(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

oh well i have actually tried my hardest to feed her porridge...but she just refuse to open her mouth at all as soon as she sees the spoon coming. even for biscuits and puffs, she wants to feed herself. if i try to feed her..she will throw a big fit and start to cry and scream. of course i just ignore her. but then she gets even more upset and refuse her biscuit too. she has a temper. haiz. she used to be so gentle and 'soft spoken'. :|

Im going to make banana pancake for her..i hope she likes it. jia you...

ya i hope so too..that this will just be temporary be it teething or just want to be independent.
Swenson at United Square 18 or 22 @ 12.15:
well only i cannot make it..its ok. u guys enjoy yourself. i will join u all after i come back from my penang trip.

well actually her milk intake drop a bit. at the moment now..
morning 8am: 120ml
morning 10.30am (take morning nap) : 120ml
afternoon 3pm: 150-180ml (she used to take 240ml)
night feed (8pm): 240ml with two scoops of cereal

And on top of that last week i used to feed her again around 12midnight another full bottle with two scoops of cereal. but this week she just refuse. she wont even drink if she wakes up at around 4-5am. she rather roll on the bed.

oh btw, the past one week my hb and i got sore throat. i dont know if we pass any to her. how to check to see if baby A has sore throat?

wow the thread is running at full speed.

vernice... Joel is so cute! (love his name too!)

prosper.. is your baby teething? if she is not drinking best to bring to PD for checks?

mangogal.. NPL represent what? sorry i slow at these shortforms.

queenie.. enjoy your trip to Korea! heard lots of pretty clothes to buy there.

Something to share with the mummies here. Hubby made this lego table for the little one. My boy could play at the table for a good 30mins before he realise i'm not beside him hahaha. He would chew the blocks, throw on the floor, squat to pick up the blocks, stand up, cruise around the table, attempt to stack the blocks, crawl under the table to reach more blocks he threw, etc. He totally digs it! (I claim credit for convincing hubby to make it haha). Great project for the Daddies to do and fun for the little one!

Alfafa, dollhouse! Wonderful. Congrats on the training on gracie. Trishelle still wakes up.. Zzz 9pm plus, up ard 3am for milk, and these days she gets up again at 5plus to whine which she needs to be carried to be soothed. Then zzz till 7plus. I don't know hw to break the midnight feed cause she truly takes a full feed 180ml which means she is really hungry. Her brother can zzz through when he was 10mths old but that was because he zzz in between us... Am wondering if Tris could achieve that if we put her in between us Haha. But No. Not succumbing to that.
hello everyone!
long time din post here.. life is hectic..
busy with the kids, work and ellewina.
lil zac is having running nose and cough on and off. doc diagnose it as sensitive airway.. which we really have to be careful as it will lead to asthma..
talking about the 1st year celebration, how you all plan to do it??
Me still headache on the venue.. oh ya.. need to get deco also.. stressed..
Hi Irene, me too so headache with the 1st year bash..wondering to make it a big celebration or just a simple 1 with some close frens..
missycandy/ mangogal,
Yayy, Shayna will bring her new party tricks to entertain you mummies. Hee :D

Hmm, guestlist probably have to take out the wedding guestlist to help me. Haha. I almost wish it could just be a small cozy celebration. Dunno if she'd mind that when she grows up and look back to her 1st b'day?!

Ade Heng/ Victoria
I think at this stage of baby development, it's common for them becoming more demanding and have a mind of their own. They have grown to be more aware of things which makes things a bit tougher for us adults. Just have to be patient. I think I have to try other new interesting foods that many of the mummies have mentioned here. I have just stuck to fruits purée and porridge. Anyway, good luck with the pancake (sounds yummy) and don't stress!

Hello back, sunshinebaby! Hope can organize another gathering so can meet up!

So wonderful to hear your success with her sleep training! What a relief for you. Must learn from you and try later as her 5th and 6th tooth are coming out. I tried when she was 5 months old for a month and it didn't last. Now she still wakes up at least twice and she still sleeps between us so have to latch her on so that my hubby can sleep! Really hope she can kick the habit herself!!!
jo's mummy,

dont worry abt the cake from pine garden. If u want to self-collect, only need to order 3 days in advance. I have decided to have the bday party at home so that if she is tired, she can go to her bed and all her toys would be there for her.. hee hee.. dont think she knows wat is happening other than lots of pple coming to disturb her.. hahahahah

Good job on sleep training gracie. I hope i dont need to sleep train bb C when i stop latching her at nite. Hee hee... right now she sleep through from abt 10+ to 8+ on weekends.. usually fall asleep during the latching, weekdays we got to wake her up to send her to my MIL's.
Long time never post. Hope all had been fine.

My girl also hovering abt 7.5kg....on the small side.

You very "wei da". Your boy real lucky to have you by his side.

gathering at United Square or City Sq at Farrer Pk MRT?
same here bb still need night feed cos he is really hungry and u got see him really drinking very fast then doze off again and also wake up at 5am plus everyday super tired..

i try to do the sleeping training before which is just to let him cry out but we gave up easily cos really heartpain to see him cry till no voice. so since bb dun suffer we suffer and wake up every night
Asura,hmm agree with you..but ppl keep telling me must celebrate grand grand 1 for 1st year bday..haih..dunno how leh..

will go and take a look at the design n choice of cake by this weekend liao..
<font color="0000ff">alfafa
i oso kind of train my boy to sleep in his cot w/o me or hb ard... juz dump him in his cot ard 8pm+ and give him pacifier n he'll fall asleep... he'll sleep thru till 6am+ for feed and aft tat back to his sleep again till we wake him up to send him to my mum's place during wkday... wkend, he can sleep till 8am+... but he'll whine once or twice for his pacifier during the night...
my next move - train him to sleep w/o his pacifier so tat he can sleep thru =)

tat's true... heartpain to see him cry... but my hb told me, u wan to control yr bb or let yr bb control u? in the end i agreed to try out and my boi took longer to fall asleep initially but now he can sleep w/o us ard... occassionally he'll shout for us when his pacifier drop out... lolx

issit?? my hb said jus simple celebration will do... with close relatives will do...
i'm still thinking whether to listen to my hb anot... hahaha

hope my boi will be like BB C, can dun even wan the morning feed, sleep thru fr 8pm+ to 7am+... kekeke

hope lil zac will recover soon... my boi jus recovered fr cold n fever not long ago...

yr hb did a gd job!!! did he takes long to build the table using lego?? how much it cost huh??

to share...
yesterday, my boi called 'pa' 'pa', my hb so happy!!! i'm a bit sad coz tot he'll call 'ma' first... hahaha</font>
sunshinebaby, yes they say 1st year bday make it grand grand, then the following bday will be simple celebration with family members only...but now i think i wan to change my plan..just simple celebration with family n close frens then bring bb to Genting with hubby..
yes yes then my mum will say ur bb really hungry leh..why dun let him drink..so we gave in lor..ur bb very good can sleep so long till 8am..ours alarm clock set liao always 5-6.15am

1st bday
me doing at home with some close relatives and some close friend only and will do some deco at home that's all
sunshinebb, ur boi so cute can call papa..my boi only say "ah ma, ma ma, mum mum" but i doubt he understand wat he is saying..when i feed him porridge, i will say "yao yao (chew)" then he will also follow me say "yao yao" but not clear 1 lar..haha..
before tat our alarm clock oso ard 4-5am+... =p
hope he can stay as tat in the future...

my boi called 'pa pa' n yrs called 'ma ma'... tat's interesting!!! my boi will make a lot of noise but can't fogure out wat's he saying too... hahaha
sun, your boy is good. Can sleep thru already. Zac still wakes up once or twice a night.. Tiring..
regarding to what your hb told you, my hb told me the same also. But it’s not easy loh.. I can’t bear to see him cry leh.

think they are learning to talk hor.. Zac can say "bao bao"(carry), "da da" (beat), "jie jie" (sister), his own name "zac zac". when i ask him to say apple, monkey, he will try to imitate also. and ya.. they knows how to show their preference clearly now also.
alfafa... Congrats on your success! U inspire me to try already.

Sunshine... Table from Ikea n mat from Lego shop at taka. Total just under 60. Cut the mat to size n mount or use a bigger table
congrats on ur sleep training.. hahaha i m still hestitating to start or not le coz i m not staying alone but with mil, gotta have a good tok with her before starting the training.. i dun wan to settle one problem n create another problem.. :p

alfafa's sleep training is abit different from urs, maybe u wanna try her method much more humane in a way.. :p
Lunch @ United Square | Swensens 1 for 1 | 22nd Jan 1215pm - Babies too!

1. missycandy
2. daphnekang &amp; ugin
3. alfafa &amp; gracie
4. babe &amp; shayna
5. queenie &amp; tristan
6. seabreeze

the rest do add on!

another project! must show us. can't wait.

Re: Jovan's squint
Brought Jovan to Optic Centre and had his eyes checked. This lady there used this really superb machine and in seconds, she could tell me that his eyes are ok. No crossed eyes and no lazy eyes. She has a way with babies too. The most wonderful thing is this eye check is FREE for babies under 1 year and has OCBC CDA acct. She also updated the eye check result in his health booklet.

Re: 1st mth bday cele
Going down this Sun to Pine Gdn to try try their cake. Most likely the theme is gonna be 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse'.

Btw, I brought Jovan to Bibinogs (serene centre) for his first lesson. At the end of it, I cant really remember what the teacher taught cos throughout I was pulling him back to me as he kept crawling away. Also, kept telling him to look at the teacher. Really amazed how the other 4 babies could just sit still and listen to the teacher. Hopefully, after a few lessons, he could get 'kwai kwai' sit down. Like the variety of activities conducted in the class.
Lunch @ United Square | Swensens 1 for 1 | 22nd Jan 1215pm - Babies too!

1. missycandy
2. daphnekang &amp; ugin
3. alfafa &amp; gracie
4. babe &amp; shayna
5. queenie &amp; tristan
6. seabreeze
7. p3pp3r &amp; ziv

the rest do add on!

Hi mangogal,
I hope so too! Yup, good thing he still drinks milk.

Hi Victoria,
Did your girl like the pancake? Tried giving my boy carrot today but he took only a little of it. But while i was having dinner, i gave him some rice for fun and he opened his mouth! I was so surprised!

Hi babe,
I agree that it really takes a lot of patience. Haha!

Hi Asura,
Lunch @ United Square | Swensens 1 for 1 | 22nd Jan 1215pm - Babies too!

1. missycandy
2. daphnekang &amp; ugin
3. alfafa &amp; gracie
4. babe &amp; shayna
5. queenie &amp; tristan
6. seabreeze
7. meebaby &amp; chyng shiuan

the rest do add on!

u miss mi out which i posted earlier on..

Lunch @ United Square | Swensens 1 for 1 | 22nd Jan 1215pm - Babies too!

1. missycandy
2. daphnekang &amp; ugin
3. alfafa &amp; gracie
4. babe &amp; shayna
5. queenie &amp; tristan
6. seabreeze
7. p3pp3r &amp; ziv
8. meebaby &amp; chyng shiuan

the rest do add on!

Lunch @ United Square | Swensens 1 for 1 | 22nd Jan 1215pm - Babies too!

1. missycandy
2. daphnekang &amp; ugin
3. alfafa &amp; gracie
4. babe &amp; shayna
5. queenie &amp; tristan
6. seabreeze
7. p3pp3r &amp; ziv
8. meebaby &amp; chyng shiuan
9. fatfish

the rest do add on!

i also wana go for the gathering but i'm working...sobz...

annmelody: cos my boy only has me now so i guess nth beats e bonding n taking care of him...tks n like wat asura says, all mummies r wei da...so r u...

pepper: wat brand r u looking for? i have a tin of mamil gold unopened...if u wan u can have it cos elixir taking NAN Pro2 now..n alternate Enfapro...
ummm the pancake....she didnt quite like it. i cut some bananas for her...and she took it. the thing is now..after taking one bite..she threw it on the floor to watch it fall. haiz. getting naughty. ya sometimes my girl eats when she sees us eating. ya last night dinner..she took 4 pieces of the baby bites biscuits. she wanted more but i didnt give her. i thought it was too much.
Hi Mummies, almost a month didn't join the thread... busy with work &amp; baby Ryker. Wow ! Most babies begin to call 'pa pa' or 'ma ma'. Really looking forward to hear my boi to call me 'ma ma'.

Wow, it seems like most mummies already start planning for the BB bday ! I yet to have any idea how to celebrate
I better start now.

Don't know y this 2 nights ard 9pm, my boi will keep crying even after feeding him &amp; carry to sooth him,still the crying. End up I put him on my big pillow then slowly he sleep. Hopefully, tonight will be ok.

p3pp3r : I've small tin of Fiso Step 2, expire ard July'10. Or anyone want.
my boi very lazy, it depends on his mood. If he happy, he will bye bye or gong xi, if not, he just stare at u. I hope during CNY, his mood will be good &amp; do gong xi during visiting

Queenie : Tristan so cute. saw one of her photos she went for swimming. I oso brought Ryker for swimming, but lately he lazy to kick just flow &amp; after 20 mins he starts to cry.
really need encouragement from u all..really stressed me out that bb refused to eat porridge or other homemade cooking. I suspect it's teething but it's been 2.5months we've been waiting for the molar to cut and since then it's been on and off fussy eater week. PD says reduce the milk, at least 500ml. so I dont give milk anymore before meal..and make sure he is hungry enough to eat but still he is very choosy. he still refuse everything except certain flavour of cereal and fruits. and it takes so long for him to open his mouth. I'm worried he doesnt get enough nutrients because he doesnt eat porridge and real meat, vege, etc. but despite all..his weight is normal..9.5kg 74cm at 9.5months.
hi miss83,

before we even go further, did the pd say that bb is under nourished or under developed in any way? did pd say that he is underweight? enough soiled and wet diapers? bb shows a sudden lack of energy? unless i'm missing something but if the pd certifies bb to be fit, and bb is obviously gaining weight very well and not lethargic constantly, i really think that you might be unduly worried. After all, why do we want them to eat? so that they will grow well and stay healthy right?

pls don't take this the wrong way, i meant well. I just think that you might have been giving yourself unnecessary stress all this ime. And your bb will pick up on these stress signals eventually, leading to even fussier meal times. bbs go through phases, it could be it. Also, whether we mommies like it or not we have to accept the fact that some bbs are just fussy eaters. He might prefer particular colours/ textures / taste / shapes etc.

If your pd is raising red flags then that would be a different story altogether of course.

Agree with alfafa. If bb is fit and well then just let him take his time to explore. Indeed the more u stress/push him to eat the more he will resist too.

Otherwise some other things to consider/try: let him feed himself with finger food/spoon? Or perhaps maybe attempt baby led weaning with suitable food eg overcooked pasta/broccoli or very ripe soft fruit? Remember not to distract him with playing/toys while he is concentrating on chewing the food.

Tracy hogg's book also said not to push or force bb, just keep leaving the piece of xxx food there and one day bb may just pick it up and eat it. They do go thru phases of preferring something over another and can one day like one thing and next day decide they don't llike it anymore.

Have patience! Esp if he is growing well and is healthy, then don't stress so much. Mealtimes are meant to be enjoyable
he will get there eventually.
ya PD says he is well..he is very active..enough wet diapers as well..

I never force him to eat. that's why last week he didnt eat for the whole 1 week! just closed his mouth tightly. that's when i started to worry and see PD. and PD advised to reduce milk because it is a bad habit to always give him milk everytime he refuse to eat. that's why he still maintain at a good weight although he didnt eat. but then..i cannot let him starve...but anyway still try pd advice...and he did eat when he is hungry (After i reduce the milk), but he is still very choosy...still refusing porridge or anything not as smooth as cereals (he did eat pasta and porridge before).
but he was always a fussy eater on and off esp before the cutting tooth.but last time he still mangaed to finish his meal though it took about 1 hour..and the fussiness only last 2-3 days. its never been this long.

the thing is the molar has not cut yet til now...and it's been almost 3 weeks since he's been fussy
G'morning moms. Has anyone tried using the odourless-type paint? I am thinking of having my house painted (hiring a contractor to do) but worried if the strong smell of paint will affect baby coz she's home all day. My contractor says the odourless paint is a gimmick (still smells) so I am soliciting feedback to verify that. Thks
Hi mummies,

Can I check how many times milk are your Mar 09 babies drinking now? Pondering whether to drop one milk feed or not... although my baby's solid intake is ok, just that she does not drink water. See water comes like poison!
hi jus wana ask, any of ur babies vomitting on n off? kirs has been vomitting on n off for awhile.. plus she's having a snotty nose... havent brought her to see PD becos doesnt seem that serious... im thinking maybe she's playing with her gag reflex again... sigh... plus im nt too keen to take leave to bring her to see PD becos my manager like nt happie i take leave or mc leh...
Hello mummies, has anyone of you ordered Auntie Yochana's cake b4? What's the feedback on her??

missycandy, my youngest girl used to throw up on and off. very jialat type, will vomit till the gastric juice comes up. think it's due to intake of fish, once we omit fish from her porridge, she stopped vomiting.
Vic/ Miss83,

2 suggestions to try to see if it helps in feeding your babies.
-Let them play with something...toys, paper etc so they are engrossed in playing and enable u to feed. But longer term, this may not be a good way to do it

-Feed them with adult spoons and plate..There was a few times my boy rejected the bit of food which I wanted him to finish off...I place them on my bowl and fed him with my spoon. B4 that, he already saw me eating with this bowl and spoon, so when I fed him, he readily ate them all. At this age, they may like to imitate adult's action or use what we using, haha

Re new food for baby
I've so far also intro celery, shitake mushroom, baby corn and also tomatoes( de-seed and skin removed)
Forgot u ask..u want back for 6mth checkup at Dr Adrian? Me supposed to go back in Dec for checkup but haven had the time to do so.He just do a scan or pap smear? Is this still part of his package or chargeable?
thanks for your tips. well i have tried all of the above. as soon as she see the spoon coming..she won't open her mouth. so now i use a chop stick to feed her. some times it works..sometimes it doesnt. When i feed her, i let her hold a spoon.
but then last night was a good night, she had 3 tablespoon of rice for dinner. so it was quite good. i hope that today it will be the same.
i think she was so fussy the past one week is because of teething. another upper tooth cutting through her gum. can see a little coming out already. so i hope she will regain her appetite back.

northvirgo:: i ordered auntyyochanna for my #1's bday last nov. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it! I will use her definitely for my girl again next month.

missy:: vomit no but trishelle SHIT SHIT SHIT a lot ley. don't know why. one day like AT LEAST 2 to 3 times. don't know if it's teething or what!
