(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hi gals,

juz went to see my gyane 2day and confirmed pregnant. according to my lmp my due date should be ard mid-feb, but my gyane can't see my sac yet. so she think tat i should be 3-4wks pregnant. i was given duphaston to stablize the pregnancy and was told to see her in 2wks time. was quite worried.
Oh, I didn't know mangosteen is a no-no... I had some the other night after eating some durian. Okay, will take note. Thanks.

Poo once a day should be fine. Eat more high fibre food, fruits, veggies, prunes, papaya in your diet. Don't push too hard though. Forcing and sitting too long on the bog will cause piles which will be bad, especially for us preggies.

I know what you mean about having trouble finding anything to drink when we are dining outside. Well, because I get thirsty very easily nowadays, I just carry a small water bottle with me everywhere I go. It solves the problem for me. Now I just watch the people I dine with drinking all the beverages I used to drink; coffee, tea, cold drinks, etc. I goody goody just drink water.

That's high HCg reading and seems like the correct range. Sure hope BB not camera shy on your next visit. Really cross my fingers for you and hope for the best!
Welcome and congrats Jolene!
If you're Mid-Feb according to LMP, rightfully you should be more than 3-4 weeks by now... Is it because you have a very long or irregular menstrual cycle?
hmmm if ure 3-4weeks pregs then probably will fall into april liao... like me... i think i will fall into early april... =\
Hi gals,
Thanks for the congrats. Feeling a bit better now but have to still hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. My LMP is 11th June le, meaning I should be in week 8 this Wed, u gals whose LMP 2 weeks later than mine also see bb liao. But anyway, I'd just wait patiently til Thursday...

Meantime, you all take care, bear with the MS!!!
Hi Sashamama,

Dont take LMP seriously. It more for those on a regular 28 cycles. Ur O date might be late when u made ur bb.

Am starting to feel the effects of duphaston already.... only ate one pill so far and my nausea feels worse already...
Hmmm... Is Duphaston really the culprit for MS?
My worst MS period was the whole week before i found out i was pregnant...

My SIL and a couple of friends have to bear with MS for whole of pregnancy... I hope we are not like them...!
hmm duphaston is hormonal pills ..
so some will cause more ms.. but it all depends on individuals.. for me when i wan tking duphaston 3 times a day i don feel ms.. oni nw i shd be week 8 or 9 i start feel slight ms..

mommies don worry too much abt ms.. if worst come to worst ur ms is v jia lart one can consider tk anti-naseous pill..
dun worry, yr bb will be fine... stay +ve!!!


my GP oso mentioned duphaston might cause MS to be worst but he said once our body adapt to it, shouldn't be tat bad liao...
he still remind me not to stop halfway w/o gynae instruction... =p
gd morn, sun96!
u are back early...u must b feeling better.

ur 1st scan on fri, right? mine next wed, shld be 6wks plus, hope can c heartbeat.
my LMP is 28Jun. regular cycle of 28days. am not having much MS, only slight nausea sometimes, but feel bloated every evening esp aft dinner.
think im paranoid, every few days will use the preg strip to test again... still see 2 lines so far. think will only an xin after my 1st scan. cant wait...
elina - the HCG surge is only in the intial part of preg so dont get paranoid and waste your money on strips!!
I was also worried, having not much MS but this morning I woke up and wanted to vomit my guts out!! even my DD was so worried for me she kept asking if Mummy was ok.. so sweet.. I told her I was sick and cannot send her to school. She said when di di comes out i will beat him!!

Sasha - keep your hopes up. i've heard miracles.. my LMP was 10 Jun (around same time as yours) but now im only 5wks.
Elina - last fri was my 1st gynae visit and I was only 5wks! i thought there might be a chance that I could have been 6 - 7 wks given that my LMP was 10 jun.. but turns out - i couldn't see anything except a 2cm sac. next visit is next fri - day before I leave for holiday!
Sun96 - im going to KL and Cheratng - we planned and booked everything ahead of time cos' of my SIL from US coming after 4 years! My mom is concerned and doesnt think it's a good idea, esp enduring the long coach ride up to KL. But im not flying so shld be ok...
Coach ride is okay. I went to JB for a day trip during week 5 and it was quite relaxing and fun! No worries. Just don't carry anything heavy or over exert yourself. Know your own limits. You'll be fine.
Morning Mtbs

Be careful and not to tired yourself out.
I had just finished my duphaston pills but my next visit is next tuesday. Do i still need to get the pills from my gynae or should i just stop it?
Hi Pammie,
U really decided to go on the trip? Up and down the coach, plus the "shaky" coach trip, i still feel it's safer to forsake the trip. Not to scare u, but...i had my last miscarriage at 5+weeks during my trip to genting...I felt terrible and lost as i started to bleed in Hotel @ Genting and there is no Gynae i can visit at that moment. By the time I reached Singapore, I rushed myself to A&E but it was too late.

But yet again, it all depends on individuals.
Morning Kome
If you have stopped spotting, you can stop taking the pills. But your gynae would be better to advice you. My gynae said I could stop already but I'm just continuing for precaution.
When i had visit my gynae 3rd time, i had already told him that my spotting had stop but he still gave me the duphaston to take. Now already no more pills so actually i am thinking to stop it till my next visit on next wk. I think should be ok to stop taking ba......
hi gingal - thanks for your advice. I will check with my gynae re the trip.

Babe - i m given duphaston even without spotting. My gynae says that it supports preg better even without spotting.. the brown stains I had 2 days ago went away - i think it was implantation spotting.
kome, i think better to call to ask la. like what gingal says... ehhe!

me gg back for 3rd visit on friday. hehe! hope all is okay! ^^ should be about 9wks plus already.

sasha, it's good and really nice to see your good news. Keep your spirits up!
Actually was thinking that they know the number of pills to be given to me so that can last till my next visit. Since they gave me till today only, thats why i think should be ok not to take any more.
Good morning everyone, glad to see Sasha's readings quite good, good news. Maybe just rest in bed dont do anything, except to get up pee. My cousin bedrest for 3 months, and her twins came out perfectly ok. I'm looking forward to my end visit next sat....oh...wonder how big bb will be by next sat
oh yeah, i seccumb to mangosteen also, just 2 coz its my favourites, hehee
hey gal,

I heard from another thread mate saying that we can collect pregnancy kit from the library. Any idea whether its true?
Hi magd,

Do consider keeping your bb cos it's God's gift. God has a purpose for every one of His creation. Trust that your child will be a blessing to others! Don't worry abt the -ve factors for if you trust in God, He will provide.

Pink Piglet,
i collected my Baby Journal from national library last year when expecting #1. Don't know whether they still having it this year. U can call up any of the NLB to chk it out
Asura79, today no more light brown liquid. Yesterday poo then a bit light brown liquid came out. Not very pain. After clean up, no more came out. I didn't see the gynae.
Feeling tired also.. Didn't have enough of sleep last night.. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee and thereafter couldn't get back to sleep anymore. Got out of the bed to eat something and try to sleep again. Finally feeling sleepy but that was 5am in the morning already... *sigh*...
Eliz, I didn't sleep well nowadays. Keep turn and toss. Feel weird. Scare to sleep on my side cause scare of leg cramp. So sleep face upwards.
ya everytime after I went to the toilet at night, it would be difficult for me to get back to sleep. And whenever I think of the next day still need to work that makes me even more stress and somehow making me even more difficult to sleep. And I feel very thristy at night also. Do you have this problem?
Oppsgal & Eliz
Same as your. Wake up at ard 2am go toilet, up air con temp abit, toss around can't get to rest well. Me everyday headache because of not enough sleep.

Mostly i feel thirsty is in afternoon, night time abit only.
i do wake up at night to pee but no prob to get back to sleep... tink oso depends on individual ba...
Kome, currently yes. In the middle of changing job then got preg. So stay home rest, since no point find work also, then have to care for bb.

Oppsgal, I can only afford to do this on weekends.. Heehee.. sometime I feel like a machine that left with only 2 types of feelings, always feeling hungry and sleepy during the day..
