(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

same problem with my son. certain food, he will give that yuckz expression or choke on himself. I'm juz thinking maybe he needs more time to take in more solid stuffs. On the otherhand, will he not learn to chew his food if i continue to give him too mushy stuff?

i dont dare to try HT now. saw the post in the other webbie. sort of condemed the brand.

is the organic baby oat from HT as well?
yap yap.. it's all try and error. being my first bb, he gets the best and also the worst of everything. hhehehee
sorry mayb i'm not clear enough. It's those u-shape door stopper to prevent doors from slamming shut and LO's fingers getting caught in between. I placed one right at the bottom of the door too, to minimize the possibility of her toes getting hit by the corner of the door. The u-shape door stopper can be found in any shop selling baby stuff.

i have the same thoughts too...wonder if i always give her mushy food will she not know how to chew more solid food? But when i give her more solid food sometimes she gag and choke.. like so poor thing le.. Don't want to end up vomitting so will stop and go back to mushy food.
hmmm... kirsten is also like that... she swallows.. she doesnt chew... im still giving her porridge only... sometimes il give her my rice... if outside then its those teochew porridge... im not sure how you can teach them to chew... lolx... but i guess with time, they will get the hang of it... ive tried to show her by moving my mouth n munch munch... but she doesnt get it... so il jus stick to porridge...

milk intake - any of ur babies still drinking milk 4-5times a day? i want to cut dwn her milk intake leh... lolx... but thinking how i shld go about it... for now her solids are only twice a day... lunch n dinner... i think i shld give her breakfast as well... hmmm ... looks like i need to do up a meal plan for her ... LOL!!!
missycandy, my girls are still drinking 4-5 times a day. They will wake up twice at night to drink. Same here, they don't chew, whenever i feed them chunks of food (be it fruits or meat), they will spit out the offending item. But if i puree the food, they will take it. how to train them?????? I find it weird that they love to eat rice and biscuits but yet hate to chew fruits and meat..dunno how their mini mind thinks..
meal plan
think i read somewhere that one mummy does up a plan in such a way that the food are of the different colors so as to have more variety and nutrients for the kid. cant remember what are the color codes but common ones would be orange - carrot; green - broccoli
sigh. meal plans means i have to sit down. do grocery list. pre cook, blend, freeze... cnt do fresh becos my mum not able to do so... currently, weekly il buy the mince meats, pack into small packs, into the freezer... the veggies... steam, blend, freeze... so everyday, my mum will put the rice, 1 pack of meat and 1 cube of veggie into the slow cooker for lunch and dinner for my girl... then i also tell her to add in the si shen powder... and cordyceps twice a week...

northvirgo - ya agree! kirs will dig her finger into her mouth if the mince meat is not fine enough... -_-" then spit it out... zzz... but rice no issues leh... noodles also okie leh... zzz...
missy, you may try to feed the food not inside the mouth but near the teeth, let the teeth feel the food then they will try to bite/chew it.

bb Jo also likes to swallow food when i spoon feed him his porridge. he needs ppl to keep reminding him to chew then only he will chew. sometimes althou i ask him to chew he will just swallow. so i try to put the food at the front teeth area so that he can feel there is something in front for him to chew...

bb Jo also drinks 4-5times a day(weekdays) when my MIL takes care of him..sometimes she forgot the timing & feed him like only after 2-2.5hrs...i caught her 2times already when im around..I cant imagine when Im working, she actually forgot how many times & bb Jo drinks how many milk a day!
wa... they wake up at night... omg... so tiring for u... i think i wil go nuts if she wakes up twice to drink... and i only have baby... admire u... lolx.. kirs usually wakes up btwn 5-7 for 1 feed.. but before bedtime, she drinks twice... one ard 8plus... and 1 more bottle half an hr later... -_-" her milk is 180ml per feed...
bb Jo still hav a lot of mucus althou no more stuffy nose and also a lot of phlegm..really takes time for him to fully recover..hopefully he can recover before my long trip this weekend..kinda starting to feel guilty to leave him alone with ah ma..i will miss him badly...

recently he very sticky to me..after he fall sick..i think its separation anxiety, he only wans me to carry him, I cant do any other things..last weekend bring him out, after changing his diapers I went to toilet, i heard him crying so loud outside i tot he fall down or my husband scold or beat him, but when i asked my husband he say he dunno y suddenly cry so loud until i came out from toilet only he stopped..

bb Jo now can understand a lot of wat we trying to tell him or asking him to do, we can ask him to throw rubbish in the rubbish bins(sometimes will pick it up again after throwing**faintz**), ask him to sit down and wait while we take his porridge/biscuits, will turn to the side when i say want to put the baby powder on his back, and some very very simple instructions..
usually i do not see the timing to feed. I only feed when bb is fussy. sometimes it will drag an hour later than expected timing and sometimes earlier.
i see... yuki, i have those foam Anti-Slam Door Stoppers, but never thought of putting one near the bottom to protect toes!
Thanks for yr advice.
anti foam at bottom of the door i think is impossible for me... kirs wil definitely pluck it off n bite it.. -_-" i laid out the alphabet foam mats for her yesterday... she kept on removing the alphabets n mats to bite... zzzzzzzzz

jomummy - kirs gets reli sticky too if i spend more than 2days in a row with her... -_-"

kirs cn understand off n on but she is very very very nottie!!!!! she will throw her bolsters, toys n pacifier out of the playpen n clap... and say "yeahhhh" & claps -_-" now she climbs everywhere!!! she climbs onto our chairs, sofa, coffee table, bed... -_-" she cn also climb out of her playpen!!!!! arghhhxxxxxxxxxxxx!!! looks like i really need to put up grilles at the balcony... sighh... she's very "sam seng"
there r 2 words she can say clearly - Where??? & Yeahhh.... -_-"
missy, aiyo...ur Kirsten really "sam seng nui" ler..can fight with Jovin..cant imagine they play together!! sure starts a War!
regarding breakfast, i didnt give cereal to bb Jo when he is 9-10mths..he don like..now we will give him white bread/wholemeal bread with cheese, cakes, or milo with white bread he likes it..but sometimes he don like and will push the food out with the tongue or use the hand to take the food out..very notti...
jomummy - surprisingly when kirs is with other kids, shes not so violent... lolx.. in fact she gets bullied by the other kids... lolx!!!

idlecat - where did u get it frm? have pic to share?
hi mummies
just to share if you are interested.

I add on 2 fruit session per day. So far i have given, pear, apple, golden kiwi and a few x of avocado. not sure what kind of banana for her so din give. She love spinach and pumpkin best.<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Alyssa food menu.xlsx (35.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
re: preference to chewing starchy stuff over fruits/meat

I think if we have only a few front teeth we will be the same leh. Fruits and meat need the canines and premolars + molars to properly grind down, since fruit can be crunchy/fibrous (depending on the fruit) and meat even if ground can take some time to break down. Whereas rice/noodles/biscuits can squish or dissolve in the mouth quite easily. But saying that, it's possible to gum down or use front teeth to bite the food into small pieces and then swallow, so it's just a matter of whether your LO can be bothered to do it. Hehehe.

Re: unwillingness to chew

I think have to start slow with soft chunks like banana pieces and then move up to tougher things. My nephew who was a very easy going bb with solids when he was a year old had become a picky eater becos my SIL kept giving him pureed food as he kept gagging/spitting out solid chunks. Even now at age 3 he refuses to eat his veg unless it is mashed up, esp peas. So now with my boy, I know for a fact that if he can bite and chew a biscuit, he has the ability to chew other things that can disintegrate, and I know that he has managed to chew down a chunk of minced pork before without any problems. Therefore these days when he does the gagging/spitting out routine I scold him, then he will guai guai chew the food.

haha ... i know who u talking about ? my moiiesha..
sorry leh, moiiesha really very 'cho lo' and buay paiseh one. no matter where i brought her, she will just make herself at home. Go shopping too, she think all the toys are hers .. faint!!

Jo's mummy,
i cannot imagine too, all the notties playing together .. must be very funny .. but be prepare moiiesha will be quite violent to others.. sometime, i very paiseh to bring her too. she will shout 'ma ma' very loud to get my attention.
me too will ask her to do some simple task. 1 of them is put her dirty clothes into her laundry basket before her bath. Very funny thing is, when she dun like me to wipe her saliva, she will take her handkerchief to throw inside her laundry basket. haha
my boi oso throw watever he can find in his playpen or cot out... he's very happy when all stuffs r on the floor... realli buay ta han...
he's just learn to walk few steps unassisted in his playpen or cot fr 1 side to the other... tink almost all mar bb can walk liao right?
mine duper slow learner wor...

somemore he's learning to climb out fr his cot, so scary...
sunshine - i think they sadistic la... kirs finds joy is us picking up her stuff frm the floor n throwing back into her playpen... then she will throw it out again -_-"
sometimes i find it very miracle that our LO understands us.
K understands fully of wat we are saying..
she will do and react. We are teaching her to take off shoe when come home and put the shoe at the door side. so whenever we are home, she will sit on the floor and takes off shoe and put them nicely.

The only word she said are, mum mum(eat), daddy and five.

Asked her "do u want milk milk, yao yao, gai gai.. she will knock her head meaning yes...so cute

Ask her to give me FIVE..she will clap on your palm and shout FIVE..

OUr little one are growing..
oh and one thing...she dislike me saying NO..whenever i said NO, she will point finger at me and mumble...gave me the angry look..

That day, we caught her scolding other babies by not letting her play the toys.. she scolded them and point finger at them...
prosper - K is soooo cute!! hee hee! when we tell Kirs no, sometimes she listens.. then she will shake her finger n no... but if she doesnt wanna listen she wil ignore us.. -_-"
OMG!!! All our LO is so CUTE &amp; ADORABLE..all have their "pattern" and super funny when reading the post by every mummies....cant stop laughing ang giggling in the office...my colleagues tot i siao 1..

sun, i think baby Bryan knows how to walk but he just scared/lazy to do so..my advise is to bring him out more often with other babies and show him how other babies is already walking. You can ask him if he wants to join them and come down to walk and run...try show him how u run and chase each other(with ur hubby)..he will find it fun and try to walk then...
bb Jo also likes to throw his toys and everything he gets hold to..he will purposely throw the things on the floor or turn his toy cars upside down. then his fingers will point and he will say "ah...ah" just like saying "oh ho"..

when we try to snatch the remote control from him, he will put his hand at his back to hide it from not letting us to snatch it from him too.

when we say no to him, he will look at us responding 'uh uh' like telling us that "what r u talking, i don understand", then he will try to show us he wan to repeat wat he doing(without actually doing it) which we say no...
Jo mummy, ya they are so cute. every nite i turn on the video on my phone which i took for her. miss her so much when she is not with me..

she loves watching little enstein which i bought for her few mths back. she will laugh at when funny scene appears..
whenever she wan to watch, she will take the CD and put at the DVD top. and take remote control pointing at the tv and press.. so funny..
ya manz... my boi oso super excited when we pick up his stuffs n put it back to his playpen n cot coz he's waiting to throw them out AGAIN!!!

kayle so sweet... i taught my boi to nod his head n his whole body will smove when he's nodding... so funny!! muhahahaha
bb walking
I put my ds in the playpen most of the time. i feel playpen works better than walker cos he's able to pull himself up when he falls and also walk from one end to another, sometimes even unaided. He learn how to balance himself. For walker, he will just run around in it very fast cos he knows he will not fall.

My ds also dont like to share things. Any advise on how to teach him to share?

bbs noe what is happening around us just that they can't speak only.
Sunshine, dun worry, my gal also not walking yet, she like to do 'pole dancing or pole walking' with the high chair legs, she is cruising with furniture assisted.
I also want to laugh when she do that, so cute.

Prosper, hope ur K is better now

Ya so amaze they understand us. When we speak to C different tone,she will give us different facial expression.
I really enjoy spending time with her now and see how much she grow!
prosper - thanks to yr Hb for his compliments
hee hee! Kayle also very sweeet!!! miss all the babies!!! kirs also likes to watch little einsteins.. when i sing the song to her, she will laugh n dance.. lolx! she also likes mickey mouse clubhouse, dibo and handy manny! she watches playhouse disney channel daily lolx. she wil watch, run ard the house, watch, run ard the house... lolx...

ya true must tk videos to capture moments.. i havent been taking for awhile.. guess i shld start again.. heh
haha, all our babies so cute and expressive now!

My boy always likes to "talk" to other babies when he sees them. A few times, he will shout across from his high chair at restaurant when he sees another baby on high chair. Funny thing is sometimes the other babies will also shout back. Haha the waitresses all laughed, saying these 2 babies can connect by having shouting match :p

My boy also can't walk on his own yet. ACtually I think he can, but he is not confident. He can walk when i just lightly hold his hands. Whenever ask him walk on his own, he will either sit down, hold my hand /leg or try to look for somethings else to hold on to. Oh yes and he likes to throw his bolster and all from his cot onto the mattress below when I accompany him. I won't throw back to him cos I want him to sleep and dont want to encourage him to play.
hi missy, sorry no pic as spoon not with me now. it look like this except the cartoon is different. I believe can find in most dept stores. I got it at Bishan BHG; got discount somemore. Ha!
any mummies bought toddler bed for ur BB? my bb sleeps with us and she always rollllll, flipppp and kick us. i tot of buying a single/ toddler bed for her.any nice one to recommend?

any mummies sharing bed with BB too? she dun like to sleep in her cot, cfm ll wake up if she zzz there

wow good ah u, train her to take off her shoe and place it properly..she ll only give me her feet when i tell her to wear shoe shoe.

my chor lo' baby juz start to walk 2weeks ago and they look so cute when they walk...like drunken.
nope. i stopped cosleep when he's ard 3 mths. he sleeps in his playpen (i hv 2 playpens. one for sleep one for play) or mattress on the floor at nite.
didnt by a toddler bed for him yet cos he will just turn and fall from the bed. Sometimes when i wake up, i find him in the other mattress instead of the one he is sleeping on. kekkee..
u will sleep better also if ur bb sleeps on her own. less disturbance from her.
we have 2 playpens. 1 in my room. 1 in my mums room for her to sleep. we also have a wooden cot which converts to toddler bed but thats in the store now becos she used to climb up really high n gnaw at the sides -_-" plus really looked like she will climb over n fall out. lolx. so we kept it. wil bring it out when she's able to sleep better. for now, she flips all over in her playpen and always wants to climb out -_-"

idlecat - the spoon looks reli big... lolx. thanks!

My bb actually sleep in her cot til e time when we need to adjust the mattress to e lowest level, tats when she ll wake up and cry if she dun see us.
i was thinking of buying e bed guard with e bed so i can place her next to me when she doze off, but m also afraid as she tends to 'sit up' in e middle of e nite then fall back again, scare she ll fall beyond e guard then cham liao.

she dun like playpen at all, be it for play or sleep.i think she is scared to be left alone la...
