(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hb and i start searching for english name already, but still cannot decide yet. HB said after yesterday to 100% confirmed again bb's gender than look again.

Kome, not cheap leh.. $18 per pair, but i saw my nephew wearing it, so cutes plus it's so convenient to change bb's pampers..
guess i should stop splurging already.. I thought having bb, i should cut down on expenditure, scarely i stop shopping for myself but shop more for my little boy.. faintz sia.
Here is 1 of my report. I put it in 2 parts to see clearly. Any mummies can help me to take a look?


Same as you. Last time i always shop for myself. When i knew i preggy to my #1, i start looking around for his clothes till now also looking at children clothes only. Aiyo.....their clothes really not cheap sia.....My mum also same, shopping see nice clothes buy for my son also.
do u mean your mum uses talcum powder? it's best not to use it, esp on baby girls. there has been linkage of using ovarian cancer to using baby powder. more so if u use it on the genital area. paediatricians have confirmed this as well. also baby may inhale the baby powder so it's not good for their respiratory system.
afcai, it's not good to use powder, especially on baby girl's buttock, cos the PD say will cause urine tract infection if the powder remains there and not wash off properly. It's better to use a nappy cream.

I have a maid at home. My mom mainly need to cook for me only.
Baby, my mom and myself will take care and maid will do the housework and look after the 2 kids with the help of my mom.
I do heard before abt not good to use bb powder, but the powder will help bb to reduce heat rash and keep the bb cooling. Is there any other things that can be use for substitute?
Maybe will give you the report during next visit.

Yesterday, the nurse also prick my fingertip to get my blood. Don't know is test for what. Wahaha.....forgot to ask again.
Morning mummies,
Nice meeting you summer and yvonne if I didn't get it wrong...
yeah summer really don't look like preggy so pretty and young lor. I feel a bit down after meeting both of you leh... I feel really old lao ko ko le.
i just use creams for the heat rash, eg. drapolene, california baby calendula cream. think we tend to over-wrap them so i let baby air-dry butt sometimes n make sure baby is not too hot.
Shower can use shampoo and body wash. I use the herbal water to shower. Just add more warm water to the herbal pack can continue to shower.
oh, and i hv a friend who uses tapoica flour on the neck to substitute powder, hmm.... but i think would still be a risk if bb inhale too much...
If butt got rashes can use the cread, but how abt if gt rashes at around neck behined the knees or hands? Really don't know what to apply liao.

I am mentally liao ko ko......like an auntie forget things here and there.
tapoica flour?? first time i heard of that.
for what i know, use baby powder on neck or body is ok, but not at buttock area and the gential area.
remember to clean of the powder on the neck, armpit properly, if not it will create a stain there.
$18 is very expensive leh. I ever brought from bulk purchase hor 1st time is $13 per pair and 2nd time is $9 per pair.
Prick finger is to test your blood sugar, your urine test strip got sugar level is it? Normally got than they will check de.
Never heard them mentioning that i got sugar level, but vividly remembered that they did prick my finger also when i am first pregnant.
i use the same cream for everywhere else too, not just butt area.

yar, first time i heard of tapioca flour too, my fren is malay, so mayb they hv this practice.
I only gana prick when I have high sugar content in my urine wor. Than you better check why they prick your finger for blood on your next visit/
Ya....should ask. But by that time i think i will forgot again, coz need to wait another 4 weeks for my next visit.
You say about mentally lao hor. Do you think I look lao ko ko also like auntie, I so envy summer can look so pretty even preggy? My white hair grow out so fast which I didn't expect it to be so fast. I only color my hair not long and now can see so many white hair sticking out sigh...sob...
Ok lar.......after giving birth, we all are liao ko ko one. :p Ya.....i also envy summer. Although i don't have alot but my hb did find some white hair on me and he pluck out and let me see. Haiz.......with so many things to stress out, how can we don't have white hair.
At least your hubby can stil pluck out your white hair. My white hair is countless, so much until cannot be pluck, solution is to color it. I will be going to color it in dec wait until almost all white than go color...:I
i hv the same white hair problem! at first i tried plucking then when i went to my hairdresser, he said tat i seem to hv a balding problem! coz my white hair all in one spot so kept plucking until he can tell that part is quite bare. now the only solution is color, and to comb my hair to one side to hide the white hair. they r sooooo obvious!
i dun tink so lor... i'm quite interested so wanna chk out the price first... my DS next mth oso done in TMC, so wanna chk it out b4 i proceed next mth...
I heard asura says color is ok but not rebonding. But of coz I will tell the person try not to touch my skull when color lor.
Jasmine,kome aiyo.. don't say that.. i m still having my first kid while you gals are already having ur 2nd kid.. me envious leh.. in fact, me already put on 9kg since preggy.. i do feel upset when i see myself in the mirror..

sun, 3D scan? but need to spend more money right? i think 3D scan is to see bb's physical features right? I think i will give it a miss, cos don't wan spend more money.. very broke recently.

jasmine, tahan a bit lah.. don't go colour hair, not gd for bb leh...
i'm checking see any mummies did b4 or intend to do... wanna chk out the price 1st b4 decide la...

i'm not sure too...
i know TMC only do normal 2D scan for detailed scan at $107incl gst (price was in 2007) i think this year increase liao, abt $117.
3D or 4D is more expensive at $200+&up!
I try to tahan, but hoe CNY coming, if I dont do it I will sure be an old lady with whole head white hair lor.
The baby leggers you brought from overseas spree ah, so ex?
Steph & Wintertime
Don't know got this baby leg warmers things. Seems quite nice and cute. Had make me so interested to get 1 or 2 pairs also. Haiz.....no money liao must not spend on it anymore.
step, cool.. i thought tt is very funky and cute.. but my stupid hb say scared bb will look like clown cos it's so colourful.. don't care him and i jus went ahead with my purchase.. wahhahaha
If you do order from ON again do let me know. Im thinking to buy baby stuff after my detailed scan. You intend to order later on? Wahaha... spend $$ time...

ok ladies, going out with colleagues for my lunch. Heehee....going to pizza hut. Chat with your when i back.
