(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Scrumpee, haa TLC nurses must be blur liao when they see you, so they must be suprise to hear ur 2nd pregnancy

Hey so Dr Chua is very happy for you right? Ya so dear mummy relax and be happy ok? Be careful and next appt u will see the tiny miracle heartbeat again

Wah I like ur edd date, so nice 10 07 2010, double JOY :D!!

Hi Scrumpee and CF, Congrats! I have 2 kakis here liaoz. So happy!!

I think I am the no.1 in this thread.. but was so busy looking for house and selling my house and my work, that's why long time din come in.. so would like to share my good news with you mummies too! I am in my 3rd month now and my EDD will be 27 May 2010. Hope is a girl this time.
Who else who else?? I am excited to see more kakis too!

When my gynae Dr Paul Tseng saw me and my hubby, he said: hmmm... I believe you both are very experience by now... and then a grinned.. haha.. so funny..
Hi minnie,
my boy got the fake measles as well...basially, fever comes first followed by rashes..when rashes subsidy, everything will be fine..
no medication needed..=)
wah Yiyi, u also having no. 2!! So fast & CONGRATS!!!!!
Scrumpee & Yiyi, Hope this time round both of ur No 2 are PRINCESS!!

Hee TLC clinic nurses and gynaes must be so busy, still alot of patients hor?
I miss them haha!!
waa.... suddenly all the baby dust coming out liao... lolol! congrats yiyi!

1. yiyi
2. CF
3. Scrumpee
4. ???

i also wont have so soon... will get pregs only next yr... will be having bb in 2011 =P
Yiyi & Scrumpee, just check with you gals, u all bf till what month n stop ah?
Cos heard that mummies that just stop bfing are very fertile wor..

actually.. if continue to breastfeed also fertile.. one of my gf.. gave birth to her second child last yr july then got preggers and delivered her third one this yr in May
<font color="119911">congratz yiyi, cf and scrumpee!

juz came back frm BKK wif hb, nice but tiring trip. shop, eat n massage non-stop!</font>
yiyi &amp; CF.. congrats.. more biz for the gynaes.. hehehe

fake measles means.. it is a sign that high fever is over and should be glad if our bb gets it.. as it means high fever no more... my 3rd boy kena before...
WOWOOWW we have 1 more baby coming, Congrats Yiyi! Are we the first thread to have record 3 in 8 mths? hehee Sure lots of baby dust around here
hehehee so happy for all of you :p so exciting, i cant imagine all the shopping again later for baby clothes! *clap clap* oh so fun so fun! :p

CONGRAT yiyi, srumpee n CF.. aiyo.. so fast sia.. makes mi feel like coming more to check on more good news... hahahahhaaha..
just wondering ... we are still fertile even if we TBF right ? say, if we got preggy, will the ss stop or can we still able to bf ?
haha .. recently many mummies go holiday (year end holiday season), maybe will bring back with more good news .. keke
sinmey - i think have to stop bfing... have to check with gynae... yaya... all go holiday... hahaha!!! i knw keronjeris going... jo also going.... hahaha! eh any news frm ur babysitter?
checked with her liao... she say no confidence to take care 2 small babies at the same time, unless is a bigger toddler wo. Think Moiiesha scare her liao.. haha
haha .. yes yes &amp; alfafa too .. holiday for mths.
ooh, thought some mummies say we are still fertile even TBF ma, so just wondering .. haha
Congrats Yiyi!

Wow... really lots of baby dust! so u gals started/join a new thread for ur number two yet? so exciting...

I hope to be pregnant ard the time the 3 of u give birth... hee hee..
<font color="0000ff">Woooo~~ Got good news everyday!! So excited!! More mommies getting their #2!! Congrats yiyi!!

False measles
Thanks Ida &amp; jessyy.. My boy's fever is making me so worried.</font>
sinmey.. i was pregnant with b4 while totally breastfeeding my b3 .... doc ask to stop (private doc) while my gynae gave it thumbs up and continue as long as i can... only that my ss dropped drastically when i was pregnant &amp; fasting the whole month

minnie.... dun worry... hope he will be well soon...

yiyi.. ur bb age gap is so much closer than my 4 ...
thks mummies 4 telling me where 2 get e yohgurt. i will go n check it out. dnt know whether my gal will like it or not.

Wow, congrats 2 those mummies who r preg again! felt so happy 4 u all!
no need to worry arh...just let the symptoms go off itself..=) my boy also got it before and he was completely happy with no complains arh..
long time did not pop in this thread.
congrats mummies who are preg again!"pei-fu"

i surrender and factory closed!
yiyi!!! congratulations!!! wow.. you are really fast man.. me going holidays in dec, but not to manufacture #2, it is my reward for giving my hb #1 and also my birthday!! heehee.. btw, anyone went for ligation already or planning to have one??
yiyi, Congrats!

Sinmey, can still bf when u are preggie, but must be careful if u are gg to bf throughout the pregnancy cause the suckling may trigger contractions. I continued to bf till my #2 was 3 mths old in tummy then I stopped. Cause a bit uncomfy also with tummy. Haha.
wow, good news to read! hee long time din pop in.

congrats to mummy scrumpee, CF and yiyi! must be a wondrous feeling to be pregnant again. must take good care and be careful when carrying your little one now

i'm surviving and into my 2.5 months as SAHM. haha enjoying it at times and yet frustrated and lonely sometimes. haha guess there are trade-offs...

pumpkinseed, congrats on finding a job! and one that you like too. good to read that your gal adapting very well to infant care

sinmey, your gal very very cute and expressive!

ooops, no time to read past thread now, my little one crying for my attn again, gtg!
scrumpee, not stopping at #1, but living standard in singapore is so high &amp; competitive, my boss was telling me that the stress's not on taking care of kids, the stress will kick in when they started schooling..

wow.. ur hb is good.. give u a trip to reward.. i only managed to get hb to give me $1k to pay for my hair spa package. Not even enough to cover... heh... better than nothing..

Re: Stress when kids are schooling... i think it would vary differently amongst parents. My personal take on this is just to give my child good exposure and try to maximise her full potential. No need to stress, if cannot then i got to accept it. Just like crawling, walking standing..etc.. if they are attempting, we try to help them but if they dont even want to try, what else can we do? So same goes for schooling.. i read somewhere that it is more impt for parents to understand their child's character and work from there.. each child is different. I think the challenge is when we have more than 1 kid, how to make them feel that they are equally treated and yet at the same time treat them according to their characters.

Good to read that you are doing fine.. really pei fu! I think SAHM are very wei da women.. all the effort but no pay. And on days when they want to chill and have time off, they are unable to escape. I go crazy after long weekends with my bb. At 12+ in the afternoon like now, i wonder why the day is so long... hahaha
congrats to all the mummies with #2/3 coming next year ... its tough but very worth while =)

anyway very happy cos I am on leave for 1 whole week!!! YAHHHHHHH

Any mummy wan meeting up?? PM me or SMS me k ... heehee
Three preggy mummies taking the lead and another big leap forward!!! Congrats CF and Yiyi!

I'll be off to China for 2 weeks this Wednesday to attend my cousin's wedding in Shanghai cum a big family gathering/ holiday. Sure packing a lot of things for the bb including her potty!
Congrats to all the mummies who r preg again. Really peifu !!!

me considering but hubby dun allow though we both close factory already. So scared that I will get preg again. Can't handle.
Hey seabreeze, school hols start for me next wk, I can meet up! if you want! but only on tues and fri hahaha. the rest have to go back to school oh!!
cindy - aunty ... cn u meet me or not... but im nt off leh... lol!!! i wana see ur ribbons too!!! i knw u bought with alfafa the other time round... have u done clips or stil laying ard? im keen to do some myself.. =P same time pass cup to u!!!! hahaha!

missyauntie! Haha, I haven't do anything at all with the ribbons and lace! Haha.... If u didn't mention, I almost forgot abt them liao!?!?? Whahaha. Ok lets meet. Tuesday or fri? I can pass to u let u try. But I didn't buy any clips ley. Must go spotlight for those? No idea Haha.
