(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


lemon pulps must together with juice drink together


Lactose sugar in milk cause pimples for some people. So I try to avoid milk.

maybe u can replace with cheese or eggs?


oic, wow so this bb is consider unplanned? anyway hor, its still a blessing for us.

ya lor, must be mei mei after we give birth and return back to work hor..
haiya, really worry that i'll look like an oil tank!!

now only abt 6wks i can feel that i'm putting on wt le leh..
Pink Piglet
Now cannot think on our weight first, after delivery than can start to think. Whole 9 mths of pregnancy got too many things to think and worry, i don't want to think too much now.
Pink Piglet

Haha.. Don't dare to weight myself also. Now don't know how much weight gain.

Constipation how to stop.

Keep feeling like go toilet but when go toilet nothing come out. Is this consider constipation if only 'big business' per day once? How many times should pregnant people go 'big business' per day?
1 day once is good. Even you don't wanna weight yourself, when go check up still need to weight. Haha.....than you know your weight lor....

I am still counting down to checkup. A bit worry because all the cramps and brown liquid today when 'big business'. Cannot go shopping.

Checkup is placed so long after 1ast appointment checkup.
Better rest at home. I heard that if its not red blood should be ok. Don't worry too much. When is your check up?

Ya...resting.. The brown liquid stopped.. Hope tomorrow no more when 'big business' if not cannot shopping again, then don't know when can go shopping.
Anyone got leg cramp when sleeping? Have to stop the cramp. Woke up yesterday night with the bad cramp on one of the legs.

true lor u r right, maybe we should just ensure that we r eating healthly..


hey same lah here, i dare not wt leh... i think my DH will have a shock too when he see my wt this friday duting my gynae visit lor..wahhaha..

oh i tot, beening able to poo poo once a day is consider very good le? i know some pple may not be able to poo for a wk, worst wo...
I will feel my leg once stretch will cramp, so i don't dare to stretch it. If not, sure got cramp one.

I am eating unhealthy. Eat potato chips once a week, maggie mee once a week, lots biscuits when hungry.

Pink Piglet

I poo once a day but the rest of the day feel like pooing but nothing came out. Hubby say should poo more then healthy.

if u still hv the discharge and dont feel well its beat the see ur gynae. every single things or decision we do now can be critical to our bb, so its best not to over look things..

Not sure whether i think too much, but each time i go toilet i will check to see if there's spotting, so afriad to see spotting lo..
Pink Piglet
Same as you lar. Every morning check to see if i still gt sore nipples and every time go toilet will check to see gt spotting or not (Touchwood). Seems like i so parnoid like that. Haiz....need to try to relax.
Pink piglet

Wonder if polyclinic got such check for spots. The charges for gynae checkup is super expensive.

Today is the 1st day got brown liquid. Fortunately stop after wiping. No more spots.

no lah, i really think its good enough le, why not check w ur gynae the next time u visit him/her? cant keep one poo poo, wait bb dint absord enough also susa.

ya...talk abt sore nipples, did any of you feel itch on ur breast? I feel itchy last night really cant help and scratch abit lor... ;p (so paisey to say)


maybe u try to monitor, if it comes again (touch wood) and u dont feel well, still best to see a gynae, bor bian de , cos they are paid for their expertise. no point going to polyclinic and they cant advice anything.
Aiyo...dun worry too much, stress can be passed onto baby leh. Just stay happy, eat what u want but healthily and in moderation of all food types, you would be fine.

I read somewhere in papers that the best is to poo 3x in 2 days. but once a day is still gd for most people. just drink more water, juice, eat fruits and veg, then poo should have no prob. anyone dislike veg now? I felt like i'm eating grass and would feel nauseus if i eat veg, but still got to force it down together with other food.
Pink Piglet
Just now i do feel a bit itchy and i use my sweater to hide and scratch. :p Hee....no choice really itch leh.

I just feel nausea, others not much so i can just eat anything i want.
oopsgal, i am like you, my pimples all popping and i dont know why, my T-zone is super oily. Are u gals experiencing dry skin or more oily skin than before?
Breasts itchy cos expanding to accomodate the milk bah...soon our tummies will feel even more itchy...So Scared....

I hate my Swollen Breasts/Sore Nipples and Itchy Breasts too...and my undersized bras make me can't breathe....

Me got extreme oily skin now and small small blemishes popping on foreheads and side of my cheeks. I stopped my full AHA Skincare after i know i'm pregnant...now skin condition is bad...

My friend suggest me use Hazeline Snow...shld be safe she says...What do u gers think?

talk abt this hor, i also worry i noticed i dont really like to take veg or fruits now... but i did try to drink more water lor...


kekeke, u so cute eh...wahahhaa, make me laugh.. but btw , do u know why we will feel itch? izzit becos its expanding?


for me i have dryer skin...
even my lips i feel dry faster, must put lip gloss. no sure izzit due to the hormones.. i heard if got bb boy, normally will have more impact on mummy.
same here.. and nipples also getting darker.

I have dry skin and now that I'm pregnant, my skin gets even dryer.... no choice but to drink lot's of water...

Alamak... feeling really hungry now... gotta eat again..

maybe urs a boy..

gingal, maybe u need to sew the extention for ur bra le...too tight v xim ku. actually now i start wearing maternity pant le, cos my pants r really tight!

oh ya, the other time when my sil was preg, she stop her skincare (from her dr) too, and pimples starts to show...but bor bian lor.
Hi gals,

Thanks for the well wishes. my yesterday evening's blood test result is out, HCG 57000, it has been doubling every 48hours since the date of conception, me and dh counted backwards and around the date of conception was 0.02, about 22-24th June, then it has been doubling til now. Thu when i take blood test again, it must be more than 114000 (more than double 57000) or the bb is unhealthy. Will keep you gals updated
Try to tolerate the pimples. By 2nd trimester all will be well again.

Pink piglet
Not too sure why itchy leh. Iwas wondering also how come so itchy. My lips also dry faster and i am thinking maybe due to the air-con which lead to dryness. Might due to pregnancy also ba....
Dear Sashamama, Glad to see you back to update us...

57000 HCG is very high and you means you still keeping your pregnancy.... meanwhile did the gyane ask u 100% Bedrest??? I think u shld consider that, means except to visit toilet, u Bedrest alll the way for the 2 days.

God Bless and Take Care!

same here, hungry, eating now...


Yippy!!! So meaning BB is doing fine now right!! So happy for u, ok u must jiayou jiayou oh.. try eat well and rest more. last night u sleep u late saw that ur posting was send at 12+am, must rest more hor!

ya like wt Eliz said , my skin is dryer then b4 i preggy.. i think we need to drink more water.
Thanks babe and promengranate for your explaination. Now understand more le.

Oopsgal, think u are too heaty after eating all the longan and jackfruit le. and somemore eat herbal stuff. no good leh. My gynae say one. Say cannot eat all these stuff for the first 3 mths.

Sasahmama, good news. do take care.

Oopsgal, kome, pinkpiglet.... I am behaving the same as all of u. paranoid till now. always take a second look at my toilet paper after cleaning. Hee.... Let's take good care of ourselves and bb cos my gyne say the first 12 weeks very critical and we must really take care.

God bless all mtbs!
u got brown discharge? when is ur next appt? mayb u wan to go get the duphaston frm gynae to help to stablise the sac..

realli relieved to hear yr good news.. pray hard for tml's chk up.. =)

im gg for my 4th chk up tml liaos.. so excited.
have been waiting so long for it.. aft a short chk up muz wait another 3-4 wks hahas..
hope my lil one is growing well..


If ur discharge become red or u get sharp pain like i did, pls go to gynae. Most prob give u duphaston. The only side effect is that it may cause even worse nausea. But at least it helps to stablize the pregnancy.
