(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi Jasmine

[not that its something to be proud off]
Nope, i have just stop my medication as my Thyroid Dr recommend me to stop since it has stablised. She said the baby is like a immunity, all will be fine.
Ok, so i know i am not adnormal.

My husband said, no need to scared gain weight, just turn my my thyroid button after delivery to lose weight.

I did not change my medication as this pregency was like a 'shortgun' surprises :p Are u still on medication? Is everything fine with you, got feel gan jiong? Is your hyper or hypo?
SG - so fast need to decide liao? u so good hb request 1-bedder for u...actually heard from my fren who went to ESH to see her fren who delivered...she took 1-bedder...then she told me 1-bedder ward v nice leh...got comfy sofa for hb to stay over, than v cosy as well...

actually i am thinking of 2-bedder but i'm not too sure how ESH 2-bedder wards are....at least i know 1-bedder ward is super nice! hehehe....
Haha ya am born in 83 this is my 2nd gal my first was born when I was at the age 22.now she 3 yrs old le.

Re Quitting of job:
Reali pei fu ppl who can keep on working while having MS.I Quit my job cos I not feeling good so have to find new job when baby is born.
Wish a boy & princess in dreamland,
I saw they put the 20% off on Avent products they never state what are not on 20% less leh. Think better to go check it out. Im going again tmr. See if I can ask the promoter heee...

Guess what I walk pass the Mei Cheng Hiang end up I buy some coz crave to eat. very fat but craving so buy just 300g to munch...wahaha...
When I have #1, I took medicine till 2nd trimester than stop taking as result is back to normal. This time round I didn't need to take medicine, yesterday went to blood test will be seeing doctor this Thursday for the result. Hope everything is fine... Take it this way, we don't need to make a lot of effort to wave off our weight after birth ba...
Pinksorbet, yah lor..i also stunned when they asked me have i decided coz they need to make reservation liao..i know diff. between 2 & 4 bedder nt much..but 1 bedder quite ex. dunnoe my hb lah..he's always opp. with me..i wanted to save this $, he tinks have a gd rest after birth is more impt. yah, after tat i told him, he can stay with me at hospital in 1 bedder room..then he jokingly told me he regretted. BEST! hahahah

Jasmine, so nice..i walked past yest'd with hb..tot of buying some but dare nt open my mouth to ask hahaha coz gynea aldy asked me to control my diet liao later hb sure says i piggy mummy. hmmm..shall go and buy some when he's nt ard with me wahahhahaha enjoy your ba kwa!!
Just to ask if anyone interested to buy jumbo pkt of Pigeon breast pad? 126pcs at $30. My friend thinking to order in and sell if any mummies is interested to buy from her. I believe its from Japan. I ever brought it from a mummy before.
Re : 1/2/4 bedder : woo so early book liao .. my gynea nurse only ask me around 32 - 35 weeks which hospital I going to deliver and how many bedder . Do note that the rooms still subject to availablity at that point .. I remembered that time when I ask for 1 bedder they told me don't room when I admin but later an hr later as one of them is discharging they ask me want to change to 1 bedder so ok lah since I not yet delivered so change lor ..
wahh so many posts already..

sounds like u have exciting activities at home..
I used to enjoy my life at home..I clean house everyday, cook, do laudnry, read magazine, online at MSN...but now due to my bloated tummy..which happens almost everyday..it really makes me lazy and no mood to do anything..but today i managed to cook
will surprise hb later..

re:weight gain
before preggie I was 45 kg, height 156cm..now in my 18 weeks only gain total 3.5kg..dunno whether it's normal weight gain or not..dont want to think about it as it will make me so stressed..esp bcoz I have bloated tummy, cant eat much,lose appetite..so everytime I think about it, I become so sad n start comparing myself with other mummies..
so what I do I just remind myself of what my gynae said..mothers dont gain weight is okay, as long as bb grows..and so far everytime I see gynae, he always say bb is healthy n growing well..that means he absorbs food well too..by thinking this, I calm myself down...as long as I keep eating and never skip meal, I convince myself bb should be fine..

re: bra size
i heard during bf, breasts will be bigger? so if I want to buy new bra...how many size bigger I need to buy?

re: cold drink
lately I love to drink ice water..and craving for iced tea, soft drinks...but i know we cant drink tea..so I always tahan not to drink...so far only take ice water..but is this okay too? how about coke,sprite or miranda? can drink too?
wishaboy..true true once in awhile is fine..thks for your support! hahahha..will buy 100g to munch.

Re: 1/2/4 bedder..yah lor i also stunned when they asked me to decide..hmm..maybe nx year alot of pple give birth ba..i heard from my fren who gave birth at TMC to opt for 2 bedder, their 2 bedder very limited so high chance they will upgrade u to 1 bedder foc. dunnoe hw true...

Jasmine, u are making MTBs hungry and crave for ba kwa liao..hahhaha =p
SG : At MT E , one bedder is very hot .. hahaha .. ask me downgrade lah ..

Got craving don't satisfy , old folks believed that bb come out will drool a lot ..
welcome moomoo!

jasmine, that's good news, i want to check out the avent pdts too, thanks for sharing with us!

re. quitting of job
sometimes when really frustrated at work, i too feel like quitting haha but when i tink of the $ i can earned to spend on bb, somehow that holds me back. esp the 4 mths paid ml, want to use the $ then to buy more things for bb so will tong lah. actually sometimes, oso feel working is good for me, else i may "hu si rao xiang" and tink of all kind of nonsense hahaa ;P
Jasmine, 126pcs at $30 seems ex. cos BNG selling $8.90 for 36+6 pcs. somemore now got 20% off i think.

maybe i will go for hospital tour next mth to decide 1 bedded or 2, i only worry my girls will be too noisy for my room-mate, but feel like saving money leh.
My hubby will also tell me not to eat if he is with me. He think is too heaty for me to take. Last night I told him, I wanted to eat durian, he say hah! why durian? I told him I didn't even eat once since preggy. When I have #1 I took a few times and he refuse to buy and let me eat. (Angry...)
miss83, i tink 3.5kg is ok..so long your gynea assured u bb is growing well. i rather my bb is growing than i'm "growing" wahahha..

Re: bra size, i very kiasu, i bought 2 sizes bigger to keep for later stage..hee..sikali nvr grow then dunnoe hw liao..hahaha

Re: ice water if fine..but nt those very cold one ba. as for coke try nt to take coz gt caffaine..me occasionally take sprite..to curb my cravings..
wah nice, i oso want to eat bak kwa..restricted by hb, he kept saying pregnant women shouldn't eat oily/heaty food, hard to digest, sob! arghhh yummy!!!

jasmine - i'm keen on the pigeon breast pads. dis brand is recommended by my mummies frens
Jasmine : My hubby opposite of yours .. hahaha .. yesterday ask me want to eat durian ..

Weight gain : Mummies , don't bother about your wt gain as it had no impact on bb growth based on my past experience , the most impt is bb can absorb well and grow well .. mummy got wt gain or not is ok ...

Ice water : Best don't take too much as might cause bb to be more prone to cough and flu later on ...
Jasmine, me too told my hb i wanted durian last nite leh..then he just reply me go n buy lor. hng! he's just entertaining me also..hahaha i tink all hbs r like tat hor? any hbs so nice really drive out to buy watever u crave? i always see this on tv wor...haven try on my hb..but i doubt he will lah..wahahhaha lazy papa!

wishaboy, u mean hospital ask u to downgrade ah? haha..i tot norm. they would prefer us to take 1 bedder to earn $. =) wats the rates like for Mt E?
i'm so pissed today..some ppl are just so mean and no respect to pregnant women..
today I had to do some works..need to deliver some documents to bukit batok (I stay in sengkang, and I took cab which cost me $18 per trip). Before going, I called the person n charge to check what documents that I need to submit..I even asked twice to make sure..she said bring original n photocopy of the documents.
but when I arrived there..the lady in customer service was so rude to me..never said hi or smiled, just gave me a form to fill in..
then asked me for a photograph..which I didn't bring bcoz she didnt mention it on the phone. and not only that...when I read the instruction, actually no need to bring the whole document..no original docs are required!!!
the lady then told me if not photo, they cannot proccess and she simply asked me to go back n then come back tomorrow..I was so speechless for a moment!!!! then I yelled at her: why didnt u mention on the phone when I called? I even asked u twice..u didnt mention about the photo..I stay in sengkang n have to spend $18 each trip, and I have to carry alot of documents which is so heavy and I'm pregnant now..so can u just help me now?
and then she just said 'how to help? no photo means cannot. come back tomorrow' --> without even looking at my face!
so rude!!!!!

but on my way back on the cab..i looked at my tummy and i remember bb can feel that I'm angry..so I calm myself and then sayang2 my bb...now dont feel angry anymore..just let it go..*sigh*
SG - thanks for the infor, at least i will get prepared when they asked...if not i will be stunned like u....
in fact the thought of delivery ward is way behind in my mind lor...tot they will ask onli i 3rd tri....
yr hb and u opposite from my hb and me...i'm thinking of 1-bedder only after hearing my fren's feedback...my hb wants me to take 2-bedder to save costs...even after hearing wat i told him (how good 1-bedder is) he said he dun mind sleeping on the chair whole night to accompany me...no comfy sofa is ok
huh irene, really, bhg cheaper? haha i never chk out the prices yet, just heard dis brand of disposable breast pads is good
wishaboy, gt cravings nvr satisfy really bb will drool alot ah? no wonder my MIL and mum asked me to eat watever i want..hahahah i mean except those very cooling stuff lah. hmmm...nw i noe why..act. b4 gt bb, me like to go buffet and enjoy eating alot..tats why nw gt bb eat even more!!! i'm those who r willing to spend $ on food than clothings...hee.
True if got 20% than worth buying, but JL sales I just went the Pigeon breast pad is on Nett price. I have brought jumbo pkt from another mummy which is cheaper at $50 for 2 boxes of 144pcs Pigeon brand, but that is few months back.
miss83, can understand your anger...sayang sayang...poor thing. all these pple r super irritating lor!!! but i realised after pregnant, we are more "daring' to voice out our anger..i wonder if MTBs agree with tat..yest'd i was at foodcourt carrying the tray to the table, even b4 i place my tray on the table, the "clearing tray auntie" was rude and shouted at me "EXCUSE ME!" i was so mad that i say her back, can't u wait? very rude lor..i mean i understand old pple very impatience but pple nw gt bb, slow motion mah..somemore my tray full of food and soupy stuff. =( not as if i'm taking my own sweet time to block her way. sigh.....
I got try on my hb before, but not in the middle of the nite. I asked him to buy KFC for me abt near to 10pm and he went out to nearby and brought back for me.

That lady is so bad can even talked back to you without apologise. I also felt angry for you.
pinksorbet, no problem..i can update u everytime i come bk from my appointment coz we same hospital mah. at least u r prepared...
maybe diff. pple diff. tots ba..my hb always opp. with me. he tinks so long as we can fill up our stomach from hunger anything is nice..but i prefer to spend $ to eat something nice. he rather spend $ on his car etc..and nw he's checking out car seat for bb..while i'm more concern abt bb's cot, playpen, clothings etc.. hmm...
kome, so nice your hb..hmmm...so far my hb will bring me out for supper if i'm hungry. tats why i gain weight coz i sleep very late, ard 1-2am so norm. after dinner ard 11pm i will feel hungry de. hee..
miss83- that person no customer service attitude at all, how to do customer service work...

so irritating leh these ppl...dun angry liao...not worth getting angry over these ppl....

they tink pregnant women easy to bully ah!!
pinksorbet (pinksorbet) : If stay 2 bedder don't think they allow hubby to stay overnight leh .

SG : 1 bedder fully occupied so no choice lor ask me take 2 bedder instead .

Hubby : My hubby was the one ask me last night want to eat durian he go buy or anything I want he will go buy as long as he not too tired .
ya..true..we voice out our anger more since preggie

I was about to report it to MOE..coz my job requires me to deal with schools..but then I changed my mind..just let it go..
ok jasmine, i let you know k.

haha sg, either we are more vocal now that we are pregnant or just that our tempers are getting worst lor hee hee :p
SG : First preg , elective c-sect , 1 bedder , total bill around 5k+ in 2002 pay around 3k cash . My SIL last year emergency paid around 7-8k . 2nd preg natural with epidural , 1 bedder total bill around 3k+ pay around 1k cash for mother and bb all at Mt E ..
Wintertime have not informed me if had mine or not. Strange, thought i gt ordered 2 pcs also from her.
SG - my hb is the saving type whereas i'm more of the spendthrift type...hehe...

opposite attract thats how the meaning comes about...

wishaboy - haiz...so sad, hb cannot stay over in 2-bedder...but its ok la...at least 2-bedder i got room mate lor, can chit chat and talk to if my room mate is nice to talk to la...otherwise jus rest alone lor...after all onli two/three days in the hospital...v fast one...

i'm preparing to pack up and go in another 8mins...chat again...bye
miss83/sung...hahahah true lor, pregnant ladies' tempers are getting bad.. hee...hmm..

wishaboy, your hb really 24 "xiao(4) lao(3) gong(1)". =) so sweet..
She inform me yesterday morning, since my hubby teaching night class so I just meet her at AMK. She didn't inform you on anything? Hummm.. coz I actually ordered around 5 items but only 2 got stock. You want her HP maybe I PM you?
Hi SG n Miss 83,
Mayb itz e hormones tat make us flare up easily...esp when we r feeling hot n bothered internally, somemore cant drink icy cold water too often...so we look like some mumzilla...outta our way?! Shared ur sentiments...

Itz not easy 2 keep ourselves cool...ani mtbs can share ur secrets...very small things now make us feel irritated...i notice this in myself too...but hor...not gd leh...i hav a colleague whoz very 'mang zang' over every matter...end up her son super fiery n bossy...hmmm...food for thot....

i having prata w cheese sausage for dinner...tink many of u r having observable tummies liao yar?!

Last nite...i had a taste of wat heartburn felt like...plus some ligament pain ard my womb...bb growing 2 an exceptional rate...work doubly hard on ur massage oil/cream...i oso thinking of starting my 'tai jiao' soon...

take care ladies!
Yeah lor. So good your hubby. Mine will just say if I say Im hungry, you want biscuit or bread or not?? Hai.... Didn't even ask you want anything I go buy for you sigh...
