(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

i wan i wan ... do some clips for my girl too ..
she will pull down anything like hat/hairband that i put for her ...
sinmey - u wana make or u wan me make for u? LOL! i let u knw when we goin to buy stuff... will be a wed or thurs next week.. hee hee...
OMG, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To Scrumpee, CF and Yiyi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take good care and do update us whenever you can. We'll be supporting you all the way!!
CONGRATS to Scrumpee, CF and Yiyi..u gals can join the 2010 thread liao
Hehee, so happy to feel the babydust in the thread :p

Oh ya, my fren's bb had cough adn phelgm, went to this chinese physician, in 3 days all gone, here's the contact: Yu Guo Chinese Physician
8B Jalan Masjid #01-08 Kingston Palace Spore 418929
Ph : 6447 4761, 6348 6415 ; Fax : 6345 3358
Hi mummies,
Congrates to all mummies who is expecting another angel next year.

Long time didnt come in and post. Year end super busy at work and with my 2 kidos. Both sick on and off now #1 sick after Ethan.

For Yopliat Baby yogurt, how do we feed when its cold? Have to warm it? I have buy some for my gal but she have cough so now its like going to expiry soon, so thinking should I gv to Ethan.
still prefer to stick to this thread since already familiar with the mummies here although I hardly see many of you.

Any, I have been having mild gastric pain eversince, and don't feel like eating. Quite different from my 1st preggy. Worst thing is, I m busy at work these 2 mths, cannot afford to take MC, so sian, totally no mood to work.

I will take the yogurt out 10mins before I serve, so that its not too cold.
Congrates Srumpee , YiYi and CF on your preg. Take care and update us ... been a silent reader at times .. now busy with new work and moving house so seldom login ...

Startflower / Jasmine : My kids also go to Yu Guo for message .. it's good ...

Playmats : which is good ? Anyone can recommend me ?

Btw, those who use walker, pls watch out as my son fell off it yesterday .. he put his head downwards and then slowly out of the walker with a small bump in his head .. phew luckily not serious ...
U better take care since your a expecting, not so good to have gastric at this point of time. Thanks for sharing, so just leave it outside for a well than can take le OIC. But my MIL dont know will make noise if I give it to him, coz he just recover from his cough.
Wish a boy,
Yeah better be careful, my colleague’s boy also fell out from walker. Boys are boy very playful de. My boy will band his body down when I put him in standing position on the stool, he will band pull the stool up using his hands. Now he knows how to clap hands when he hear music playing.
Mummies, need your help. If you know of any popular blogs that are written by pregnant or breastfeeding mums (eg. Karen Cheng), please PM me the link.
Need one locally and some from overseas like Malaysia, Philippines, UK, US, Australia, France
Went on a one day trip to Batam yesterday with Baby J in tow and it was super tiring. Wonder how you mummies can take long-haul flights and travel so far abroad. I guess I will only travel further abroad when he's older.

Anyway, my HB & I managed to go for full-body massage with baby J around. It was a thai-style massage where the mattress was placed on the floor and baby J just sat & crawled about in between the space of 2 mattresses. Halfway through, he wanted to sleep and I just let him lie on on my chest & patted him while the masseur continued the massage on my feet. I really admired myself. Hahaha.. (thick-skinned)
Congrats to mummies expecting their #2 !

WOw, u r gd, I don think i can do massage with hubby n having BB around. My boy likes to crawl to the edge of the mattress and onto the floor. Same when on playmat.
so far LG is better
my boy too...crawl and crawl..there was once I put him on the floor to crawl he is so happy but then he head kanna on the floor and he cry haha
2009 Warehouse Sales? still no news when???

Just FYI last year warehouse sales period
(1) Tollyjoy, 21-23 Nov 2008
(2) Carters/Oshkosh, 19-21 Dec 2008
(3) FOX, 02-14 Dec 2008
jasmin, st, teddybb
yr bb already crawling huh...
my boi still not yet lei... mayb he's slow learner... hahaha

Don't worry he will evemntually crawl if not walk before he crawls (some bbs do that for some reason). And when he does, u will be wishing he stayed stationary for longer!! *_*""

no worries..it is true that some bb walk first. My friend's sis daughter is like that..she walk walk first then start to crawl.

another friend of mine enrol her son to gymboree classes to help his son with his motor skills.
wish a boy,
i also have both LG prime & parklon .. definitely LG prime is better. Though it's bit expensive but i think is worth the money & it has resale value.
Thanks for all your wishes again.

I am having LG one, very good. I saw the Parklon one, material is quite rough, LG one is smoother.

Don worry Sun, my Isaac also donno how to crawl yet.. sometimes "swimming" frog style on the mat and sometimes "rock and roll" around... think maybe our baby faster in other areas.. u haven discover niah..

Now then I know.. diff baby have diff sequence of teething.. cos my isaac 1st 2 teeth starts from bottom front and then now having Dracula teeth out followed by the 2 front teeth slowly popping. He is so cranky these few days.. hardly sleep last night..

Re my preg:
So happy to share my news with you mummies.. make me very happy. My MIL who is taking care of my boy Isaac and my niece now is not happy about it. When we told her, she just say donno how to handle.. We have a maid for her and this maid is happy for me and told me no problem for her to take care. But I am planning to send Isaac to child care when he is 18 months old(which will be just before my maternity leaves end), and let her take care of baby #2. Actually quite sad cos she knows about it for more than a month now, she din even bother to ask if I see gynae already.. in another words, she din care.. Becos of these 2 preg, my relationship with her is worse... Previously still ok de.. hiaz..

My boss on the other hand took it better than i thot.. phew! What a relief.. I have to inform him early cos He may need to look for replacement as I intend to clear my 4 months 1 shot.
anyone using the Maclaren Techno or Quest ?
Find my current small Capella is quite bumpy on the uneven surface road leh ... wan to buy the techno but not sure it's worth the $$
I'm using techno xlr, can take bumpy roads very well becoz of the suspension. Initially, found it very ex but now feel it's worth the money.
Hi Mummies,

My boy crawling is like a worm using his hands to push forward. Now, anything in the hse, he also interested to grap it to his mouth. I saw my neighbour baby crawling is knees up, she crawls very fast. But my even sit also not so firm & independent yet
Mothercare is having promo on 08 model, Techno xt@$398(retail$568) & Quest@$268(retail$368). I almost buying the Quest 2 weekend ago at $368, *heng*. Else sure heartpain now. Still hesitating, but i think i will buy the techno lar...only thing is techno only got 1 plain grey colour
Hi morning ladies,
I am going through a small procedure which cost around $8k.45 mins lazer and will be unconsious throughout the process. My gynae mentioned that my cervix has bateria and need to do lazer to clean up the whole process.There isn't any cutting. I dunno the exact words to discribe. So far my mil did this before. Just cusious, any one keen to share with me more if you hve this before.
I've called up S'pore distributor but they mentioned that S'pore strollers are not affected. But Maclaren will send the protection hinge cover and will inform us to collect once they arrived.
Hi Mummies,
My girl till now aso cannot crawl,she just use "swimming" frog style on the mat and sometimes "rock and roll" to get her toys;even her sitting position is still unbalanced. I tot girl should be faster than boy! Sign!
Went to her PD for jab yesterday,and PD say give her another 2 mths to learn.

Over the weekend,when mi n hubb was changing clothes for my girl,she was crying n shout 'ma ma'...was she shouting for mi? or shouting for my MIL? this is the 2nd time i heard she call 'ma ma'...but i dun koe is she calling mi or grandma or saying 'mum mum'(eating).
no worries, babies learn at different speed. But she was clever huh, shout ma ma. You should be happy, she was the first to call mama here.
my boy is able to sit steadily and crawl since last wk
. He can also stand on his own holding the edge of bed/playpen for a awhile. But I think diff BB devp at diff speed, some can do this first, others can do that first, so not to worry.

any of u still have the brown vertical line on ur tummy when preggy? Mine still visible, though has somewhat faded.
prosper, dun worry .. u will be fine ... jia you

actually i think that is the parent's careless mistake to try folding the stroller while the kid still sitting inside ...
Ya, dun worry, diff BB diff speed, my boy comin 9th mths, just able to crawl a few steps only.

Teddybaby, I still have the brown vertial line too. I heard from others. it will faded off totally, i am still waiting for tat..

it's very excited to hear your baby called u 'ma ma; right ?
My baby, will call me 'ma ma' every morning when she wakes up (i think she is hungry & wan to drink milk liao). When she is full & had enough sleep, she will turn to my hubby & call 'pa pa' ... very touching ...

So nice, my baby still can't differentiate wat is wat. He will just keep mouthing "ma ma" or "mum mum" anytime he likes.. But when he is angry, he will call out "MA MA" super loudly.. *Faint.
thanks for the info on the mothercare sale Sinmey! I've been thinking of getting the Mac Techno XT coz can lie flat! But i still like my Zapp coz it's so much lighter compared to the XT! Great for travelling

ya, at first we also think she might not know what is the 'papa' 'mama' that she is calling .. then I keep telling her by pointing to myself say 'mama', nad my hubby will point & say 'papa'. looks like she knows who is who leh ..

ya, me too .. I actually almost buy it last 2 wks. Had been eyeing for sometimes liao but heartpain to buy. The lightweight stroller won't be as stable as Techno lor .. it's convenience for parent but not so comfortable for baby ..
