(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

considering... but plan not fix yet...
coz my mum seems not very keen to bbsit for me...
but i'm not bear to send him to IFC so young, tot of waiting he can walk n express himself so easier...

heard of Learning Vision?? gd??

sun: learning vision is okay. but heard the quality varies from centre to centre so u might want to check that out.

Mummies, anyone has done any research on MMI? can share okay! thanks!
or maybe u can get a maid to help ur maid then bryan can dun need to go IF so young...

i also not keen to let my boi go so young..
i tot of getting a maid for my mum but she dun like the idea...
if really no choice then i'll be SAHM to take care of him lor... see how it goes...

ncs branch nearest to my place... any feedback fr tat branch?

already fed my boi strawberry when he not yet 1 yr old... i juz let him lick n he loves it!!!
tink he likes sweet/sour stuff... lolx

i had intro strawberry to bb M few mths back and no prob.. She loves the sourish fruits earlier but now she dun like the strawberry anymore. Apple, banana, grapes & kiwi are her favorite ..

bb M had been taking very little porridge recently due to teething. Luckily she still love to eat her biscuit & fruit though she is not eating as much as before. This time, she has 3 teeth come out together last few days and her nanny told me another few might be coming out soon ... her saliva is like pouring all the time. she is very cute, as i will ask her to wipe her saliva herself. Now she has 11 teeth liao
icic..good leh be SAHM shiok

hmm my boy does not like sourish stuffs..last time give him abit sourish food he will vomit he will eat but after that he will vomit out think his tummy not used to sourish stuff.
Sun, if u want No. 2, then better plan well and discuss with your husband and ur mum so that when you preg wif no. 2 easier for ur family.
Cos think of 1st tri wif the tiredness and ms, it will be a challenge for the 1st 13 weeks lor
teddybb - i fed my boy strawberry but mixed with either apple or cereal....cos scared give strawberry alone may be too sour for him. He got take la...

Mummies, are ur kiddos taken well to solid foods? mine sometimes still choke and regurgitate out the food that makes me so scared. so next round i stuck to less textured foods again. Sigh. wonder when can i give him coarser foods like rice.
i think he may still not be ready to take baby jars meant for his age, as sometimes he will still choke on it since it is more textured for him to handle.

I don't know how also...and he hasn't learn how to self feed yet! be it through eating food or drinking. He's pretty lazy abt it...wonder if your LOs are this way too?
when u mix the strawberry with cereal..do u cut into small pieces or u make into puree?

yes..you are one wonderful mom..
I myself think I depend on hubby too much..I have no relatives, parents to help me here nor maid..but my hubby has been a great help..can't survive without him

mummies who decided to go back to work,
can u share with me when u go back to work..is ur bb able to adapt to their new care taker (maid or in laws?)..
and if u put him in infant care..how about his routine? his eating and sleeping schedule.
I have thought alot to go back to work but my main concern is my boy's schedule. I follow tracy hogg's book and set a routine for him.. I just dont want the routine interrupted or being in infant care will change his sleep hour or he will nap less (that's even worse!).
Also it makes me sad to think about being separated from him. I have taken care of him for 13.5 months and have sacrificed alot of things..if going back to work will make him less attached to me, that I will no longer be his world..it sounds like it's not worth it

what do u think?
tat's last resort... but i still hope can be in the work force if given a choice...

ya lor... headache for me as i intend to ttc soon for #2...

not to worry, my boi oso dun know self feed yet... ask him to hold his milk bottle, he'll take out n throw to aside, milk all over the place...
to prevent all this mess, i still hold for him lor... even drinking water, he'll oso do tat... buay ta han...
Hi Lenny

As mentioned earlier, you are a v strong mum i know so far beside my mum. That's y i always ask how u cope. Keept it up!

hope everything is fine.
Maybe your mum need a short break only? Maybe sometimes you take a day off on Fri or Mon so that your mum can have a long weekend to rest and relax?

If my mum is not taking care of my tot, i'm sure she will be very bored. HaHa...
Sunshine, if u want to be on workforce, then better start looking childcare centre now for Bryan liao...anyway when ur no. 2 is born, Bryan already pass 18 months old and shld go to childcare learning
sunshine, pink sorbet, mangogal, miss83, riverie island..

Thanks.. i don't know if i can go through this again myself.

I have been wondering if i should go ahead to have a second baby.. If that happens, i will ask my mom to come over and stay.

after hubby goes off this tuesday, my mom is coming over to stay and help me with bree..

I have to do a transition.. meaning get her to be used to another person apart from me.. i think she is ready for another care giver.. this is on standby .. in case i fall sick etc.. she can still be taken care of.

initial stage.. she refuses all except me.. now i think she is ready.. i think life will be easier for me now.

I think u need a helper when you have no 2. You may still cope when u haf no 2 but ur children will not have the best education / attention given.
miss83, just to share something with you..

my son has been at infantcare since he was about 2.5 months as i had to go back to work early. initially it was real tough and people asked me how i could bear to leave him there at such a young age.

i went through a period of guilt but gradually felt more at ease as i got to know the teachers better and realised that they really do care about the babies and kids they take care of.

it will help if you slowly recee those centres that you have shortlisted and see how you feel about the cleanliness, environment etc before deciding whether to put your boy there..

don't worry too much about your boy not being able to relate to you.. i'm a FTWM and bring my boy back each evening and take care of him (betw my hubby and i as we have no maid) and he's really close to us...

you have already spent more than a year bonding with your son so i really don't think he will not be able to identify with you or become less close to you
Teddybb, i'v given strawberry to kee since 11 mths, with cereal for bfast and he's ok w it too no allergies.
Lenny, I held my breathe when I read ur story, u're 1 great mummy, Bree is a lucky baby.
Speaking of funny weird things our babies do, I'd like to add to the list too ;
1) he's into hiding things, he hides little toys under the bed and under cabinets
2) he likes to stamp his fast on the playmate, grins as if to show he can switch on his 2 feet
3) he likes to use his spoon n bang on cups n tupperwares, it's real funny when he carries all these ard in his kfc bucket
4) he holds my hand and brings me to the door when he wants to go out
5) he brings his shoes to me, yes both sides, when I say go 'kai kai'
6) he shouts 'RT' when he sees the mrt go by
7) he laughs real loud when he touches our pet rabbit
8) he sways to the music on tv, yup those baby songs and tv ads
hehee, he is a funny boy...
thanks for sharing..
but I always think if i leave to work since he was 3m old, maybe it's easier..now he is in the separation anxiety phase...very clingy to me..even if im in the house, going to kitchen, taking shower, changing clothes also very difficult..
miss83 - i usually blend it to a puree, depends....i suggest u can chop if ur bb can chew...for my boy, i think he is still quite lazy to chew...

sun - ya my boy doesn't want to hold the spoon when we asked him to...actually i myself also not quite prepared for the mess he's gg to make too... =P so i will feed him instead. I wonder when should i realli start to train him?

lenny - good to hear that, i realli think having a helper is a good thing. i think u deserve a break too...
Most babies born in March 2009 can walk... However, Jovia is still crawling... We need to hold her hands to walk...else she will NOT... *Faintz...

Any idea how I can make her walk???
Jenn - don't worry... Give her til 18mths to walk... I believe not all the babies can walk already.. Every baby is different
mine also can't, don worry. I think my boy lazy /no confident..he can walk on his own just hold on to my 1 finger. But when i'm short distant away and ask him to walk to me on his own, he either sit down or try hold on something to walk to me. Pd says give him till 15mth old, but i do know of kids who only walk at 18mths
hello fellow march mommies, too late to wish you all happy mothers' day. paiseh

finally took sick leave today as I couldn't tahan another day of working despite the blocked nose, dry coughs and splitting headache. Unfortunately gracie got the bug from me as well so there are right now one and half sick persons at home. She is really cranky so I feel bad to send her to my mom's place, especially when my mom is already old and she still has 3 more grandchildren to take care of.


it was heartbreaking for me in the first week. I was a SAHM with no help throughout her first year so Gracie was very sticky to me. About 3 weeks before I started work I began sending gracie over to my mom's place for half a day. My dad would send her back to me after lunch. She took it pretty well. After I started work we left her there the whole day of course until about 7plus or 8pm before we could fetch her home.

The first week was a nightmare and utterly heartbreaking. I recalled weeping while still in the car on the way home almost everynight initially. Reason being there was a sudden, virtually overnight change in her demeanour towards me. It was as if she felt abandoned and reacted by totally ignoring me instead. She behaved as if I was not there. It was a radical change from just the days before, when she would clap her hands in glee, scream in excitement and crawl estatically in my direction at the sight of me coming to pick her up in mid day.

My husband felt it too. That really hurt. But you know what ... it only lasted for a week. She got used to seeing us only at the end of the day, and we put in extra effort to create a huge fanfare of picking her up each day. Really huge. You would have thought that we haven't seen our baby in a year if you witnessed the drama. Hehehe

She gradually warmed up to us and within weeks she was totally cool with the idea.

oh ... just heard her crying again. back later
false alarm.

speaking of which, allow me to give a report of our first trial at Little Neuro Tree last Sat at the Bukit Timah Plaza branch.

It was a japanese class that day so it was extra surreal. There was only Gracie and another newcomer initially (max is 6) as the regular 2 were late. The centre manager reminded me before the class started that since this was the first time gracie attend a class I should not be alarmed if gracie couldn't take well to the session. Aiyo, turned out that our little miss gracie is truly an extrovert just like her mom; she was happily dancing to the Japanese songs, crawling onto the table to grab stuff from the teacher, and kept turning to the other babies as if to say hello.

Well I signed up for 3x trial classes for a total of Sgd180. If I decide to join for a term proper then I'll just pay the balance - total sgd600 for 12 weekend sessions (once a week, an hr session).

LNT is a franchise network unlike shichida, so they have alot more branches. But that also means there might be some degree of differences between the centres. Anyway, the Bukit timah branch is newly opened so it looks spanking new and clean. The teachers seemed enthusiastic, professional and fun. I'm happy with what I see so far. As for whether it helps Gracie with her brain development. Guess only time can tell. :p
Thanks for the reassurance... was rather worried coz my elder gal started learning to walk at 12 mth and walking at 15 mth... Jovia is still crawling at 13-14 mth...
hi miss83,
Are you are refering to those magnetic drawing board? I bought it long ago but recently then she know how to use the pen to "draw" after I let her play drawing with crayons on drawing paper.

RE: Toys

I like to buy toys written older than my tot age so that they sort of last longer. Hee... I'll let her try the new toys first and if not ready/suitable yet, will keep aside and try again when she is older.

I think my tot favourite is ball. When she's still a baby, she loves to play with small balls, nowaday she like to play with a big bouncing ball. She also like her ELC activity table toy which comes with many balls.

I like Lego but DD only like to play with the flowers in her box of Duplo.

Few weeks ago, I bought more new IKEA wooden toys, so far she enjoy her bead roller coaster most.

DD still dunno how to uses her little legs to propel her Playskool ride-on toy which has helped her to learn walking before.
i agree with you that its definitely easier the younger you start ironically coz they grow up with that kind of pattern at childcare.. the older they are the more aware they are of their surroundings and separation anxiety sets in too..

whatever age you start it will be difficult as first.. jus like in alfafa's case when she first started leaving gracie at her mum's place.. believe me, the separation anxiety works both ways.. for the child and for the mum!

when do you intend to return to the workforce?
any mummies here have the enfagrow $5 voucher or sachets and don't want them? please PM me if you do.. would like to do some form of exchange.. thanks!
hi mummies! one more day to friday!

there seem to be bugs going around - flu bug, cough bug, stomach flu bug, etc. quite a few friends and mummies here have sick toddlers. do take care, wash hands often (advice from GP downstairs) and take lots of fluids.

wanna ask if any one bought crocs for their toddlers to wear? is it good? my boy's feet are broad. we are looking for roomy shoes for his little feet. so far he wore oshkosh and addias. unfortuately addias does not have shoes his size now so we are looking for alternatives.
hi don,
my brother bought crocs for my tot. 1 day, I notice she got peeling skin below her big toes. It could be rubbing issue due to prolong wearing as she was excited with new shoes and wear it in the house. She love to wear shoes because wear shoes means can go "gai gai"! But have to take note of any allergic reaction if you notice got skin problem after wearing rubber shoes.
Dear mummies

I bought too many sessions of abdomen candle wax massage at Gimen and wanted to let go some sessions. Good for those who just gave birth and wanted to remove wind in the womb. Please email me at [email protected] as i seldom go to smh.

Usual price is S$80 / session.
10 sessions = $400
20 sessions = $700
30 sessions = $1000
really thanks for sharing...
my parents and in laws live overseas..so I ahve no relative to take care of him..it'd be easier if I can have a trial by sending him to a familiar face beside mommy and daddy..but unfortunately, we are his only fave people.
If i have to work..my choice is either hire a maid n let her take care of my boy..or send him to childcare..and both are so difficult for me..I still cant decide whether to take the job but I really need to give them my answer soon *sigh*

anyway mummies
ur bb all sleep thru already? my boy still want 1 feeding around 3-4am..and often cry after 1 hour i put him to sleep..dunno why...he's not overtired also..

is the strawberry puree suitable to be frozen?
Usually I mix plum puree with oatmeal..u can try that if your kid likes sour taste

My bb is still not sleeping through the night. she is not taking her solids very well so she does gets hungry at night, cry and wake up for feed.
hello mummies ....

have disappeared for the longest time heehee

finally back to work which means that I am feeling better now ... BUT occasionally will still puke if i eat the wrong stuff like coconut milk and am avoiding diary stuff like MAD.

energy level is still low compared to normal times but well ... guess this might be a signal that my body is giving me to slow down heehee

just to update ...

SH is taking bb steps and gaining more confi in walking ... started with using food to entice him and now he enjoys the 'challenge' but the Gor Gor is forever on the mission to 'block' him *faint*


For mummies who are considering for #2 or #3 ... my advise is dun think so much and bb are very adaptable to new ppl and new environment. Yes they will cry and show their displeasure by 'punishing' us - act cool when they see us etc. but eventually they will get used to it and they will still be very attached to us - parents.

I rem when I went for a 18-days trip with my hubby when my #1 was 2yr++ ... he was so 'angry' with us that when we returned ... he totally ignored us and we had to give him lots of presents (luckily we really bought him lots of clothes) and hugs and kisses before he 'forgive' us and warmed up again hahahahaha

Like I always say to mummies when we meet ... dun think too much ... once the logistic are sorted out everything will fall in place for you. Kids are a blessing =)
you are a super mom!! don't think i can handle so well on my own. salute to you!

And wishing all wonder moms a Happy Belated Mothers' Day

glad to hear your gals are getting better, you take good care too. must be tiring to take care of 3 tots.

i'm in similar situation too. my mom doesn't seem very keen to continue taking care of my gal. So i may have to start looking out for childcare centre soon. U are staying in AMK area right? Me too. I was considering Cherie Hearts at Charlton Lane (serangoon chomp chomp area) or Cambridge (at mei hwan estate). But i haven't been to childcare centres to check it out yet. I am also checking if there are childcare centres near my office at shenton way but the fees are much higher. Anyone knows if shichida has childcare facilities?

the initial stage of leaving your child with a care taker or at a childcare centre will be tough because of separation anxiety. But it'll get better each day. Initially when i started work and fetch my gal to my mom's place everyday I felt very sad and miss her terribly but i told myself that she's in good hands and i will see her at the end of the day when i fetch her home after work.

re: self-feed
so far we will let her feed herself for her macdonald hotcake meal every sun morning heehee. We will "poke" her hotcake with fork and pass it to her, she'll feed herself and pass the fork back to us. As for milk, she's too lazy to hold the bottle herself. As for water, depends on her mood. But if she holds her water bottle, there's a tendency she'll play with it rather than drink.
Yuki ...

You looking at Cherie Hearts ... the outlet at Charlton Branch is very very crowded and I am pulling my #1 out from the outlet at Brighton Crescent =p

If you need more information you can PM me. I am changing him to this childcare called Agape @ Little Uni ... they are opening a new outlet opposite Serangoon Stadium.
hi don, it happened once when the shoe is still new. She don't have peeling skin problem now, maybe shoe season liao... Hope i didn't mislead u on crocs.
Hi Mummies,

I could get Karihome's Goat Milk step 3 at Bulk Purchase price of $38.50 a can (min 5 cans) if any mummy is keen.

Collection pt Tampines
