(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome, already bought a few.. Some shops got discount, walk pass then buy. Feel very fat even if the size is already twice bigger.
sun96, ya last week I didn't have this problem also. I managed to get back to sleep after going to the toilet. This week changed somehow.. The week before I was down with flu for one whole week. Every week was different for me. My hubby even asked how come I got new pattern every week one?? I guess these are all the bits and pieces that all mommies have to face ba... All my mommy colleagues told me that things will get better in the 2nd trimester. I'm really looking forward to it...
Thats 1 thing but i see the dresses behind all got string to tie, so should be ok and quite nice so i was thinking that even after delivery i don't mind to wear that also.
Re: Baby Journal
Include one journal book, a cd, a height chart, a parenting book and a bookmark which you can record how many books u have read.

kome: so fast? i'm still trying to squeeze into my normal clothes. maternity clothes are so ex and you only wear them for that short few months. hehee... worst part for me, gave them all away le. arghhhhh....

any of you work raffles? i was at arcade saw the maternity shop having sale... looks reasonable. wanna go looksee?
Steph, Where u got these? National Library???
How to go about getting?

Me too, can't sleep well nowadays...I thought it's cos of work stress, i will also wake up in middle of the night to pee (nowadays alot pee), and can't get back to sleep...also worrying and dreading cos thinking of gotta wake again to work a few hours later.

So after incident of my Coy not understanding about the 2+ weeks' leave i have taken since i knew I was preg, i decided to tender. Forsaken my maternity benefits...thought i will regret... but these few days felt glad i did it! Cos physically and mentally feeling tired and stress at work.....can't wait to be SAHMTB and rest and stay happy for bb...
I just send an email to ask. I thinking of buying 6 pcs and asked them for the shipping and the cost. Waiting for reply.

I agree with you maternity clothes are so exp at SG. I buy 2 dresses at ard $87 already. So i trying to find more cheaper one and can wear even after delivery. Won't be so wasteful ma.. :p

Haha....Me counting down to 2nd trimester too.
I so envy you. I wanna sleep abit late also. Haiz.....now thinking of occassionally take 1 day leave and rest at home. If not don't know can tahan till 2nd trimester or not.
i got it from JE national library last year. U can try to call any branch nearest to yr estate & chk if they are still giving away these journey this year

Re: Maternity clothes
Spring Maternity at Suntec flagship store sell some nice clothes too! Members get 10% off i think.
steph: spring is getting very very ex these days. i remember back in 03-04 they were only one small shop and their prices still ok. now faint lor..... so ex. thyme is very much worse
Hi MTBz,

Over the wkend bght this record book. luv it... hope will be discipline enough to write after BB born..

someone mentioned abt leg cramp? i wear socks when sleeping.

am also still facing the problem after wee wee liao cant sleep... no matter how i toss & turn.. so in the end wake up to eat at 5am... hubby thot got the theft switching on lights & TV... ke keee
i borrowed 90% of my maternity clothing for 1st preg and since already returned to sender, hence not intending to borrow again. I also wont be buying cos' i know we can rely on baggy clothes for tops and just maybe buy 2 pairs of preg pants.. enough liao..
Thanks Steph!

Kome, Me now serving notice, soon can sleep till late, i can't wait. Don't envy me, financially will be not easy for me and HB...we gotta really sacrifice and adjust our lifestyle abit. We are digging into our savings and anticipated will be left with none after this one year of me not working. Maybe i will try find some part-time work to do after this.
WH - i created a blog for my first gal and till now still writing after 3 yrs..
also did a scrap book for 1st year but lost it.. so sad..
Yeah, I will heed pammie's advice... Maybe buy a couple of bottoms will do. Nowadays so much cheap cheap babydoll Tops/dresses, before pregnant me already bought a fair share of it...hope can lasts till give birth. Now i;m worried about bras...cos bras are expensive...
Kome/ Pammie
As a precaution, better to continue to take the progesterone pills thru 1st trimester. It also doesn't guarantee that spotting will stop if you take them. Despite it all, however, these pills are not proven to help. But it's a boost anyway.

Kome, I have like 10 Duphaston pills on me that I don't need (as I'm on Utrogestan). If you need, I can give to you FOC.
gingal - but yr child w benefit so much from your being SAHM! Money can't buy some things.. I have been wishing to be sahm for 3 years now.. maybe after 2nd one may be able to do part time.
gingal - triumph warhouse sale just over the weekend.. sigh. chevrons was so crowded.. i gave up queuing. however, i remember i didnt have to buy new bras until 3rd tri. i used bra extension - $1 or $2 only..
also i had a friend who didn't have any maternity clothes at all except 2 jeans. so i think can do it.. she's v big some more..!

WH - got photos but lost my hard work loh!!!
really ah? their prices went up so much? i bought two cotton pants from Spring last year & they last me from 2nd tri till last trimester & now me still wearing it:p cos it's stretchable waist band & gd support for tummy area as we expand
Go during sales/promotion time, sometimes can get good deals

bras expensive? u referring to maternity or nursing bras? During John little/robinsons sales, u can get pretty good bra deals. Don't have to invest in expensive bras unless u r super D cup & above:p Nursing bra can buy during 3rd trimester at CK stores, very cheap n gd.
Thanks, i will call my gynae and see what they say first after lunch. If really need to will let you know and get from you.
the cotton pants looks similar like this but this is from MotherWorld. Till now after giving birth, i still can wear! Very comfy

pix of my tum tum at 27wks when expecting #1.
Pammie, i also saw the advert for Triumph W'hse Sale...But soooo far from my place... I stay Bedok...and my HB cannot fetch me, he work weekends (actually he works like almost everyday). I wish bra extensions can solve the problems, but mine is increased Cup size... Cup can't Fit, already now i take off my bra, i can see the cup shape on my breasts...And it's still swollen and sore and giving me backaches...

I hope i dun need maternity clothes, i am big size too...
Hi ladies,
I happen to walk by Martoon Bloom maternity shop yesterday, now they have promotion on. Price range is like $49-$85. But now they have 15%-50% different range. Can drop by to have a look. I brought a piece of top for $29.50 after 50% discount. Consider cheap gua I think. They branch at Novena & VIVOCITY level 2.
I kena spotting again...i thought everything ok liao cuz I feel normal. last night couldn't sleep properly thinking maybe it's indigestion. Today woke up and found brown discharge. Till now, pad still shows brown. Now observe and see cuz I really dread going to hospital, machiam in jail when they order u to complete bed rest.
Steph, u looked good...

yah, i'm a C going to D...Sales can't find my size unless buy ugly Aunty Aunty types. My HB says i can try "Par Sat" liao, buy Aunty type like his grandma's... U know those soft and beige colored ones??? Sad...

*** Sale News: Metro Sale 7th Aug to 10th Aug at Singapore Changi Expo.
Fairymoss, call your gynae and see what he/she says. If needed be, bedrest loh..for your BB and yourself...Please take care.
going to rest now. my mum forbids me to even sit up to use PC. only limit to half hr each time. I see how it goes later, if bad, would gate crash gynae while Mum looks after my elder.

The dresses are nice. Any idea which currency they are using? Thinking of buying a couple of dresses, my mom got me pants and tops from US but i hate pants!

Went back to the website.... it's taiwan dollars. Humm... if that's teh case, the maternity dresses are quite cheap! But any idea how it works? Eg. delivery... etc.

For my case, cos only light occasional spotting, gynae prescribed me with 20 tablets, twice a day but say if i end up vomitting then at least take for 2 days and can stop if no more spotting. But if no vomitting, just nausea, just finish the whole course.
Let me be the guinea pig first. I waiting for their reply to see how should i go abt it making delivery and shipment than i let you know. Coz i think its quite cheap also even including shipping charge.

Tot the delivery is free if we order more than NTD1000... cant read chinese words very well. You find out okay? Maybe we can combine purchases and save on shipping charges.
You right i saw it too but my hb say its for within taiwan than free if outside Taiwan might not be free. Wait for the reply in next 2 days and see how first. Will let you know.
Don't worry you will be able to get big size bras. Slowly we all need to wear un-wired bra as wire bras will be uncomfortable to wear as our breast gets fuller. In fact Im wearing un-wired bra now. I went to OG at Bugis few days back they have lots of bras on sales. And I happen to pick 2 pcs of bras its full cotton and front open, I have tried 1 of the piece, its very comfortable. And its $5.90 on promotion price got big cups size too. What size are you wearing? I buy size 90B which is size 40 I think.
Kome - the dresses are really so pretty... v tempting... unfortunately singapore yahoo is also down, cannot get maternity clothing there...
kOme - yahoo auction down leh - for months liao.. can't get anything there.. used to be able to. i used to sell and buy stuff there
Hi jasmine,
I'm wearing 80C now..can't fit ler...Thanks I will check out OG Bugis soon...Hope can find cheap ones..but I cannot stand the idea of non-wired bras....somehow or rather think the fuller we get if it's non-wired, it will slag...

Wow....so many pple go to singapore yahoo? Me seldom go online to buy things, but for this case maternity dress is singapore i don't quite like and its soooooo expensive. No choice have to see online any cheap and nice one.
