(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

alfafa77, I feel the same way too, miss working cos really not use to having so much spare time on hand. So will most likely go back to work next year after giving birth.

I have a dog too and I will play with her.

alfafa / sportyger
sometimes really envy SAHM... at times dun feel like getting out of bed to get ready for work...
Hi sportyger,

For post delivery, I'm undecided with whether or not to go back to work. Because by then I have a newborn to content with.

I love working, being financially independent and all, but then I also recognise the more often than not, amazing difference it makes to the child well-being. I could see the difference in my bro's (wife is SAHM) vs my sis's kids (sis is career woman), as well in my SAHM friends' kids. Even for myself, thinking back to my childhood, I just know that things changed drastically after my mom stopped being a stay home seamstress to become a hawker with my dad. I missed her so badly then.

I don't know. It will be a huge personal and financial sacrifice if I choose to stay home after that. Aiiiiii 'm 50-50 now. Guess things will fall into place after my baby comes.

I pray that God will show me the way as the time comes.
i think working can be good as time flies.. suddenly u r in labour already without noticing while SAHM sometime do have really spare time just to anyhow think... hahaha
hahah sunshine, yah yah I know. The grass is always greener on the other side. On one hand I certinly do count my blessings to not have to deal with enormous work stress, annual, monthly and project based sales targets (was in hunter sales) anymore too. No need to wake up on time. Heeeee

I had a bad first 4 months so it would have been absolutely torturous to have to still deal with all these had I been working. I left in my 7th week.

Hats off to you MTBs who are still braving the workplace despite your discomforts.

totally agree. Have too much time, will anyhow think. My husband can vouch for that. Even my dreams become weirder. heh heh
i thought as the same way as you do.. try to be thrifty and i suppose being a SAHM, tat kinda bond is something money cannot buy.. baby from 0 till 1 year old bonded the most with the person he/she is closest to.. it last for a lifetime... serious no joke..
joyce/alfafa and all SAHMTB,
yeah, like what sunshinebaby mentioned, sometimes i really envy mummies who do not have to wake up early to go to work, face colleagues or clients who are so unreasonable, and plus all the work load that are being piled on us despite the fact that we are pregnant

from the time i knew i was pregnant, i realised that my staff are on MCs and leave more than me. in fact, i had not even got 1 day MC from my doc yet.
yah lor ... I have mentally prepared my hubby that I might just well stay on to be a full time homemaker, for the sake of our baby. Not 100% sure yet, just 50-50, but at least I prepare him first. Am also nagging him to cut down n expenses now in preparation. Because I was in hunting sales, and in a senior position, I used to be the main breadwinner. Was hard on him at first, and if I decide to continue staying at home, our life style will really have to change. Not poor lah but still have to think thrice before spending frivolously like before.

I think that money can't buy the kind of mother-child bonding too. My r/s with my family, esp my parents really went down south after they both went to work and left me home as a latch key child. I understand why they did what they did, but you know, it took me many many many years (not until my mid 20s) before I finally got close to my parents again.

yah very tough to be still working. Hope your hubby can at least try to empathise.

That was why I quitted also. Wanted to downgrade to a less stressful work somewhere else but God bless me with a baby surprise. Hahahah so stuck in limbo for now. If not I would rather quite after I get my 4mths free pay!

Had I stayed on, I would be just like you guys. Like my colleague who is 3 mths preggie ahead of me, she didn't even dare to take MC when she was so sick with MS. The pressure is immense. My ex company is openly not pregnant lady friendly either. Already pressurizing her to come back in the 2nd mth of maternity. She had to justify her refusal, and in the end, managed to negotiate a return in the 3rd month. They also wanted to downgrade her initially when she took alot of medical leave due to hospitalisation.

The kind of discrimination that alot of pregnant ladies face at work is frankly shocking in Singapore. And we call ourselves first world country!
I don't think I can be a SAHM .. now got 2 gals to feed , 3rd one the way .. with car and flat to service loan .. so don't think we can make it .. I want to have a job and earn money so I can send my kids for enrichment course and others .. luckily for me , my job I can 8-5pm and go home .. no OT and my bosses all married with kids so they do understand us as parents at times so not too bad for me .. not only that my PIL will cook for us and so we have home cooked food and so everyday after dinner , it's bonding time with my gals , reading , talking to each other , play games etc .. of course weekend taking care of them so they are close to me and hubby .. also close to my PIL who took care of them when young and only till 2+ - 3 years old then send to childcare .. but from birth , night time myself and hubby take care on our own so the children are close to us ...
alfafa - like u, i realli admire those mummies who are able to go thru pregnancy despite the effects of MS, discomforts and all...especially the first trimester when the sufferings make us so miserable...
I for one, cannot do that...even tho i'm a FTWM, i have actually took abt more than one month of unpaid leave/annual leave/mc to rest at home during weeks7 to 12 of my pregnancy...the reason was due to the fact i had spotting and bleeding case....i couldn't imagine how i could have managed if i was still in the office....

right now i'm back to work...things are alot better ever since...i should oso be thankful that my work environment is less stressful compared to others...workload is oso more manageable, colleagues and boss are v nice and understanding....

in a way it very much depend on the circumstances too....i'm sure if i were to work in a highly stressed environment without an understanding boss/colleagues, things will have tumbled down for me and i will consider quitting my job for the time being and wait till bb is born to find a new job....but i guess i am pretty lucky in this sense....
alfafa77, I quitted thinking of taking a short break and getting another job but was blessed with a baby.

sunshinebaby, I think human are funny. When I was working, was always thinking it would be so nice to stay at home.
pinksorbet (pinksorbet) : same as u , I took a week MC due to spoting and at that time actually don't want to tell them I preg with 3rd one .. but no choice lah .. need to take MC so have to tell them and I came back half a day so I can pass all the work to my colleagues to help me settle during my absent , at home I also try to read and forward the mails to colleague to settle for me .. luckily my colleagues all very nice and help me to clear .. when I told my bosses I need to take MC to rest due to preg complication , was so touched that they replied ok and told me to rest well and only come back when I really ok ... though they told me I got a lot of annual leave to clear if not well and not seeing doc take annual leave to rest ... they help me settle my job so I can rest well .. think it's really company environment that is impt for preg mummies ...
actually me not a SAHM ... me on MC now cos of my rare excessive salivation problem ... even when i was preg with my #1 ... i had this problem too

my body produce so much saliva that i just can't swollow it down that i need to spit it out. u wont be able to imagine how much saliva i spit everyday hahahaha but i know that it will go off but a matter of when *sigh*

cos of this ... i cant go back to work as my boss still expects me to attend meetings (i cant talk at all), run projects etc even though i told her that i would prefer to do the admin work from home (i have full remote access) but since she prefers that i go on MC (even resort to cc HR) so i just take MC lor

my gynae oso say how come my boss so not understanding one hahahaha so he gives me MC oso lor
How come men don't have such dilemma? ;p

To be a FTWM, alot does depend on the workplace. If the boss and team mates are understanding, and the nature of work is not at a punishing pace, it would be a perfect compromise. If I do join back the work force I'll surely be looking for a place like this, no longer just going for high pay.

yah it really is a huge financial sacrifice. Not easy to get used to. My baby is not born yet, but I do hear my SAHM friends lamenting over how they wish they could send their kids to the often expensive but highly touted enrichment classes. It seems like we mothers would feel guilty either way - whether we are Stay Home or Working.

So unfair right, men don't usually get such issues. Aiyah ... guess that's why God created women, cos someone has to take care of things.

me too! I was exactly like you. I wanted to take the break before changing to a less stressful job. Then the surprise came. Hahhaa same boat same boat
i actually quit my job in my 12th week of pregnancy due to work stress and unforgiving working environment.. i do not have a good boss who is that understanding on my situation, so bo bian i made up my mind instead of making myself more miserable down there, scare to take mc when feeling unwell, not speaking of even taking leave la.. like shit to work in singapore/asia, i guess.. so what if government is trying their best in helping us, but the ultimate treatment and decision lies on the boss whereas most bosses in singapore has very strong oriental business way of running their business...
wishaboy - company environment is a realli important factor...ya my boss oso very nice lor...i am v touched oso...cos when i email him i have to take rest at home he said ok and then told him to let him know if i have any problems...then now when i'm back to work my colleagues will help me carry heavy files with no complains when i asked them to help me, cos they understand i cannot carry heavy things now....v nice of them...

actually i oso no plans to tell my boss so early in my pregnancy but he asked my colleague wats the reason for taking when i first took one week's mc...he wanted to know so no choice gotta tell him...

now i have fully blown up all my MC and leaves entitlements...no choice lor...for the sake of bb....anyway come next year i probably will have four months of ML to play with...

Just that i'm thinking of changing job oso...so i have to utilise my entitlements b4 changing my job...who knows come that time i will plan for my second bb and cannot leave my present company...
seaBreeze, aiyo so poor thing. Hope you get well soon. More importantly, hope that your boss will become more understandng/

My ex MD is a crazy workaholic. She doesn't understand work life balance so she doesn;t offer any to her staff. Purely nos game. Our Asia CEO himself is an angmo playboy, all the more he cannot understand. Even the other director, who is a mother with 3 school going kids, works till ten plus eleven at night every day and sometimes comes in in the weekend. You can imagine how family friendly they are!
my ex-boss was v good and understanding so when i had my #1 she lighten my workload significantly and allow me work on more deskbound projects

though i suffered for my performance appraisal i was still happy cos i know that i really didnt perform and i had to be fair to the rest of my colleagues who are covering me

but now with this boss ... seem like more politics going on ... actually they allow me to work from home but the new boss was the one who make noise so now since she is the on in charge i just bear with it lor

even my colleagues oso complain to me that things are v diff now and oso tell me not to think so much lor

guess priorities change once we start setting up a family ... career can cheong later but setting up a family got time frame one
Hi Pinksorbet, sounds like you have a really understanding team & boss. This is very rare in Singers. Have you thought carefully about changing jobs? Because it is very difficult to find a place like that these days. Worse when you are a new recruit in a new company; you don't have a track record with them so you will likely need to put in extra efforts to establish yourself first. This is also the time when you need to manage a newborn. Could be very stressful.

Of course, there are many reasons why people change jobs. Just be mindful of the special needs during this period yah?

tatz horrible.. shit right.. ya like if i am going back to workforce i am sure to find somewhere family friendly before joining, pay isnt a piority to me now..
It's very sad to hear of bosses like that i.e. the ones who are mean to pregnant ladies. They forget that before they are a boss, they are human first. Be a human, before being a boss.

yah man, my priorities changed. Not so hung up over money anymore. Maybe that's HIS way of bringing me back.
Joyce, yah, really bad. Plus in my previous job we had to travel long distance (e.g. to Canada on economy) sometimes to canvass for new sales, and it's hard to say no.

Don't know if the government will ever succeed with changing the mindset of employers. Next to impossible task I reckon.

Hungry liao. Makan lunch first
Hi Alfafa77: I am also a SAHMTB, except I have yet to resign. Will resign once the baby comes out.
Where do you stay? I think its important for SAHMs to rally together and support one another when they're "domestic goddesses". Hehe.

My church has a SAHM group which I intend to link up with when I become a SAHM. Also intend to get involved with some voluntary stuff at my church's kindergarten and complete my part time studies. so I don't become too bored with staying at home.
alfafa- actually the thought of switching job has been in my mind even b4 i was preggie...that was several months back....

at that point of time i actually let fate decide on the choice i have to make...whether to change a job first (b4 getting preggie) or have a bb first (then change job)...

fate actually puts me on the latter path....i happen to strike one fine day...that was the time i knew a job change is impossible. To me either choice i will be v happy still...

Since now i have this bb coming along i tot..."should i change job after delivery"...that will be next year...but thoughts ran in my mind again, whether i should if i plan to have a second bb...i was thinking...if i dun change job now, could it be possible to change next time? and if i'm gonna be stuck in my present job, i'll be stuck with a pathetic pay with a pathetic increment...

another reason that i wanna change is becos my present portfolio offers me limited learning experience...i thought if i still got the "market value" to change a new job better do it fast, cos to me age plays a big part...

then oso i'm afraid of the new job where i won't be able to cope...like bad boss or colleagues...this is a risk which i know i have to take...no choice...

so i'm oso in a dilemma...

sorrie for the long post...
Aiyo think though government giving us incentives etc , 4mths maternity leave .. think a lot of companies will not employ MTB or newly wed as worried no one to cover job .. so those want to change job pls think twice ... somemore in new environment if u need to take AL to look after your newborn when they are sick , it's even harder ... aiyo , see those government link company like SIA , if the air stewards get preg , they are ask to leave ... so sad right .. think only join really government body then got use .. meaning the ministry then no one will make noise ... hahaha .. if the bosses make noise tell them our government ask us to give birth lah if not population affected ..
i'm also in a dilemma. thinking of quitting during the maternity leave cos just go to know that i can serve my notice during ML. but also thinking what can i do if i quit. i don't want to depend on hubby for allowances. i still enjoy the financial independence. ever thought of doing some home business while looking after bb, but what kind of business?
still have a few more months to think about this but now going crazy with all the work being piled on me. funniest thing is that my boss wanted me to take care of a project that will commence in March next year when i actually told him that i will be delivering in March.
actually i like my job and i enjoy a very good working relationship with my colleagues ... they actually discturbed to say that next year i need to re-pay by taking up all the briefing sessions which we are suppose to take turn to do ...

oso we dun mind covering each other cos we know that there will come a time when its our turn to need someone to cover like for me NOW lor

but really with the new boss who just come on board ... she is oso irritating the hell out of my colleagues with all the people politics that she is playing

so am abit sianz lor ...

i told my hubby that if i ever want to stay on its cos he convinced me to have #3 hahahaah otherwise i am likely to move on after i stop breastfeeding hahahaah cos my office is still q bf friendly lor and i have been there for 8 yrs so have more 'freedom' in a sense
OK back from lunch.

Padi, yah yah I agree. I live in Queenstown, near the MRT. If I pass my driving test in Dec I will be even more mobile. Where do you stay? I attend Church of our Saviour just across the road from my place, but I don't really know anyone there cos I didn't join any cell group.

that's why I was upset when I heard during the PM rally that they are not giving any tax breaks or other aids to hubbies of SAHMs. I mean come on, SAHMs are not lazy good for nothings who want to be tai tai. These days, SAHMs are more often than not, well educated ladies and in fact career women who decided to sacrifice their careers for their kids' early years. They are keen and willing to invest time and efforts on their kids, and are also likely to have more than one child. All the more the government should help this profile. So so so MAD.

I hate taking money from hubby as well, so I did one thing right before quitting and that is to make sure that I have a comfortable amount of savings for myself. That also made my husband feel better. Having said that, after almost 4 months of spending my own money I have decided to take an allowance from my hubby. Mainlyfor grocery and essentials for us. I'll pay for personal desires through my own savings. I'm also making use of the allowance to save for my hubby because he is a horrible spender.

Your boss is very funny. Hahhaa Maybe you can still make phone calls and conduct virtual meetings at the delivery ward.

Hi all Mummies,

I am new to this site. currently 20weeks.
Just wondering if you had all know the gender of your baby? my EDD is 11/03..
Hi MooMoo,

I'll be at the start of 21 weeks come Thu. Can't confirm baby gender yet cos baby wasn't cooperative during my last scan. Doc speculating might be a girl, but he's really not sure. I'll find out this Fri when I go for my detailed scan at NUH.
Most of us have already know the bb gender. There are a few MTBs here going for their detailed scan this few weeks to confirm their bbs gender also.
m00m00 (m00m00) : welcome on board . Think most of us know the gender of the bb already except some bb not co-operative so still don't know but think by next month all should be able to tell as most will do detailed scan by then .
pinksorbet, yah i know gassy drink is bad for MTBs..i drank few slips whenever my hb open a can..hee tats why i tot shld be ok. =p
yah, i got a report on my triple test..no much details except the risk ratio + some explanation notes.

caca, you've gained 7kg so far ah..i also keep asking my hb and frens if i'm getting fatter. hee....my sis gained a total of 18kg for her 1st gal..and she told me is ok so long no complications like high blood. hee..wah, are u borned in 1983? if so, nw u aldy having #2? very young mummy leh..

sung, yah my bb was half squatting+crossed legged during the scan..gt a pic of that..hee..so far i've 5 pics of bb in a small booklet given by my gynea. looking fwd to the detailed scan, not sure if we will be getting 3D pic..hee..

missycandy, i do feel like popping from left to right at the same time..no uncomfy so far maybe nw at later stage when the room for bb to move is getting real small then i might feel the uncomfortable ba. =)

Queenie, thks for the info on the BMI..
SG : my first preg I gained total 20kg lah .. hee hee greedy mummy .. 2nd preg only gain 10kg ... hope this one I also gained around 10 - 12kg as I on the heavy side already ... don't want to be king kong man ..

Detailed scan : I think mine can request for a 4D CD to store the pix .. must ask my gynea next visit about the detailed scan .. think mine will be end Nov or early Dec for detailed scan ..
Jtho: Yeah I agree with Alfafa, one of the thing I ensure I have is some savings, so that I can tap on some savings during this period of time when I am a SAHM. In fact, I also saved up for my masters programme (but my masters is quite cheap la haha). Only problem is my savings will not be able to last for very long, so I foresee going back into the workforce in 2 years, maybe in a Part time position. I have the same procedure with hubby - he pays for the groceries and everything at home. I use my savings for my personal spending. And we'll just try to keep things within a budget.

Your boss is quite horrid. Is he/she being insensitive or difficult? :S
Alfafa: Good that you have a car to drive around!! I have a license but no car. Haha. Can only rely on my baby's Maclaren. :p Kidding. But I agree with the way you manage money. We have the same $$ patterns. Haha.
alfafa77 (alfafa77) : Ya lor nothing for SAHM ... like my MIL quit job to look after our kids and but so sad only one of us can claim grandparents caregiver tax rebate .. so the one earn most between the 3 mummy will cliam lor ... all sort of restriction man .. so sad .. was thinking if government do give us monthly allowance for SAHM with 2 kids of more .. I will consider to be SAHM and look after my own kids .. but sad to say no such benefits ..
Hi M00m00: I don't know yet! :p I am only nearing 19 weeks this week. Hopefully can see by this Thursday's gynea visit or by 6 Nov, which will be my detailed scan.
wishaboy, haha maybe first pregnancy dunnoe hw to control tats why pple ard us ask us to eat we will eat lor. hahaha..wah 10 kg is perfect leh. initially i still hope i can gain like ard 12kg at most...looks like cannot liao..wahahaha
welcome moomoo...

SG - thanks...
so i will expect my report to be available on my next appointment...

no offense but i quite envy those who put on weight so far...cos i'm worried how come i haven't start putting on weight...17 weeks already...should put on liao...
tink later 2nd/3rd trimester will put on ba...i'm waiting to see then....
Thanks mummies for your respond.

I heard my Gyane mentioning to plan for a detail scan soon, you have any idea what they will do during a detail scan?

I m actually keen to know the gender coz i have been hooked on online shopping these days and until i know the sex, i can only see and browse..

Are we supposed to expect a big increase in the waist or tummy? Coz i am still waiting to put on those i bought online. I have gain only 5kg..since day 1, not sure if its due to my thyroid.

Past fews scan show the baby lying flat looking upwards..is it something call 'transxxxx' something. Are yours the same?
pinksorbet, yah tink they will also ask if you have decided whether to take 4/2/1 bedder..so that they can book for u. I wanted a 2 bedder but my hb requested for 1 bedder..he said better to have some privacy..but the price differs quite alot. me trying to save some $ wor..

Re: weight gain..tink later stage we will definite gain more weight so no worries if u are nt gaining rite nw. i then envy those who gained little weight so far coz later stage the we'll gain weight much faster!
Hi WELCOME!! You too have thyroid? Me also. till now I think I gain 4kg at most ba. Don't worry as I have mentioned when I have #1 I only gain 6kg till gave birth and lost way below after 1st 3mths 7kg less than my pre-preggy weight. As long as baby growing all is fine. Do you need to take medicine for your thyriod?

Mummies update on JL EXPO at Orchard somerset.
Its storewide 20% off on everything except for sales items and Nett items. Avent products also on 20% off too. Im thinking to go down tmr again to grab my gal clothes seems like cheap.
Jasmine : Avent products including breast pump also got 20% ? as my friend ask for Avent directly on the breast pump they only give additional $50 worth of goodie bag .. sigh .. she say she going to check other shop if buy more can get some discount ..

welcome m00m00

i knew my bb gender liao, my detailed scanning falls on the 6th Nov.. so eager to have tat day come soon.. coz will be going down with my hubby to see our little cutie... =)
