(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Scrumpee... Congratz!!!!! take care and eat well k =)

Reverie.. i got the mini shuttle chef but kept burning the porridge so not using already. i got the big shuttle chef that works wonderfully for big portions tho. which one are you using and how long did u boil the rice?

misscandy.. powder form gets stuck when i tried it leh. must stand at the stove, stir n stir. plus my boy screams murder when he is not velco-ed to me so i use slow cooker instead.

Thanks all for the wishes. Hubby ok now, say I can share my joy with whoever I want. But I m still selective lah and you mummies are definitely the first few to know.

I can't remember what I can't eat liao...actually during my 1st preg, I eat everything but in moderation.

Can't imagine I have to go through everything again so soon, esp the dreadful confinement period!! and the pumping of milk! And of course, putting on weight when I just can fit into my pre-preg clothes.

Prosper, don't wait, just do it and join me.

Last update on my sumo Eames, 11.08 kg as of Monday. The PD said "wow...his weight doesn't stabalise, still putting on" but not as much as previous mths.
Morning mummies, sorry to disturb. I'm currently organizing a bp for neurogain fish oil. I have 2 types of neurogain fish oil for pregnancy woman/breastfeeding mummies & kids respectively. Price is around 25% cheaper than the market price. Feel free to view if you are interested. Have a nice day ahead..

agreed w prosper... u should rest more!!!
try not to stay up so late ok...

becoz of yr 'gd news', our thread seems alive again!!!
which is GREAT!!!
Scrumpee, Congrats!!!

I have a colleague who gave birth 1 trimster before me now on maternity leave again. KeKe...

I remember last year this time we were busy going to tollyjoy, carter, babyfox, etc. warehouse sales for our LOs. Any news when is this year warehouse sales?

BTW, is the Baby Yoplait yogurt suppose to be sour?

I find taking care of a 8-mth active baby is more tiring as she like to crawl and stand. Can't leave her alone. Need a play-yard?
fatigue is kicking in...strange, don't feel it when I didn't test but once I tested positive, I begin to feel tired, maybe its all in the mind
regarding napping:
Zac only naps twice a day and only 15-30mins.. pat so long, he falls asleep then awhile only, he wakes up le.

Waking up at night:
He still wakes up for night feeding. sometimes once, sometimes twice... really wish he can sleeps thru the night soon.

He bites me when latching also.. so painful loh.. luckily he do not have teeth yet, i think with teeth worse...

Scrumpee, Congratulation! Enjoy your pregnancy!
Congrats Scrumpee! You're blessed to have no. 2 on the way. I'll be working hard next year

RE: Warehouse sales
Yup yup me too waiting eagerly for details. I think we saved lots by doing a whole year's purchase at these sales!!
Thanks Idlecat, Irene and promeganate

Yes, baby yoplait is sour. Adult yoplait on the contrary, is sweeter.

I m going to see gynae tomorrow, hopefully can see something and can hear heartbeat.
hi Mummies,

long time didnt log in n had a long time reading e archives! may i know where u all buy the baby yoplait? I went cold storage but it stated for 1 yrs n above lei.

Congrats! u shld rest more n eat more.
Hi mummiessssss!!!

didnt post for a very very long time cos busy with my 2 monkeys at home.....driving me crazy everyday!!!!

BUT when i saw Scrumpee GOOD NEWSSSSSS!!!!! I M SOOOOOO SOOOOOOO EXCITEDDDDDDD!!!!!!......COS i got kaki liaoooooooooooo!!!!!! I oso kanna accident!!!! now 8 weeks + preggy liao.....headache now.....dun know how 2 handle #1who is at his horrible 3 and #2 who will b terrible 2 next yr and a BABYYYYYYYYYYYYY ALL BY MYSELFFFFFFFFF!!!!!......*screams n runs to hide in a corner* *shiver* *shiver*
congrats scrumpee! u will get past it.

like sassy, my 2 kids are around 15 - 16 months apart too, and SEE, i am surviving. And the 2 are enjoying themselves SO MUCH together! though that #1 kind of selfish when it comes to his toys but he will protect his sister and take tissue clean her mouth after she has finished her food. so u see, little thingslike this keep u going.


ladies, omg, I am just back from camping with the students and so much to read! haha.
<font face="trebuchet ms"> my SIL got the baby yoplait from bedork ntuc @ 5.10... but only banana &amp; vanilla favor only

Hi misscandy,
me got the balbao sling lor, 2nd hand n within my low low budget... yipee... thanks so much your offer to lend to me even me just bump in here... appreciated...</font>
hardly see u in this thread and congrats to you too. Yeah....I have kaki.

yes yes, u and sassy are my idol, how to cope? I also have two friends who were in a similar situation with me

Shit! just now my boss told me that there are a lot of overseas events next year and ask if I can travel. I don't know what to say, just told her I will discuss further with her. I will break the news to her next Monday after my gynae appt. My good news is her bad news
hiaz so sian, I ganna flu &amp; Caroline gt the running nose frm me

I still bfing her but after my medication, I will throw away my breastmilk, so heartpain, sianz...flu flu go away!!
Yo scrumpee,

Congrats ah! I hardly contribute to the thread now cos my kids are such a handful that I can only sneak in a couple of mins here and there to read the archives, but I really have to pop in to say CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS ah!
Congra Scrumpee.. seein u mention abt gg c gynae, &amp; hopin to c heartbeat feelin make mee tink back.. feel lik havin one soon.. but ....... better not.. gotto think twice.. i missed my freedom too.. =)
looking at all the good news, makes me feel like having one too but thinking of the money n effort ha ha i think i must think twice.
scrumpee - There is no idol here lah... is a mother's instint I think... is naturally u can cope lor... B4 i think u r mad to carry 2 babies at 1 time... but now i can backpack no 1 in pikkolo and carry no 2 in puspik in front... When it come to no choice u will do it... I am sure u can as well...
scrumpee, totally agree with sassybaby, when the time comes, u really can find the strength to keep u going. Haha. It's naturally inborn. Mothers are the most stretchable beings ever.
Thanks for the Gu Li. I do enjoy carrying new born but having to go through the 3 hourly feed, breatfeeding, confinement process and all makes me feel jaded. I know I shouldn't have such thoughts. *slap myself*. I should think of the bright side..i.e after the 2nd one, I can officially close shop.

i bought my baby yoplait yogurt from jelita's cold storage.
i tasted it before i gave to my girl. its kinda sour. so i add mash banana inside the yogurt. it adds a bit of sweetness in the yogurt.
i m using the mini one. it should be about 130ml water with half scope of rice using similac scope. my maid tried and tested the formula. slow fire for abt 2 hours. have to watch lor... otherwise will get burnt. i wanna buy the big one which is 400+ during an isetan sale but it was oos then. so i bought the cheap one. forgot the brand.

i have 2 green tins of white rice cereal and 1 tin of pink tin brown rice cereal.
congrats to CF also!

blurjen - me too.. lol! but too tight on the pocket now.. must wait awhile... hehehe

reverie - ooo... but hard to meet up la.. hee. so il pass thanks
I encourage more to join me and CF. The more the merrier.

Went to visit my boy at my mum's plc this evening, gave him a big hug and whisper to him that he is going to be a kor kor soon and all of a sudden, I felt like crying cos I feel guilty towards him...he will no longer be the centre of attraction, I have to share my love for him with another kid...ummm....getting emo lor.

Dont be guilty. YOu have another 8 more months to shower him with lots of love and teach him how to be a good kor kor..

Wouldnt be joining u so soon... would only start to TTC from May onwards..
<font color="0000ff">Congrats, CF!! Scumpee got kaki liao... Who's next, who's next?? =D

My boy has fever too, fever very very high... PD says it's fake measles, but no rashes out yet.. Poor fella so cranky.

Anyone knows what's Fake measles?</font>
Hi Ladies
Just came back from my first gynae appt. Did a scan, can only see the sac and no heartbeat yet. I m in my 5weeks 6days, expected EDD is 10 July 2010 which is my customary wedding anniversary, such a coincidence.

The nurses there were surprise to see me and one of them still thought I was in my previous preganancy and questioned how come my gynae gave me multi-vits since i am suppose to be in my last tri..hahah..I told her "hello, this is my second one, first one already out 7 mths ago".

Eunice was happy to see me and said that I had so much difficulty conceiving no.1 and now can't wait to have more babies is it? Tell me to be happy because I said this is totally unexpected. She said I could conceive so easily this time is because I m relaxed, TTC was totally not in my mind, unlike the last time.

Going to my next check up on 26 Nov, hopefully can hear heartbeat by then...after that is anticipation of gender, BOY or GIRL leh???

Haha...shall the mummies do a bet here? I want girl but I think will be a birdie

scrumpee, heheh hope you'll see the heartbeat soon! i bet now you just can't wait for 26nov to come quick! and don't feel guilty towards Eames. I was like you too, feel guilty towards my #1 and it was WORST when i had to deliver. mine's a csection and i cannot move, so i cann't even hug or touch my #1. he was only about 15mths old then, and he totally couldn't recognise me, kept crying when he entered the hosp room. Aiya, you can imagine how I felt then, to be rejected by him. But when i came home, it's all back to normal! Hahaha. don't worry so much, you will brave it all when the time comes.


all the other TTC mommies, jia you! hhaa, definitely closing shop on my side, taking ALL THE PRECAUTIONS necessary!! really cannot tahan a #3. MIL already say NO to taking care if a #3 comes haha.
