(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

ic. i didnt try the guard b4. but some guard does look abit shallow.
regardless or playpen, highchair, etc, i think bbs need to be "trained" so they stay in them. they need to be used to the playpen so that they w stay inside by themselves. Can try putting in for 5-10 mins then slowly increase the duration of them being inside. This method was featured on TV before..

heee her playpen become our "store bed" liao.
we seldom put her there cos its in my room not easy to move about, she super active dun like to be confine one.

during day time she ll roam ard e house lo, so we dun use playpen for play also.

Ya very true, they need to be trained.
actually the playpen has one side which can be zipped open right? or at least mine can... day time we open for her... she will go there to look for her pacifier n carebears n bolster... hee... night time... i will let her walk there, climb in then i zip it up... so she knws its time to go to bed... hee hee hee... quite cute the way she climbs in... lolxxx
Pigpig.. re bed. i converted my boy's cot to a toddler bed and so far he has not done anything dangerous in it. we do put playmat on the floor for safety cos we never know what monkey things he will do.

however he still prefers to share the bed with. if he wakes up in his bed, he will climb into our bed and "demand" space lol.
Hi Moms,

I need some advice here about Shi Sen Powder from Eu Yan Sang.

1. How much do we add into their porridge / food?
2. How many times a day?
3. any reactions from bb? i.e. pooing more often etc?

I tried 3 days with Bree so far, i noticed that she pooed about 2 - 3 times a day. first 2 days she even had diahorrea.

still she is not really keen on porridge even after i added into her porridge.. my plan kinda backfired..

she ended up wanting more breastmilk.

i am going to try her on a few more days and see how it goes..

Thanks in advance
hmmm... i got it quite long ago when daph mentioned it... so kirs has been taking it for quite a long time... no issues... i use the tea stirrer u knw? i use 1 spoon of that to add to her porridge... 2 times a day... no issues with her poo... she poos 1-2 times a day... u might want to try to continue for awhile.. it is new to her... the smell is... hmmm to me nt very nice.. lolx!!! but kirs eats whatever i dont really eat... lolxXxxxx!!!
hey mummies
may i ask u if ur bb can sleep alone without u have to carry or pat his back? just lie down beside him/her n they will fall asleep on their own?
everynite it takes me 30 mins to put him to sleep..he will roll here n there..chit chat and i have to pat him so long then he will fall asleep..

and also..
how u all solve this picky eaters phase?
my boy only wants rice..but dont eat the meat or vege
but luckily he still likes to eat cereals and oats + fruits..but I really want him to like other food such as meat n vege..
my gal is drinking 4 times a day. Same here, she's only having 2 solid meals, lunch and dinner. I was thinking of giving her breakfast to replace one milk feed but timing doesn't seem right for me because i have to fetch her to mom's place before i go to work so quite rush. My mom said milk is still very important for her at this age so didn't change her meal plan yet. But is it ok to have just 2 solid meals?

wow your gals wake up twice at night to drink... must be tiring wor..

talking about LOs throwing things.. my gal loves to throws things when she's sitting in her high chair, but loves to throw things INTO her playpen haha. She loves to empty items from the drawers too. She's also the "chor lor" type, sometimes behaves like boy. Likes to carry heavy stuff and walk around. When things drop she'll say "oh..." Ask her what does "m" stands for, she replies "mama" so sweet lolz. And she'll wave and say bye bye to others whenever we are in the lifts. It's amazing how much our little ones learn each day and it's so wonderful and heartwarming watching them grow up
i don't pat my gal but will sit by her bed, sing songs to her till i fall asleep... while she will roll here and there until she falls asleep. Many times I fell asleep first cos super tired. When i woke up she's already asleep. lolz
the whole process may take about half hour.
riverie island.,

Bree is ok with cereals. then again.. it really depends on her mood as in how much she will eat.

i normally give her cereals for breakfast then lunch and dinner will be porridge..

think at this stage it will take a bit longer for them to fall asleep. my boy used to crash during or straight after his bedtime milk, but nowadays he remains awake. however he's quite ok. i just leave him alone and he will sleep on his own without any problems. Putting himself to sleep is something he is used to from his naptimes, so it's just a matter of giving him the idea that bedtime also no different. although initially he kept standing up to see if i was still around, i use the put down method until he stopped getting up, and even after i left the room he fussed for a bit but eventually went to sleep. Only needed to do this for a few days then he ok liao. heh.

Each bb different, but have to bear in mind that eventually milk will be less important in providing nutrients than proper food. They are going to need more calcium, protein, iron, carbo and vits, and all sorts of other trace minerals. If their diet is still dominantly milk by the time they are bet 18-24 months, they risk heading towards nutritional deficiencies. Think now that our LO's are heading to the 14 month mark, time to start slowly transitioning from milk dominant to food dominant diet if not already done so.

If it helps to plan your morning mealtimes, my boy has both a milk feed and a meal in the morning - milk at abt 6.30 (after which he crashes back to sleep), and his breakfast at 9am (about an hour or hour and half after he wakes up). When he was in nursery he had breakfast bet 8-8.30am, and also took it without any problems.
yuki - kirs also same. only lunch n dinner. i need to sit dwn n create meal plan soon. i intend to start her on breakfast... so prolly will cut dwn on the milk intake...

lenny - ya the plastic stirrer.. some of them comes with the little scoop... i use that...
not sure if a tsp is too much.. have to check the label or with the medical hall staff...

sleeping - still takes awhile to put kirs to sleep... but usually by 8+ - 9+, i will switch on the aircon, on the dim light, then prepare her for bed... give her a bottle of milk... sometimes she is still super hyper... so i just let her bounce ard in her playpen... depending on hw tired she is as well... sometimes in less than 10mins she knocks out... sometimes more than an hr ... sometimes i fall asleep before her... lolx... usually when she is drinking her milk, i will switch off the dim light as well.. so its total darkness... i also realised that she cnt be fed solids too close to bed time.. high chance of vomiting... sigh... im also trying to change her milk bottle routine at night... instead of 2, im giving her 1... instead of 180mls each, i give either 210 or 240mls...

ok chat later need to go see cases....
My boy also drinks milk 4x a day, 3x solid

lenny, like missy, i add 1 teaspoon for each feed. But not the teaspoon we use, smaller than that, but bigger than stirrer. He never had any prob with it.

Re sleeping,
my boy also likes to roll and fall in his cot b4 sleeping. Just need to accompany him with me on mattress below. Lights off with some light music. He can fall asleep anytime from 10mins to an hr. Haha, and yes, sometimes i do fall asleep b4 him :p
haha I think she ll do e same if she wakes up to find herself on another bed. Wonder if it's better to buy a single bed and place it next to us, wanna buy e same height so it ll b super king size for 3

ur bed can be adjusted?

I used to carry and pat her to zzz last time but as she gets heavier where got strength? Now @ nite ard 9+ we ll give her a last feed then let her roll and roll til she zzz, alot of times I zzz before her too.

she enjoys back scratching too while waiting to fall asleep
my boi also turn and turn. Sometimes he will sit up and fall onto his bed again. I have to keep on adjusting him so that he's on the centre of the mattress.. else he will be rolling onto the floor.
If i give him a bottle of milk, he w sleep v easily after that. Dim the lite when he's drinking. After his milk, he just turn to his side and sleep.
my boy also like to roll and roll on the bed before the zz off. so can't put him in the cot to roll the place too small for him to roll..
but during nap time he does not like to roll funny
miss83.. my boy can lie down n sleep on his own only at my MIL place. at home, no way. My MIL train my boy to sleep on his own - ie, dun carry him when he fuss, if he cry just let him cry and my boy got the message that he cannot bully his Ah Ma.

re picky eaters.. i would also like to know how to solve this! my boy will eat only if he feels like it and totally objects meat. been giving him yogurt to boost his protein intake. sigh!

Pigpig.. if buy single bed next time can use it for her own room too. save $ =D. my boy's toddler's bed is lower then my bed so he has to climb in (he is a very proficient monkey).

re sleeping.. my boy still wants to nurse to sleep when i am around. i dun have the heart to refuse him and see him cry n cry. crossing fingers he will self wean soon.
green pea (frozen type), yellow beans (huang dou). but the latter need to mash cos it usually is quite hard. I think beancurd also high in protein
thanks alot mummies for sharing..
ya he also roll here n there..sometimes talk to himself and laugh then chew pillow case..
I really want to try stop pat2 him and let him sleep on his own..but somehow i always afraid it will even take longer if i dont pat him..

afternoon nap is better. for naps, he wants to be carried upright but very fast asleep..only 5-10mins alr zzz..but at night he doesnt want to be carried..he wants to be on bed but he rolls here n there and takes so long to settle down..
we bought her the simmons mattress. ours is 13" and hers is 11". We downgrade to zzz with her on the floor. Will let her zzz till another bb popping out.. haha
i will let bb drink fm150ml then latch on whatever is left fr mrng then she will zzz. sometimes she will toss and turn,talk and sometimes we dont drink to zzzz. i will zzz with her with a huggie (pillow) in between of her and mine bed. i started this training months back. i started training her to zzz herself in the aftn lately...
hmm for those babies sleeping on the floor, wldnt they like get up n walk everywhere or do u cordon off the area? we're contemplating putting a mattress on the floor for her to sleep... becos i dun tink she wld sleep... she will walk up n down, climb n open the toilet door... -_-"
i put mattrass on the floor..my boy knows when it's bedtime so he wont walk around..but he will turn turn roll roll..talk..touch my face..play here n there on bed..
My ger also sleeps on the floor. Keep asking my hb to buy a children bed, but he refuse says later stage. pissed off.
Any good and nice furiture shop selling kids bedframe? Want to go see look.
They belong to the Mars loh... keke... He say Isaac sleeping on the mattress is safer and scared he will fall off if from bed... so will only let Isaac sleep on the bed when he is older. But I tot most children bed will come with the "fence" to prevent from falling off mah.. No?
usually, the most i saw have the fence but at the end of the bed there isn't any, so i think ur hb is refering to it.
wat i think is, to take come thing to cover the edge then will solve the problem. then put something on the floor for protection just in case.
I have 1 playpen at my home & 1 babycot cum toddler bed at my mum place, but they're no longer in used, as my boy don't want to sleep. He likes to sleep on mattress on the floor, as he need bigger space to roll (360 degrees), more comfortable for him.

When is bedtime at night, he will knock our door to open for him to enter. He will be very happy & laughing walk towards my bed pull our pillows & booster onto his mattress & put them back again. To & Fro till tired then we give him milk & he will sleep by himself when he finished.
haha Y huh??i talk to hubby about e bed, he also like not keen to buy leh...but mt room also not v big so i muz think about it ist also..

Mummies where to buy nice kids furniture?
my hubby opposite ler...he very keen to buy bed for bb Jo..he always eyeing at the Car bedframe whenver we pass by furniture shop. I'm the 1 very firm on not buying...kekekek
hello yiyi,

i arrange courier company to collect of ur things from me tomorrow and they will deliver it to you on Monday. I will indicate deliver between 3pm-6pm.

I will sms u again tomorrow to confirm ya.

thank you!

Gin, I saw some at IMM.. not sure if there is a place where they sell only kid's furniture. The Car Bedfram jo's mummy mention, also saw at IMM. Maybe can go there shop shop.

jo's mummy, ok.. will wait for my bagbags on Mon!
