(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

dun mention.. kome...
Can i check if u ladies notice belly button is sunk in or out ? Now, mine is out while expecting #1 is in. Heard pple say if sunk in is girl & out is boy. Dunno how true:p
Pomegranate, wah...so the shettles method really work! did you pay a doc to have it all planned for you, or did u just research it yourself and followed the tips given? U must be elated to know that u got what u wanted! Congrats!

The mummy u looking for, is it me???
1st consultation for my gynae is about $60+...subsequent consultation is $36+.
Yes, all my ultrasound scans are free and doctor will return a print for u.
If he forgets, you can request...keke...cos he forgot once to print for me.

He is Dr. A.L.Lim and his clinic is at TMC Level 5. Tel: 6255-3333

You will need to call to take a Queue number, and the counter ladies will advise approx. what time
to go. If you don't call, be prepared to wait up to 5/6 hours. Even with appt made, I have waited >3 hours before.
That was because Doctor has to go for last min Delivery etc.
Average waiting time with appt usually is less than 1 hour nowadays though.
(After I finished typing, i realised Princess_in_dreamland has replied...Hahahaha, but i have typed out in
notepad liao. Hope it helps!) Opening hours is 10.00am to 6.00pm weekdays, Saturdays is supposed to be half days til
1pm...but usually they have to OT.
Re: Belly Button
Mine is sunken in, my mum asked me about it recently, she said both her pregnancy (Me and my bro) popped up abit. If what U said is true, then I will be having a Princess? *Faint* I wann Boy Boy leh...

Re: Stretch Marks
Anyone noticed increased of stretch marks yet??? My SIL just told me, she has alot alot Stretch marks, and it was inheritance by my MIL. Then my MIL showed me hers...My SIL has red ones and damn thick lines, my MIL ones turned dark brown...
Then after that I checked with my Mum, my mum's are white ones, and not visible, very little...I hope mine will be like my mum...I see my SIL and MIL ones, i very scared...

Any Mummies who had #1 before can advise if the marks are the same as ur mums???
Aaaa.....how come your consultation fee and princess in dreamland seem different since your are having the same gynae?

Wahhh......need to wait so long? Scare hb and me gt no patient to wait. Mmmm.....will check with hb and see how.

My #1 belly button stick out after abt 6/7 mth, now not yet. Will see if got stick out this time round. i did hear from my mum before that this is true.
My mum got no stretch mark at all even though she did not applied any cream. Last time they do not know abt all this prevention thing. For me i got white ones, as they are quite afew so will be visible. Worse still i gt the vericose vein or spider veins (not too sure) at my inner thight also. Haiz......felt so sad.
princess in dreamland
Than maybe have to consider the time spend at there, but i do really wish to have the u/s pics. My gynae only provide the pics before signing up the package. Therefore, i only have pics before 2nd trimester.
Will see how ba....
tot belly button always pop up in the later stages, regardless of boy or girl? rite now mine is sunken n i m having a boy. my first one was girl n belly button pop up around the 7th month.

YES!! my stretchmarks looks the same as my mum's except not so many. but then she has 3 bbs n i only hv one so far. they should get worse after no.2 pops. *shivers*

Give them a call and ask, the counter girls will explain to you the charges in detail. I heard alot ppl always call and ask.

Sometimes I quite enjoy waiting there, and seeing all the preggies...Big tum tum, small tum tum, the clothes they wear, their weight (the weighing scale is outside and we can see the weight),the impatient hubbies' faces, the busy hubbies whose phones keep ringing..(like my hubby when he is there)...some hubbies bring PSP or other handheld games to play, and even became so obsessed they felt frustrated to go into the room when it's their turn to see doctor..alll very funny de...kekekeke

I have referred many ppl over, and I have not heard any complaints on the waiting time. I think it's becos I have pre-empt them about it liao. (So maybe don't be scared off by what we mentioned, we mentioned the worst, so u won't feel it too bad if you have a chance to go) Until now, I still have my friends who keep calling me to get the gynae's number for their friends as they also referred. I think I could be earning lots money if doctor works like MLM...kekekekeke
My purpose is to get the U/S pics only, but not for delivery. Haha.....not sure later how to tell them also.
The things that I dread most about being pregnant are: Stretch Marks, Varicose Veins and Pop-Up Belly Buttons!!! Argggghhhhhhh
Heard the 1st two are irreversible...
Huhhh......irreversible? I am hoping for miracle to make both my Stretch Marks & Varicose Veins to disappear this time. I had been diligently apply the strechmark cream this time round.

Means You will be visiting both gynaes at the same time ah? Like dat is extra costs leh. If you request U/S with ur current gynae??? What is the additional cost like? Actually, I'm sure if you let the gynae know your purpose is for the scans only, he will be ok with it also.

I heard it's irreversible.
For Varicose Veins, my Cousins keep reminding me not to scratch my legs as it will aggrevate the veins. To always keep remembering to lift my both feet up and not to stand too long or walk too much.

For Stretch Marks, think the creams can only prevent abit and lighten it. But if we got it, it will be forever...i saw my MIL ones...
My mum believe in watever scars to use Hazeline Snow with...It works for her, especially her operation scars on her neck (She had Thyroid CA which she needs to operate out), now it's totally invisible...Amazing, and doctors thought she went for plastic surgery...
Yah Kome so Funny...Hahahaha...

K Girls, I'm gonna go do some cooking...
Experimenting the recipes by wokkingmum...Hope will turn out ok.
Actually cooking at Home also not cheap... About $20++ spent on the food I bought for 2 pax at supermarket ytd. Eat outside also about there....
ya lor i thot belly button onli pop up later but now mine pretty obvious le, i also dunno why?
#1 that time is sunk in but is boy wor. #2 now is pop up but i hope is really a myth la otherwise i will be getting a boy this time...aiyo *faint*

Re: stretch marks
Anyone want to see my stretchmarks? i can post if u r curious...not nice la
hopefully Clarins oil can help lighten existing marks & prevent new ones from developing. Another problem during pregnancy is skin pigmentation (around neck/arm-pit/legs) but lucky i dun really have this problem.
Irene, i thoght my boss is bad liao.. he asked me to take 3 months first then staggard for the remaining one month.. i hope to go on 4 months straight leh..

wish a boy, hmm.i did not receive your email. can send me again? [email protected]

jasmine, wah.. as for borderlinx hor.. it's really troublesome leh.. but once u gone through with it the first round, it should be easy liao.. go to http://www.borderlinx.com/ and sign up for an acct. there is some instructions there. if u got problem, u can ask me again.

moomoo, i started getting some bb's clothes liao.. as for milk bottles, i bought 3 avent bottles during the recent philips sale.. tt's abt it.

pinksorbet, hees. i have a very bad idea.. i planning to request for hospitalisation leave from my gynae before my EDD so that I can rest at home.. tt way, i wil not utilise my leaves..

promonegrate, congrats.. another cow boy into the family tree..

gingal, then u should put more scratchmark cream to prevent it.. i have been applying it faithfully every morning and night.
just went to see gynae:: still nothing, no birdie! oooh, gyane says my wish of a girl is pretty high, so will wait for detailed scan next thurs to confirm hehe
YAY! i be in wk 21 then! So far gained a total of 4.7kg..

Anyones gg for detailed scan at TMC next thurs?
pinksorbet, yah...hopefully they are providing us with the 3D scan. =)

Step..thks for the link. =) will send it to my frens who are planning a bb.

Re: bellybutton, can see mine is popping out soon..but i tot all bellybutton will pop out at later stage. =)
cindy, hope yr wish come true.. =) 4.7kg is good wor..unlike me..gained so much. hee..gynea see me also shake head ah. haha
Thanks Pinksorbet, Queenie, Joyce, Babe & SG. Congrats on your little prince / princess too!
Best wishes to all mummies awaiting for the bb's gender


Thanks for updating the chart, babe! I checked the price for the Natal Care Plus 30s to get a precise picture of what i paid --- it came up to $30 including GST. Which is $9 cheaper than what you quoted. Wonder why it's cheaper at KKH.

I can imagine your excitement over the detailed scan! I was soooooo excited over the whole thing that I was completely exhausted after the ordeal and when I finally got home at 8pm, I slept like a baby till the next morning. I didn't know excitement can be THAT tiring! Hahaha..Anyways all the best for Friday. What are you hoping for, boy or girl?
Thanks for the link to the Shettles method!

SG and Fairymoss,
Actually I started planning at this start of this year. So I researched all I could, bought a basal thermometer and ovulation detection strips, charted my temperature religiously EVERY morning at the SAME time. Signed up with Fertility Friend so that my menstrual cycle could be monitored and that way I could pin-point my ovulation. So I start charting in Feb and once I knew my menstrual pattern and my precise ovulation day, I asked hubby to attack on the day of my ovulation in June.

So in other words, I hit jackpot on the day I tried. After 4 mths have planning.

The logic is to have the male sperms up and waiting just when the egg pops out so that the male sperms will be the first to penetrate the egg.

To have a girl, you need to have sex a few days before ovulation, cos apparently though the male sperms are faster swimmers, it's the female sperms that survive over a longer period of time. Logic being, when you ovulate, it will only be the female ones waiting for the egg after males have KOed!
wintertime - that was one idea i thought it'll be good too...but my gynae is v strict one...won't give hospitalisation leave unless stay at least one day in the hospital (that was wat happened to me when i had spotting), but i refused to stay in hospital cos i had bad MS so i know i can't tahan staying there with the hospital smell and all...home more comfy ma...

SG - yalor we paid higher so we hope to get at least a 3D scan lo :-/ hey good luck for yr DS ya =)

Blessed_Min - thanks for yr congrats too! =)
promeganate, i did the same as u... i did basel temp charting and opk tracking also.. manage to strike after 4 months too.. boy or gal no difference.. i hope ot have bb gal next child.

pinksorbet, hmm.. really har, so strict.. my gf was given hospitalisation leave for 2 wks and she only need to stay a home... i intending to do tt leh.. wonder if my gynae allows..

aiyo, i was talking to my MIL jus now, almost had a little disagreement.. due to the fact tt my pil and my parents can't take care of my little boy, i have only 2 options out.. infant care or nanny.. I don't like maid and I can't simply quit and take care of bb thou i would very much love too..

I scared infant care will have lots of virus and germs so i was playing with the idea of getting a nanny.. but my mil think otherwise, she persuade me to put bb in infant care. anyway, i did check on a nearest infant care.. after govt subsidy, i still have to pay 900.. so expensive.. even i get a maid, won't cost tt much...
hope this is not beginning of the disagreement.. i hope she can give me the option to choose wat's best for my boy.
I do apply stretch marks cream daily. Til now, still never see any signs of new marks yet (Touch wood), hope it will remain.

I bought my bra extensions from ERO. If i rembr correctly it was $1 for the double hook ones amd $1.50 for the triple hooks ones.
hello mummies...

hehhee...for stretch marks...i also put on religiously....
uses the elancyl one after morning bath...
clarins oil in the night before sleep ( coz read that after apply shower..so i dun wan to waste it..aplly it overnight..haha)
hope it really works too....

mu mom dun have stretch marks...so hope will follow her...
re: stretchmarks
i oso apply stretch marks cream in the morning n clains oil in the night daily, hope it'll help n no signs of the stretch marks appearing...
morning gals..

re: stretchmark,
Think none of us wish to have it.. i saw my gfs one... quite unsightly leh.. hope i don't get it too..

Your infant care is expensive. I went to check on the infantcare near my house also, coz intend to put my little boy in infant. Mine only charges $250 after govt subsidy. They might increase the price abt another $50-$100 next year, add up also at most only $350. I now temp staying with my mum and bros, so got no space for maid to sleep and not convienent also with so many guys in the house.

Re: Hospital Leave
Now than i know can do this. Mmmmm......maybe i should try also, but later if my boss ask why i know i gt hospital leave and what should i reply her?
Kome, wah.. so cheap.. ur infant care also in amk right? tell me where leh? i go do research.. I thinking of putting into infant care for 2 months first, if bb keep falling sick, then i will find a nanny.. Actually hor,i would prefer infant care to nanny cos infant care the care giver are educated and bb will tend to be more sociable.. will be able to learn faster n more independent.. it's the virus tt i m afriad of.
Re: hospitalisation leave
well, every employee is entitled to hospitalisation leaves.. doubt ur boss will asked such questions.. as long ur gynae is willing to give, then u r entitled. I see no reason why bosses should reject.
My infant care is at serangoon north, think abit out of your way unless you don't mind drive to there. Takes abt less than 15mins drive from AMK. I just walk in and asked so don't know the name. Will check and let you know tomorrow.

My hb prefer infant care while i prefer nanny at first. Same worried as you, scare of the virus only. What my hb said was right lor, their timing and off day is fix, while nanny can suddenly said cannot look after need to take urgent leave etc and some nanny will tend to pamper the child. Heehee.....esp my mum & dad. They dote on every child that she look after last time
My boss won't reject it, but think she will ask hospitalisation leave shld be use if we are staying at the hospital. Just worry that later she ask how come my gynae give hospitalisation leave to rest at home one.
