(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Ya think he only ask when I'm preg .. got previlege lor .. hahaha ..

me going home liao .. chit again tomorrow .

Have PM you her contact liao. Oh you going for gynae check up? Me thinking to go there for dinner since I have to get out of MRT to collect from her coz she is driving.
Too long never check my mail. Just opened up and saw her mail but no contact number. Will contact her later on. Thanks.

Where will your be meeting at and time?
At the AMK MRT taxi stand at ard 6.50pm. What time is your check up? Maybe we can have dinner together hehe... So your item available?
Heehee....all 2 pcs available. Mmmmm......i taking private bus will only reach at around 7pm instead. My check up is at 8pm, will be having my dinner with my son and hb also. We can join together and go makan. Haha.....
oh thanks jasmine
Ya, talking abt rudeness, is it our tummy not obvious enough or what, but I realised that no one give up their seat to me on MRT....even youngsters listening to MP3 sitting on those priority seats...grr...my hubby say ask them to give up their seats la. But I'm like aiyo, this kind of thing is out of kindess and our of the heart that pple give up their seats for u...if have to ask, them no pt liao.
Wah family dinner, peisay leh. Think next time got chance we mummies meet out better and chat mah. Enjoy your dinner... and can see baby again today. I still got 2 more days b4 my detailed scan... can't wait...

You're welcome...
I had PM you my contact number. Can you SMS to me instead. Coz have not received the mail yet and i will be going off soon in order not to miss the bus.
ya i too experience such situation, maybe i dun really look like a pregnant woman, tatz y nobody offer their seat.. standing too long in the train can be very tiring as well.. think next time i gotta put tummy padding to increase my tummy size and also as a protection for my baby if i ever need to take train to somewhere.. hahahaha
Pple can see my tummy already, but everyone just pretend or really sleeping, reading books, head low low pretend cannot see. Worse still got pple fight with me for the seat when there is an empty one. My hb also told me to ask them to let me sleep, but i don't dare to ask lor.
wish a boy, you got mail..

Kome, I had send you mail.. the old navy stuff are here already. wana collect form me?

Re: Weight gain
Think I am the one who gain the most. From day one till now, i gain total of 9kg already.. all cos i have eaten too much in my first trimester.. now trying my best to cut down on carbo... hope to keep it within 15 kg before i deliver.. but seems hard.
prata with cheese suasage sounds nice!
usually I eat that for supper

also craving for banana prata..
but I prefer not to have prata for dinner...i always choose heavy meal like rice or noodle ..hate feeling hungry again for another couple hour..

today I cook prawn and kailan with oyster sauce
hope it's yummy..
You here. Sorry sorry, just opened up my mail and saw it. Can i collect from you today also and pay you at the same time?
kome, weird.i had sent you the email 2 days back.. i thought u din check ur email.. let me check my sent box ans resend it agian.
Heehee..... i did not check my mail box. Can we meet today at ard 7.05pm? Coz my bus will only reach AMK ard that time.
Kome, i just manage to sneak in here.. so busy with work lately. oh.. wat time can you reach amk? U want send me your contact details? Mayb u n jasmine will get to see each other.
I still haven't received your Pm too. If I didn't sms you means I left office liao. Sorry need to go off to meet wintertime too.
Hi Kome,

Okay, I will be at amk hub doing some groceries shopping. U can call me once you reach. meet u at amk hub ok?
Wish a boy
yes, I am interested. How many can we gather now? only you and me? If the rest not interested, I don't mind not getting the $20.
finally received my ON items...! thats the good news!!! the bad news is... i think i think of myself as too big.. =( the shorts & pants are too big... when i try them on they jus slide right off... *SAD* i shld have gone for L... i doubt anyone here wears XL right... hai... hopefully when tummy is much bigger then i can wear them lo... jialat... some of the shirts are pretty big as well... but i guess its for the tummy when it gets bigger... hai... if i order next time round must choose L liao... =\ dont really understand... when i wear american size, i always buy 16/18 for pants/shorts/skirts... dunno why such great difference...

tomorrow morning im going to Penang.. wil be back Sunday night... Guess i will have a lot of reading up to do when i get back... meanwhile, i will go and enjoy & pig out!!! hopefully cn buy some baby stuff back as well... am sure will be cheaper than here... =)


babyplus after the discount is how much? im interested but a bit costly... =(
hi missycandy.. ya.. damm big right? I have L size pants and a top.. think i send u email and show u before. if u interested, i sell u cheap cheap.
summer ya lo... sad lor... il get back to u... =)
currently i looking for shorts leh...

anyone doin ON spree lemme knw.. wld like to tompang for shorts... thankss
hai...the website is *&&^ slow man...
on and off it can't be access....

here come my long posting again.

<font color="0000ff">Cindy</font>
re:drink ebm. yup, the fishy smell really put me off. but dunno why bb like the taste leh. yup, i use it to wash feet, hope my feet and legs smooth mah. at least better
than pour down the drain mah.

re: bath
u not scare next time, old liao got backache or the rhem....(dunno how to spell).

<font color="0000ff">Sharon</font>,
usually, I will still burp the bb cos dunno if bb will vomit or not. same here, my gar also take long time to burp, sometimes succeed, sometimes dun have any burping sound
so after 15-20 mins, I just placed her bed to slp.

re:destin cream. I only use for my gar when she is 1 yr old. my mum dun believe this type of cream so she never applied on my gar. she use powder one.

<font color="0000ff">♥♀steph♥♂</font>,
re:First teeth toothpaste &amp; brush. I bought a tub fr the forum. my gar dun like the brush so I use handkerchief loh. I used it on her when she is
14mth and she will struggle and cry at first but after a few attempt, she is ok with it. the toothpaste smell nice loh. it got the fruity smell.gd to start as early once they have teeth but bec
my gar is at my mum'plc during weekend, my mum dun want to use the toothpaste. so she only use handkerchief to wipe my gar's mouth only.

ha..u so cute, take photos of yr own tummy....

<font color="0000ff">Oppsgal</font>,
oops, 4kg a mth is a lot leh. did u mention to yr gynae? u eat a lot huh?? try to eat more healthier and balance food loh.
at least, u got exercise before preggie. i'm lazy to exercise leh.haa so cute, gd description of exercise verus shopping....

hmm bananas will gain weight meh. now, I started to eat lot of bananas (per day 3-4 of it) cos it helps
in pooing mah.1 bunch or banana only...my hubby and I shared a bunch within 2 days cos if not banana will rot easily. dunno how to prevent it fr turning ripe so fast...

ai-yo, so early bUY BB WALKEr liao.....ppls said let bb sit on walker not gd will tend to delay walking. but my gar still sit on walker when she is 8mth only. my mum bought it.
bb will dash when using walker. so just to be careful if hse got those curb in between.

re:varicose veins
I did ask gynae how got varicose veins. she told me it is part of preggie. think next visit will ask gynae again to see if there is any cream to apply or not.

agreed, olk folks usually prefer bb boys. my pil's side all granddaughter loh. of cos, they will be delighted if mine is a prince and will be their first grandson then.

<font color="0000ff">piggy/Serene/sportger</font>,
congrats on yr princess. finally, the princess is out one by one. hope mine is not princess. i'm praying for prince.

serene - u are so young wor....think u are the second youngest in this thread.

<font color="0000ff">2dogs1kid</font>,
hmmm u mean yr stretch mark only came in 3rd trimster. this time round, mine appear early in wk 6.

<font color="0000ff">Queenie</font>,
thks thks. oic, can defer module until when?? how long do u intend to bf?

oops, young shd be memory better mah...

yeah, by right, acc to the tin, it stated, once open the anmum fm, must be consumed within 2mth. for me, I have opened almost 1 mth liao now still got slightly more than 1/4 tin.
just to note, if infant fm, one must consume within a mth after opening (as stated on the tin).

re: stretchmark.
for my first preggie, i only apply during my 6mth and did not apply the area below my belly button so now got some train line.
this time round, they are more silver line. tummy is like a map man...so had applied the coco butter (small sample only) liao once I passed wk 12.

oh, now, heard that court causeway outlet got promotion on bb cot mattress protector cost $3. small pieces only. last time, I bought slightly bigger piece from kidsoft.

dun buy too much bb items, some relative or friends will give during yr bb first mth loh. but not on my case leh....mostly, i received are ang bao and bb clothes. the only useful things
are the bibs which came later when bb drooling a lot.

re:varicose veins
one of the time, I ate strawberries for 2 weeks cos sheng siong is having a promotion on its strawberries mah. but dun think it works on me. I got pop up varicose veins on my right thigh only.
sian...so ugly...

re:hubby. sometimes, I wish someone invented an automatic button and install into men's head man....alway need to nag them to do things or else sit there watch tv like statue.

<font color="0000ff">babe</font>,
saw the baby swimmer thing before on one of the website (which ♥♀steph♥♂ mentioned www.babyswimming.com.sg). bb as young as 2mth can also sign up for swimming. then they will place the bb with this swim thing into a small bath

but hor, my gar only get to swim when she is past one yr old only and know how to walk. so only bought the swim float.

<font color="0000ff">BeBeNg</font>,
welcome to the thread. better to chop cl liao if the cl is popular.

<font color="0000ff">fairymoss</font>,
no lah, my memory not gd after preggie. only opened the archive posting and then read and type side by side loh. not read at one go and then type.

re:TMC ward.
my cousin who is c-sect stay at A ward (given birth in 06), her bills is $3000+.

re:maternity leave.
I'm intending to take 4mth in a shot and then another 1mth (maybe on and off). have already told my boss liao cos I wanted to focus on my
moo moo career.

re:antental visit.
hmmm...only last visit, the doc use the droppler to detect the bb heart beat loh. other visit are only Q n A only.
so one won't know placenta ok or not....hmm... anyway, my next visit will be detail scan liao so will ask doc any problem or not.
hmm..beside scanning bb, yr gynae also scan yr placenta?? tot, low placenta can only be detect during third trimster.

<font color="0000ff">misscandy</font>,
so envy can log in during office hr to post wor...i can't cos it will take much time. not mentioning weekend, will be busy spending time with my gar.

hai...my hubby also like that when ask him to do thing, he will sau ok. then after that forgotten and got to nag at him. sometimes, making me fed up.luckily, my hubby
allegic to alcohol. :p.

yup, hope u are feeling better after venting....

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>,
my gar also already opened the wardore drawer, door etc liao since she knew how to walk. but hor, after her finger kana snapped by the door/drawer, she dun really
dare to open much. now, she knew how to safely close it to prevent her finger being sandwiched.

hmm gd that u got one gar and no#2 is a boy loh, so can close shop liao loh...

<font color="0000ff">sandi teo/Blessed</font>,
congrats to know the gender. hmm...got instinct meh...I think I dun have leh. but I hope mine will be a boy boy.

<font color="0000ff">tuskwoollie</font>,
go go for the kkh antental class. I did attend 2 yr back loh. the course notes is quite thick in lecture notes form.
the lesson and mid wife are interesting. they have different 'teacher' for different subject.

<font color="0000ff">Joyce Chua Tan</font>,
re:dogs. dog will also get jealous one cos my sil's chihuachua get jealous. will do abnormal behaviour (like throwing tantarms) to get sil's attention.
he rack the bb clothes and make a mess. last time, he is very guai.

same as mine, my detail scan also fall on 6/11.

<font color="0000ff">sung</font>,
re:avent bottles. for me, I'm been using avent bottles since my gar is 3.5mth old till now. never change her bottles except her teats every 3mth.
so far so gd...but just to be ensure not to cause the leaking, one need to screw it tight loh but not so tight. if leak, the teat rubber might be spoilt loh.

<font color="0000ff">fatfish</font>,
for me, i will take dong cong cao during my 5mth and will double boil it with lean meat.

<font color="0000ff">Asura79</font>,
same case, I got a brother also 4 yr younger than me too.

re: disposable panties for post-delivery. I remember when after my delivery, my case, the hospital (KKH) nurse gave me a packet of disposable panties, pads and the stuff (few pieces) used to place under yr butt.

<font color="0000ff">SeaBreeze</font>,
yr no#1 is really cute and jokingly.

<font color="0000ff">Wish a boy</font>,
so happy for u...u got the prince. me also want a prince.....of cos, hubby and pil also want a boy cos their side all granddaughter....

<font color="0000ff">Nana</font>,
hmm..me never heard of brazilian waxing leh....got shave the area before labour meh..dun have leh...

<font color="0000ff">elina</font>,
the mid wife helps me to clear my bowel but did not insert any medication. when I delivered my no#1, there's still some unclear bowels. mid-wife and doc said it is ok to expose bb to this
kind of baterica to build up their immune system.

<font color="0000ff">SG</font>,
re:weight. wow, it seems that u put on weight a lot. so far fr preggie till my wk 12, I only put only 1.9kg(lost 0.5kg last mth). so now, I'm not sure if I gain back my weight so have to wait for 2 weeks later when I go for my antental
visit plus detail scan.

<font color="0000ff">teddybaby</font>,
re:nursing bras. got 4 pieces (cheap one when on sales at $3.90 each (usual $9.90) after my ml days. I use bra extended during my third trimster.
hmm why not buy bra extended which cost only $1-2 each mah.

I use paper normal type panties (buy from watsons at $1.95 each per packet). not nice to ask ppls to wear for u and somemore, cannot touch water (only time to touch water is brush teeth, wash below and wash hand after toilet).
agreed with what wish a boy mentioned "think old folk will say no good for hubby to wash ladies undergarement .." it 's kind of bad luck.
so it 's afterall hassle free, just use and throw with pad.

<font color="0000ff">Irene</font>,
hmm who is looking after yr both kids when yr mom is doing cl? have u engage cl before? any mummies engage before? do we need to provide them with towel, toothbrush and those daily essential needs??"

<font color="0000ff">alfafa77</font>,
wow, u really know how to manage and make use of yr time as a sahm.hmm think u being sahm for a long time, when the bb arrive, bb will kept u busy and u also can't bear to leave the bb to someone else man. anyway, mummy is the best person
to take care of the bb loh.

<font color="0000ff">m00m00</font>,
welcome to the thread.
u sure u wan do ur confinement by urself ar? i would advised u to think twice.
i c my frd got CL's help also very stress aft her hb is gg back to wrk aft
1 wk of leave to stay at hme to help.
haha..of coz u cant wear glove to bath baby lar. the glove so slippery..
very dangerous leh.

Re:Herbal bath
use herbs to bath, den can use normal shampoo/body wash?
if wan rinse away the soap use the herbal bath or normal water?

wish a boy
wow.ur frd is so ke lian..i hope her #5 will be a baby boy.
my sis's frd is a very devoted christian also.
she have #5 kids, and she now quite old liao. about 40plus.

Re:panties during Confinement
i told hb tdy, he suggest we all go buy $1 per undies.
buy 30pcs to use and dump away daily.

Re:pimple Cream
im using this brand - PanOxyl Acnegel 10 available @ most pharmacies.
my gynae gave me the greenlight to continue to use.

wow the list of things u do at hme realli impressed me!
me also Sahmtb. but i hardly clean the hse de..
at most i wash clothes using washin machine haha..
my whole life i only cook less then 10 times, but am goin to do cookin more often.
i spend most of my time napping,msning,reading this thread n watchin tv.
i dont think i will be buying the baby monitor.unless hb wan buy for the novelty.
i will probably return to wrk after a few mths post deliver.
but i hope hb can support me to stay at hme till bb 6 mths. so i can Bf for 6 mths min.

welcome to this thread!!

Welcome ..

Joyce Chua
haha ur cowie is so cute!

Re: Bah Kwa
haha.. i have also been craving for this for quite some time.
tink is time for me to go n buy some real soon..
eat tgt with pork porridge. SLurps..

Re:Cold Drinks
hehes. im a bad mtb.. i still drink soft drinks when im having long john etc.
will tk ice milk tea when eating Mos burger.
but i trying to restrain myself frm drink COKE.
coz i read coke - caffine is higher 5 times dan coffee and
it will hinder our body to absorb nutrients.

sayangs**.. the girl is very lousy with her cust svc.
hope she will meet some1 worst den her and she will noe how it feels.

i think we better pray our room mate if staying in 2bedder 1 is nice.
my frd experience a super thunderous snoring neighbour..
somemore her roommate also c-sect.dan insisted on TOTAL BREASTFEEDING.
den she got no supply dan her bb in the middle of night cry until v bad.
dan her roommate n nurse still arguing..coz nurse suggest FM.
in the end the roommate gave up,ask nurse feed Glucose..
I think i will play PSP thru out my stay or slp with music plug in my ears.

hhaha pple say my tummy bigger le. but still pple wont noe is Preg.
i realised after a night slp, my tummy will grow bigger de..
like MAGIC. any 1 think so too??

my hb same as ur hb.. hungry dan ask me to eat wadever can be found in our hse.

My dinner @ Tiong Bahru Plaza.. i went to the Lao Beijing..
had Xiao Long Bao and Beef soup noodles. Sedap!!
after class i ate char kway teow..
I tink my appetite is increasing or issit im juz a glutton?

enjoy ya penang trip yah??
eat ho liao more more!! have fun!!!
n rmb to drink more water~

haha tdy is my super longest post ever..

btw, i've signed up for Thurday Class with Mrs Wong @ Amk, starting frm 27Nov..
ltr im gg for my DS.. so excited!!!

gd night every1..

module can defer for 1 module or defer until next intake.
now i tinking twice about deferring again..
alamak. i juz cant make up my mind.. hurs..

DIE la...my anmum FM bought since JUL-AUG till now!!!
and i juz drank 1 cup of it few days back....should i throw away?
or continue drink it.. hb gonna kill me.. coz one tine is 20plus
thanks about mentioning the bb FM to be consumed a mth aft opening.

BB Items
hb say after confirming baby gender later dan can start buying things.
i keep telling him, my cousin and sis can pass me alot of bb boy clothes.
and bb girls clothes my sil n frds have alot..
but i tink he still wan to buy for his own bb..
tdy i saw bb socks @ raffles place mrt exchange. almost tempted to buy.
heng i pulled back.. hehes..

Varicose Veins
i really pray hard i wont get it.. once we get it, it wont go away de right?
must update us when u r back fr yr DS hor...

mid of the wk again... 2 more days to long wkend!!!
good morning mummies..

yeah will update when im back..
donnoe what time den will reach home.
after my DS @ 1145am still got to go back to Dr ang clinic..

cindy i not so worry abt bb gender..
i very worried about the health thinggy which they will be checking..
i skipped the stress from doing Oscar's test
so now getting more stress frm this man..

maybe i shd go hospital tour at 11am since me n hb wake up at 8am. haha.
any mommies went for DS at TMC before?
must go register b4 appt time?
is the waiting long?
coz the tour i check will take 40-45 mins and my DS chk up is at 1145am.. lol
morning ladies...

kome and jasmine, nice meeting u guys last evening..

missycandy, think there's a spree on ON gap with 20% off leh.. u may wan to take a look.

Queenie, it's normal. I also worried prior to my DS.. was sooo relief after the test and was announced okay..

sun, ya manz.. can't wait for long wkend to be here.
Morning everyone.

I intend to try out doing confinement on my own first, if i really cannot handle than i don't care will insist to go back my mum's hse and 'force' her to help me. Wahaha........

Nice meeting you and Jasmine too. But paisey huhhh......yesterday abit blur blur and hungry so never talked much to your.
YOu don't look pregnant to me leh. Yesterday forgot that you are also pregnent, after i ate my dinner than remember oh ya.....you are also pregnent. Haha......really blur blur yesterday.
Kome, wahahhaha.. tt's wat many pple told me too. they asked me how come i put on weight so much.. cos i put on total of 9kg since preggy.. and tt my tummy isn't tt obvious.. They only realise that I m preggy when i tell them i m 6 months preggy.. they were shocked when they hears it.. wahahahah
Ya lor. She really don't look like preggy and tummy not showing also. She even 6 mths already while i am only 4.5mths and mine sooo....obvious than Wintertime.
sun, hees.. cos i was wearing very loose mah.. can't really see my tum tum..

Kome, also maybe cos this is my first bb.. so skin still taut... hahahaha

Have u gals think of bb's name already? I am sooo tempted to shop on line for bb's clothes again.. cham.. i splurge again.. recently buy 2 leggings online as well.. not cheap leh.

Oh....by way. Just an update of my check up yesterday.

Got my triple blood test result don't really know how to read it. My gynae just said everything is ok and i am in low risk for DS.

Gynae asked me if i had felt bb's movement and i told him not yet. After he done the detailed scanning, he said maybe bb is not that active and everything's is ok. He confirmed once again and said that its a BOY. Wahaha......although mt tiny little wish is gone but at least glad to know that bb is growing very well.

Yesterday really very blur. Forgot to asked him what is bb's weight now and is he growing at corect weight or not. Haiz.....old already. Forgot this and that.
