(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Merry Christmas to Mummies & Babies here!

Holiday mood liao, no mood to work now.

Personally find mannapot not that nice lei. My company has been using them for our tea breaks & buffet for our events or maybe I've gotten sick of the food. Hehe...

Heehee....thank you thank you. Half happy half worry. SAHM not too bad but need to plan our financial properly. Cannot any how spend already.

My 2 boys are fine, thanks. Anver has low body resistance so he catch virus very easily and take long time to recover. Now very seldom bring him out for shopping in order to avoid him from catching any virus.
Hope ur grandpa gets well soon. For my boy, he seldom unlatch on his own, his mouth will still be sucking away though eyes closed for long time already. When I try to unlatch, he will open his mouth wide wide like goldfish gasping. And then usually, he will immediately sit up or flip and then he will be very awake liao. Its good that Bree can fall asleep quite quickly on her own
jo mummy & teddybaby,

Thanks... my Grandpa just got out of ICU.

might be side effects of the medicaton he is given .. we don;t know yet..

both my grandparents are past 90 years old.. so my mom and all her siblings are preparing for the worst.. haiz.

hope all is well too..
Hey moms - I bot on impulse a box of heinz teething rusks. To my surprise, each is big & fat & rock hard that i cannot stick it into bb's mouth. Does anyone know if that's the correct way to use the husks? Shd i try to break it in 2? Sigh, feel like throwing it away if too much trouble....
Hi mommies,
I wonder if Gina Ford's method is so useful? We met a friend of my friend and she highly recommended this book and she said it works for her 2 girls. Anyone can comment? We thought of buying her book to train our bb bcoz now he eats whenever he wants and sleeps whenever he is tired :p

Here is the link of her book in case anyone want to refer. http://www.contentedbaby.com/

By the way, my boy also belong to small size. Now at 9.5 mths only weigh 8.2kg
He has been eating quite well on solid recently but the weight just doesn't go up.
I fed him 1 soup spoon (b4 cooking) of rice with pork/fish + carrot/pumpkin + 1 leafty vege + ikan bilis powder. Usually it will turn up to be 3/4 of our rice bowl. Is it enough for a meal?
kome - woo hoo... congrats!!! ps... i might be forced to be SAHM as well for a short while... becos no job... *sobs*

nancy - let ur baby hold it n chew on it... word of caution.. if ur baby is one that chokes easily, do NOT try! I've tried giving Kirs the teething biscuits frm HT... rock hard as well! she chokes even on the small bits -_-" as compared to the circle teething biscuits frm Heinz... she chews on them, they kinda become soft n dissolve easily... also does ur bb have teeth? depends on individuals...
i also wana contemplating on throwing away the teething rusks frm HT.. sigh
Thought economy is picking up. Still so difficult to get a job? Haha.....can go out shopping together already.
nancy - i bought the heinz rusks too..baby hates it...its so tough, my baby got frustrated eating it..haha..so funny...i ended up eating it up myself...taste like army biscuits...
Dear mummies, today's news: those who bought the IKEA high chair, the $80 futuristic looking one w round base (model:leopard), IKEA is recalling that high chair, please bring back to Alexandra or Tampines for FULL refund. Snap lock will break causing seat to fall off or something...gesh....
kome - hmmm no la... cn find job la.. jus that my current status in my job... i joined new comp... then the post i applied for is no longer available.. they r offering other choices which i have no interest in... and its like a dwngrade... so im opting out...
meanwhile have to job hunt lor.. cnt afford to be SAHM la.. lolx...

starflower - wow! jialat. eh the cheaper one stil cn buy right?

Wah..lucky i told my hb that one is too expensive and bought the cheaper one instead. Cheaper one got no problem right?
sad to hear that .. but i am sure u can get job soon .

Heinz Rusk,
Moiiesha tried to eat & end up all rusks all over floor & high chair & her clothes..
I add some warmed BM into 2 rusks & feed her and she love it. Guess it's better than throw away la.

HT teething biscuit,
really cannot make it leh... Moiiesha just hate it. So, i end up eating 1 whole box. I still have 1 unopened leh, anyone wan it just pm me.

Bree is on Gina Ford schedule.. now she has gone haywire cos of refusing solids.. prior to solids introduction.. she is much more easier to handle after i put her on GF's schedule.

Can't wait for Bree to be established on her solids so i can go back to the schedules..
i need to get my sanity back.
Heinz Farley teething rusks, the round ones. Very hard and crispy but once it touches water i.e. saliva it dissolves into a paste. Gracie loves it! And I believe that reall helped to get her used to chewing too. It worked like a charm when she was teething and all she wanted was to bite hard into something. She would sit on her highchair and self feed herself the biscuits. very tasty, I like it too.
Good Morning & Merry Christmas!!!

so happy will be taking leaves the whole of next week, a very long holiday for me to be at home and stay close with bb Jo..

i also bought Heinz teething rusk, the long and thick type, havnt open yet, as surprised to see so many comments here..currently give mama biscuits to Jo, will make it into small bits n put it into his mouth bcos he doesnt know to hold it n chew, will put the whole biscuits in the mouth..

Hi, Serene, you may want to try Yeh Lai Xiang, their food is nice, and many ppl comments that their "yam paste" dessert is nice. i use them for wedding & bb full mth..
Last night brought bb out for dinner with dh's cousin to celebrate christmas earlier..dine at MFM and gave bb fish n rice..he ate a lot.. but after tat he is really tired as already time to sleep..he usually is already sleeping at 8.30pm..but last nite was like drag him till we reach home at 10pm..kinda not easy..bcos he make noise n keep rubbing his eyes n yawning..
prosper - u buy frm which one? hee hee.. very good!!!

sinmey & kome - thanks...

alfafa - yes it tastes much better than the others! Kirs also loves it! i was surprised she finished the whole thing herself! i kept looking under the tray, inside her clothes... to see if she hid it somewhere.. lolx!
yah boy. I always finish the crumbs she drops on the floor. Teeheeeee

guys, try buying the Heinz Farley teething rusks, the round crispy ones. Really really good.

And oh yes Happy Happy Merry Christmas!

Donroxx, Annt and can't rem who else wondering about what to handmake for boys, check this out. Rem I talked about making name plushies? I just made one for my friend's son as a Christmas gift. Huge letters in printed fleece. Thank goodness he has 4 letters in his name only!

front view

back view

helps to teach them to recognise their name later no. For now, it is a plushie and makes an excellent decoration for their rooms. Tie it to the cot, make into a garland, or just attach on their room door or wall. Looks fab!
<font color="aa00aa">MERRY XMAS &amp; HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 to all the wonderful mummies and bbs here!

Great thanks to all for sharing your experiences, giving advices and just being here to listen. Your presence and sharings are very much treasured! Thanks mummies and may great happiness and health be with each and everyone of you and your loved ones every day in 2010.

Big hugs!</font>
Hi mommies! wow.. time flies n this is the second xmas' greeting I've posted on this thread!!

Merry Christmas to all March mommies and your lovely babies!

*hugs from baby Grace too!*

Gracie's early Christmas present to me - she started clapping her hands today. Oh so happy. And she's been calling me Mama these few days too. A bit late I know but I am ecstatic nonetheless.

Ho ho ho!
merry xmas everyone! enjoy the time with ur family n especially for 1st time mummies like me, enjoy the 1st xmas with baby! hee hee hee!
merry xmas to all!!! hohohoho

my boi is 9mth old today!!!

Bryan has not called anyone yet.. so grace is early!

i gt the ergo, not bad lei, hee..
My boy also 9 mth old today! Born on 25 March.

U r really talented! Gracie is so clever too!

Tryin hard to teach Jovan 'clap, clap' and 'bye'
Share baby K new improvement today

We feed her when she says nom nom. usually every 4 hrs, when she feels hungry, she started to say nom nom nom.
Merry Xmas to all mummies ..

congrat on Gracie's progress ..
Moiiesha loves to dance now .. whenever i play the kids' song &amp; she will shake her body or her head .. looks soooo cute. Even i sing song &amp; ask her to dance, she will shake shake the body/head..
try claping in front of babies more ..
i remember Moiiesha started to clap when we clap for her for doing something good(eg: get me the ball when we demand). Now, when i ask her to 'clap clap for mummy' or 'kick kick for mummy', she will clap clap &amp; kick kick .. once she did it, i will clap clap for Moiiesha too ..
babies are copy machine, as long as u do the same thing very frequent in front of her. I am sure they will learn very fast.

elina, try adding apples, pumpkin or sweet potato. They are sweet and sort of cover up the fishy smell. At least that's what i do for my boy. Do try.
