(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

fatfish - hee hee... u dun msn with me ma... lolx.... ooo... im also sending kirs to cc in sept... but so tempted to start her anytime now... lolx... btw ur mini holiday is went to cameron highlands ah?

yah lor..can only go to cameron highlands. Thinking of going to japan though but afraid cant handle cadence..sigh.

haha still msn u eh..to see how RA are u.Hee
Hey I need to know what baby weight now? I think my bb weight is very light. She is 8.8 kg. Wan to do some comparison. Cos I rem most bb here turning 10kg so far. Do update me. Thanks ya
prosper - i duno hw heavy kirs is... but she definitely isnt 10kg! shld be ard 8+

fatfish - lolx. u knw. u better becareful. ur cadence might turn out to be like me. lolx. same bd as mine. name almost similar to me... muahahahaha!
at KK, my boi weights 8.8kg... tink he's too light as a boi... =(
mayb he lose some weight due to cold n fever...

bryan ok liao!!! rashes oso disappear...
My boy is also about 8.6kg. According to PD, he's kinda lightweight and small for a boy but it's ok as he's very active and as long as healthy.
Jovan is only 8.4kg as at last wed. Doc didn't say anything leh. But he weighs like a ton when we carry him. Haha. Time to give him more food I guess. So far only giving him 3 times FM and 2 times porridge in a day.

Btw, doc said he may have squint but a further check by specialist is required. Coincidentally, I found out that Optic Centre is giving free eye checks for babies under 1 so bringing him down on Fri.
my gal weigh is about 10kg+ about 1 mth ago, but my gal is on e huge side. Dnt worry about their weight. as long ur baby eats normally etc, tat will be fine.
hi to all Mummies!

HAPPY 2010 tho a bit late!

Been missing for a while and now finally got time to spend in SG

The thread is still pretty alive eh

<font color="ff0000">sun</font> - i think bb B is teething? 2 weeks ago, my boy also have fever (ard 39+) for 3 days and after fever subsides, the rashes came. After a few days, the rashes are gone n his 2 teeth pops out slightly. So keep a look out!

think our bb development abt same leh. joel also do army crawling nia and he manage to sit up by himself like at 8 mths?

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - my boy weighs abt 9.6kg 2 weeks ago. so bb K is quite ok

<font color="ff0000">fatfish</font> - i also intend to go japan in apr. I didn't thought abt food etc till u mention it on FB :p
take 1 step at a time lah..think too much then everywhere also cannot go liaoz

<font color="119911">re: bb developement</font>
Joel also super slow. No clapping, waving, standing independently. The only thing he is good at is making 'click' sound with his mouth.
oh i just brought Joel to trim his hair ytday!
OMG...almost tear down the whole saloon. His hair is growing too fast..
Ok at least I know she is somewhere there. Cos she has been throwing everytime she gave her milk. She has been refusing milk for past 2 days. She vomitted on me last nite.
Anyway tks for all feedback here.
Prosper haa think my girl is the lightest, 7.5kg only...

Fatfish,I am having headsche now abt to continue let Caroline at IFC or shld I take NPL...
Prosper haa think my girl is the lightest, 7.5kg only...

Fatfish,I am having headache now abt to continue let Caroline at IFC or shld I take NPL...
mangogal, think my youngest girl is roughly about 7.3kg now only..she's super lightweight lor. in the lowest percentile. Doc told me as long as she's eating ok, then ok lor and that my girl should be able to catch up with the rest only when she's 2 years old.

Jacqueline, I have given pasta with tomato and carrot to my girls. no prob. but i will skin and deseed the tomatoes first before cooking it with butter.
You have given pasta. Would like to ask, what and how you prepare the sauce? I've bought the bellamy baby star pasta and still dunno how to prepare the sauce.

Thanks in advance.
Hi mummies need ur input about childcare ctr:

1) will you consider the environment of the ctr(aircon or non aircon)
2) When will u put ur kids in childcare? once they hit 18 months? or latest by when?
3) Location
4) Fullday or halfday

hi mummies,

wow d thread is so alive!

want to chk:
r u mummies going give bb d cake at their 1yr old bday celebration or jux for adults to eat? is it safe to give coz cakes hv eggs?

1) yes, prefer non-aircon. open windows so hopefully less spreading of viruses n mylittle one dun become used to aircon environment :p
2) planning jan 2011, 21mths
3) near home but hven't start scouting yet
4) not decided, prob halfday for a start. oso depends if there's a #2

btw, r u starting ur npl soon? bb c adapting well to infant care? can share where u put her?
hmmn how do u mummies know ut little ones' weight? i tried to measure my bb's weight by seating him on our adult bathroom scale but he wun stay still so can't get reading. how do you all do it?

oh yeah, i hope to cook something else besides porridge. like very sianz everyday eat porridge twice. my little one eats very little of it too, abt 1-2 tbsp each meal, seems like dun really like it. bb likes d fruit puree better, tk tat out, will squeal with delight n finish very fast. can anyone wat else to cook? am tinking of marcaroni n cheese, do u mummies tink it's suitable?
halo Sung, nice to hear frm u

I wont really let Caroline eat the cake ,hee...
the IFC is at Blk 266A near coris, below the multistorey carpark, ctr is Junior Schoolhouse
do you stay near there? infact there are a few CCC at sengkang, so chk out those nearby ur place

ya non aircon is better in terms of vendilation

Sunshine,ya that is viral fever, glad that ur son is back to his happyself

So when will u put him at childcare?

Now our kids are gng to be 10 months old liao so can start to chkout esp some childcare are very popular...
I went to chk kinderland at my office here the vacancy is next yr Jan 2010..so long..:p
halo Sung, nice to hear frm u

I wont really let Caroline eat the cake ,hee...
the IFC is at Blk 266A near coris, below the multistorey carpark, ctr is Junior Schoolhouse
do you stay near there? infact there are a few CCC at sengkang, so chk out those nearby ur place

ya non aircon is better in terms of vendilation

Sunshine,ya that is viral fever, glad that ur son is back to his happyself

So when will u put him at childcare?

Now our kids are gng to be 10 months old liao so can start to chkout esp some childcare are very popular...
I went to chk kinderland at my office here the vacancy is next yr Jan 2011..so long..:p

(1) &amp; (2) - same thoughts as sung

3) within my home vicinity. Actually, was also considering near my workplace so don't need to rush home to pick up before 7pm, cause think timing wise, will be very rushing. But on deeper thoughts, what if I'm on leave to run my own errands or if I'm sick, then still have to bring bb to CC or leave at home?

4) Am looking at Fullday but also considering halfday or playgroup if my current babysitter is willing to cut down her rates.
u r super mom! how do u mange looking after bree alone n painting of her nursery? am amazed!

my bb same as bree when sleeping, will grab on to my clothes very tight, cannot prise loose, will wake. he wants human contact when sleeping, will even turn n bury his head in my arms or chest. so evertime sleeps either hb or me will hold him. very bad sleeping habits....
Jasmin yalor my office childcare is very convi n cheap too but I hv to consider like:

If i am on leave, how abt on course? or sometimes u juz want to put the child half day &amp; then bring home? also hv to consider transport issue, eg whether she will be cranky if at MRT or bus? Or if u realise on that morning, the centre got 1 HFMD, and u wan to bring ur child home immediately while you are working? Or if u resign? Anyway we need to consider carefully on decide on putting our kids to that childcare

Wah, you have a longer list of things to consider than me. lol

Caroline's current IFC does not have CC services? Why don't you let her continue after 18months at the current centre if they have CC services?
Hi Sung: weighing yr bb - what i did is i carry my boy and weight together with me then put him down and weight myself. I'll take the total weight minus my weight and the balance will be my bb weight.
Jasmin, yalor...ok will let her continue the childcare but incase I am taking NPL will make other plns, hiaz c how...

Sung,I am gng to buy a digital weighing scale this weekend, cos Caroline lost weight last month due to fever
Hello Jasmin, I got the below recipe from the Annabel Karmel website. I also use the bellamy pasta star, but i find that need to boil it for about 10 mins then it will be soft enough. My girls do like it and most of the time they can finish it.

125g (4 oz) carrots
30g (1 oz) butter)
3 medium tomatoes (approx 200g), ripe tomatoes, skinned, de-seeded and chopped
50g grated Cheddar cheese
2 tbsp Annabel Karmel pasta stars cooked until soft (available in Boots)

Steam the carrots for 15 to 20 minutes or until tender. Warm the butter in a separate pan, add the chopped tomatoes and sauté until mushy. Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese until melted.
Meanwhile cook the pasta stars in boiling water according to the instructions on the packet, then drain.
Mash or puree the cooked carrots in an electric hand blender, together with 3 tablespoons of the liquid from the bottom of the steamer and blend together the tomato and cheese mixture. Finally stir in the cooked pasta stars.
I will consider the environment. I will prefer non-aircon too.
I intend to put my gal into CC when she reached 18mths provided the CC got the slot for her at tat time.
For sure will prefer location near hse or mother hm. intend to let my gal take sch bus. so tat my mum doesn't need 2 travel to and fro as e CC that I had put my gal on waiting list is at duman rd, which is 20mins drive away frm hm/mum hm.
I would consider giving her halfday first. maybe when she reached 3 yrs then i changed to full day ba.

I would advised u not to put near ur office childcare as u might not know when u will leave ur job unless u know u will stay in tat job 4 long.
prosper: think kayle's weight is ok to me...cos girl ma...anyway mine is 9.9 as of last week...measured during his 9mths chk up...mine is 75 percentile...all 3 measurements falls in the 75 percentile so ok for me...
fatfish, i also intend to go japan(hokkaido) end of april to see the cherry blossom in early of may..but am going with dh onnly to make up for my honeymoon! will not bring bb..but everything is only me alone planning bcos too many things to consider..most impt is $$$$$$ and how to tell my mil(who takes care of bb for me)...

abt the bday cake for bb, actually it is safe for bb's consumption as long as not more than 1pc..can give them a bit is ok..not too worry ya..

still looking for the venue for bb's bday..any suggestions? or any mummies already booked the venue, can share some info?? heard that marriot hotel very famous for bb's bday wor..

regarding porridge, wat else can add to porridge besides pumpkin, carrot, potatoes, fish, chic, pork, broccoli &amp; spinach?? would like to change some vege cos i cooked until sian already..not to mention bb..
Sharlin, ya u got the point abt when I am leaving the job :p

Jo's mummy, me too cook until sian liao,haha
Can add some salmon, tomatoe
mangogal, with regards to childcare, have discussed with hubby. planned to place my girls in childcare when they turn 2 years old. Have seen one childcare that a few blocks aways from my place, good as no need to take transport. non air condition. Will definitely have to rely on mil and maid to fetch them to and fro..
mangogal, how much u give the tomato? must blend it? bcos i don hav a blender, usually i only use spoon to smash it..
Jo's mummy, I bought those orgainc mini cherry tomatoe, I will 2 or 3 pieces into the slow cooker and cook with the porridge

Northvirgo, thks for ur CC input

about measuring bb's weight.. actually i will weigh myself on the weighing scale.. then carry Bree and weigh.. so the difference will be her weight.

to make sure mine is accurate.. i asked another family to go thru the same procedure as well..

As for painting her nursery..
i wait for her to sleep.. then paint.. actually hubby is in town this month.. i initially left bree with him to play and then go paint the nursery.. but she kept crying for me.. so hubby will paint the main walls and i will paint the rims and corners.. i do it when she fell asleep during naps.. ;)

we are planning to paint the second coat tomorrow.. went to ikea this afternoon after her julia gabriel session to get her chest of drawers.. will be sourcing for wall decals next..

hi mommies, am back .. so tired from the slp training for tristan.

thanks girls for the compliments of his 12 pics.. hehe. yes donroxx, is meant for his bday invitation card.. haha..

kayla not light.. i think tristan also about there..

see when can i catch up with u n baby c at tcc or meet up a day. hehe

wow.. cameron highlands, is nice! better than nth right.. haha.. short getaway is also v refreshing.. now come to think again.. how to settle their meals ah. im gg korea this march ..

jia u on ur revamp of bree's nursery room

how are u babe... i miss u and ELIXIR !!!

for 3 days im doin the baby whisperer on tristan and apparently, my dad is not so happy with me when tristan cried out loud.. he even stared at hb when hb walked past him.. sian.. sian.. sian.. i badly need to break free from latching him to sleep ..
