(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

I think I missed the earlier "bulk purchase" heehee... wondering if there're any mummies staying near Bishan/AMK area who'd like to share with me for the min 4 packets order? I'd like to order 2 packet for a start....

CK Tangs Sales
Going to CK tangs sales later, meeting my hb there to get the baby cot bumper. hope can get a good deal
will update tonite if i see any good discounts cos the sale is till tmr i'm not wrong.

Koala, oh u are wit Eunice too

Paisei I must clarify regarding the 3D scan....:p
Ya 2 weeks back i went to see her and happen she is using the 3d machine for trial..i thought she bought liao :p
So yest I went to see her and realise she is using her usual machine, i asked her abt the 3D machine, she said too ex to buy and 2 weeks back she was using for trial only.
Aiya..so i thot she upgraded to 3d so was only on trial for one week, hehe so bless I happen to see her that week and get a glimse on my gal's face

Ya that is her eldest daughter
Hi Wish a boy,
Xie xie ni, I just replied your PM!! Actually she's the same lady whom I spoke with too just that I couldnt decide between public or private banking..... now finally decided on cordlife. Actually I asked her if got other promo with more discount but looks like our FBI scheme has a better deal at $450 off.
hey mummies,
is there a table or chart of all the mummies-to-be's contact like HP, email and bb's EDD? Getting lost on who is who...
re: Bread
Check out this site - www.melvados.com.
they are located at Woodlands and holds mth end sales for breads. I love their croissants and pizza crust. Very fresh bread and lots of variety...

They also do delivery for a min purchase. can consol order and have them deliver to a central pl.
HI Wish a Boy,
Don't mind, can u oso PM me the sales rep in cordlife and if it's possible to use your name as referral. Cos can get $450 off using FBI card and another $50 off referral.
You're so lucky then to be able to see your daughter's face heehee.... I'm also expecting a girl, edd 8 March
but lost 0.5kg during my last appt so I noticed that the edd is now 12 March. Baby was 2.34kg when I saw her at wk34 and looks like my hb i think & Eunice also said "nose like daddy" heehee.

Btw, is this your first baby? And first time you using Eunice? Just wondering cos I duno if she performs episiotomy on every delivery....
koala : so coincidence .. hee hee .. she is a nice lady .

Agnes Chew : Already PM u the contact and my full name . Thanks .

Bye going home liao to pick my gal .. don't know why the young one today cry so badly don't want to go sch so now going to buy her her favorite biscuits to coax her .. sigh ..

talk to you all tomorrow ...
sunshinebaby - the other time i saw the pigeon sterilizer in tangs for $95... can buy!! i'll check for you later..
coz there's additional 12% rebate for citibank card holders...i bought mine at isetan for $95, anywhere else its selling for $129.
Hey Moomooland, duno if will meet you there later... but i'll be too shy also kekee.

No prob, will check & let you know tonite. FYI I saw Taka having 20% sales for Pigeon & Avent a few weeks ago, not sure still on or not... let me check Tangs first. Good if you've their 12% rebate card too.
moomooland / koala
thks for the effort... wait for yr update...
if Tangs hv 20% off for pigeon, then plus 12% rebate, the sertiliser will cost only $88...

byez wishaboy!!!
its ok koala, the bb dept at tangs is too small to avoid contact hehe...anyway i am also very shy...

but i always smile at preggy mummies...
Hahaa quite true, the baby section at tangs is really very small.... the last time I went there, happened to see their nursing room & was really impressed cos they even have steriliser inside the room!
My EDD is 8 march too, expecting a gal as well.. But I don't think I will last till EDD. shd be delivering by end Feb
Yeah, you can check it out later :p

TSP, oh how come you think will be earlier?

I've been having GREAT difficulty in sleeping recently. No matter how I turn also cant sleep... usually end up sleeping around 5-6am (luckily I'm not working now) but really feel very pek chek and helpless.
Child care Leave

Heard from a friend, her company HR dept came out this policy : Child care leave (6days) can only be used after utilising her current year annual leave. If she didn't clear her annual leave, then she cannot claim child care leave at all.

Is it right? I thought the child care leave is given on top of the annual leave.

Any HR personnel to comment?
cos it is not my first delivery.. womb and uterus seasoned liao.. can feel more BH contractions this time, unlike previous. Already feel big and wobbly now.. likely to induce labour when cervix is ready. Feels so long to wait for labour and I don't want to be caught off-guard with water bag break loose.. hee
Is it true that if its not my 1st delivery, we will feel BH contraction more? Becos during #1, didn't feel such contractions at all.....so it was kind of new to me!!! heee~
hardening - hmmm i keep getting it quite often ... since last night and today... not sure if its becos wan to pee or what.. but pee also not alot...
Not sure leh... In prev preg, there are contractions when I go for ctg tests but I do not feel it. Too mild to feel it. But I can feel it this time, so I suppose I am quite close labour count down.. I worry that I will get into labour before hubby and son is back!
hi mummies,
Re: Focaccia bread.

I will sauteed portabello mushrooms with olive oil and garlic then i pat them dry.

i then cut the focaccia bread in half horzontally and put the sauteed mushroom then put a slcie of cheese on top. then another bread on top, wrapped with aluminium foil then toast in oven.

another one is the same thing.. but i use alfalfa sprouts, cheese and bacon bits..

i usually made this for my hubby to bring to work, he had this for breakfast
Maple ...

The 6 day of child care leave should be on top of her annual leave. Yar agree with Lenny that she should call MOM/MCYS to verify ...

think we can choose if we want to take childcare leave or annual leave. i dun think it is rigth to ask us to clear annual leave before we utilise childcare leave.. check with MOM..

cos if we need to bring our kids to see doc then its childcare leave, not our annual leave..

Annual leave is payable if we dun utilise.. but i am not sure if childcare leave is.. means if we dun use.. then its void the next yr..

if this is really the case..then the company is trying to cheat their staff of their entitledment with regards to national labour law
queenie, i have activate my PM already..

gals, i think i am falling sick.. think going to have fever soon. sobz..

have been very exhausted lately. busying with handling over, resolving issues etc.. so wish i can pop anytime so that I can get out from my work.. hahahaha so any updates here lately?
Thought you have already deliver as whole day never saw you. =P Must rest well especially from now on you might deliver anytime.
wintertime, take care, don't strain yourself too much ha. Hugs. Btw, where u delivering? Heee tmC?

Hope u mommies had a great dinner. Me ate chicken rice, mouth stinks Haha. Now accompanying #1, watch barney Haha. So sleepy!
koala, can pm me your cordlife contact & your full name cos hubby and me thinking of listening to the talk before we decide?

Mamapoko diapers:
On sale now at NTUC. $21.90 for 72pcs, S size (3-8 kg). Each pc only $0.31, good deal!

Hair cutting:
any mummies intending to cut hair shorter? My MIL keep nagging at me to cut my hair shorter, i just keep quiet. But I intend to bath secretly & also don't intend to cut hair, silly me so emotional, almost wanted to cry & asked hubby whether do I really need to follow MIL's words? Feel ugly with my fat face already, cannot stand myself with short hair...luckily hubby leave it to me
Kome, ahhaha.. i wish I was at hospital delivering. been so busy at work since I started work on monday and have been rushing like mad everyday.. planning to take mc on friday.. aiyo.. i got this feeling tt my bb boy is very happy inside me and may stay up to 40 wks

Cindy, ya.. I am delivering at TMC.. I think i need a rest lor.. going to sleep early tonight.
Those who need referral, let me know. i had signed up with cordlife last wk..

vivian, i don't intend to cut my hair.. will tie my hair all up, i think that is easier. imagine if cut hair to shoulder length or below ear, can be quite pek chek right? r u staying with ur mil? if not jus ignore her lor.
wintertime, i eat dinner everyday at mil's house, so probly will have to suffer her nagging everyday till i give birth..sigh.. Maybe one day when she nags half-way, i should just leave the room to give signal that I'm upset..;p Yeah, i also think tie hair up easier, mothers still want to look pretty, right?

maple, I'm in hr & never heard that must clear childcare before AL. think yr friend should call MOM to clarify..
back from tangs sale...
not bad avent and pigeon has 20% off + additional 10% (for selected items)

for pigeon steriliser - its $125, with 20% + 10% off

pigeon wipes 3 pack at $10.50.
hi mummies

re: brazilian

been doing it for years too.. i did it when i was 4 months preggie but advised to do it again this month just before delivery. would be going for it next week. to me... it is more painful before preggie then after... don't feel much pain now...

just went to see my gynae earlier on... Pink.. i doubt your bb is the smallest.. i believe i am cos there is a problem with my placenta and bb not growing as well as he should.. at 32 weeks my bb then was only 1.5kg... now at 35 weeks plus... already 2.1kg.. i know some of the mummies way surpassed that at 34 weeks or less but as long as bb is healthy i don't mind...

my baby is engaged already.. and i have been having menses like cramps very often now... doc said i would definitely deliver either in 2 weeks or 3 weeks time.. for sure before end month... since i am already having contractions...and i am very happy when my doc said that bb would be around 2.5kg-3kg at birth... initially he said at most 2.5kg.. but after check up today he seemed to be growing well... maybe Pink u can try to eat beef.. cos i ate beef everyday till my check up just now and noticed he gained quite a bit of weight..

i am feeling very nervous now.. only less than 3 weeks away... baby engaged means i now waddle like a duck... started to swell also...
nana, i think im kinda like you, menses cramp every now and then...im in wk 36 day 3...but gynae did not say the bb is engaged yet...n my next checkup is next friday...

i am quite nervous too...

Hey there mummies..
Went out just nw, and it was finally RAINNING in the evenings!
I walked in the rain a bit.. can feel the heat sizzle from my sauna-ed preggie body.. very shiok =)
Suddenly remember the old MTV "It's raining men"..haha anyway..

Vivien... tell your MIL that you don't wanna cut your hair.. Cut aldy even hotter siah cos the short hair covers your neck unless its the really short type.. I'm not going to cut my hair too =P MIL doing confinement for you? Hmmm u intend to bathe secretly? She don't let you bathe too?

