(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


BB C knows if we try to subsitute her biscuits for the food we are eating. So we got to make sure there's white rice or white bread to standby for her. Hee
Missy, yalor gt to go n hv fun hunting the figurines
What abt u? What cake hv u plan for BB K?

Asura, I prefer 2 tier level cake leh..:p

Sinmey, ur girl is really fast can walk liao
mango - im looking at rectangular cake frm PG. but havent decided at the design yet. i think the circle cakes are a total b***h when it comes to cutting la. lolx. looks good but when it comes to cutting. can die literally. =P still searching the net for more ideas. but will be doing Carebears theme to suit the location as well. hee. intially was tinking of getting cakes frm aimummy and another person but they specialize in fondant and well.. personal opinion, fondant is a tad too sweet la. its all just sugar and some pple will actually remove the fondant and wldnt eat it... quite wasted lor... more or less decided to get frm PG.. nw just to think of design n flavour...
Long time no log in liao. Hope everyone had a MErry Christmas!!! I know mine could be better, as BB and I have been ill since beginning of December and we conveniently became worse over our holiday. Both of us are now taking antibiotics (second course for BB) and not getting quality rest as I almost hack my lungs out every night and BB erratically wakes up crying and being clingy. Am hoping that at least his stupid cold/ear infection will run the end of its course by next week as he had lost quite a lot of weight (although now starting to wolf down his food again including - to my pleasure - chunks of proper solids - he can chew and swallow down a full bb spoon of pasta without sauce in 4 secs O_O), and I really don't want him to establish a habit of needing to be held back to sleep at night (although I flush his nose with saline and squeeze out mucus several times whenever he wakes up).


Re: toothbrushing. I've been giving BB a proper toothbrush to handle and play with since he got his full set of 6 teeth, and took the chance when his mouth is open to just swipe a stroke or two across his teeth while he is playing with it so he gets the idea. Sometimes he keeps his mouth open to let me brush them - doesn't need much brushing as there are so few. Have started doing this prior to his bedtime routine, and hope to I haven't used toothpaste yet as he can't exactly rinse his mouth and I don't want him ingesting any of it.

Here's to a better New Year for everyone!
hi everybody,

Happy 2010!

Re: toothbrushing: I'm planning to use the first teeth toothpaste with the rubber brush on ariel.
Greetings from Elixir n Mummy Pinkdemoness, happy new year to all mummies n babies...

seems like most babies have teeth le...Elixir's still no sign of appearing though drooling n taking the opportunity to bite my chin whenever i look up to prevent him from pulling my hair...

Asura: Charlene so cute with her actions...

sinmey: baby M must be very cute when she walks...mine is only crawling or shld i say gliding...hehe

btw, saw many of u are still having some problem getting baby to sleep through? actually elixir slept thru without night feeds when he was 3mths old till now...no need to pat or pacifier...last feed at 11pm latest n last till morning 7am..i actually set a routine of his changing time when he was 2mths plus then put him to sleep at a stipulated time n after a week or so, he got used to the routine and i got back my at least 6 hours sleep throughout after a very siong 2.5mths...HTHs

queenie: i miss yr thread but if its poo poo problem, i usually give sweet potato or apple n prune juice by heinz...i give elixir the whole bottle but i started off with half then increase...it usually works for him...sayang Tristan...

ok, gotta go sleep le...miss everyone here...muacks!!
missycandy, haa ya it will be quite a hassle to cut the tier level cake but it is unique so make her 1st yr bday a memorable one

oh so sweet of ur cake is gng to be carebear theme, exciting!

Fatfish, ok will look at my pm later

Pinkdemoness, good to see u here!
Wishing all mummies & babies a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!

I can hear people partying downstairs, w fireworks outside my window and the cruises honking at midnight but i was shivering in my blankie from a 39 deg blocked duct...oh well...what can i see, in return, Kee gets 4 upper tooth & 3 bottom tooth :pPP heheee its no fun but what the heck, i wanna stop bfeeding soon! Hopefully by CNY yeah yeah....

Envy you leh. My baby actually slept through since 2mth, but then at 4mth, suddenly woke up a few times a night ever since I shifted to my parents' house on weekdays once I went back to work. I guess it's because change of environment. Since then, baby has been waking up.

Hey, those of you without maid, how do you get your housework done? If got good part-time cleaner, can recommend me? My maid left liao, now house messy and we both too tired to do proper housework after taking care of the 2 munchkins.
hugs starflower...u r one wei da de ma ma...

btw girls, i had withdrawn my application with IR le...cos trg starting soon n the timing is irregular n i had decided that job can come later but looking after Elixir is my priority now...sad but nothing beats spending quality time with my boy...
Hsppy New Year mummies!

It's 2010, times flies! Our little ones r going be 1 year old soon, feel kinda emotional at d tot, esp when seeing newborns nowadays, can't help but marvel tat our little ones r growing up so fast!

i started my 2010 clumsily, broke my ameda pump funnel when i drop it yest. phew luckily i bot spares on an oseas spree else yest chiam liao :p gee reminder to myself n other bf mums to hv spares of crucial breastpump parts. aiyah, it's the 2nd time i broke a funnel liao, really careless...

btw, mummies talking abt getting cakes for bb 1 year celebration. can our little ones eat the cake? cakes wld hv whole eggs, incl d egg whites rite? can tk?
hugs! u r one wonderful mummy! i'm sure u'll find a good suitable job later

hee i'm oso looking for a part-time cleaner now, really got to admit i can't catch up with all d housework n cleaning esp w CNY coming, got to springclean somemore
wow, n you hv 2, i only hv 1...

tk care, hope your fever goes off!

hope your boy recovers soon!

hope u n bb get well soon!

bb C very cute n smart, so funny reading your post

i am in the same situation as you.. Bree only wants me to put her to bed. my hubby and mom tried.. she cried murder.. now that she had learnt to call me "ma ma".. my heart melt when i hear her calling me.. so i gave way by going to her and accompany her to sleep.

Re: Your bb sleeping trhu the night without feeding.

i think its good and ok as long as she has enough food n milk intake during the day. Bree's solid in take is still not established so i am still dream feeding her at night.

my hair has been dropping lots eversince Bree is 4 mths old..

my hair stylist told me that this will continue for 6 mths.. i hope it will stop when bree is 10 mths old..

Hee hee.. thanks for the compliments. BB C is also a bag of lazy bones. Just now was playing and decided she wanna lean backwards. But din check where she is leaning and end up bumping her head on the cupboard... haiz... super duper lazy girl i have.. hahaha
hi everyone!

Decided to pop in and see see look look and to my surprise, the thread is so alive! Took me half an hour to skim through.. heehee..
Anyway, happy new year to all mummies here! Hope all bbs grow up strong, healthy and happy.
Hi update of my girl, she can go down from the bed using her butt facing down. Taught her to comb hair. Now give her comb, she will put the comb on her head n comb gave her hairband, she will put on her head but not nicely place lah.
your bb can call mama already.. so sweet. ya can understand how your heart melts and give in to whatever she wants
though my gal haven't learnt to call mama yet my heart already melts when she looks at me sweetly and wanting me to carry her. i'm looking forward to the day she calls me mama. These few days my gal babbling away.. all the da-da ba-ba etc..
initially i dream feed her too but gradually she doesn't want it so i stopped. Perhaps her solid intake and milk feeds are sufficient so she doesn't wana drink at nite.

is your boy feeling better?

the long holidays are over.. back to work tomorrow... haiz..
Morning Mummies, Happy New Year!!

New Year, new start. but sad to say this Monday looks blue..

heheh..pardon me for being so bo liao. just feeling sianz.
morning mummies

monday blue again...

asura, lenny, mangogal, yuki
thks for yr concern... my boi ok liao... brought him to KK on Fri afternoon coz his fever still didn't subside... when at KK, his fever was 39.5 deg which the doc said consider high so my boi was given stronger version of Paracetemol but was asked to give 4ml every 6 hrs... doc chk his ear, nose, throat, urine - no infection fr there so doc mentioned possibilities either virus attack or teething...
mummies, is the dosage too high for 9mths old bb? coz the indian doc in KK dun look like pro... everything we asked he juz told us to refer to the fever brochure which we are quite frustrated... my boi's body got tiny rashes yesterday afternoon... glad tat the rashes disappear tis morning but my mum said tat his back still hv patches of rash and his eyes look a bit swollen even tot his last intake of Paracetemol was on sat night... wondering is he allergy to the medicine anot... was quite worried... if still got rashes tonight then need to bring him to see PD again... sighz
monday in central area is totally grey and cold. brrr..

sunshinebaby.. bring baby to another PD if you are not comfortable? the doc i met at KK A&E was really nice but too eager to 'solve' my concerns than to consider what might be better for my boy. after that experience, i rather bring my boy to another PD when possible.
Hi Sunshinebaby,

My boi is allergic to Paracetemol too. He is always given the stronger version of Parcetemol, can't rememember the name though.. it's orange in colour.
Maybe u wld like to bring ur boi to PD to have the rashes check, just to be safe?
I dun feel comfortable with the doc in KK A&E either.
Hi morning to all Mummies & Happy New Year!

Feeling the same as all others..Monday blues..gotta wait for CNY break which is 1mths later!

bb Jo is also sick..down with flu on 31st dec till today..this morning wake up with cough somemore..feel so heart pain..do I need to bring him to c PD? cos my MIL say let it recover by himself wor..cos not good for bb to take medicine..
jo's mummy, my fren ever did tell me b4 best not to delay for too long to bring kids to the doc. As it may develop into something more serious. So everytime my kids fall sick, i will bring them to the doc..
Super duper monday blues today... literally dragging myself to work. No long weekend for the next 6 weeks.... really sian...

I think if your son is not better, better bring to PD to check. Just in case the doctor that attended to you is a houseman. Usually they are.
jo's mummy,

I think should bring ur bb to see the PD. At least find out what's wrong with him and have the medication on standby if your MIL insist on letting him "recover" on his own.
i dont think housemen can be at a&e leh... it will be medical officers...

sunshine - to be safe bring to PD...

i think the orange syrup is called Nurofen...

wet cold morning... felt like sleeping in... lolx... horrible night... Kirs has nappy rash again so everytime she peed, she wld cry n cry n cry...
so poor thing... *heartpain* plus her 2nd upper tooth is cutting through... sigh... up & dwn both in pain... sigh... or maybe yesterday play too much in the day time with her frns... or by herself.. hahaha!

u knw time is passing by so fast... 1mth+ is CNY... then after that will be their birthdays... a bit too fast le... arghhxxx... need to settle her bd stuff... heh

Oh poor Kirs! U tried desitin original to see if it works? Make sure her bottoms are clean and dry before u apply.
asura - sigh. yes. ive been putting it quite diligently leh.. stil kena. guess she has sensitive private areas... sigh...

on another note... keep slipping my mind.... Hb's bd is this friday....
but im on course.. so will be celebrating on Thursday instead... anyone have suggestions where to go with the little one in tow? it will be 3 of us.... hee... TIA!!!

missycandy: poor kirsten.. Sayang sayang..

Hmm wan go mt faber ? keep seeing the advertisement popping around.. how i wish hb will bring me there for the last christmas.. $E%$^#$ Anw, looks romantic there lor.. haha.. let K stay at hme and u two go sweet honey pot there! happy bday in adv to Mr A!
