(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

idlecat - u jus reminded me! i need to get my grills done as well. as long as get the gate to prevent her frm goin to kitchen

hi everyone

been MIA soooo long nvr post here but i've been active in my Jan08 thread:p

hey kome,
i browse thru the archives & read that u b'com sahm liow. It's the toughest job le & do keep it up...jia you woh!

Here's pic of my #1 (23mths) & #2 (now at 10mths got 5 teeth liow...spot another 1 sprouting soon)


<font color="0000ff">And wishing all a Happy New Year!!</font>
Woww.....the entrance fees so expensive?? Initially thought of asking hubby to bring my boys there for a swim. Mmmm.....need to consider already.

Trying to adapt my new responsibilities now. Really abit tough especially Anver is a "Sticky Glue". Cannot do house work when he is awake lor.

Your #2 so fast for 5 teeth already? My boy just this few days 1 tiny little white thing coming out only.
Idlecat.. there is a potty that you can bring around. legs fold in and a bag holds the eeky stuff. it can also be placed on top of regular toilet. but for the life of me i cannot remember the name. they have it at mothercare and the baby shop in either century square or the newest tampines mall. i'll get that once we are potty training the baby.

alternatively i saw a mother made her daughter squat and poo in her loosened diaper at taka baby room.

re baby sleep.
my boy started his night cries again. yesterday was day 5 of extreme fussing til 3am. going mad already.

SY.. your boys are so cute!
my #2 was delivered earlier by 1.5mths from his EDD so he is older by a month compare to March babies here mah...that's why got more teeth loh...i think the Feb thread babies all got 6 or more teeth liow woh. Dun worry...the teeth will appear sooner or later de...then they can eat more semi-solid food or adult food soon:p But he is slower in motor skill leh...still no sign of crawling, can only stand for few seconds on his own while hands grabbing tight onto the rim of the playpen.

Today tristan juz clapped his hands after his meal when i mentioned the word 'clap ur hands'. so happyto see that.. altho his way of clapping his hands is a lil different. he uses one hand to clap on his fist. LOL modified from his fave Gong Xi Gong Xi i guess.

so long didnt hear from you. nice to see u back.. ur boys are cute!!!

u both remind me to remind my mom abt the window grills.haha. can see tt she is nt very keen on the installation when the topic was brought up by my brother for the sake of my niece..
if fact he dun usually bite mi one.. maybe on a few occassion when he accidentally uses his tooth.. yes!! itz so scary becoz on the few occassion he bit mi n is like "ouch"!!!

omg! i wanted to try baby whisperer method too.. i need him to sleep thru becoz waking up to pat him back to sleep inthe middle of the night is no joking.. i can wake up with him like for 3-4 times one le.. although i started to stop his night feeding liao but he stil wakes up..

just borrow the book from library n will go into details to put him on training liao.. becoz for the patting really need to wean off liao.. i remember i was so use to patting by my mom tat i think even when i hit 5yr old i still wans my mom to pat mi to sleep.. itz horrible n addictive!!!
missycandy, Queenie,
I hate grills but now no choice for BB safety.

maybe I potty train when BB can walk. Don't think I want to add a potty in diaper bag; too much thing to carry.

But the facility there quite good; got olympic pool, indoor pool, slides, children pool and even jacuzzi pool. Most importantly, got baby changing corner. I'm considering infant swimming lesson there...
the bb whisperer method, wat u mean by 'wait for bb to stand up'? my boi still will wake up for feed... =(
My colleague also told me that it is very fun over there. Really makes me feel like bringing my 2 boys there to play.
p3pp3r, u mean bbies will get addicted to the patting to sleep part?! OMG!! I have been doing that for my girls to wean them off the night feed. Haiz. seems i'm cultivating seriously bad habits for my girls.

On a brighter note, 2 of my girls can do without the night feed liao. but the down side is they will still wake up, therefore have to pat pat them to sleep.
yes!! i think it can be a habit, for my case personally sad to say is really.. i remember for myself it took quite a while to put myself to sleep all the way from toddlehood to childrenhood... back then sleeping on my own is a hugh problem n difficult task.. i dunnoe of other kids, maybe they will wean themselves off gradually but definitely not for mi la.. hehehe.. tatz y now i really gotta help my boy if anycase he is taking after mi..
Hello Mummies,

Happy New Year in advance to all!! I have not been logging in since going back to work after my 4-mth maternity. Can imagine the work that came crashing down. Still bf but the pumping sessions in office are very eratic now as I can't keep to the schedule. My #2 is now 9mth 1wk and has 4 teeth. Able to pull himself up/down using furniture, can walk a few steps with the stride-to-walk walker, can balance for a good 10s without holding onto things. BUT IS STILL WAKING UP FOR MILK IN THE NIGHT!!!! Arrrghhh...I have lost my pregnancy weight and in fact, thinner than before due to work stress, lack of sleep. Also my maid has left, so all the housework landed on me and hubby. Anyone has any tips how to sleep train bb? Any recommendations on part-time helper? Am desperate to look for a good one. So far, the experience which I had with them wasn't very good.
Weekday $1 for adult.

Hi mummies,
are u still having drop hair problem? I started dropping hair when BB 6mth old and condition better after a few mth then suddenly recently start dropping a lot of hair again! Haiz... help!!!
Hi Idlecat,

The swimming lesson sounds interesting. R u forming a grp or going for individual coaching? My hair loss prob started at ard 6 mths too but now ok already. Try to put some hair tonic.
My boy is the same as yours, still wake up at least twice at night for milk...sigh...I don't know what to do, just feed him so that he will guai guai go back to sleep
talkin abt nite feed, she wakes up at least 2x. and i still latch her on otherwise there will be engorgement. Pumping is a waste of time so might as well let her drink. So i am fine. My prob now is putting her to zzz 8pm and she wakes up sitting up and crying n only me can soothe and put her to zzz. my best frd wedding on 24 jan. not sure can make it ... sigh..
hi mommies!! it's been a long time since i last log in. Been busy with work and moving house. Pretty much settled down now. Only managed to read thru the recent posts. Wow many babies have made a lot progress

my gal still doesn't know how to crawl on fours.. can only crawl like army style.. my hubby says its "leopard crawl" hee
She knows how to clap and wave bye but doesn't know how to gong xi, hmm got to teach her that for CNY
can stand with support holding the playyard.

so far only has 2 front lower teeth but noticed the upper 4 are coming out. I thought will sprout one by one.. possible to have 4 sprouting at the same time??

talking abt putting bb to sleep.. i have always been rocking her to sleep in my arms (ya i kinda spoil her). Initially took pretty long and of cos tiring.. but gradually become faster. However, since last week she doesn't want me to rock her in my arms. She wants me to put her in her bed instead, she will flip and roll abt for abt 15-25mins then fall asleep on her own. All i have to do is sit by her bed and sing.

Now she sleeps thru the nite frm 8.30pm till next morning abt 6.30-7am. Is it ok not having her feed for so long?

reverie island
same here, my gal only wants me when she wana sleep so my nites are burnt. Missed out on dinners and functions..
Potty training:

I think I would give it a miss until she is older. Actually if send to Childcare, they would potty train them. Havent decided exactly when I would be sending bb C to childcare but it is definitely in 2011. Hee

BB C is still bor gei.. and dont look like she would grow tooth soon. Good also, i think i would give up latching if she bites me. Really pei fu those who withstood their bb's bites and continue to latch.


I bought 3 trays to rotate flavours. I try to finish using the puree within 2 weeks. Orange colored stuff would stain the baby cubes but i find that can be washed off later. I try not to microwave the baby cubes unless emergency like forget to defrost the puree.
Just an update on bb C. She is getting very naughty. Always "cheating" pple. There were a few times she pretend to pick something from the floor and my MIL would run to her to ask her to open hands, she open hands, it is empty, then she would laugh at my MIL.
Another time she was in the jumperoo, my hb was sitting at the corner of the living room. She made gagging sound on purpose cos when my hb turn his head to look at her, she laugh at him. Wahhaha.. dont know to laugh or to cry lor.
She has also been trying to stand without assistance, so far not very succesfful. The best she is at is begging for our food.. ahahah.. always on the lookout for bowls that we carry and she would come over and climb and say "mum" and open her mouth wide.. hoping that we give her some. Usually we try to find bread, white rice if the food we are eating is not suitable for her.She really enjoys her food in big chunks even though she got no teeth. Can see her gumming the food slowly and shallow then request for more food..Sometimes I wonder if she is born in year of pig or cow.. haha
bb C so cute!!! my boi oso loves white bread... he'll ask for it when he saw us eating... lolx

today is NY eve and my boi down w fever... already give him fever medicine and hope his fever will subside if not will bring him to KK tonight...

Aiyo... sayang bb B. Mother &amp; Baby recommend that we see doc immediately when fever is above 39 degree. Do monitor!
Halo morning mummies!
Happy 2010 to all of you and ur little ones!
Guess everyone is now getting excited preparing for the kiddos 1yr old birthday!

Figurine for bday cake:
Any idea where can we purchase??

Wah all of your babies can stand liao! So clever!
Mine still slow cos she just turn 9 months so only learning to crawl pretty well.
Think I need to let her hold onto some furniture to stand..hmm..
My gal can clap hands and nod her head when she is happy,haa so cute!
And now she is my woo woo girl, cos she has been donig the woo woo... sounds almost the whole day since last week, cant help to laugh when she pout her lips doing the sound... :p
Gilrs are more chatty

Sunshine, ya monitor baby B temp, guess it shld be teething dun worry

He has teeth liao
Caroline had fever 2 weeks back due to teething, her fever was frm 37.5 to 38.8 range...
But if you worry can bring him to see PD maybe in afternoon.

She has 4 now, already hv 2 lower teeth &amp; 2
upper ones coming out 1/3
early morning his temp was 37.9 when took under his armpit but using the ear thermometer the reading was 38.5... which one more accurate huh? anyway, gave him fever medicine n told my mum to continue monitor him... hope he'll be ok...

i oso suspected teething coz he juz got the fever suddenly... his already got 2 below and can see upper 2 coming out soon...
caroline fever last for how many days? u just give her norm fever medicine tat PD gave during injection?
Sunshine,ya Caroline's fever sudden appear.
I remember it was on saturday morning 6 plus, as usual she will cry for milk ard that time, then when I carry her, her whoel body feel warm, we use Brun ear thermometer and it was 38.1..so gave her paracetemol (the medication given during injection) ard 7 am plus, it went dwn , but it came back again near noon time so we quickly bring her to see PD, well 1st time parents so abit more kiasu...

Paracetemol is given for fever below 39 degree, if hit above need another type of fever medication that is cal ibrufen, thin kthat is the spelling, the PD gave us that to standby but thank God it didnt. Her fever went off on sunday night...

Anyway so long as he is happy playing. Caroline is very active and cheeky though she had fever...she only cried and cranky at night becos of the teething pain, apply Dentinox religously once every hr.

Is there a need to get figurine if the cake is already designed? Or u not getting those designed cakes?
oh yours oso 4 at a go huh.. ok will take note and monitor. Will they usually be cranky just before the teeth sprouts out or when it's already out?

baby C so cute, knows how to disturb people liao heehee. my gal gets very excited whenever she sees our food too, eyes will open big and very happy and wana have a share too. So will always stand by her biscuits or white bread.

my gal loves white bread too. Like the way she eats it.. like very delicious though it's just plain white bread. Hope your boi will recover soon! Should be due to teething..do monitor his temperature ya.

dentinox can apply once every hour?

mommies already planning for 1yr bash? Me haven't started to plan.. so far only booked the venue. geez.. got to start thinking soon. No ideas about cakes and stuff yet.

in case i didn't log in later, here's wishing all mommies a Blessed and Happy New Year
baby C is soooo cute and smart.. she knows hot to get ur attention.

Moiiesha can now walk quite well(even still like drunken master). started with 2-3 step at a time and now 4-5 steps at a time. Her record is 20+ steps. She will walk few steps at a time &amp; stop for a while before another few steps.
Yesterday, i left her in the playmat &amp; went to toilet. When i open the door, she was standing in front of the restroom waiting for me .. i think she walked there coz i dun hear her crawling sounds.
Happy New Year to all mummies ahead ..

i am going back to my hometown ( a small fishing village). Hope Moiiesha enjoy the kampong stay for the coming days ... she loves to see birds, cat, dog &amp; plant ..
Asura &amp; Misscandy:
figurine like cute cartoon figures , thinking of tiera too :p
I hope to opt for princess theme bday cake..
I presonally want to buy the figurines lor cos I know I cant bake a cake so at least I can find some beautiful figurines to decorate the cake.
So if order frm Pine Garden, just a simple 2 tier level cake wif icing and cream...
Still planning so getting info first lor

Yuki, ya infact dentinox tube mention apply every 30mins..but I think too much liao so apply once every hr esp after evennig before your bb sleep during the teething pain..
thks for the info... bryan still as usual active so i think should be ok if i monitor closely...
where to get the dentinox tube?

thks!!! happy new yr to u too!!!

u juz left bb m alone n go toilet... norm if i'm alone at hm w my boi, i'll put him in stroller n push him outside the toilet so i can watch him... kekeke
mango - i got my carebear toppers frm a shop at tjg pgr xchange mall at the mrt. hmmm wad kinda cartoon characters u looking for? have to be more specific leh. u cn always go to those gachapon machines if u wan mickey mouse, winnie the pooh or helly kitty figurines. jus pop in $1-$4 and turn... the capsule toys can be quite good... too bad dont have carebears de... hee... if not then go toy shops to look ba... good luck!
ps. the shop at tjg pgr is called My Cuties... but HB helped to buy it.. so i dunno wad other stuff they have there. =P
My gal fell asleep in the car so I log in to read some posts hee..
Mangogal, I always apply once cos not sure if its good to apply many times, thanks

Sunshinebb, u can get dentinox at guardian pharmacy
Yuki, ya I also apply once at night before she sleep, only durng that time her fever cause by teething I applied once hourly

Sunshine, ya u can get it fron guardian pharmacy..

Missycandy, wah thks for ur info! Oh so I can play gachapon machines to get the figurine,haa will try that.
If I am gng for princess theme..hope I can find cinderella, snowhite, babe(beauty and the beast)
Will go to tangjong pagar complex and chk it out too, thks so much girl:D
actually suntec got alot le.. u can find them near carrefor..

ur gal can walk independantly? serious??!!! she shld be 9mth right? so she the first march bb to walk lo!
mango - if u goin for princess theme, nwadays a lot of places sell the figurines wor... then also depends which princess u wan... u goin to use 6 (jasmine, ariel, snow white, sleeping beauty, belle, cinderella) or just 1? also must decide. hee. Tiaras are very easy to find! can buy from minibits... chamelon... those hair accesories shops... have fun deciding! hee
