(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


I made Minced Beef, potato and spinach puree for bb C recently. I actually used olive oil to fry the minced beef cos I din think it taste nice without frying. I guess a bit of oil or fats is ok cos the BM or FM that we feed actually contains a lot of fats. Everything in moderation is the key. Hee..

Oh yah.. yesterday we gave her some chwee kueh without the chai poh... she loves it!

jo's mummy, first time ordering bag frm subaru as i wanted to order a past design bag frm bigi. Saw my fren carrying the bag very nice! U ordered frm her b4?

Lenny, okie. Tks.
<font color="119911">JAWS3- the horror movie to every pair of mummies' nipples!!!</font>
Northvirgo, i never order from her before, but i did go thru all her past BP..stock seems to arrive very late (1-2mths) and sometimes end up OOS after waiting for 1-2mths..by the time the bag arrive its already old old design stocks..
i got a customer who has this experience, then she buy from me as she don mind to pay extra 3-4bucks..but if u don mind to wait it is worth buying as her price is really good!

Asura, then hav u tried to feed soya beancurd (tau huey) to bb C? with or without sugar is better?
jo's mummy,

Yup... have been feeding bb with tau huey. I ask for the sugar to be separated when I buy. Then i scoop up the amt she eats before adding sugar for my own consumption. Dont think is a good idea to give them too much sugar now. A lot of bb food got sugar liao.
Asura, can they separate the sugar? i nvr know i can ask for it..ok ok..will do tat next time..wat else can we feed them?? hmm..

how abt the chawanmushi?can feed to bb?
jo's mummy,

Yah.. the sugar can be separate cos normally they put the sugar syrup in, then put the tau huey. We ask them to separate.

Chawanmushi is not suitable now as bb cannot eat egg white until 1 yr old. I wouldnt give bb chawanmushi until 18 mth old cos got MSG. Probably be giving her home cooked steamed egg when she is 1 yr old.

I give bb cooked white rice also.. to let her practise chewing and she loves it! Sometimes when we eating bread, we would also give her a bit of bread. Actually they can eat most things now, just depends on whether u are fussy about when they can eat salt/sugar. Actually I even let her taste ice-cream but that's limited to a taste each time. So poor bb, after 1 taste, she would just have to stare at us eat... lol.
Asura, ya ya me too, will let her try on everything by bits when we r eating..rice, bread, biscuits, toufu, tau huey, chicken, fish..but no fried foods n oily foods lar..

oh no..yesterday went to Sushi Tei and feed him some chawanmushi..slap myself for doing tat..will not feed him until he is 1yrs old then..thanks for informing me..
starflower ...

Wow you all v daring oso ler leave him hanging there on the 'web'

re: Lunch

Hda fun catching up with the mummies and nice seeing some new mummies in the group. looking fwd to more of such gatherings k ...

Maybe next time i can bring SH if I am on leave heehee
Jo's mummy ya that's wat my colleague mentioned too! yum yum!

Seabreeze, it's a pity I cant join u all today

Super busy frm morning till late afternoon, even lunch gt to dabao sandwich

Nw can sneak in for a short break n gng to pump my milk...
Cos alot of colleagues on long leave till end of the month so gt to cover their job and this week I am working for 3 days only, mon to wed.. so gt to clear my own stuff too before I can enjoy my long xmas weekend

Yes yes... the cakes at pine garden are yummy.. i love brandy cherried and lychee martini. I would be ordering from them. They have informed that cake orders only require 3 days notice if self-collect.
Hi Mummies at the lunch!

Had a great time chatting wif u and seeing ur babies. Jovan seldom has the chance to meet babies of his age or younger. Guess he had fun and must be so tired that he fell asleep so suddenly. So pai seh that he screamed so loudly. Heeheee..
yes yes thanks for the great time at white dog
meeting other mummies was very therapeutic... at least we know we are not alone haha
hi hi mummies...donno if u remember me cos I've dropped out for quite a while to join my hubby overseas..Just got back in SIN and done with Ariel's 9 month check up and horrors..she is underweight at 7.5kg and 68.5cm...anyone got any ideas on how to fatten her up? We tried increasing her milk and cereal intake but she will just spit out when she is full...sigh.
did the doc mention ways to help Ariel put on weight? a lot of our babies are also refusing solids atm, could be due to teething
aiyah, doctor only say she is at 20 percentile but since all her development is on track, nothing to worry about...but hoh, i still worry worry leh..she so skinny

Heard the S26 FM is very fattening. U might wanna give it a try. But if PD says nothing to worry, there is nothing to worry..
hi CHM,

no worries! my gal is at 9 months too but only 6.6kg! Even lighter than yours! Was very worried too. But she is eating well with cereal as lunch and porridge as dinner with 4 milk feeds during the day.

PD say as long as she is healthy and developments all on track, then no worries! Just feed her as much as she can take. No need to force more food on her as she'll become more stressed when it comes to meal time and refuse more food.

I had 1 tin of 400g of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (Expire on 23/07/2011) + $5 voucher off for 700g Mamil Gold Step 2 Newgen (Valid until 31/12/2009) letting go $9. Self collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(Weekday only). If interested can sms me at 97905232.

Hi CHM, maybe u can try to add some ShiShen powder (can get from EYS), they say this can increase appetite oh..

Hey Kat, wow ur LO is really light! so easy to bring her out shopping..
morning, today is 'Dong1 Zhi4',my mum make those mini tang yuan n the sweet soup so will let my girl try some sweet stuff tonite,hehe

CHM, ya so long as baby is healthy and lively, do nt need to worry, my girl is 7.6kg, height 67cm, she lost abit of weight after her teething fever, my pd said give small quanitiy but many meals, u may try this feeding schedule, my girl can hv 6 to 8 meals per day but in moderate quantity..slowly to build up her appetite again.

Salmon porridge: She likes it! Will give her again this long weekend
mangogal, just give the soup to ur girl ya, don give the tang yuan as it is hard to chew and not advise to give them..ok??
jo's mummy,

Really? I planning to give her 1 ball tonite leh... hee hee... think i would still give... cut a small pc.. hee hee
North Virgo &amp; Jo's mummy.

It is not recommeded to stop night feeding until our babies are well established on their solids intake during the day.

Currently , i am having challenges in feeding her solids. i have posted about this before.. thus Bree will not be able to sleep through the night.. i still do dream-feed her. i do not intend to rush Bree on such.. in my personal, opinion.. she will be ready when she is.

i don't know if its fair to post on the schedule direct as each individual babies develop at their own rate.

anyway.. here goes:

Routine for a baby at nine to twelve months by Gina Ford

7.00am - Baby should be awake, Nappy changed and feeding no la later than 7.00am.
- He should feed from both breasts or have a drink of formula from a beaker, followed by Breakfast cereal mixed with either EBM or Formula and fruit.
- he should stay awake for 2 - 2.5hrs

8.00am - He should be encouraged to have a good kick on his playmat or enjoy other activities for 20 - 30 mins
- Wash and Dress baby, remembering to cream all his creases and dry skin

9.15am 0r 9.30am - Settle drowsy baby in the dark with door shut
- He needs a sleep of 30 45mins

9.30 or 9.45am - Open the curtains so that he can wake up naturally

10.00am - Baby must be fully awake now, regardless of how long he slept
- encourage him to have a good kick or take him on an outing.

11.45 am - He should be given most of his solids before being offered a drink of water or well diluted juice from a beaker, then alternate between soldis and a drink
- Engourage him to sit in his chair while you clear away the lunch things

12.20pm - Check draw sheets and change his nappy
- Close curtains and settle baby in the dark with door shut, no later than 12.30pm. He will need a nap now of no longer than 2 hours from the time he went down.
- If he slept the full 45 mins earlier, he may need less sleep in this nap.

2.30pm - Baby must be awake and feeding no later than 2.30pm, regardless of how long he has slept.
- Open curtains and allow himm to wake up naturally, change his nappy.
- He needs a Breast-feed or formula milk, water or well -diluted juice from a beaker
- Do not feed him after 3.15pm as it will put him off his supper.

4.15pm - Change baby's nappy and offer him a drink cool boiled water or well-diluted juice no later than 4.30pm.

5.00pm - He should be given most of his solids before being offered a small dink of water or milk from a beaker. It is important that he still has good milk feed at bedtime, so keep this drink to a minimum

6.00pm - he must start his bath no later than 6pm, and be massaged and dressed no later than 6.30pm

6.30pm - He must be feeding no later than 6.30pm
- he should feed from both breass or have a full bottle feed. The amount will eventually be reduced to 150 - 180ml when a beaker is introduced at one year
- Dim the lights and sit him in his chair for 10 mins while you tidy up.

7.00pm - Settle him in his cot, in the dark with the door shut no later than 7.00pm
Asura, mangogal, blurgal, its alright if it is really very very small ya..bcos anyhow it is made of glutinous flour which is very hard to digest..its my own personally feel lar cos we adults sometimes feel very full/bloated when we eat "loh mai kai" or any glutinous made kueh..

Lenny, thanks for sharing the GF method. i've already print out and will try to adjust a bit here n there on Jo's schedule..so this is how Bree can adapt to the GF method and she can sleep thru the nite? i know every bb is unique and with diff character..so i don encourage ppl to compare their own bb with others..
jo's mummy and northvirgo.

Hold your horses on this schedule... there are things to note..

Gina ford has written a lot on this and i can't type out all..

i cannot post more now as i am rushing off to my mom's place to help her pack.

we had an emergency call today that my grandpa was hospitalised last night at JKT and he is currently unconsious..

from the reports, we fear leukemia. My mom is on the way to visit him.. i will out this afternoon.. to HarbourFront again to send my mom off.. i was there yest though.

Haiz.. first is grandma.. now that she is discharged and recuperating.. then grandpa.. haiz.. my poor mom..
Lenny, oh sorry, msg too long..over read..paiseh..kekke..now bb Jo takes 2 porridge daily (once in the late morning, once ard 5-5.30pm), he can finish 3/4 bowl, so this means he is well established right? so can apply this method to him right?

Well established means.. 3 balanced meals of solids a day with protein during lunch plus their daily requirement of milk..

Milk is still the core essential for bb till at least 12 yrs old.. of course its recommended for kids even us adults to drink milk daily for calcium.

Really gtg now.. try to catch up when i get the time.. only when bree is asleep
hey hey quick post re food

Gracie was the same i.e. total disinterest in semi solids/solids. Guess what we found out?

On a whim we decided to let her have a bit of our teochew porridge and the side dishes and she loves it! She likes the consistency of a teochew porridge - can see the grains but very soft to chew. I realise now that she dislikes the congee type of consistency because she likes chewing. We also gave her the plain teochew style fish and she loves it too. We dipped the meat in water to wash off excess salt and flavouring and use chop sticks to feed it to her. Wow she kept demanding for MORE MORE MORE. Hahaha I think our babies are all grown up now. They want to eat table food like us adults.

Then last night we brought her to a Japanese buffet and again we experimented with different foods. She loves loves the grilled saba fish and food in the Japanese shabu shabu like cabbage, tofu, carrot (her favourite!) and beef. We try to "wash" in plain water before feeding her with a chopstick. She ate alot. *grins* so happy. The way she ate the carrot was the cutest. We gave her the whole (thinly sliced) carrot and she just slowly bite off small pieces by herself. :)

Don't give up and most of all, keep experimenting. For all you know, your baby could be rejecting baby food because she wants more adult like food already.


oh yes thanks for the lunch everyone, it was nice seeing the oldies and meeting with new faces too.

Jacqueline, owe you $6 btw. PM your bank account no and I'll TT you ok?
Hi mummies,

Can kindly recommend good caterer buffet? Tot of ordering from Neo Garden again but just want to try others caterer. For my girl 1st Birthday. Thanks....
Thanks all for the recommendations...ha ha...I think it is zu ding how much Ariel will weigh..seems that the more I feed her, the more she will POO...counteract my actions ah....
Hi Serene,

I used this caterer for Davis's baby shower and will be using it for his 1st birthday too.
Had gd comments from friends and relatives.
Maybe u would like to try it too.
It's call Good Luck Kitchen.
HP : +65 9638 6460
Tel :+65 6752 4282
Email : [email protected]

as for bree falling asleep.. i don't know if its consider falling asleep on her own.

i will breastfeed her till she unlatch.. she will then blabber on her own flip on her tummy... raise her head to lie on my bolster that i placed next to her.. then she will hug my bolster to sleep.. in about 5 - 10 mins..
Morning, finally i can be back here already. Officially hand all my things back to my colleagues. Now waiting to leave company already.

So long never been here any more.
