(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


It's tough with grandparents around cos they heartpain, but you are the mummy and u get the final say so long as daddy is in agreement lah. When tristan can finally sleep on his own and self soothe, they will surely come round, so don't worry
Jiayou! Hope the training won't last too long!!


Thanks..My bro used to be staying in her current nursery. after he moved out, lots of scratches on the walls.

we were in a rush to set up her stuff.. and now that bree can sit up and move her butt... we need to move all her creams etc up to a level where she can't reach them.. so...bo pian lor.. keke

jia you on sleep training.. after nursery settled.. i am hoping for bree to sleep in her own room
thanks dear. I hope this battle wont last for long too.. daddy no choice but to go along with me..

thanks hehe.. jia u on training bree to slp alone in her own room


anybody wants to meet up for a lunch @ tampines (swensens) 1 for 1??
hehe.. yes yes!! thks!! wat a long way.. 40 weeks old!! hahahha.. sound familiar? full term pregnancy.. lol
you are going Korea? Free and easy?Btw, I brought cereal and those veg puree for her during my cameron trip. Mine was only a 3 day trip, hence should be fine for Cadence. Infact, my SIL cook porridge for her son when she went to Taiwan. I lazy mummy so fed her with cereal.

Meet for lunch?? When? Let me know k.

Jo's mummy and vernice,
I am planning to go Japan (either Hokkaido or other parts) to see cherry blossom. Otherwise will be tougher as I plan for a second bb either this or next yr. Was thinking of doing free and easy if bring bb. Well,I mentioned to my MIL but she din say want to help take care of bb so I guess I hv to discuss with my mum if I want to leave bb in Spore. See how ba..
fatfish, same same, I plan to go Japan and after tat get preggie for #2! my colleagues n frens all teased me say "made in Japan"...haha..i don think bring bb is a good choice lor..cos need to bring so many of their stuffs especially FM as i think the food there not really suitable for bb althou they oredi 1yrs old..as their sushi or rice they mix with rice vinegar which i think not good for bb.somemore the weather is still very cooling during april.i think i gotta get scolded by many mums bcos of not wanted to bring along bb for holiday..
jo's mummy,

wouldnt scold u lah...i also dont want to bring bb for holiday but cos my MIL is the only one taking care of bb for us. I dont feel right to leave bb in SG for her to take care 24/7 even though i think she wouldnt mind. Anyway, end up with no holiday plans except for sentosa this mar.. lol
Asura, hmm sometimes really feel bad to leave bb at home for MIL to take care..so if going to Jpn it would b like at least 6-7days, just worry tat she cant handle it alone as she also old liao..but going to japan is my dream for many yrs already...die die must go..

My little girl has refused to eat solid since last week. Im out of idea on what to feed her. As soon as she sees the spoon coming to her mouth she refuse to open her mouth at all.
We try to use chopstick to feed her..it work yesterday..but today for lunch i try..she didnt want.

She rather take the baby bites biscuits and some gerber puffs.

Is this just a phase or she is teething or she just doesnt want to be spoonfeed?

Im quite stress la. She used to be able to take 7-8 tbsp of porridge for lunch and the same amount for dinner.


am planning for no.2 this yr..so if postponed gotta be 3yrs later..by tat time would not be affordable..

What I did is to give her some water and puffs in between mouthfuls of porridge. If that doesn't work, then I will pretend to want to feed her puffs/water and when she opens her mouth I will quickly pop in a spoonful of porridge. Yes, it's deception, but no choice. But after a few times, bb will wise up to my tricks. Then it's back to feeding her actual water/puffs again.

M really likes tart stuff such as green apples, so if her lunch feed didnt go well, we will try to add some apple to her dinner feed so she can have a bigger dinner.

Her appetite was down for the past 3 meals, can't finsh her food. Then 2 days later, 2 little teeth popped out! Now she is back to normal, thank God! Oh, and she has some little rash on her torso, don't know whether it's related to her teething?

Hope this helps!
hmmm victoria's bb is A... Pei is M.. hee

okie. who's up for swensens lunch at united square? either 18th or 22nd. 1215pm.
1. missycandy
2. daphnekang
3. babydreams ?
4. mangogal ?
5. alfafa ?
Hi mummies,
Have been disappear for some time. Pop by to c whether the thread is still as active. Need some urgent advise! Help!
My boy is having fever or rather his body is warmer as usual probably due to teething (I see teeth come out from his upper gum) What did u do when baby is having fever due to teething? Do u give them paraceatamol (given by doc for vaccination)?
okie. who's up for swensens lunch at united square? either 18th or 22nd. 1215pm.
1. missycandy
2. daphnekang
3. babydreams ?
4. mangogal ?
5. alfafa ?
6. meebaby
7. pseed ?
8. vickyong ?
9. queenie ?
10. p3pp3r ?
Her fever has not go down as this is the forth day! Went to take blood test n xray, and still waiting for result till tml. Very worried. At the same time, she is teething
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), currently participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technical University.

For my doctorate program I am conducting a research study in which I am requesting your assistance. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood. Since this website is designed for parents, I thought you and/or someone you knew may be interested in helping me with this project. I am hoping to compare my data from USA parents to Sinagpore parents.

This may or may not apply to you. If you doesn't, please forward this to people you know so it can reach other first-time parents who may want to participate. Thanks for your help!

Do you meet the following criteria? Do you know someone who does?

* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to two years?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?
* Do you want to share information that could help other couples transition into parenthood?

If you answered YES to these questions, and are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to participate in this parenting research study. This survey is being conducted through an online questionnaire and is estimated to only take 5-10 minutes to complete.

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.

If you have questions about this study, e-mail [email protected] or contact Dr. Kurt Gehlert at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Professional Psychology at (651) 962-4656 or the University of St. Thomas Institutional Review Board at (651) 962-5341.

Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. All information will be kept confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
i give baby A either Gerber graduate puffs or happy baby. personally i prefer happy baby cos its not as sweet as gerber. And the quantity is more as well.heheh

i would looooovvvveeee to go but then 18 or 22 im not around leh. i'll be in penang.
vic - cheyyyyyyyyy

... Pei wan to go for lunchie too ?@! PROSPER AI MAI ?

before i forget also

starflower. . . . jtho . . . keron&jeris... eliTa!... who else???????

Hi Victoria, i've been a silent reader of this thread. Just wanted to say that my 9.5 month-old boy is just like your little girl! He used to be ok with eating porridge/cereal but has recently been refusing to open his mouth once the spoon is near him. I tried giving him his favourite apple puree to get him interested in eating and he took it. But when i mixed it with his porridge, he took a spoonful of it and refused to open his mouth again thereafter. But he happily eats the baby biscuits/gerber puffs/baby rice crackers when i give them to him. Only thing is, he again refuses to open his mouth if i bring them to his mouth. He would only eat them if he takes them from the bowl or from my hand.

I'm wondering if he's trying to learn to feed himself. So i'm going to try giving him finger food which he can hold on his own and maybe give him a fork with more solid food in it so that he can self feed. Hope these methods work!
Ade Heng
actually my neighbour made some baby pancakes yesterday..and gave two pieces to my girl. she took a bit. she wants to eat it by herself

I just google and check out finger food recipe..i found some from wholesomebaby. so im going to try tomorrow.

oh ya and i also read from the website (wholesomebaby) that at this age they might refuse to be spoonfed and wants to be independent already.

So for her, it could be a couple of things happening..im not sure which. either teething or want to be independent..

thanks for your tips. jia yu for our finger food.
Long time never come to post.
Hope everyone's doing well post X'mas and NY. Hear many babies here are developing fast. Shayna's still not able to stand unassisted so still a few small bumps and falls when she tries. But she remains cheerful and always curious of people and surroundings.

Our bbs' b'days are coming up sooo soon! Some like gingal has already celebrated! Unbelievable how fast it's been since everything started. I've got to get cracking, so far only thought of the cake. :p


Are babies invited? Can we come join? I think both dates are ok. Let me know. Cheers
Ade Heng/ Victoria
I'm having a similar issue with bb refusing porridge. She will turn her head left and right and cry. I just thought it's because she preferred sweet things like fruit puree to porridge. But after much resistance, I will make her eat and finish everytime!!! Haha so determined mummy, never say quit. Similar to what Pei does, sometimes, I drop 1 or 2 pigeon puffs in the porridge to entice her to eat. But last few meals I just quickly shove the spoonful to her mouth and she will give in eventually.

Best to measure bb temperature if u wanna give medication for fever, and then give if above 38 degrees. Paracetamol tends to be first choice for most ppl, but I personally prefer to give nurofen.

However if u think bb is in a lot of discomfort or pain then give it anyway for pain relief


Hope your little one gets better soon. If teething then fever can be assumed to be due to that if there are no other signs of infection. See how it goes ya?
u wrkin har? doubt many will want on wkend coz will eat in their family times.. if don mind, wkend or wkday at swensens if fine for me.. oh ya, i see united sq have one gathering coming up soon.. u keen to join there?

ya man.. but u at wrk leh.. united sq might be better for ya?

yea im gng korea march.. on char's bday.. haha.. no leh, under tour package. think worse come to worse i bring slowcooker , rice there to cook.. haha.. abit siao . tink i bring bottle food n cereal there.. cadence muz have enjoyed herself at cameron right. the air is so refreshing there..
lunch u prefer united square? easier for u .. tampines like too far for u. . wow, planning #2? All the bless to u!

jo mummy
haha.. is good if u can go holiday w/o baby too. at least u can tk the time to recharge. and is so troublesome to bring bb along actually.. so many things to bring.. how i wish i can let tristan stay at home while i go korea. anw. hehe.tristan's bash venue will be at aranda country club..

haha.. tamps is too far , opt for united square's one ya.. tamp more for moms in the east? but so far no east mommies respond.. i prolly join US's one..

Hugs, Hang On ther! hope andrea's refusal to food will be a super duper temporary one!!!

i think i will put the cool fever first b4 givin paracetamol.. if doesnt go dwn, prolly will give 1 dose. .. hope ur boy's fever has drop by now.. hug!

u no need wrk ah.. hahahaha... hws kayle??

wad a pity u not ard on these dates! ! ! when u leavin for penang?? ask candy chg date? haha..

welcome Ade Heng!!

i only decided on the venue for bb's bash.. stil stuck at my guest list esp for my in law side.. w/o the list, im really hanging in the air.. cant order the cake, the food, n goodies bags for kiddos..
Hi Victoria,
That's a really good website! Let jia you!

Hi babe,
My boy is really stubborn, he simply refuses to open his mouth. I've tried shoving the spoon into his mouth when he's drinking water or eating his biscuits, but he's too quick for me and shuts his mouth immediately when he sees the spoon coming. Haha.

Hi Queenie,
morning mummies!!!


i would like to join the gathering @ UE but working lei... but i actually applied 2 days leave b4 CNY... hope there's gathering so i can join... heehee

u noe i'm working so din even ask me hor...

hi babe!!!
Hihi Sharlene & Prosper,prob due to teething so baby temp is higher than usual

Prosper, monitor baby K if fever still nt dropping, could be normal viral fever...take care!

Sharlene, I wrote a post abt my baby fever due to teething last Fri cos Sunshine's boy had fever too, u can refer to the post

Yipee Missycandy & Queenie!!
Swensen at united sq, I can go!!
18th ONZ
I will take half day pm off so can hv a good catch up wif u gals :D
Paging for Annmelody?? Gal r wan to join us?? Hee..maybe i sms her :p

Babe & Prosper, come come n join for lunch? Prosper u taking leave ah?:p
Babe ur gal so cute, I still remember she was clappin her hands the last time we had lunch at Vivo, so clever,hee
wah Missy, thanks loh. School start liao hw to go... I want to go too ley. U all come bukit timah eat Haha! joking.
Hi Mummies

Sorry to disturb. I am from the April mummy thread. I am currently organising a bulk purchase spree for my daughter's 1st birthday. This website provides party items at prices lower than the usual birthday websites.

I have the following items close to reaching MOQ. Please join me if you are interested to order. I should be placing orders by Sunday LATEST Monday IF ALL PAYMENTS ARE IN by then.

P.S: There are other items too. Only listed items that are close to reaching MOQ here.

Please check out my thread if keen.


Pooh Air Walker - US$4.62 per unit - Min 5 pcs


Batch 2 open for orders - 4 more to MOQ

1. Donian

1st Birthday Princess Fringe Banner - US$5.81, Min 6 pc


2 more to MOQ!

1. eviangal
2. Northvirgo
3. porkylim
4. alika

Pooh and Piglet Hug - $2.81, Min 5 pcs

1 more to MOQ!

1. Kris
2. babyniuniu
3. babyniuniu
4. zannmum

Pooh Fun Celebration Treat Bags
- $1.78 per pack, Min 6 packs


1 more to MOQ!

1. Kris
2. Kris
3. Pauline
4. Pauline
5. Pauline

Star Shaped Sunglasses - US$ 4.58, Min 4 sets

2 more to MOQ!

1. Pauline
2. Pauline

Jungle Safari Braclet Craft Kit US$0.75 per pack, Min 12

5 more packs to MOQ

1. Happy Cat - 5 packs
2. Pauline - 2 packs

Latex 100 Pack Balloons US$6.05 per pack

Hot Pink, Bright Blue, Kiwi, Lucious Lavender, Primary Orange, Pastel Yellow

1 more mummy to share to order 2 colours!

1. Happy Cat - to share with 2 to 4 mummies e.g 50 pcs per person per colour
Queenie, thanks for sharing the venue..at 1st opt for chalets but as the venue is too far, not convenient for relatives/frens/colleagues without vehicles so gotta give it a go...

still havent ordered the cake from pine garden..i only hav less than 2mths to prepare everything..but still finding a venue..am looking for sunday brunch/lunch at hotels..any nice 1?

Victoria, i just bought the Gerber graduates puffs (strawberry flavor) from ntuc last night!

hmm was thinking to take leave to join the Swensens lunch


yes count me in. ether 18 or 22 is fine by me. coming with gracie.

quick update:

just to share something wonderful ... no lah not pregnant teeeheehehehehe

Yesterday was day 15 of sleep training. And I'm thrilled beyond words cna describe to share that Gracie slept through the night on day 14 and 15, from 9pm to 7.30am, and to 6.10am respectively. Yup, she didn't wake up once to whine. Actually that's not true, she does several times every night as seen on my baby monitor but she has learnt to self soothe and put herself back to sleep. Backtracking a little ... on Day 11 to day 13 she slept 8hours thereabouts before her first waking. So I can see a clear progression towards sleeping through the night. Hurray! Now I just hope that this is going to last.

For those not in the know, read here for my public blog entry

p/s I know that quite a few mommies are attempting to sleep train after reading about my experience. One advice that I forgot to add (reminded by Starflower) is NOT to sleep train if baby's tooth is cutting through or when baby is sick.

Queenie, JIA YOU!

pp/s I'm missing in action these days due to sheer exhaustion. Am tired as a dead dog .. in fact dead-er than dead. Heeeeeeee I ask for it really. Now that baby is sleeping through I am going on an overdrive designing new fabric "toy". Got so engrossed on my latest, and most complex (but oh man I'm dying to see the finished product) project that I have been sleeping at 5am almost everynight. Buay tahan. heeeee

I'm making a pretend play doll house. :)
