(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hi May

My daughter (pre-nursery) is also still crying in school every morning. Doesn't even want to go to sleep cos she said she is scared that ah ma will 'catch' her in the morning to go to school. sigh... Every morning I have to hide somemore, cos am already on Maternity leave. If she sees me, she all the more will not go to school.

Hi pink sorbet

I bought my maternity underwear from kiddy palace. $4.50 for a pack. They have both cotton material and paper material. I bought both. Paper material wear at the hospital, stain already just throw. Cotton material is more comfy, can wear at home when discharge.

re: Maternity pads

Am thinking of buying the Kotex loop one to bring to hospital, in case the ones supplied by hospital is not enough, if you ask them to open a new pack, they will charge you.

For home use, I bought a pack of Kotex adhesive (very ex! about 0.60 per pc!) I also bought a pack of Sofy night use 28 cm with wings. Cheaper, with wings somemore, feel more secure.

Re: co-sleeping with an older child and baby

Anyone sleeping with an older child already? My older child is about 3 yrs old. I am not very worried about how to cope when 1 cries, both cry in the middle of the night. Any mummies here can share their experience?

Re: coconut juice

Anyone here knows when to start drinking coconut juice? I am 35 weeks + already. Is it time to start drinking?

Re: breastfeeding

Am starting to feel nervous now, cos I still remember my painful experience with engorgement (with blocked milk ducts all the way up my armpits) and sore nipples. Ouch!!

Re: stemcord

I've signed up with stemcord last dec. Anyone need referral, I can recommend my sales rep to you so that we can both save $$ =)
sunshinebb:: yea!! hope they faster grow up hahah but time flies really really FAST when they are out. soon we'll be talking about introducing solids!!

grace:: YES!!!! very strong pull ley!!! wah buay tahan haha. my MIL say it's like that de, just a stage, and when they outgrow that stage, they will AUTOMATIC don't want to zzz with us anymore cause not comfy and no space! so we see how true.

jasmine:: haha same, i sleep with a bolster blocking him and me, so he won't accidentally SLEEP on me. so end up hubby always say his head pain, neck pain, leg cramp, cause #1 target him hahah.
Your boy also good kicker ah...

My room is abit small and she will turn here and there... Else kick us till we almost fall off the bed kind. Was wondering if we should keep the bed frame and all sleep on the floor first.

My ger too. Worst.. Her legs will be on her daddy's face.

Nvm.. I can still peep peep at the photos...

Your girl 3 years old still co-sleeping with u? Then when u give birth, how ah? They are so good at kicking. Sometimes almost kick me out of the bed.. And mine is only Queen size.

My #1 stucked to me like super glue... Ask her sleep alone with her daddy.. I think in the end, she will come over to the other room instead.
re: coconut
i've already start drinking when i'm in wk32... keke

re: stemcord
wat's the offer tat time during dec when u sign up?? currently additional $300 off if deliver in gleneagles...
lemontree:: me too same feelinh with you on bfing.... Hope this time second time.. milk can come in faster!! how old is your #1? can start drinking coconut now le!!
agreed... by then we'll be discussing wat solids food for them... LOlx

ok... get familiar w our faces as u'll be seeing some of us tis fri liao... keke
wish a boy ...

i ordered from www.AddALittleLove.com ... the PIS Advance Metro Bag but if you order the PIS Advance Shouler or Backpack ... its cheaper and dun have to pay tax

Pricing is as follows in USD:
Freestyle --- $285
Pump In Style Advanced (either backpack or shoulder bag model) --- $215
Pump In Style Advanced Metro --- $245
To make any pump hands-free we also carry the Easy Expression Hands-Free
bustier --- $30.95

she is very prompt and they accept Sg credit card
grace - wow u still have energy to go for concerts...for me i scared ppl bump into my tum tum so will avoid crowded places.

thanks lemontree - i will go check it out at KP

sun - i dun dare to drink coconut juice yet...still waiting till march then drink....cos v cooling scared my body cannot take it...besides my discharge is quite alot nowadays....
yea loh sun:: hope by then can bring our bb out for gathering!! hehe!! of course, when they are about a little steadier like 3 months to 4 mths plus!

devil ya loh.. very cham ah, become his target. #1 also sticks to me like GLUE. i really don't know why man. Don't know how to do latching or pumping when #2 is out. haha!!
lemontree ...

i will be doing my confinement at my mum's place and intend to stay there during my ML too so that my mum can get use to my #2 pattern and she can cook healthy food for me

my #1 will zzz with my hubby during that period and i plan to set up his bedroom during my ML so that we can spilt the 2 up cos i can imagine if the #2 wakes up for night feed etc can be q noisy
I have the same worries as you. Wondering will I be able to latch on or pump when #1 is at home... So dunno if I can last BFing till 1 yr old like my #1.
sunshinebaby - yes yes the steriliser is $125 (no discount applied yet), that's why i say its best buy. i recall the last time i went tangs without sales, the item was priced at $95. now that there is the 20% + 10%, they put to original price, which is $125.

oh, i forgot to update what i bought, actually only 1 item - the fabric sleeves to put near the cot to hold milk bottles, diapers etc...its priced at $39.90, with 20% + 10%, it worked out to be $28. quite reasonable i think

oh i also checked out the nursing room, comes with steriliser, and food and bottle warmer alright...how cool...but smelly, coz i think some bb poo poo inside, the smell lingering there..haha
my discharge oso quite a lot... due to 'cold' tat's y got more discharge huh?

so w citicard, another 12% rebate right?
Hmm.....So far so good...heee~~~ Altho sometimes she'll squeeze wif me but most of the time, she'll be with daddy....

The baby cot is in my room. So when I give birth, baby will be in the cot & she'll still co-sleep with us unless a miracle happens!
cindy ...

i keep telling my #1 that when #2 is born ... mummy need to feed him drink milk but mummy will oso feed you ... but you big boy liao must drink from bottle ... then my #1 just say OK

i wean him off when he was 10mth old so i think he already forgot abt me latching him on liao just that i had to prep him that we will need to carry #2 more often cos i told him that didi havent learn how to walk yet heehee then he oso say OK

everything say OK dunno come out really OK or not
seabreeze, ahha your boy is really really funny and cute le!! I also weaned him off when he was 10month, cause was already 2months preggy then and hope he already forget about latching... but when he sees my nipple he will still grin and come pinch.. now he's 15moonths, so hope 5 months enough time for him to forget haha. But he still sleeps curled up like in my tummy. So cute. hubby was commenting last night, he is 15months outisde and only 9months inside, yet he still sleeps like he was inside. haha!

devil, let's hope we can persevere on. We must take inspiration from Seabreeze. haha. I also hope we can bf them to be fair... that time gyane asked me i said i will try cause #1 ard might not be easy.. he was unhappy and say YOU MUST Bf and not just TRY. TRY is not good enough. haha!

grace, me also have this plan loh. put #2 in cot and #1 still zzz with us. UNLESS he choose not to.
Hi Devil, Cindy,
How many days in advance EDD can we take ML?

Hi Sun,
Initially, thought of work till pop. But sometimes worry what if waterbag burst in office! very embarrassing leh...
sun - i tink it does affect quite abit though i'm not sure...cos drink cooling stuffs can make the womb more "liang" lor...i jus try to cut down on cold stuffs since tink not too good for bb oso...

cindy - i always wanna continue nua-ing on bed when waking up...too sleepy le...but too bad cannot nua cos have to wake up for work, i hate that feeling....
idlecat, i think as soon as 8wks before EDD.
You must check out with your comp, different comp work differently.

sorbet:: TELL ME ABOUT IT LOH. ha the alarm clock i set half an hr earlier and still NOT ENOUGH!! i really hate getting up by alarm clock..
yes sun, there is 12% rebate for Citi card holders...

one of the salesperson in tangs said its pretty worth it to stock on dailies, like detergents n stuff...
I checked out the pigeon sterilizer b4 at NTUC and its priced at $125, so if Tangs got 20%+10% + 12% rebate then its really worth the buy.

Moomooland: was it crowded at Tangs y'day? Abit lazy to go down town and shop these days

Koala: if can sleep till 11+am still not too bad. For me, not matter how late I sleep, latest I wake up is abt 9+am. Guess I'm a morning person ba
Cindy ...

mine cfm forget liao cos he is already 3yr + and it was my target to wean him off before he got his teeth hahahahaha dunno if thats why he only got 2 teeth on his 1st bday

my fren bf her #1 when she was still preg and that time her #1 was already 3yr old ... wow v drama in the hospital room lor ... the #1 cry and cry and say that she wan to latch on when she see the mummy feed #2 ... so in the end the father got to carry her out of the room ... after feeding the #2 then #1 go in and drink *faint*

thats when i told myself that anything more than 6mth is a bonus but i will not go beyond 1.5yr to 2yr old

oso another fren who bf till her son was around 4yr old ... she say that he wont ask to latch on when they are outside but he need to latch on before he zzzz ... i tot it sounded like an addiction lor cos the boy already going to school and eating solid food liao and she say that at that age ... really v tough to wean off

so to me ... got to strike a balance
mummies, if you're interested in certain products, you can actually call up Tangs, get them to transfer you to the bb section, and ask them if certain items have discounts or not..that's what i did for bb cot...
seabreeze haha my target was to wean him off by 1yr old. haha so happened i got preggy when he was 8mths... so decided to stop him earlier at 10mths cause i realised actually he doesn't need to drink milk in the middle of the night, it's just more of a used to it thing and i slowly stopped latching. Am quite glad he's okay to it too.

wahh the 1st story really cham ley!!! Gosh, i hope i don't face this man.. 5months also a long time le la.. omg.
teddybaby - yes its the rapid steam steriliser. cant rem if it can hold up to 9 bottles tho...anyway i bot it from isetan the other time...

mummies who havent buy cot who's interested in mamalove cot can head down to tangs to buy...best buy also...
Wah your friend bf until boy is 4 years old..Errr.. somemore boy loh hehe..
Reminds me of Mrs Wong's class.. she ever went to China and rural area.. she saw a 5 or 6 year old girl run to the mum and pull up the mum's tshirt and suck on her breast in public.. it's like comforting for the kid when she faces distress or something.. Like not very gd leh..

Hmmm.. sounds kinda scary to mee any kid abv 1 year old latch on to mummy...Won't they bite on the nipples and very painful?

tat steriliser quite big so mayb can accomdate yr manual pump... dun noe which mummy try out b4...
hi all...

if u still wana know who went for the gathering at coca in dec, they are: jtho,mangogal,sassybaby,kome,agnes,me(pinkdemoness),sportyger,asura,babe,missycandy, wintertime n u...total 12 of us...hope this helps..
dun mention abt 'newborn bite the nipple', my mum said cannot... she's those pantang type... afraid will come true... hahaha
You have a good memory. Still can remembered who have went for last gathering. For me, after 10 mins normally i will forget things already.
Hehe.. think its double OUCH cos think 1 year old the teeth come out liao and more energy to bite like crocs...

devil... me also had the same sleeping arrangement as u.. but just bought an additional supersingle mattress n now all of us sleep on the queen n ss mattress on the floor.. now train my girl to sleep w daddy n me alone but the mattresses r still side by side la.. will b going for c-sect so cannot hv girl to sleep solely w me... then bb can sleep in the cot n the four of us can still sleep together lor..

co-sleeping... i kind of enjoy hving all children to sleep w me n hb cos can all snuggle together.. in the middle of the night easier to check on them too.. treasure the moments now cos in future they probably wouldnt wanna sleep w us le
Actually I agree with you....i do enjoy the co-sleeping feeling!!! But then again, they cant be sleeping with us forever, rite?
breastfeeding... kind of hving phobia now... cos kenna super bad mastitis.. more than 40 degree fever n pus flowing out of nipple instead of milk during tt period.. had to take medicine to stop milk flow.. in the end cried for two days for feeling guilty of not being able to give my #1 the best milk.. been telling myself to take it easy for this #2
Let's jia you on BFing. Hope we can be fair to both.

If I am not wrong, can take up to a month in advance. But dun take so early. Maybe take 1 week in advance to rest? I will be taking 1 week in advance also...

I agree with you. Then in the middle of the night, will wake up and kiss her. Haha... Dun be too stressed on BFing. Just tell yourself to rest and relax..

i think u better start packing your hospital bag and its good to go for a hospital tour. From what i read, 96% of mum will deliver from week 37 onwards.

u have to standby liao..

morning mummies,

i will choose 2 bedded at GlenE. I will be at 36 wk in 2 days time. Also haven went for any hospital tour yet
