(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome, hmm.. let me know.. my mil told me to bring bb to infant near her house, in serangoon garden.. but i think sure expensive also.. let me know the name of your infant care.. 350 is very very cheap leh..
hees, hospitalisation leave har.. i intend to exagerrate a bit.. say got complication , cannot move around too much, so stay at home bed rest lor. evil me hor?

cindy, apply more more.. hope tt it will go off.

Serangoon North Ave 4 is nearer to Serangoon Garden. Ok, will let you know tomorrow. If you decide to put there, both our children can company each other.

Good idea. Me also evil one......
......can copy your 'evil' reason to use at my side?
Kome, ya.. great.. if it's gd, i don't mind putting bb there too.. cos I drive along amk ave 1 to serangoon every morning. so should be on the way. thanks in advance.
I found it in internet

Institution Details
Service Type Child Care Centre
Address BLK 540 SERANGOON NORTH AVENUE 4 #01-101
Postal Code 550540
Telephone No. 90052219 Fax No. 63482805
Email Address [email protected]

Tonight i go back home to confirm, but i see the map as there are only one ard that area so should be this.
kome:: hhaha no ley, i thought itchy is normal eh! ahha oops, k, will check with him next wk! heheh!!

so fast you all thinking of infantcare ah, but it's better to call and maybe 'book' a place cause sometimes it's really HOT. me now looking for a childcare for my #1 and my MIL is not really happy we're sending him to childcare so soon, right when he's 18mths. But she cannot take care of #2 and #1 together! and we really don't want to consider a maid because of all the inconveniences. sighs. yesterday she was still sort of hinting, so unfair to #1, as if it's our fault that we have #2 so early and even commented: why don't u all send #2 to infantcare and i continue looking afterr #1.

Well, i'm happy that she loves looking after #1, but it's better for #1 to go to school, learn, socialise and be independent. She is so worried other kids bully him, teachers bully him, never feed him well. Aiya. SIAN!
i'm oso dun wan to consider a maid, if my mum cannot bbsit then mayb i'll quit n look aft myself...
at least when yr #1 go school, he will be more socialable n learn more which is gd for him...
I have not put a place at the infantcare yet. Coz thinking might only book in Jan 09. I intend to put my little one only after my 3 mths maternity leave. My mum already chase my son to go childcare for him to learn more things leh.

You are a very noble MTB. You intend to quite your job to bbsit yourself if there is no help?
tat's last resort if my mum dun wan to bbsit for me... hope i can continue working la else not sure whether i can guai guai stay at hm to look aft bb anot... hahaha
Sure you can do it one. Actually i did consider to quite and look after my 2 children, but after some consider i decided to give up the idea. Financial is 1 thing another thing is i don't really know how to teach, so definitely must send my elder son to childcare to learn. Than i might as well be working and help hb in financial to give the best for our children.
Wintertime ...

if your child is below 18mths then you have to put at infant care and usually its around $1000.

child care is for children abv 18mth

cos seem like there are some confusion heehee

oso better to check your company's policy cos for mine its stated v clearly that any MC taken 4 weeks before the EDD and during the ML will be considered as part of ML unless I can prove that the MC is not pregnancy or confinement related.

for my #1, I took 1 week to rest before i pop and i pop on a Sunday morning hahahaha
I did ask the lady who show us ard. BB must be at least 2 mths to put at their infant care and after gov susidy now only $250.

For me i took 2 weeks early and on that very day go for emergency c-sect, so my company consider ML instead of my normal leave.

Anyway, gt their email address. You may send them a mail and ask clearly.
I am also considering to put my son in childcare when he turn 18mths, maybe our boys can accompany each other if there is a good one around JW ya
Kome ...

really ar ... then thats really cheap cos I usually hear that the range is around $900 to $1200. but check out the ratio too ... cos to me infant care need v low ratio otherwise the bb cant get enough attention.

children sure get sick more often when they start infant care or child care ... am getting myself prep too cos going to send my boy to child care in Jan ... going for trial next week - hopefully he likes it cos thats the only cc that meet my requirement - affordable fee + school bus service

i have attended a trial last year at Babies by the Park when my boy was going 2yr old. There was this girl who was abt the same age as my boy ... v indepedent and can speak in complete statement clearly (when my boy was NOT even talking yet) and they told me that she was with them since infant.

so i guess there are pro and cons and we just have to let go lor

I am looking fwd to sending my son to cc actually cos my mum is loosing patience with him and i think he is getting bored too hahahaha
I think what you heard is before gov susidy ba....I did ask the ratio for my one is 1:5 max for infant.

Ohh.....i don't know gt trial one for childcare. My son also going to childcare in Dec or Jan, don't think my son will have any problem in adapting coz even strange he will also follow them out 'gaigai' and he alone also can wave bye bye to us and walked by himself away.

Haiz.....my son now 22 mths, also cannot even speak a single word. Not even daddy or mummy.
Kome ...

anyway my fren did mention to me before Joewe so i guess should be ok lar ... my fren is a teacher herself heehee

I v KS one prefer to bring him there to check it out first and observe the teachers heehee

cos the CC that i have in mind is pretty new and not the branded ones (worse still cant find any review online) and since he is going to be there most of the time, better make sure he likes it lor

think adapting to the teacher shouldnt be a prob cos he q PR one hahaha but his sleeping habit will prob drive the teacher there crazy cos he naps v late - 3pm or 4pm to 6pm but usually cc they will nap like 1pm or 2pm so he will have to adjust his sleeping cycle q a bit

boys are usually slower in speech but once they start school they will pick up v fast. my son didnt start talking until he started school this year ... now he can even imitate the teacher marking attendance, singing and lecture me if i make a mess of the bed by leaving my laptop lying around hahahaaha
Kome, thanks so much..mayeb i can make a visit down to visit. Have you been there before? Any feedback? quite unbelievable tt it cost only $350. full day right? The cheapest i source so far is about 700.

sun, intend to put bb there after maternity.. no choice leh.. i need to return to work force and no one to look after.. so risking a little and put bb in infant care for 1-2 months to try.. i also wish to quit and take care of bb, but guess that option is out.. (even thou my hb is okay with it), but i don't wan to stress him on financially.

Seabreeze, thanks for information.I saw my colleagues taking hospitalisation leave before leh.. i will go check it out..
Yup, it best you can go down take a look yourself. I went down there together with hb last 2 weeks. A lady show us around and explain how they attend to the babies and feeding of solid foods etc. They will record bb feeding and make some remarks (if any) daily for us to know. Both hb and me felt quite comfortable with it. If really no one taking care of my little one think i shld be putting him there already.

Its a full day, 7am to 7pm. Every year except wkend and PH, they got additional 5 days off per year. they will inform you at least 1 month earlier the date they will off.

Aaaa......1 thing is when i went down to visit i felt abit 'ke lian' for the little ones. Coz some already know how to walk and 2 -3 children standing by the entrance gate looking ard like anxiously want to go out.
Kome ...

its cos the ke-lian part thats why i wanted to find 1 CC that got provide school bus services. cos my fren told me that after a certain timing the teacher just on the TV and let the children wait for the parents to pick them up.

both my hubby and i usually work till past 7pm and it would almost impossible for us to rush back to pick him up so i wanted the school bus to send him back to my mum's place lor ... cos when i imagine that he is the last few to be waiting like so sad like that ...
seabreeze:: i can imagine your little one coming back with even more funny phrases! how old is he now ha?

kome and wintertime:: hope you 2 find the best arrangement. Maybe can consider taking extended no pay leave for another 1 to 2 more months? means u all have to pump and bring milk there for cnentre to feed? have to check if they pro-BF. ehhe

steph:: i checked le, jurong like no good ones ley. now we considering putting him near my hubby workplace learning vision at surbanaone, don't know if it'll be suitable.

all kids in infant or child care will appear especially poor thing one la. but i'm sure it's for the better. more for the better. ehhe
Kome, okay.. i see.. but the fees are really quite tempting to me. I will send them an email shortly and ask some questions. Meanwhile, of cos, I will continue to search for the ones near my house, cos it's more convenient for me mah.. but forking 900 a month after susidy, sound really too much..
Cindy ...

he is 3yr old born on 11 Sep 05 so we always call him the 911 terror hahahaaha my EDD was 13 Sep and at that time everyone was disturbing me to say that will he be born on 911 or not ...

to think that the contraction really started at 0030hr on 11 Sep heehee
if you intend to place in infantcare, better book your slot now..
alot of the good ones are fully booked till June next yr liao..
me will put baby in the same cc as son now. Luckily got sibling priority else also no slots.

aiyah dun say jut preggies.....my elder sister dun have from her 2 kids..but instead my younger sister lost tremendrous weight that her lines were all darken...think after that post treatment is very impt...now although she is very skinny her marks are quite unsightly..

maybe your skin is dry....mabybe you cab try using olive oil for skin instead or the clarins oil jut for your tummy??? it'll help to sfrten the are and won;t itch....elancyl one can apply on butt.....but jut dun scratch it..will induce lines...
what shoes are you ladies wearing now?
I found that my soles wear off very fast. maybe because nowadays lazy so keep dragging my feets.

I'm thinking of getting a crocs, wonder good or not
that's gd if your hubby workplace is near gd CC then can fetch bb after work. I have to look for somewhere near my PIL's plc, also at JW too otherwise it'll be difficult for them to bring & fetch my boy from childcare centre. Hubby & my workplace near industrial area, no CC around. On the otherhand if PIL can handle #1 & #2 with no problem then i don't have to look for childcare so soon, maybe wait till #1 is 2yrs old. I can't bear to put my son in childcare when he is still so young & HFMD is so common nowadays.
irene, i'm wearing birkenstock sandals..so far so good. =) can't really wear other shoes..not good at balancing. haha
seems like a lot of ladies want to put their babies in infant care...i'm keen too, but I hope to breastfeed as lot as I can, does that mean infantcare is out for me? =(

anyone have feeling that your stomach seems smaller at times? I'm already 19th weeks, but sometimes feel my stomach getting smaller...
re: infant care, tink i'll stay at home and look after bb for awhile see hw ba..hmm..my sis quited her job and look after her bb till nw 1.5 yrs old liao..can really see she gt very smart girl..i guess tat's the difference between having a nanny + look after ourseleves ba..coz at least we can educate our bb and they will learn faster. =)

Re: stomach small..vivien..no wor, for my case my tummy is getting bigger n bigger everyday..its getting so obvious nw that wherever i go, pple will ask me if i gt bb..
Working near EDD date : First preg as breech so it's elective c-sect at 38 weeks . Then 2nd one EDD is on Monday but whole week still no sign and my boss ask me when is your due date and told her over liao .. then she told me u better start maternity leave next week as gynea want me to induce the following tues but bb came out that Sat and so maternity leave starts ... for this one is bloody show ... my SIL is water bag burst at office ... the other one is water bag burst at home ...
daphne, any olive oil also can be used to apply ah? i'm suffering from itchy tummy leh..and my mum keeps telling me nt to stratch it..
wishaboy, apart from water bag burst wat other signs we must look out for ah? like contraction? my sis first time mummy then can't tell the difference of "real" contraction..and she was asked to go home twice to wait. Aldy tummy so big and in pain liao..still gt to take cab here n there like very poor thing...
currently i'm wearing crocs, so far ok coz they r light... u can give it a try...

i'm in w17d6 and oso hv a small tum, if wear a bit tight fit, can see my small tum...
mayb u r those type can hide yr bb well, as long as yr bb is growing shouldn't be worry tat yr tum is small...
ivy, just wondering if alot of mummy were to deposit their BF at infant care, tat means we have to label our own just incase mix up..hee just curious..
yah, vivien and sun...i would prefer small tummy nw..coz later stage sure big like watermelon so long bb is growing well jiu hao. i've seen some women tink very near their EDD, their stomach looks like "dropping" lor...must be very heavy for them..like very xin ku.
sunshinebaby, i tink cooked coconut shld be ok ba..i took "putu mayam" (dunnoe correct spelling ornot) last week also gt some coconut flakes.. =)
Kome / Wintertime : Joewe playhouse .. my elder gal was at another branch and I don't like the centre as the 2nd year when she was there at N2 , the teachers all left and kept changing teachers , one year change for her almost 5 - 8 till I give up and change another childcare and the Principal in charge Mdm Ho still got the cheek to tell me no where got change so many teachers , all the teachers with her for long time etc but that's only her main branch at Serangoon lah .. the other branch my gal went was a shit cc man .. later the branch manager also left all within the year ... I still have those ex-teachers contact and though they did not tell me honestly the real reason of their leaving but there is rumours and we heard from other parents the reason is because of the management . As for Mdm Ho , personally I think she is very money minded .. as N1 class ratio should be 1:12 and if more she need to have a assistant teacher for that class but no hor , that time one teacher to 1:15 or more and so poor thing , all the children bath like pigs and all catch cold .. even for concert , need to pay a lot of $$ hor .. sigh ..
oh, relief to hear that my tummy size should be alright...

ivy, thanks for the info on the fridge. however, wonder whether the infantcare ctre will really conscientiously feed our babies our breastmilk? sometimes, i wonder if my baby happens not want to drink the milk, will they secretly pass it to other babies? we won't know...
Signs of labour :

1) Bloody show .. that's mean see red
2) Water bag burst ( For my SIL , her water bag burst while she sitting so her chair is wet and she told is urine ... then call her mother then her mother told her no lah .. must be water bag burst so rush to hospital lor .. }
3) Contractions : Think u need to time and see how fequent is the gap between 2 of the contractions , intially is once a while within a few hrs .. then no more .. later become shorter like once every hr , half hr etc ..
putu mayam issit a white 'meehoon' w some coconut???
i oso prefer small tum... easy accessible... hahaha
Wintertime : I have resend u the mail on bb plus . Maybe u check maybe my mail went into your spam/junk mail instead .

Baby talking / learning : My elder gal also know lots of things before age 2 and this is my effort as I do lots of reading , flash cards with her everyday Mon to Fri without fail hor so she is very use to it and she can talk and knows words well ... unlike no.2 hor as time spent on her is lesser so she only know how to talk well at age 3 hor .. now at times still not accurate unlike no. 1 .. I think parents effort is very impt and personally I don't want to put infant care if my MIL can help me look after unless no choice then I will consider as a lot of factors u need to consider like getting sick easily , get those hand foot mouth at young age and once bb is weak , u need a long time to Tiao back the health .... and sometimes cannot Tiao back and it's lifetime weak body .. poor thing ..

thks wishaboy for the signs of labour..hmm..but i tink i'll get gan cheong when i'm very near to my EDD..but hopefully my hospital won't ask me to go home n wait then come back..coz i take 35 mins (w/o jam) to travel from West to East wor. hee

sunshinebaby, yah the white beehoon w coconut. hee..sometimes i gt craving for tat. hee but best is nt to take all of the coconut ba..coz they are fresh and dunnoe i our stomach can take it. later alot of wind.

hee.. yah lor, small tummy easily accessible..unlike me nw, abit abit esp. midnite will bump onto my toilet door..like super clumsy.
