(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

here here... missycandy
hope to get some great advise from fellow mummies...

i need a help to untied this 'knot' - to quit, to change job, to stay or methods to resolve my "knots" =D

i'm not good with writing stories so in point form hor...

1) my boy been getting so sticky to me that it has become very hard to work at night. my night work is important as it is when all the important meetings are. this year i have a lot more work at night too.

previously i had hubby and parents to help me with my boy at night. since hubby changed job, he could no longer help as often. my boy been wearing my parents down and they can't help after 11pm.

2) PD advised me to get my boy on a more "normal" schedule to resolve his non-eating and waking every 2hrs to nurse issues. it's been 2 months of trying. some success on eating - he is a picky eater and will eat if i feed him; less so with other people. no success on his sleep/wake hours as he is awake as long as i am awake. efforts to get him to sleep early have come to a nought.

PD and I agreed that if my hours don't change, it is unlikely my boy's schedule will change.

3) every tuesday MIL does not take care of my boy because she has line dancing. So I become SAHM on tuesdays and rush out work at night. It used to be manageable when my boy was a baby. Now it is very hard as he is awake for longer periods and i got more work. the longer i work at night, the longer he stays awake too which goes back to problem 1.

4) previously my boy is ok when i drop him off at my MIL in the day but recently he started to brawl his eyes out which breaks my heart. the only time he did not brawl was when his cousins were there to play with him.

5) i feel that MIL is ignoring my preference on how to care for my boy. for example, he takes 160ml of milk every 3hrs and i've been trying to stretch it to more milk, less feeds as per advice from PD. however my MIL insists on feeding 80ml every 2hrly. reason she gave is my boy does not finish his milk and her friend who works in a gynae office told her she is doing the right thing so she insist on continuing. (how does a person working in a gynae office has more knowledge on babies over a PD is beyond me).

another example is food. i prefer to go on the less salt, less sugar, little snacks. but my MIL will stuff him with raisins, wan zai xiao man tou, gerber puffs and even peel fresh mango juice. found out about all these when MIL had freudian slip. that solved the mystery of why my boy is refusing his steamed peas, corn, carrot which he loved previously.

6) hubby has tried to convey my preferences to MIL but she is not listening. now when I complain to hubby, he's replies are "ignore/disregard her" or "oh I was not there so I do not know if that is what she meant" or "i'm with you on this issue and will try to talk to her. but it is hard to bring it up since i did not see/hear what you said" or "ok, i will do something if not you tekan me again". it is hard not to resent hubby when i feel he is giving me lip service when it comes to his mom. i do not want our marriage to be affected by the negative feelings but I just can't help feeling exasperated.

7) i do not have hubby's support in quitting as he just moved into a new job.

8) we do not have space for a maid. regular infant care centers are not useful for my kind of working hours.

i do like my job, the working hours and the financial independence it gives. i love my baby too and want to give him the best i can. but trying to juggle work and baby is driving me up the wall. it is beginning to look like i have to give up one if i want to have my sanity.

So should I quit, change to a 9-5 job, to stay in my current job or advice how to resolve my "knots"?
Hey hey I'm better after the removal of the protusion... But sad thing is not allowed to carry Kirs for 2-3mths;( plus she was sick last night... Fever 39degrees.... Today it's dwn to 37.. Hb brought to doc yesterday... I feel so helpless n upset that I'm not there for her kept on crying ... But lucky she is ok now I told hb if hit 40 to bring her to kk.. Sigh... Hopefully by thurscan go home so cn see her.. ;) miss her a lot but hb n parents did bring her to visit me almost evryday...

Don - ohdear... Very big decision to make... It's very hard when to comes to mil ... Hb wanted to bring kirs to let his mum look after I stood firm.. I don't like how she handles kirs in everyway... She may have brought up my hb but I see how she handles the 2 grandsons I can't take it... At least for my mum I tell her wad to do n she follows... Heh

Wrk wise - follow yr heart but also discuss with hb... I was actually wrking shift wrk n 24hrs 2-3times a wk before kirs n after kirs.. But I chose to do office hrs... I actually prefer job scope of that job but my priority is Kirs... I wanted to b sahm on n off I do still want it but it's not feasible financially... So have to settle for this...

End of the day, choose what u feel is best for u, Lucas n hb... It's impt hb had to agree as well if not it will create unecessary arguements n chaos ;)

Good luck babe!
(1) hire a maid and if you do not have enough room, then consider letting maid share the bedroom with your baby, or have her sleep in the living room. It's not ideal but I have heard of friends who do that. They try to cordon off an area as much as space allows

(1a) instead of a maid hire a live in nanny from Malaysia. One of the forummers did that and it cost about 1.5k a month.

(2) leave baby with a nanny. There are nannies who take care of babies in their house day and night in the weekdays. You could choose to leave baby there until the weekend (be weekend parent) or choose to be the care giver in the day time. But this means that your husband will only get to see your boy in the weekend.

All the above options will remove the MIL issue and still allow you to keep your job.

Changing your job will not resolve the MIL issue. Unless you are changing your job, plus putting baby into infant care.

It's tricky, this. I don't envy you.

Take care!
hi don, don't give up! U just need helper. Discuss with yr hubby to help his wife and his son. Try to find out the root cause and work on it. Is it yr boy want to nurse to sleep or he didn't get enough during the day? I don't think feeding 80ml every 2hr is normal practise for toddler; I thought only newborn need to nurse every 2-3hr?

Jia You!
great to hear that u r getting better ... i can understand how much u miss kirs especially when she is sick. but at least u still can see kirs everyday .. but now she is sick, i think better for her to stay at home.
Hmm..The thread getting very quiet nowadays.

Anyway Mummies, I am now back permanently in hot and sunny Singapore. (sweating) Will be a SAHM to look after my son. Sometimes, when the going gets tough, I just wished that I am working to 'escape' from home.

Am trying to find some playgroups for my son. Yesterday, we went to Bibinogs for a trial, tmrw will be going to GUG for another trial. Wanted to try Shinchida but they don't offer any trial. LNT must go for 3 trials lessons but the timing not suitable for son's nap. Main franchisee of LNT in legal action, so that kind of put me off even though the franchise in Jurong East said it doesn't affect them.

Thinking of JG but sessions are full for them to offer trial..New term is on waiting list. Am considering if I want to be put on waiting list.

Trying to expose my son to other kids his age cos he has been 'stuck' with me while overseas. No chance to interact with any kids.

Hope to meet up with other SAH mummies too!!
hi mummies, i have an enquiry, those who hv brought yr LOs overseas, do we have to pay for their air tix?? cos i heard from some tat we dun have to pay for infant up to 2 years old and some say must pay...need advise...tia
Hi Agnes,

Welcome back..

About JG PlayNest.. I know in our current class, a few of the kids are graduating to the next "Level" in term 3 starting 28 June 2009. if you are keen got to check with them on their waitlist queue.

To get a feel of how their classes are, you might want to sign up for their holiday programmes. for a week and its an everyday affair for 1.5 hrs.. depending on which week u signed up for.. its a different theme inclusive of a field trip.

Bree and Fatfish's baby C are classmates at Forum.. if memory serves me right, Daphne's bb Ugin & Inya's bb Violette are in the same class at Evans Road. Hope u can join our class..

I PM you my Hp NO.. We can arrange to have coffee with a few more SAHM?
don, i gave up my casino job just so i could take care of elixir at night as its more crucial cos he tend to need me when he sleeps at night, i have no hb to help nor mil...but i have my granny but then agn she is already 85 years old and esp when our LOs are so active now, she cant catch up with her...i second to wat alfafa suggest but if really cant, then perhaps childcare or a job whereby u can work from home...its very tiring i understand but i think this is the crucial period where our toddlers need us most and i think nth can be substituted in exchange with them...tats my point of view cos i also struggled alot ever since his birth till now..finally can get certain things sorted out...when i m not hm, my dad n granny also gives him xiao man tou and gerber puffs, but i m alright with that cos tats the only thing that can prvent my boy from being too active n uncontrollable..only when i m ard, i will try to entertain him with flash cards n story books...just clean his teeth after tat to prevent tooth decay...i cant complain much cos i have myself to blame for not being able to provide much as i have to work to make ends meet thus relying on my granny during the day time so i have to accept wat they do in my absence...afterall w were brought up this way too n arent we all fine??
Hi Donroxx..

I am also perplexed about Bree if i want to get back to work.

To be honest, Bree is not an easy bb to care for..its not easy to find a trusted caregiver be it maid or nanny to look after her if i go back to the work.

I will not be surprised if she is spanked cos she does get on my nerves and drives me up the wall. i am worried that she will be physically abused is she drives her caregiver nuts. Being her mom, i did not spanked her when she is naughty.. i just scolded her and put her at an arms length and let her cry it out (controlled crying method) till she comes to me to apologise with a hug and a kiss.

If she cries too hard, she even vomits.. so i picture the caregiver/ nanny or maid getting frustrated with her crying then if she vomits.. more mess to clean up... maybe its me.. i just picture them spanking or physically abusing Bree.

I know myself.. if i ever found that that Bree has been abused.. I will go crazy.. I told hubby to forget about employing a maid unless he is on standby to fly home on emergency basis and bail me out of the Police station. I might "smack" or even take revenge for Bree if my maid or nanny physically abused Bree.. I am afraid that i will lose control of myself if that ever happens

I haven't been able to convince myself that any other caregiver will be able to care for Bree apart from myself, hubby & my mom..

She will even refuse my hubby and mom when she is cranky.. so..i am kinda stuck..
lenny, me also like u...sometimes when elixir gets out of hand, i also just scold him until he comes n hug me..i also did imagine if i were to put him to a caregiver or childcare, they might spank him or watsoever n my granny also say she dun bear to put him away...so we rather give him our best attn till he is ready for school...

Not sure about other airlines but I gotta pay airfare for my son both on SQ and Qantas. Cant remember what's the percentage but I paid $70 or $170 (if i remember correctly) on QF to sydney recently. Adult fare abt $900/-. They offer a trio of infant food.

Caregiver: I think i am also like both of you..can't trust/dunno what the caregiver will do to our LOs in our absence. This is one of the reason why I am a SAHM.

Lenny, both Forum n Evan Roads are on wait list for next term. There is no way for a trial until 2 weeks into the new term..So now, not sure if I want to sign up and put myself on wait list. I want to have a feel of the class before confirming anything.

Yes yes, lets do coffee together with other SAHMs
Preferably in places with mini indoor playground...(Got such places here in Singapore?)
miss83 - yup strawberry puree can be frozen, but i dun freeze it, i onli give the amount that my boy needs.


I have Bellamy pasta stars to let go...newly unopened box. Expiring in Aug10. PM me if u are interested. Thanks.

for me.. i also cannot get to do trial.. so hubby just ask me to sign up for 1 term.. then if Bree dun like it.. we discontinue but at least we let Bree try one term.
The most tricky problem is the MIL. If you can change ur job to 9 to 5pm and u can send ur boy to childcare. I personally prefer childcare than nanny and maid. U have at least two caregiver to take care of ur boy (for 18 mths to 3 years - 8 toodler attach to 1 caregiver and most of the time they will have two caregiver for a group of 16 toodler). Grandparent will be the best option but you really have to close one eye.

If you want to continue let ur MIL to take care of ur boy. I will suggest u buy all the neccessary food (geber fruit juice instead of peel fresh)to stock up. Since u already bought them, I am sure ur MIL will not waste them and slowly she will start use ur method of feeding. Also, my PD actually suggest me to bring my mother (my boy caregiver) to see her when I bring my boy to visit her. She actually offer to talk to my mum about why her method is not preferred. I didn't do so because I talk it through my mum at last.

Just some opinion that I have. Hope you will feel better. We are all mother in training.
afternoon mommies..

mind to share me ur bb scgedule now?
I wonder if my boy is ready for 1 nap..is ur bb taking 1 nap already? usually how long.. and from the time he wake up morning til nao can last how many hours? and from nap to bedtime how long?
thanks so much
Don ...

Headache ar ... but I do agree with your PD that if the bb sticks to you then you might have to re-think whats impt to you now.

If you want to continue your job then you def have to outsource the role of the night 'care-taker' to someone else and for your case it seems like a maid is a possible option. In any case, the maid will be sleeping in the same room as your boy, so the concern of space may be resolved.

MIL is always a tricky issue ... even our own mothers have a different point of view from us at times. Just that we are able to speak up more freely to our own parents. I dun envy your hubby either cos he is stuck too ...

Miss83 ...

Every bb is different so take the cue from your bb. If he is refusing to take his morning nap, you can try let him play and have early lunch. After that he should start showing signs of wanting to nap. If he is taking only 1 nap, the nap hour should be longer compared to when he is taking 2.
hi mummies,
sorry i left out the details,

area of stay is bedok...

pt-helper/cleaner to help do housechores
prefer to come during wkends
$$/hr between $10-$15.

those with recommendations do pm me.
My boy usually will nap two times. One is ard 12pm and one ard 5pm. Both can last 1 to 2 hours. Sometime he nap only once then will last longer.

I read somewhere that baby at this age can either nap once or twice. The important thing is the total number of hours should be ard 2 hours 45 minutes. Night time ard 11 hours
Hi mummies,
Anyone take the MMR combine with the chickenpox vaccine? Any comments? I am still not decided whether to give it combine or seperate.

Also, can I give my boy honey now? Heard that honey is not good for baby but how about our toodler now?
thanks sharlene n seabreeze
my boy doesnt show cues one..we go by hours..but these days it takes longer n longer to put him to sleep..so i suspect that he can actually have a longer wake time..the problem is..if he naps later hour and still having 2 naps..bedtime can be as late as 11pm..omg..that is super late..
ur boy nap at 5 pm? what time is his bedtime?
the total hours at night n nap is ok..total is 13-14 hours
my gal used to take 2 naps but now it's not consistent. Sometimes only nap once. She wakes up around 7am, will nap around 11am for about one hour. If she takes her noon nap it will be around 5pm for about half hour or 1 hour. But if she doesn't nap in the afternoon she'll fall asleep in the car when I fetch her home. I will let her nap awhile in the car for about half hour. She sleeps around 10pm at night..
I notice she takes longer time to fall asleep nowadays. She used to fall asleep while drinking milk in the morning but now have to bring her down push her around in her pram till she fall asleep.
I've an urgent case n I need advice. I dare not discuss w hubby.
I bought a package impulsively fr a beauty salon on cc 24 instalments. Paid abt 5 instalments n used 2/60 sessions. I asked to cancelled my package but gor rejected as financial diff is not a valid approval. I called case. They r acting on my behalf to appeal to co only. I tried calling small claim (sc) n they said they can't offer legal advice but they send ltr to notify e co to attend e court session n trying to resolve any dispute.
What should I do. Forget it n slowly pay off or pursue.
ya loh same here..it takes longer to fall asleep nowadys..that's why i wonder if he can stay up longer time..then I want to put him on 1x nap only, otherwise if keep having 2 naps..bedtime will be very very late..and i will be very very tired!!
my boy takes 2 naps. Morning nap 1-2 hours and noon nap 2-3 hours. And at night he turn in at 10-1030pm..

my boy took MMRV last saturday. So far so good. PD says the fever will only set in on the 5th day. Today is the 5th day so just taken temp 37 degrees. Keeping finger crossed. Otherwise he went shopping with me on the day of vaccination and he was still his usual self.
I don't quite know what is the usual times that your boy takes his 2 naps but i assume its one in the am and another maybe 3,4+?
why don't you try skipping the am nap and put him down after lunch? they tend to be drowsy after lunch - also stand by around the time that he normally wakes up from taking 1 nap (eg. if he takes 2 naps of 1.5hrs each usually, stand by when it approaches 1.5hrs) and pat him back to sleep if he stirs. I did that to my son initially and now he usually takes just 1 nap of 2+ to 3 hrs instead of 2 naps totalling 2+ to 3hrs.. And on weekends where i sometime drag the nap to 2+ (usually its after lunch abt 1pm ), he knocks out really quickly cos i think he's damn tired already. Of course, occasionally where he shows sign of tiredness in the am, will also put him down for a nap..

Actually for my son, even if he wakes up from nap at 7+pm, he can still go to sleep ard his usual bedtime of 9+ as long as i follow his bedtime routine of bath and milk feed.

hope this helps....

forgot to tell you.. if the trial classes are full for JG, you can request to preview a current class..Its a 20 mins preview but you have to call to book in advance.

for previews, only 1 adult is allowed.. no bb..
hi miss83,

my boy's schedule (he's at infantcare) is as follows:
8+ breakfast
9+ bath
10am milk feed followed by nap of about 1.5 hours
12+ lunch
play time
2+ tea break
4pm milk feed followed by another nap of 1.5-2 hours depending on the child

so as of now, he's still taking 2 naps a day. if weekend then won't really bother coz he will jus sleep in his carseat if he's tired...
Hi Don

MIL is tough to deal. I have no suggestion as i am staying with mil... sigh...i am a sahm so i have better control. I am staying at katong, any sahm ard? can email me so we can have playdate.
thanks so much. my boy naps at 10am and then again at around 3pm, each is 1.5 hours. bedtime is around 9pm. but lately he takes so long to fall asleep and nap time n bedtime also drag..i'm not sure whether its because he needs more activities to make him tired enough to go to sleep or it's really the sign that he's ready for 1 nap.
yes I have planned to pat him so that he go back to sleep after 1.5 hours..just that I'm still really thinking about going to 1 nap and when is the perfect time to do that. he is now having flu so I dont want to train him now n make him overtired.
but really thanks for the tips.
anyway, when the first time u do that (make him have 1 nap and pat him after 1.5 hours)..did it work? did he really directly sleep for longer time the first time u did it?

thanks for the schedule
my boy also takes 2naps:
1)Sun - Thurs (MIL) : nap at 9am and 1pm, 1hr each
Bedtime : 8.30pm or 9pm (at least 1feed in the midnite), Wake up at 6.45am or 7am

Nowadays, he don wan to take pm nap, always wake up at 2pm then sleep at 8.30am and wake up at 6.30am the next morning.

2) Fri & Sat (me) : nap at 9am(1hr) and 2pm(2hr)
Bedtime : 10.30pm(will drag as late as possible as we hope he can sleep till at least 8am of Sunday

me too staying with MIL but im FTWM. i understand how u feel. my MIL is only 54yrs old but her memory is detoriorating. sometimes she forgot when is de last feed & several times i caught her feeding bb Jo 1hr earlier..but i always close 1 eye bcos i appreciate she willing to help me take care of bb Jo..

i wan to ttc asap by this yr not bcos i wan a rabbit baby or avoiding dragon baby..its bcos i need my MIL to help me take care bb..if i delayed, she might get older n not able to help.

missycandy, glad that u have discharged. take care & get well soon!
i started to cut my boy's am nap when he took as long to sleep as is his total naptime, makes me very frustrated and i don't want to spend my weekends being frus with him (i'm a ftwm). Then my mother and mil (they take care of him during the weekday) also feedback that he doesn't want to take am nap anymore so they had also separately decided to put him for just a nap, the one after lunch.. so in this case, it was about reading my son's cues.

my mum would tell me that my son will stir halfway through the nap (abt 1-2hr), then she will pat him back to sleep. I have also done it myself a couple of times; of course not everytime successful. Sometime, if not successful, then he may take a quick nap at 5+ or even 6+. Or if not, just nap less that day. There was once he only took 1 nap the entire day of 1/2hr! But that is the exception.
Anyway, i told myself not to get too hung up over his naps, cos he is going to take so many more naps over his entire life so that day's nap is just 1 nap in xxxxxx naps
Though i do know that he is a happier baby when he has a good nap for that day..

good luck - shd be easier for you to regulate his naps since you're a SAHM. For me, my son has 3 different caretakers during the week (incl myself) so i cannot hope for too much consistency, but so far so good
Hi moms.

Long time to logon. Need advice on -

1) What vitamins and suppl are you feeding your infants? I have been using Childlife Colostrum only but thinking of adding more but unsure if it's actually necessary. My DD stays at home with my maid and is never sick.

2) Since my DD stays at home I am thinking of enroling her into some playgrp programs to enhance her social skills and pick up new things. Torn between Childcare centers (expensive ones like Odyssey, or mid tier Carpe Diem, or average like Bright Stars) and enrichment classes (JG, GUG - where my maid has to ferry DD there).
Re Nap,
My boy taking 2 naps. When he naps depends on what time he wakes up and how long he slept previously. I read a book on baby sleep pattern (can't recall name). Says for babies our age( actually he was a few mths younger then), they take their nap abt 3 hrs from the last nap/ wake up time. So if he is awake by 6 plus in morning for milk and never sleep back again, i will put him to sleep ard 9 plus to 10am. If he wakes up ard 11 am, then his next nap time is abt 2pm. My boy usually sleeps ard 8 plus to 9 plus at nite. His nap time ranges from 20min to 2hrs each time. But mostly total nap time abt 2-3 hrs in all. If he slept for only a short while in the morning, then I will consider putting him to sleep maybe abr 1/2hr earlier than scheduled. Like another mummy said, watch for cues as well, like eyes rubbing etc also signal tiredness.
Oh yes, and during weekends if we are out and he misses his p.m nap, I won't try to make him sleep in evening ard 5-6pm. If he sleep so late in evening, he won't sleep early at nite


bb M also having problem to nap twice nowsaday ..
i am trying to let her take only 1 nap now .. getting her ready for the playgroup schedule in sept (Yes, i am sending her to playgroup in sept, as her nanny is having some personal problem and not able to take care of her liao).

She woke up 7+am everyday, used to take her am nap around 11am(1-2 hr) and pm nap around 3pm(1-2hr).
Now, i am delaying her nap to about 1+pm and she will wakes up about 3-4pm. Then she will sleep about 8+pm at night.
Sometimes. she will wake up too early from her nap(~3pm) then she might not able to tahan till 8+pm and she will be very cranky, but i won't let her nap even if she is sleepy around evening time. I will just feed her earlier & sometimes she could sleep before 8pm. I think she is adjusting quite well and hopefully she is adapting the napping time well before she going to playgroup in few mths time.
same as jo's mummy, bb M will still need a feed at around 5am, else, she will wakes up at 6+am. maybe she sleeps early.

Some progress of bb M to share:
- she will wave her hand to say hi to everyone in lift or shopping mall, or any bb/kids walking pass her
- every morning, she will stands in front of the mirror, saying 'mei mei' while combing her hair
- when we said go 'gai gai;, she will go take her shoes & sock, sitting near the door, lift her foot up, demanding us to wear for her.
- laugh very loud when she think is fun!
- shake her body and turn around the body when dance
- able to point to her nose, eyes, ear, hand. leg, mouth when we ask her to
- able to call very clearly, 'papa', 'mama', 'ah yi', 'jie jie', 'po' (my mum), 'gor' (my dad)
- able to say 'bu'(her book), 'pi pi'(her pillow), bird, 'ple ple(apple), 'mao'(cat), 'hua'(flower), bye, car, 'ba-sh'(bus)

she use to talking in her bb alien word for the pass few week, and recently, she surprise me almost every day with new word.
Like bus, she love seeing bus.. she will say "baa", then i will show her my mouth, say 'ba'-'shhh' .. then yesterday, when she saw the bus, she say 'ba-sh'...

It's excited to see our LO growing & progressing everyday !!
