(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi all mommies..

tristan recovered. but im quite busy at hme.. coz my mom juz had a operation last week and on top of that, my niece got HFMD. so i have to keep tristan away from her, stop sharing the walker, highchair.. and he is left with his own LG playmat, my room, jumperoo n bumbo. and bcoz of the virus at hme, i try to clean the whole hse everyday.. Faint. im so shag until i don feel like using laptop. really so tired. kudos to mommies who is SAhM and do hsewrks everyday. hehe.

All the best to u.. hehe :p lets see which is the plan for u for this year end.

hi mummies
it's been so longggg since I logged in here..
been busy and also had just gone back to my country..
anyways..got a question to ask regarding ur bb naps..
is ur bb napping 2x now or still 3-4x a day?
still waking up at nights?
aiyoo my boy sleep pattern suddenly change..he was a good napper..3x a day for a total 3 hours then change to 4x naps..30 mins each!! and today..he refused to take 2nd nap..so only take 1 nap in morning and on around 3pm..total 2 hours for both naps..
soemtimes he can sleep thru til morning..sometimes he seems agitated..cant sleep soundly..need me to pat his back all the time..there are days i hardly sleep at nights..
i thought when they get bigger, i can sleep better..but i think he slept better when younger
oh also..anyone using slow cooker to cook porridge for baby?
mind to share me ur recipee..i'm confused how much rice my 7 month boy should eat now..and can we give meat/beef/fish already? how about cheese?
ur bb eat 3x a day already right?

Rice - 1 flat chinese spoon
Water - 1 bowl

I'm using the smallest slow cooker. Put everything into slow cooker, switch it on. If using meat for taste put it in too.

2hrs later, dump in root veg. After 1hr, serve. Total time = 3hrs.

The amt of porridge is enough for my boy for lunch n dinner. He takes 2-4 chinese spoonful of mush each meal.

I got a formula that I follow when feeding my boy. His meals are either

a) Meat + Root Veg + Green Veg + Porridge/Cereal. Meat is for taste only and is discarded.
b) Root Veg + Green Veg + Fruit or another Root Veg + Porridge/Cereal

No special reason for the formula, just makes it easier for me to plan his meals =)

so 1 spoon of rice for 2 meals? then my boy eats quite alot then..i give him 2 chinese spoons of rice and that can be divide for 2 meals but sometimes he cant finish it also..thats why i wonder if i cook too much for him..

when will u give meat to bb?
i plan to give by 8 months..but i give beef already..
for kirsten, she takes porridge 2 times a day. the rice i grind it into powder. i use the spoon from the friso can. I give her 2 spoons(est 60mls/grams) of that with 100mls of water. i add either mince chicken/pork or fish to it. then when its almost done, i add my pureed veggies/roots. after its all cooked, the amount is around 1 bowl.

for my pureed veggies/roots, i usually do 1 weeks worth and put into baby cubes. do easier for my mum. the meats i also pack into little packs. so all my mum has to do is scoop the grinded rice powder, add water, take 1 pack of the meat and 1 cube of the veg. cook for ard 1hr in the slow cooker.

ive given her peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, normal potatoes, corn, pumpkin, yam, avocado

for fruits, ive given her bananas, apples, pears(jar), apricots(jar)

her regime is
8-9am - milk 150mls with 1 scoop cereal
1130am - porridge with meat & veg
230-3pm - milk 150mls with 1 scoop cereal
530-630pm - porridge with meat & veg
830-930pm - milk 150mls with 1 scoop cereal

nowadays when she slps with me, she wakes up for night feed *ARGHX* can be 12mn, 1am or even 3-4am... #!$%#$@!$@$#%#@
the problem is kirs doesnt seem to swallow well leh... esp the mince pork... sigh... though ive asked the uncle to mince it 3 more times, she still cnt swallow... but she is fine with chicken and fish...
with pork, when she cnt swallow, she wil choke n vomit all out... sigh... so i might stop pork... and just give chicken and fish...

yes i use 1 chinese spoon for 2 meals. this is because i add a lot of root veg which bulks up his meal. if you are not added root veg then need to add more rice when cooking. so envy that your boy is eating well. mine is a small eater; wish he would eat like your boy loh.

misscandy.. i feel your agony. my boy also started to wake for night feeds since 6mths old. some nights he wakes up 4times. OMG. my eye bags bigger than his diaper bag liao.
i heard that porridge cant cook n keep too long. thus i am advised to cook bb bkfast at abt 6am for 9am feed and aft bkfast cook lunch etc. i use thermos. every meal i used half scope of rice grain using similac scope with abt 2 tbspn of veg / side.
misscandy, how about blending the meat after cooking? once i accidently blended beef with baby's porridge and he had not problems cos it was very smooth.
reverie.. which thermos are you using? or are you using thermos for storing porridge?

at 2pm, i will store baby's dinner porridge in thermos. he will then have his dinner between 7-8pm. but i do heat up the porridge before feeding. is that still ok? dun really have time to cook 2x a day =/
ure not alone about the night waking!

and YES it started when he reach about 6 months old..oh whyyy whyyy... lols
when is this going to settle huh?

oh dont get me wrong..my boy doesnt eat that well lah..he does finish it..but i need to entertain him, give toys etc..usually it takes 20-30mins to finish his meal..max he can take 6 tbsp of porridge

thanks for sharing the schedule

i still give nestle cereals for breakfast and on sunday..coz sunday I dont cook..my boy loves nestle cereals better than my home cooking leh..
he likes the apple n cranberry flavor, vege (pumpkin,carrots) flavour and the mixed fruit flavour..also wheat and honey nestle. he can finish 1 full bowl.
i also put in thermos for his dinner..but if still gets abit cold..will warm in microwave and then stir..
i checked that it is safe to use microwave to heat..just dont forget to stir after that..
wow reverie, u cook at 6am? i think dont torture yourself, just give baby rice cereal. Here's my regime:

Breakfast: Rice cereal + puree (sweet potato, pumpkin or some fruit thing)
Lunch & Dinner is porridge.

Porridge is 2 flat chinese spoon + 1 potato. I used to give 2.5 flat chinese spoon for both lunch & dinner but now i change to 2 flat spoon + 1 potato.

Ingredients & time:
8+ am, in slow cooker on HIGH: 2 flat chinese spoon + 1 potato (or sweet potato or carrot)
cook with 3-4 slices of pork or beef
9+/10+ am, still on HIGH: add fish slices and chopped spinach
(because fish and veg cook faster, dont let veg turn black)

11am: turn to LOW. Stick my trusty handlheld blender into slow cooker, 5 sec done. Scoop half into my Zoijirushi flask for his dinner. Turn off slow cooker. In 1 hour, cool enough to serve.

12noon: Serve warm
can soak the pot for washing liao. In this way, he gets to "eat the meat", not just drink the "juice" in the porridge.

I've given the same things as missycandy, including broccoli. Fruits he's also had papaya (super good for constipation and packed with vitamin C) and water melon. Beef is for iron. Chinese Yam (or huai2 san3) can put 1 piece into porridge, very nutritious also. Trick: Add potato into the porridge with fish, the porridge will not have ANY fishy smell at all! Try it

Amongst all the food, i still feel avocado is the easiest, open and serve, and super nutritious.

oh yah, last week he had sore throat. Went to PD, PD say give luohanguo and i boiled Luohanguo w small sugar orange, and chrysanthemum. After 2 days, his sore throat cleared up. PD say no need to give so liang like Barley. So in sequence of "coolness" , its LuoHanguo, Chrysanthemum and Barley (the most "liang"). If weather is hot and mild sorethroat, some Luohanguo will do (but add chrysanthemum more tasty for them).
miss83, kee is also waking up at night feeds, i'm thinking of letting him "cry until give up" one time to stop the bad habit, but maybe after he recover from his sore throat first :p Also, he's a skinny fella, so maybe he does need the extra milk....undecided....
U r not alone. My boy also started waking up at nite a few wks back. Not sure if its too hot or hungry la. He has been sleeping thru the nite since 6 wks old, so now really hope its a passing phase

I feed my boy porridge 2x a day, using 1/4 cup rice + 2 cup water to cook, all in for 2 meals. Haven intro meat yet.

Wa, not many pd/gp believe in chinese herbs. Can share name of pd?

Do u all let ur babies sit in high chair now to feed them?
what kind of beef you cook? I just bought minced beef from cold storage..but they got whitish things not purely red..is that ok to give to bb?
and what kind of fish you give?
i usually dont feed milk anymore at night if his milk intake is already 500ml or above.but sometimes he eats too much and didnt finish his milk..only about 450ml a day..so if he cries at night, i will feed him milk..
same here ..he was a good sleeper back then..

my boy still using his bouncer seat during meals..he seems happier there..but if we go out in restaurant, he will sit on high chair or stroller then i feed him
wow so many babies waking up for night feeds. i wonder if it is because of teething. last night my boy bite me on BOTH sides during night feed. *faint*

starflower, how do you make the louhangou with jiu hua? like how many louhangou, how much jiu hua and what is sugar orange? my boy does not like water, so i'm looking for all means n ways to make him drink water =/
another reason why they don sleep well now cld be due to teething too. My boy already has 4 teeth and now seeing another 2 more sprouting out on top.

Bouncer as in rocker? My boy likes to flip when he is there, so never put him there liao, have to place him in play pen. And he doesn't really like to sit long in Bumbo, so usually gotta carry him to feed. Thinking of getting high chair soon as he can sit quite steadily these few days
donroxx, missy, starflower,

Wow, thanks for the porridge cooking recipes and tips! I'm lagging behind here, have not started porridge yet.

Qn: Do you all give white or brown grain rice? Or mix half-half?

Re: Sleeping at night
Yea, she still wakes up a few times at night. I tried for a month feeding just water and giving her the pacifier. But she still wakes up. Now I give in and just latch on. I think she is sometimes hungry at night but probably it's just a bad habit.

Re: High chair
I'm feeding bb in her high chair. I think that's easier and better for my back as I just sit on a chair beside her. At home, I always feed her in the same spot to get her used to the idea it's mealtime. She only gets distracted when people walk and talk around her.
mygal has not been sleeping thru the night ever since I have started work!!! I tend to wake up at least twice a night to feed her or pat her back to sleep :<

My gal has been having porridge at 12plus in the afternoon and 6 plus in the evening. Can finish about 3/4 to a full chinese bowl but she dun drink much milk though. Prefers solid food.

Will add one root veg/ leafy veg with minced lean pork.

Root veg - sweet potato, carrot, potato and pumpkin

Veg - xiao bai cai and spinach

Fruits - apple and avocado ( but she dun like avocado though)

Will sieve the porridge via a metal sieve.
the whitish part should be the fats and babies tend not being able to eat those. you might wan to try to mince the beef yourself or take out the whitish bits.
babe... my boy gets constipated easily so PD said no brown rice for him. if your baby has no constipation issues, brown rice is a great option as it has more nutrients.

re highchair... absolute lifesaver for me. feeding him was so much easier on me and he watches tv at proper eye level. dad bought a $15 highchair - no frills but stable n so easy to clean. love it!
Re: Sleepin thru out the nights
i think i can use my fingers to count the nights he slp thru hahaha... i give up alrdy. no longer hoping for him to slp thru.

Re: solids
I have stop him from taking solids for the past 1 week plus as he was having phlegm and he throw up almost everytime. my mom told me to stop his porridge saying porridge is heaty due to the fire. and also for cereal as got sucrose. now im back to solids but like lost touch.. haha.
im like anihow, sometimes i give him 2 meals a day sometimes 1meal a day. sometimes i forgot. very bad. i muz start giving him on regular basis le. hehe. today i gave him porridge with sweet potato and ikan billis powder. what fish to introduce them? i need to go back my hme to get my slow cooker. i hate to cook the porridge at the stove.. is so long..

he has 2 ..
high 5... tristan also gets constipation easily.. what is ur boy's longest record of constipation? mine is like 9 days. hahaha.. so worrying whenever he is not poo.. maybe tml i shd give him some pumpkin.. works better than giving fruits.

re: feeding chairs
sometimes walker, bumbo or carry by his papa ..

re: talking
tristan have been saying bye bye bye when we say bye bye to him .. donno issit really talking or juz plain qiao he.
hi miss83, fish is Ngor hu, ang go li or xue yu (cod). Beef i'm not sure, my mum packed in tupperware for me :p But i think Annmelody (more experienced mummy
) shud be right, the white is fat, maybe not so good bah?

Donroxx, i also need to constantly feed him water. the Luohanguo 1 small one (30cents) add with orange ( i think, here's the picture of it on the right) and add 1 mi zao (the one on the left). there are 3 other things to add also, i'll post the full recipe tmr.

Babe: i have a seperate rice container for him: 50% white rice and 50% brown rice. Brown rice more nutritous but harder to digest so gotto blend or sieve for now. I soak the 2 spoonful of rice in a bowl of water, put in the fridge, the night before so it cooks faster the next day morning. (then at 12noon can switch off slowcooker &amp; shou gong liao). The brown rice also makes it a bit more "sticky" and "chewy", thicker not so watery :p

He eats on the highchair. No bumbo no rocker no stroller. Highchair means meal times. And always ard 12-1ish and 6-7ish to an established routine
milk intake drops also, from 180ml to 150ml in the day and 120ml at night.
Keen on setting up a Home-based business opportunity (not MLM)

Ruben &amp; Shire is a premier lifestyle healthy snacks provider. The company is looking for resellers to expand its network. Very low start up cost but profitable margins.

Very suitable for mommies looking to supplement their income.

Please note that this is NOT an MLM biz.

Please PM me if you are keen

Queenie.. wah my boy's record was 4days and i panic bring him to KK. now i have a bottle of lactulose in the fridge and would give him 1.5ml when he constipates. oh also found out that sweet potato works for my boy. so i give him sweet potato 3 times a week.

re talking.. i think he knows he is saying bye bye. my boy can say "mai" *hokkien for dun wan* when we force him to drink more milk. =P

Starflower.. thanks for the pics! wait for your recipe, so excited can make new drink for my boy hahaha
queenie: elixir had constipation for a while(3 days)when i switched him to stage 2 of his formula but after giving him sweet potato, he's been pooing well...so now i give him sweet potato porridge everyday for lunch...another thing i tried was the baby prune juice fm heinz...just half bottle n he can poo poo le...
Hi Mommies,

I have a tin of 400mg Nestle Nan Pro 2 that i opened yesterday and took out 5 spoon for Bree to try. She don't like the taste of the milk..

if i throw it away.. it will be a waste.. if any mommies want, please PM me. Expiry date - 2 Oct 2010

I noticed that my milk supply is dropping, don't know if its due to lethargy or my menses.. as bree is still not really keen on her solids.. i tried to use formula to supplement.. that's why open this sample tin..
And I thought my boy was being cranky for not being to sleep through the night. Looks like some babies are going through the same stage now.

My boy seems irritated these days when he wakes up in the middle of the night. He will scratch his head &amp; ears &amp; like very "mang zhang"

I thought his sleeping regime will resume after his 6 pearlies came out but looks like it gonna take some time...
good Morning all Mummies!!

Miss u all &amp; BBs.Recently my gal dun like her milk again but porridge she can take almost 2bowls of it. and after tat still 'ask' for food when she sees us eat! haha

was thinking if u mummies would like to organise a chalet gathering next month? ( if still ava)
i ve a free voucher for downtown east chalet.
i hvn't intro porridge to my boi yet...
trying to switch to FM + cereal to him but still failed aft various attempts...
tink i need to start intro porridge to him so can slowly stop giving him cereal as my ss is getting lesser now...
hope he'll like porridge...

i am also thinking of adding FM to her cereal.. just tried the Nestle Nan Pro 2 FM on its on.. but she reject. kinda puzzled cos we ever fed Bree Nan Pro 1 during her first few months when my MS is low.. and she prefers this than Mamil gold..Don't know if i should open the Similac and Mamil gold sample also to try.

i am also worried that my MS is getting low.. maybe too tired or my menses la..

going to Moms in Mind later at Jalan Peminpin.. was thinking of getting breast feeding clothes.. but also don't know if i am doing the right thing by buying more.. cos MS might stop haiz..

Did u managed to get the Christmas tree for BB Bryan?
Hi mummies,

this few days, i had been thinking of venue n cake for my bb 1st bday then i realize that some of em is fully booked! hai... furthermore mine fell during cny period...

Oh BTW if any mommies wanted to get things from old navy or gap can let me know cos i got 30% off current i had US50 order on hand so hope to get more order
I mentioned in my earlier post of me missing menses...the verdict is out. I STRIKE!!! OMG! Can't believe I m so lucky this time when I did not plan for it at all. My boy took me 19 mths to conceive and is after much planning and medication. But this time, totally unexpected!

And I m in a fix. Happy yet not happy because my boy is only 7 mths old, how is my mum going to help me take care of 2??? And I still haven't spent enough time with my boy and now no.2 is coming, I feel so guilty towards my boy now.

I know its taboo to reveal this as I have not pass the 3mths mark but I cannot contain this and really want to shout it out...and I can only do this in this forum. Good thing is, I can close shop when I turn 33 and the 2 kids will have each other as playmate.

Scrumpee........congrats.... we are very fertile when our kids are much younger ... my 4 kids are 1yr 1month aprt frm each other.. no 1 &amp; no 2 .. no 3 &amp; no 4

so i guess.... u have to withold of changing jobs?

u are the first mummy to strike here i guess??
congras scumpee!!! dun worry la... enjoy yr preggy journey... norm aft birth, they said our body tend to be more fertile so if need to take precaution if dun plan to hv one so soon...

try to increase yr ss la... if not, u can only stop once bree is ok w FM...
aiyo, hvn't get the tree... hb said tis wkend go to those wholesale shop to see or go taka as their atrium hving christmas sale...
Hi mummies
noticed some of you commented on my facebook. ummm...can don't be so obvious? you all can comment here in the thread but not facebook lah.
