(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

for waxing when the hair grow back is not itchy..
but for shaving is super duper itchy cos i been shaving down there all my life..

think maybe now we r pregnant tat y when go waxing will be painful cos damn sensitive mah.. but dunno if pre pregnant isit pain anot cos never try b4.. btw need to hv at least 1inch then they will do for u.. so think maybe i go next wk during my 38wks again if i haven pop..

so far all my appts are in morning may be should try afternoon next time.. yah super long Q in the morning. Nope hv yet to pay. will be paying on my next visit ie 12 feb.

wow 37 weeks liao..your turn soon remember to update us once u pop. I also scare of the waxing pain so dare not try..Take care!

yah cindy is rite..eat more fish and drink red dates drink will help.

Yes heard hospital will charge everything mummy and bb use so remember to bring the diapers home.
yiyi- oic...how did u tell them u wanna wax down there? :p dunno how to tell them leh...how much does it cost to shave at Strip?
Princess in dreamland, you did it at Strip too? I am thinking of doing it at week 38 if I haven pop. Cos mine will also grow back quite fast...
tink wintertime oso ard w37 if i rem correctly, not sure who will pop first but do update us once u pop...
ya go waxing very painful one! I pluck my own eyebrown already cannot take it liao :p

so I leave it the nurses to shave for me...haa :p
I rem I paid $50+ and told them I want Brazilian waxing and I want "all off". That time, I am in my 2nd month preg... Keke...
mangogal - same as u i wait for the nurse to shave for me...anyway she find not clean then she will shave again might as well let her do it in the first place...since have to pay for her service oso.

yiyi - wow is that the market rate? cos kinda steep for me...i haven't gone for waxing b4 :p
If you are used to shaving then is ok.. because I find after shave le.. when hair growing back it will be very itchy. For waxing it can last longer and not so itchy plus the hair will be finer also.. Hehe..
Pink, yalor I Agree with you, we are paying might as well let the nurses do it
then the hair is still smooth aft yr 1st shave? heard aft 1st shave, hair tends to be rough, dun noe true anot...
shaving hair grows out more stubbly and rough... if wax is more smooth and fine... anyway up to individuals ba... i do both... but now becos wana do brazilian so i stopped shaving for awhile and let the hair grow... if not will not be able to go for waxing =) i tried stripz once... they white chocolate wax... smells nice la the choc! hahahaahhaa.... but cnt eat la... hee hee...
sunshinebaby : I never shave before . Only first preg due to c-sect so nurse shave the area slightly below belly button that's all .
Hi mummies!
Been catching up on the archives so far. Finally finished!

I think 50+ is the market rate.

I like Sweet Secrets focaccia bread. Other than that, I think Gardenia also sells it, but at supermarkets. Not all supermarkets sell though.

yes i went strip.. n pay $50plus cant remember the exact figure liao.. forgetful nowaday..

fatfish n sun..

ya i now 37wks liao.. i will post my birth story when i pop.. ya i remember wintertime also same as me.. our edd think 1 day diff only.. 26feb for mine.. actually i hope can pop next wk cos feeling very heavy liao but ny boi still dun wan come out leh.. still not very down yet.. so been walking very often now..
mangogal - i knw u cn buy frm supermarkets like giant, ntuc or cold storage.. if im nt wrong, it comes in gardenia packaging too =)
Yeah... it taste delicious even just by eating it by itself! You can also make sandwiches with the bread. The bread contains some herbs like onion, oregano and rosemary.
sunshine - very yuummy... can eat with ham... like sandwich... or on its own... its just bread with herbs... =) esp if u toast it... then make it into sandwich.. very yummmyyyy
realli huh... ok, i'll go look for it n try it out... coz my daily bf sure is bread except wkend... keke
thanks mangogal and fatfish,

i will buy prune juice tonite

i dun feel giddy "touch wood" but the reading low loh.

i heard can drink more soup like fish soup or green papaya soup will help with milk supply
mangogal, ya... not sure about other supermarket, cos not all supermarket carries that.

misscandy, you are right! Once toasted, the herb smell really makes you hungry!!

Hehe.. now I am hungry too...
Waxing is cleaner and smoother if can withstand the sudden & temporary pain. But it's worth it after each session. The regrowth is definitely better than shaving
) I tried a couple of times pre-pregnancy at Visage and Strip. Visage has a shower area for you to wash up after waxing and I find the lady (can't rmbr her name) very thorough in the job. Anyway, i find both shops good.

Just that, I read that our sensitivity increases so dunno wan to do it or not. But I oso wan to keep the v area clear of hair during the confinement. C how in March..

Iron level,
My iron level went from 12+ to 10+ last mth so doc changed my multi vits to another with a higher iron content. No wonder, sometimes I see stars though not often..

My hubby left for Shanghai yesterday. Only be back in march...gotta plan the timing with the labour, though nobody knows exactly when...

Went for checkup on my 33rdwk last fri and bb's doing well. At 2.4kg. BB's head is down but not engage yet. Can feel him stretching his legs on my right and his shoulders as well. Luv the feeling though always remind bb to be gentle.

Just wash BB's clothings today. The whole load of them filling up my 9kg washing machine. Next round, gotta wash his towels and my stuff. Think I bought too many tops for him.. Anyway, So happy to look at the clothings pcs by pcs...

Went for our outdoor maternity photoshoots last thur in botanic gardens when my hubby was in town. It was a fun / enjoyable experience. Can't wait to see the pix

Can include me for this friday's gathering? Let me know the timing ok? This thread move too fast for me to check back archive...Sorry, so last min decision. Was easily tired recently so wasn't sure if wan to go at nite.

there r 5 small teabags inside.. but hor my mil say must use at least 3teabag each time then will be thick enugh lah.. i also dunno.. maybe u can use only 1 teabag n try first lor..
wah, it's been 1yr+ since i hd the gardenia focaccia bread. Delicious. Forgot about this bread. If not, can add another variety to my breakfast. Must go and buy liao..Thanks for another delicious idea.
Hi mummies,
I've not posted here for a long long time- many months actually! Wow, the thread is still so fast & exciting heehee.

I'm in Wk 35 now and sometimes feel like an elephant when walking cos the legs are like 10kg so heavy... aiyo always have to find a seat to rest before I can continue.

Fatfish & Mangogal, I'm also with Eunice
Yes her daughter is so pretty! Me & hb was wondering if it is her daughter but shy to ask her lah. I read in earlier thread that she's upgraded her machine to 3D or was it 4D but my last visit I didnt see any difference when she did my scan leh?

I've been doing Brazilian Wax with Strip for almost 4 years now. Its slightly painful when they wax certain area cos so sensitive ma, but certain area is fine
Overall i like waxing to shaving cos our down there is very clean and feels more "hygienic" esp when menses. But I stop going there since last year cos I went for a laparascopy surgery & there's slight scar below which I worry the waxing will tear off the skin on the scar hahaha... will check with gynae again if I can do it now.

I'd be signing up next week when I go to TMC for my next appt. Is there any mummies here who can kindly be my referrer so we can both save $50 cos I intend to take the normal plan?

Breast Pad & Maternity Pad
Hmmm can any experienced mummies advise how many boxes we need to buy? For Breast Pad, does it mean that we've to change each time we bf.. meaning it could be almost 10times a day? Sorry if its silly qn to ask kekee... really duno what to expect when baby pops out :p

Yummy! I love Gardenia's focaccia bread too cos its cheap & nice. I can find it at NTUC Junction8 and even at my Bishan Cheers neighbourhood store!
np... we'll be meeting 7pm at Raja Inn Restaurant Entrance @ Tiong Bahru Plaza Level 2... cya on Fri!!!

norm where u can buy the focaccia bread?
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<table border=1><tr><td>SN</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>06-02-2009 (Fri) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>sun96</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>asura79</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>prosper</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>pinkdemoness</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>wintertime</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>devil</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>p3pp3r</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>jtho</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>pinksorbet</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>sassybaby</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>daphne crosailo kang</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>sportyger</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>janbebe</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>vivienpg</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>kome</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>mangogal</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>starflower</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>lenny</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>meebaby</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>teddybaby</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>agnes chew</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
sunshine, Thanks! I used to buy the bread from NTUC/Cold storage. Long time never buy oredi. Tmrw i go Prime supermarket which is near my hse to check it out. Hopefully they sell.

koala (koala75) : I already PM u the cordlife sales rep contact . I signed up with her in Dec 08 , a nice and friendly lady .
