at me and hugged me, repeatedly standing/squatting to hug me 4 times over...my heart melted and i sprung back on my feet again.

To me, that was his little silent gesture for my Mother's Day pressie and it's all enough for me *glow*
hey mummies,
has anyone been losing alot of hair recently? My hair loss had stopped when my son was abt 10 months old but i seem to be dropping alot again recently - not sure is it a normal thing post partum or i should go check it out? abit worried

pls share... thanks in advance
sung/starflower: i also totally understand..whenever i m really angry with elixir, he will also manja n hug me to kiss me...plus every bedtime, when i say goodnight to him, he will also move his face twds me no matter how sleepy he is for me to kiss him goodnight n vice versa...this small gesture is so heartwarming to me...now he has developed a goodnight kiss before bed habit...
Hi all moms..

had a good flash back over the short period of motherhood..

never really thought that i have the strength to pull through so much so far..

conceiving was my greatest fear after the gore of the whole labour process i watched on tv at science centre when i was in Primary Six.. when i had bree.. i fear what i have to go through for her to be delivered.

In my last trimester, i was diagnosed of Pre-eclampsia and was advised to c-sect immediately after running a few tests.. Gynae told me that my life will be in danger if contraction starts and Bree has to be delivered asap.

I had a big arguement with hubby during that two days while waiting for c-sect. if there are any complications, i made hubby promise to choose Bree's life over mine.

after my grandpa passed on, i had to fly home without my parents and bro. at that time, hubby is still out-stationed and i was alone with her at home. one night after we reached home, Bree had started vomiting after her feed..and had a slight temperature.. despite giving her paracetamol,her fever went up till 39.2 Deg cel at 4.00am in the morning. she was vomiting the second time at 4.30am.. she was covered with vomit, and of course.. me, my bedroom floor, my comforter..

i remembered.. i had to clean her up, clean myself, feed her paracetamol to bring down her temperature. had to go down on my knees to clean up the bedroom floor while carrying her, with her wailing at the top of her voice. and the other hand with a cloth to clean up the mess

Rushed to the storeroom with her.. put her on the floor while i climbed up a chair to get my luggage.. carried her and dragged the luggage to the living room.. and start going in and out of our rooms to get our stuff for a few days stay while carrying her and just dumped it in the luggage.. called a cab and ran into a stupid driver who refused to come into my car park and i had to drag my luggage and carrying Bree on my Ergo going round my block's multi-storey carpark searching for that B****y cabbie for 30 mins. phone low batt and no reception in car park.. couldn't call the cabbie with connection on and off. He pissed me off further by brushing me off for being so uptight and saying that it common for bb to have fever.. yeah right.. but not till above 39deg. so it really fuels me to scold him all the way till i reach my destination.

when i got to TMC, i insisted on warding Bree and myself cos i was not confident of handling her alone at home if anything happens to her.

back then, all my family members and relatives are back in JKT preparing for my Grandpa's wake.. i told my mom what happened on Mother's day..

She told me.. a Mom has strengths and courage to do things that she never thought she can do just for her baby..

That is really true.. Looking back.. I didn't know how i did it..

To all the Moms out there.. Never underestimate what we can do cos We are all GREAT moms!!
Hi beautiful momz,

A belated msg for all...Happy MaMa day EVERYday!

Tx sung for ur beautiful rendition of Mhood...it's a miracle tat we momz possess strengths tat even we r not aware of...truly this is our maternal instinct and like wat Lenny shared in her account, itz unbelievable...

Looking back, as i needed to be back to work when abel was in his 6th mth, I missed out his several 1st...but e attachment always remains strong.
E little sacrifices we make along e way, e little nuzzles and hugs he gives n e gradual attachment to u is simply priceless...Now I know why Mhood is addictive to some as itz really a joy seeing ur child brought up to b a fine young man or lady...

This is onli our 1st step...May we have more good years to come n truly, they are God's blessings!

Last but not least, share some of abel's unqiue characteristics:
a. butts ard but also learning how to cruise
b. throws and destroys every toy that his hands
prey on
c. into clocks and wheels and balls
d. LOVES...air con
e. wants to 'run away' when dad comes near...?
f. likes to be ah-yang by Grandmas and Grandpa
g. gets hyper excited when he sees a CUTE jie jie
within his radar
h. bobs ard when he enjoys music from nursery
rhymes (online)
i. looking @ ABC on e Bumper Playmat, trying to
recognize them
j. a loud talker...sometimes, he competes w his
dad n c who talks louder...

N so many others...he is jus so weirdly cute!
hello mummies, very sad now. my girls having high fever now. eldest girl had fever reaching 41 degrees yesterday. had to bring her to KKH to see doc. it is a nightmare when all 3 are having fever and so cranky. This has been a unforgettable Mother's day for me. Hope they recover soon.
Take care ah. 3 of em fall sick at e same time, hope they recover SOON.

so touched when u said "if there are any complications, i made hubby promise to choose Bree's life over mine."I dunno if it's me at tat Moment, ll I say e same thing?

Mummies who bought GINO Food Cutter ..how isit? GOOD?? I tot of buying it.
can share me any good toys for boys at this age?
do u give toys based on the age written on the box or we can actually give them earlier? I have this board with a pen attached..recently my boy can hold a pen n draw on paper (of course meaningless shape) i was thinking to give him the board but it is meant for 18m above..
Northvirgo I understand ur feeling. My son had high fever whole of Saturday n had to bring him to A&amp;E on Saturday night. I was half prepared to have to spend mother's day in the hospital but thankfully didn't need to ward him. Doc took swab to test for H1N1 but was negative. So scary. Wish ur girls speedy recovery.
northvirgo, hope ur girls get well soon. understand the feeling. We as mother now will understand how our mothers bring us up
i seldom log in but whenever i do, i am always amazed by your strength and resilience in dealing with Bree by yourself, without your husband to help most of the time, struggling with her ezema, her feeding issues, sick grandparents, etc.

You're one fantastic mummy!

oh yes, Northvirgo as well - i have no idea how you deal with 3 toddlers at the same time! wow!
Hasn't been logging in to the thread as my boy had fever for 3 days last week, now having cough.

Never really celebrated mother's day, just ate durian cake with my mum &amp; grandma. 3 generations of mums celebrating mother's day was quite nice though.

Like Ann, I'm also always encouraged when I see that you are dealing with so much alone, without your hb around. I can't seem to get through even with my hb &amp; in-laws around. Kudos to you!

Today's my actual birthday &amp; kinda had some reflections. Looking back, though it seems like motherhood is no easy task but I've never regretted being one. It just made my life fuller.
I am one sad person. I totally forgot it was Mothers Day. I blame the fact that each country seems to have its own Mothers Day, so have long lost track on when it is.... Anyway HAPPY BELATED MUMMYS DAY TO ALL. :D


Poor u and your 3 girlies. HOpe they get well ASAP!


Yeah it's true that in dire circumstances somehow u just get the tenacity to get on with it. Hats off to you for beinbg one tough mom!


I think if there is a chance that he will lick the board and the marker ink along with it, better wait.

i have to agree with ann, jasmin and fireangel that i draw strength from your posts on dealing with a baby all by yourself without help from parents or ILs when hubby is not around!
pigpig, ann, Jasmin, fireangel and chocolate,

many thanks for the pat on my back. my mom did not know what happened till mother's day.. i did not want to tell her cos her dad (my maternal grandpa just passed on) and she had enough to deal with being the second eldest among her siblings.

I just think that all moms are great cos our maternal instinct will kick in and take charge when we are caught in such situation..
i always tink tat u r a fanastic mummy who take care of bree alone...
for me, i'm not sure whether i can handle bryan alone, esp when outside... tink i'm too dependent on hb or my mum ba... kekeke
hope i can be like u ... ^_^

know of any IFC in AMK which is gd??

As i read your post, i position myself in your shoes and wonder if i could ever do the same thing...i can say without a doubt i won't be able to do so. You are one of the greatest mummy i've seen. I don't know how i would have ranked countless notches below u.

Oh btw, i'm sorrie, i would have to give the Pediasure milk u offered a miss, since your place is quite far from mine. I'm staying in between Tanjong Pagar and Outram Park.

To all mummies, I know i'm late but i jus wanna wish all u great mummies here a HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY =) Lets all enjoy this period when our LOs will still wan to cuddle and hug us, cos when they grow older we will definitely miss such times. Though for my case, my son doesn't want to hug me, i have to make the move. Its pretty sad. I think i'm somehow beginning to lose the close touch with him. He prefers my mil more since she's the primary caregiver =(
Hi all, Happy Belated Mothers Day to all of you

Kuddos to super mummies here that give unconditional love to our LOs.

Lenny, u are one super mum with amazing strength!

Northviro &amp; Chocolate15, hope all your toddlers hv fully recover!!
