(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Merry belated Xmas and happy boxing day to all mummies and babies here!! Love from shermaine and mummy

ve been teaching my gal to clap for months til give up liao then few days back she juz clap clap by herself .... Lol so happy also. Ithink every little progress they made ll make us excited.

She start to say 'mum mum ' today too =D

maybe the fish is not fresh ?
i also experience it, but now i always buy the fish from market (fillet type, as i think is bigger fish) and there's no fishy smell as all.
Agnes is right, u may add more vege/fruit into the porridge. watever your bb like.
Tks Agnes, sinmey. I hv tried adding pumpkin n sweet potato but bb still show gagging reaction. No prob when I gv him chicken. Will keep trying
Maybe you want to try out codfish? But will be more smelly than threadfin porridge.

Mummies, any of your baby already started to hold on something and stand up? Since last week Anver had been holding on to something and he can stand up already (Provided his socks are not slippery). So scare that he will slip and knock his head.
yes I tried codfish, agree it is even more fishy than threadfin.

My boi also can hold smthg n stand up by himself this week. Hv to b more careful now esp he crawls very fast
My boy crawls with his tummy flat on the floor so not that fast. Just worry that when he try to stand up if slippery will knock onto something.

There was 1 morning when i wake up, i saw him standing up holding onto my elder son bed frame. So scare that he will knock onto the wall.
kome - quite a number of babies cn stand with support le... to name a few... ugin... keenan... grace... kayle... charlene... kirs =P heh heh heh... if im not wrong la..
Wowww.....so many babie can already stand with support. Time flies so fast. Btw.....yesterday just saw Anver's front tooth coming out. Can see and feel it.
belated blessed christmas to all !

tristan can free hand for less than 10sec.. but still not clapping.. haha.. wait until my neck is damn long already.

updates: tristan still have irregular poo poos. how ah... i give him fruits n vege everyday but still not poo poo everyday. ytd (27 dec09) was the 3rd day and he finally pooed but is so mini tiny weeny type ... and he gek until so xinku.
belated christmas to all mommies & babies!!!

how u know bb jovan has squint? u jus realised?

i'm teaching my boi to do clapping but he knows 'gong xi gong xi'... useful for lunar NY... lolx

my boi learning to sit up by himself when he's on his stomach position... tink is a challenging task for him...
Hello Ladies,

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If interested, pls PM me with your name/email/contact so that I can give you more details.

Thxs =D
queenie - kirs also dunno hw to clap... lol... i stil try to teach her... sigh... now she knws how to bye bye... but its very funny la... one hand face out.. one face herself -_-"

jac - i think stil young for the squinting leh... maybe check with pd or doc ba.. if im nt wrong, still young...

sunshine - all babies develop differently.. hee hee... enjoy it while u can... heh heh heh... im also tryin to teach Kirs gong xi gong xi.. but i think she not keen la.. lolx! now try to teach anything to do with hands, she keep bye bye bye -_-"

kome - nvm la. next yr when u become SAHM more time with him. cn slowly teach. hee.
Merry Christmas everyone (belated notwithstanding)! Thanks everyone who have been offering good advice to an inexperiened mom like me
queenie, missy,
try this song, if you happy, n you know you clap your hands..

Bryan learn to clap through this song.
Now if he wans to be carried, oso clap his hand in tears.. haha

so far he knows clap, bye bye & hi5...

now blabbling lots...
Hello Jacqueline,

Just saw your post on suspecting your child has squint. We also suspected my girl has squint as one of her eye tend to look inward towards her nose bridge.

We brought her to kkh eye centre for check up, after thoroughly checking her vision etc, the doc actually told us that my girl does not have a squint. Just that her nose bridge is very flat now, thus partially covering part of her cornea, creating a squint like look. She assured us that when my girl grows older and when the nose bridge is higher, the squinting look will be gone.

Maybe in order to put your mind at ease, you might wish to bring your child for check up?
Hey moms, those of you who use baby cubes (to freeze baby food then use as needed) can I ask couple questions:
1) Do you find the cubes useful and method convenient?
2) For how long do you usually keep the frozen food, optimally?
3) Where did you buy the cubes? Is BPA-free necessary?

You're most welcome.

Nancy Haw,
i am using baby cubes.. i bought 5 trays and used them for bree's food.

depending on what you cook.. some vegetable purees stays good frozen for 6 weeks. refer to the recipe book.. they will tell u what can be frozen and kept and what not.

i will normally prepare the whole lot / in batches and transfer to the fridge from the freezer a night before then heat up prior feeding.
do buy labels and label the contents and date that its prepared.

i can PM you the contact for the babycubes if you'd like..

for me.. BPA is necessary..
Gee thks. I have read that before 6 mths old, babies' eyes muscles are not fully developed yet so they may look like they have squint. So, I was not worried until recently a relative pointed out that Jovan's eyes looked a bit weird. Then I quickly went internet to find out more. Aiyo the more I read, the more I feel scared. But, thks for the info, Northvirgo. He will have his physical assessment at the polyclinic on wed. If the doc also feels that he needs a proper vision check, will send him to specialist.

Btw, Jovan can sit fm crawling position and just learned to stand up by holding on to furniture.

Mummies who gave babies cod fish,
I gave baby cod fish earlier and found the porrige very oily. Is it ok?
hoho - tried that song leh. no use. also sing to her the head n shoulders song she jus stare at me and laugh -_-" but she does "hum" along when i sing to her... quite funny... lolx...

nanc - i use it to store my pureed veggies ... pop them into the freezer... usually for up to 1wk or so... i usually make ard 20cubes... 1day she takes 2 cubes... so lasts 1wk plus lor... BPA free is really up to u... i mean we all didnt grow up on BPA free containers did we? just that studies show how toxic the non BPA ones are... im not too particular about it... heee... but so happens the cubes that i bought are... as well as some of the bottles n containers used for her... but not all... so its really up to you...
nancy.. i'm using baby cubes too. for me it is very useful as it saves time. any one noticed their baby cubes becoming discolored? i got a few that became orange and am wondering if it's due to microwaving
Anyone here tried SKII miracle water during their pregnancy on their tummies? Does it prevent stretch marks?
A newly preggers galfren asked and I was stumped O_O
my baby cubes turned orange too cos i heat up papaya in the steamer. Its the heat that causes the colouring to eat into the plastic.
Nowadays, i will place a layer of cling wrap into the cubes, then store the fruit puree. Its like double sealing. First layer, clingwrap, follow by the cube lid.
It is oily if you use codfish. I think should be ok, coz when my elder son is 4 months old, my mum cook cod fish everday for him to eat. If not, you may change to threadfin fillet instead.
i actually sing & dance & clap with baby M everyday, like 20-30mins .. at first also she is not responding & i feel like a crown(i sweat a lot & more tiring than her i think). But actually she is 'watching'. Now, even i 'hum' the song also she will dance & clap...
May i know what songs do you sing with baby M?
We went for kindermusik once and I was tired out cos have not been exercising.
my gal knows how to point finger, clap and gongxi gongxi, can stand holding on to furniture but still cannot crawl well. shes coming to 10mths...
Hey moms - I'm sure you must have talked about this but I definitely missed the thread. Can anyone share your insight and experience re. baby gym lessons as well as take them swimming?
(1) My gal stays at home with my maid all the time so I'm contemplating sending her to Gymboree (harbourfront) or JWT (UE Sq) for weekend fun lessons. Any thoughts on these centers?
(2) I feel like taking her swimming at the pool but afraid the sun might be too hot or water too cold for baby. I worry too much, right

(2) Do you think it's better to send her for weekly swimming lessons or buy an inflatable tub at home as her mobile pool?
Hi Nancy,

1) At this stage, our babies are getting more active and I would strongly agree to letting our babies expense their energy through play & learning motor skills etc. Personally find that baby gyms are quite good at that. Have went for trial at Gymboree but not JWT, so unable to comment on the difference.

2) For swimming, should bring baby either early morning or late afternoon when the sunlight is not so strong. Also remember to apply sunblock no matter what time she's going swimming, just for protective reasons. If you are afraid that she will be cold, get her thermal swimwear. I find that thermal swimwear helps alot.

3) Previously, I've gotten an inflatable tub when bb was 4mths old but subsequently, sold it off as HB find it's too troublesome to fill water etc. cause we didn't have space in the bathroom. I try to bring my boy to condo swimming pool to swim every 1-2weeks and am intending to enrol him in proper swimming lessons when he turns 1.

Just my 2 cents worth...
Hmmm just some comments on the swimming part ... good to expose them to the pool & water since young but really no need to send them for 'proper' swimming lesson till they are 4 ...

my fren sends her gal to aqua duck (at 1yr) and then swimming lesson with those pro-coach when she is 2yr++ ...

my boy started his swimming lesson this yr when he is 3yr going 4yr ...

he has made good progress and soon catching up with my fren's gal ...

so if you ask me ... they are better off going for gym class ... start swimming at 4yr old when they have more energy and are able to listen to instructions
sinmey - ooo soo cute... yeh i feel like a clown most of the time... but i find it so cute when she tried to hum along with me when i sing... lol... this diva also have mood one leh... sometimes when she whines and i attend to her, she will look over my head or past me... macham want my mum or hb to attend to her instead... basket... but when she realizes no one else is coming, she will stick to me -_-"
omg.. wow.. so many march babies so clever ar...

baby m is super cute!!!

a little updates on ziv: he can bye bye, stand supported with abit of cruising n he can drink using straw.. as for gong xi gong xi n clap hands still teaching him le, hahhaha he do it on his own mood one..
he got 4 tooths, 2 above n 2 below.. i think more is coming along coz he started on his food refusal again when i thought he is ok with solid liao.. so sianz.. =.="
Agnes.. oh! thanks for the tip. will try cling wrap this weekend.

Elina.. do you mean brushing with a toothbrush or just cleaning? I use gauze to clean baby's teeth, gums and tongue. As for potty training, havent start :pa
hmm no didnt serve tristan recently..haha but i have given prune juice before.didnt wrk.. maybe i shd again.

hehe tristan also doing gong xi gong xi .. well prepared for the coming cny. hahaha..

yea man... don worry is never too late.. u and anver can have alot to catch up when u are promoted to ur SAHM stage :p enjoy dear!

hahahaha.. kirs is cute ! im still doing clap hands in front of him dillgently.. in fact even ask my niece to demonstrate. .

im using that song for a long long time.. think since i ever got the sing along stage for him.. he is juz lazy to clap his hands i guess.

to ur queries.. :p
1) yes useful and convenient. at least i how much portion i am giving..
2) i keep less than 2 weeks. in fact i try to finish up within 1 week
3) i bought in SMH Bulk purchase sections..yea BPA is impt to me.. HTHS

welcome on board..
don worry about that. my niece n nephew have similar case as ur bb but as they grow older the squirt looking juz went away as well..
hope his wed's assessment at polyclinic will turn out to be perfectly fine!

my bb cubes turn orangey due to those orangey food discoloration ..

waooo 4 tooths ! Gong Xi Gong Xi.. u still latching him? tristan still with his 2 tooths.. phew. so pain to have him bite on me these days.

i started tristan on brushing teeth with the pigeon toothbrush when his 2 pearlies popped up...
as for potty training i didnt read up on that. but wheneven i see him gek Sai face i will carry him to his potty and induce him to poo.

ok.. i will go and read up.. i badly need to know. is a chore to coax tristan to slp.-Wink-
sinmey - lol. ya. when i look at her younger baby pics, really like boy. grrr. lol. luckily her hair is growing out le. hee.

brushing teeth - pigeon has this brush where the babies can hold on to it and bite of some sort. some of my frns are using it. think il get it for Kirs since she likes to put everything into her mouth. same time let her "learn how to brush teeth herself". lol

coaxing to sleep - hmmm... hw abt makin them very tired then they will jus KO? hehehehehe

last night K super sticky. didnt wana slp. when i got home ard 9... then had my bath.. then fed her.. then she still wana play... i jus left her in her playpen which is next to my bed and i jus pretended to slp... who knws i really knock out la... lol... then she also knock out... but ard 1am.. she woke up in the dark and stood up... i saw her as i woke up too... then i faster turn the other way.. after awhile she also went bk to sleep... kekekeke
Am brushing my boy's gums using his face cloth after lunch and dinner. His lower 2 teeth are coming out soon, so better get him use to brushing.

Hello! long time me no post...

RE: brush teeth
When BB still no teeth, every night I cleaned her gum using washcloth. But dunno since when I stopping doing so (I think when BB become too active to stay still for me to clean her) and now totally forgotton need to take care of her teeth. But BB got 4 front teeth already, how to clean when she will definitely bite my fingers? Ouch! How to brush BB teeth with toothbrush? dry clean or wet the brush to clean? How to make BB mouth stay open? Hmm...

RE: potty training
Grandma not keen to train BB to use potty yet; said if use to potty now, it might be troublesome when BB want to poo poo when outside. Later need to carry a potty along how?

RE: swimming
Last Sunday brought BB to SengKang swimming pool. Entance $2 (for adult) $1 (for children) is it ex? The water is too COLD... I see Mothercare selling thermal swimwear at ~$60+, expensive? anybody know which public pool have warm pool?

RE: babycube
Initially wanted to buy but end up bought a lot of small containers at Daiso (4 for $2) as it stated for storing baby food and can stand 0 to 100 degree. Previously quite insist in BPA free bottle for BB. But now everything BB also put inside her mouth, so don't mind already... BTW, with more teeth, our BB will be going for more chunky food and puree will cut down soon... I start giving BB very thin slice of apple and I think she like to chew.

RE: clapping/waving
BB first learnt to wave bye bye, but nowaday she clap instead when ask her to wave! Haiz...

RE: sleep
Nowaday BB become too active till don't want to sleep. Tired already still want to play. Every night can drag till 10+ or 11+ pm. No choice but have to carry her and sing lullaby to make BB sleep. Haiz... How I wish she can sleep at 8pm like last time...

RE: growth
BB can stand with support; sometimes she can stand hands-free for a few seconds. She like to crawl. Bumbo can throw away already, as she manage to come out the seat herself. Sometimes she like to "scream"; maybe practising her vocal. HaHa...

RE: window grill
Any recommendation? looking for white colour aluminum window grill. What's the market rate for 5-room flat? Thanks!
