(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

gingal, Jasmine - ya, me tooooo... esp when I have so many items on garage sale.. so sad. I did see many 2nd hand maternity dresses as well, and was telling myself when I get preg again I will bid..

thanks a lot everyone.
I'm not sure if my baby is a march de or april de yet. cos last week scan din see the bb yet. only waterbag and yolk.
she say estimate 5 weeks.
you ladies do scrapbook also?
me too!
Urgh! Does dupaston make us sleepy as well? I slept through the nite from 1 am to 11 am this morn and i am sleepy now already.... how to work when i go to office tomorrow?
Haha......just take out my gynae name card to call but no pple answer. Than realise that wedeneday the clinic not opening. Haiz.....
You will know when it get fuller, you will have sore breast if you wear wired bra. I find the 1 I buy very good with front closure is good for breast feeding too, I didn't see it selling elsewhere. If I do go again I will buy few more pieces.
haha i wasnt slping yet at 3am..

hiakhiak excited lor.. count dwn my appt to 5pm.. wonder wad is the progress of the lil one..

Re: maternity clothes
im still wear my normal clothes.

juz had a bowl of udon yong tau foo.. so bland..
i love auctions too! was living in taiwan for some months last year and bot soooooo many things online. really miss their online shopping. can get anything! n i really mean anything, food, clothes, stationery etc, though i had to stay home most days coz it's hard to go out, i was ok coz can shop fr home! :p
Think you must have send quite alot online. Actually i find that taiwan clothes are quite nice, got chance must go there for holiday and shopping.
jasmine, what brand is that??? it's the $5.90 one u mentioned right?

Oh dear Kome, rembr to call tmr.

Asura, is it the duphaston??? I also everytime sleepy... I really dunno the difference w/o duphaston, as i've been on it 3 x a day for since Day 1 i know i am preg.

Yes, it is duphaston. Ultra sleepy now. Just starte duphaston yesterday. Usually dont take nap and i took nap yesterday.
The brand is under sorella but the one I brought the label is like japan label. When I pay the cashier say is under sorella.
Kome : There should be a 24hr number for you to call and the helpdesk will help you to call your gynea to return call to you .
WH & wish a boy
Me same her also quite forgetful. Mon my sup just remind me to update a report and i forgot till now than remember. Think deadline over liao, haiz.....dunno what will they think.
Hi Wishaboy...

ke keee.... btw, understand u r a 2 girls' mom... can share where did u delivered your girls? and what to look out for?
Hi Kome,

same here. mi even worst. there was this weekly report which i do... i even forgot... luckily didnt passed the deadline... and sometimes when talking to hubby... i paused super long... ha haaa... never happen to me before...
Ok, decided to take 1 day leave tomorrow instead of half day. Very tired want to rest at home in morning, afternoon going to pray. Wahaha.....me going to pray for a healthy bb girl and smooth pregnancy.
Just came back from my gynae. saw BB's heartbeat on the u/scan. was prescribed iron n calcium pills. still having spotting, so gynae want me to rest more.

Can I ask if we can do pedicures/manicures?
I'm always forgetful so makes no diff to hubby. hee... Just hope that my forgetfulness won't worsen with pregnancy... woahhaha.... :p
pedicures/manicures? Why not? In fact my colleague told me that at later stage (most prob 3rd trimester) when our tummies get really big, we can hardly see our toes so might need external help to trim our toe nails.
Hi Sharon,

yah... heard that from some mommies too..
guess by then all my mind is preload with baby tasks & to do-list so no room for new info...

ke kee

I even want to go for prenatal massage and facials once i pass first trimester. Dont dare to go now cos bb is still developing, dont wanna expose myself to too much chemicals in the first 14 weeks.
Okay, just let me know. These Duphaston pills were prescribed by Dr Wong just 3 weeks ago but I prefer using Utrogestan so I don't need it. If not, Pammie can have it?

Same here, after i woke up to pee at night i have prob sleeping again., feel sleepy especially after lunch and i have backache..so sianz...


Yeh, i have bought a few bottoms, but so ex, price ranging from $39 ~ $69 i bought 1 from kiddy palace and 2 from Spring maternity.. then last wkends i bought 2 3 quarter pants from JB, so cheap only RM32, regretted buying 3 from singapore lo...


I m still wearing old bra, 85DD/E, do you see any bigger cup size at the OG sales? if bor hor i think i really need to buy auntie liao...
Alamak, start to feel hungry liao. Had lunch at 12 something and thereafter feeling very bloated and pukey for hours... Now that the bloatedness has gone down, my stomach starts calling for food...

Same here, after i woke up to pee at night i have prob sleeping again., feel sleepy especially after lunch and i have backache..so sianz...


Yeh, i have bought a few bottoms, but so ex, price ranging from $39 ~ $69 i bought 1 from kiddy palace and 2 from Spring maternity.. then last wkends i bought 2 3 quarter pants from JB, so cheap only RM32, regretted buying 3 from singapore lo...


I m still wearing old bra, 85DD/E, do you see any bigger cup size at the OG sales? if bor hor i think i really need to buy auntie liao...
Pink piglet
Wow...you have brought so many already? I trying to get more dresses coz i don't quite like to wear pants, so mine will be very expensive also.
Oh PinkPiglet... U are already a DD/E!!! That explains your backache... Me also suffering esp. long hours sitting at my uncomfy office chair... I think i need to buy Back Support.. But my last day is 31st Aug...dunno wan waste the $$$ anot..
Pink Piglet

I also wearing old bra. Still can fit in. Just loosen the hook to the last. I think I will buy nursing bra when nearing due date.


Working and pregnant definitely very hard. bb choose to come out when I tender my letter.

Guess maybe overstress when working so no news till when tender.

SAHM maybe for few years then go back to work. Very hard to have only one person working also.
Yes, i agree 1 person working in singapore is very hard. I only intend to be SAHM when my son is Pri 4 or 5 which is another 7yrs. Scare he become bad but will find part time job also to help abit
wow! u gals r so well endowed, outgrowing bras already! me hv a lot to catch up :p

gingal n oppsgal,
it is wonderful to watch yur bb grow up, there r just some things tat $$ can't buy. i miss having a career n my own $, but they are fair trades for those years i watch my gal grow up, esp when she looks for mummy n no one else! hehe...
hmmm... gotta get some snacks and store at my desk from NTUC later. Jus grabbed a packet of Cambell soup and some biscuits from my colleague... Hee... tak boleh tahan the hunger...

U also tendering soon?

Wow...so long then come out to work. Will it be hard to find work if the gap away from workforce too hard?
Wow...so nice...Luckily I'm not alone...
I think I will enjoy being a Happy SAHMTB... and with u guys around for so much support I know I wont feel bored!!!

But cannot deny financially maybe tighter ler...
No lah. I mean in future. Now cannot financial is a prob for me if tender. What i mean is planning in future.

Ya. When bb come out the financial will be much tighter. But compare to hire maid, I think is still worth the while to be SAHM, especially with low low income.

Most important is to have supportive hubby.
Yah you shld. I keep Oreo /butter cookies/ Chocolates/ cereals/ Chips and all sorts of junk to curb my hunger. I can't help it...I can't finish my food during lunch nowadays...so need these snacks.

To go healthier on snacks, my colleagues always remind me buy digestive biscuits...but i dun like the taste...keke
kome ,

Ya lor, cos even the shorts i wearing at home are getting tight, but i still wearing them, my pants all quite tight le, bor bian have to buy lor...
I'm abt 1.71cm tall, so even if i can get skirt, they r a little so short for me. so sian, i dont think my company allow us to wear leggy, else i can wear skirts.


Ya lor, all along i hv prob getting bigger bra size...so whenever i managed to find suitable one i will by alot.kekeke. i went to china in July and found sizes for me, and u know what i bought 10 pcs of a same design. hahaha so kiasu!!

but now, dont know how long i can wear them, so i have bought some extention... I all along have back problem since a yr ago, i know i'll sure suffer when i'm preggy.


I think they will annouce during national day rally...heeheee
hey ya,

have u gals decided on ur caregiver? beside those who r going to be a SAHM, who are thinking of getting a maid, in-laws, parents or nanny to help take care of ur bb?

I really headache now lo...


Tell me about it man... just now went to buy toto... then thinking if really tio... no need 8 million, half million can already adn i would take no pay leave to go join my hubby in us..
