(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Gong Xi Gong Xi on Ms K's milestone.. I have been training tristan to move his butt to get down the bed too.. he v hao lian when he touch the ground and me n hb clapping hands.. haha..
miss Kayle so much.. !

queenie - eh Mr A says bring Kirs also... his 1st Bd with baby... hee... he happy la... kekeke... sometimes see him sayang her i also so touched la... hee... he will kiss her nose and rub nose with her... very sweet n cute la... kekeke... he so proud of his Super Kirsten... bleahx.... anyway we dont drive leh... must go somewhere a bit more accesible with baby... previous yrs, we wld go into JB for his BD... lolx... nw baby no passport so cnt go in...

yes miss the 2 Kays! kayla & kayle!
Hi all
Today suppose to be the 1st day back to work but took MC cos had a bad gastric attack yesterdary and stomache still queasy so decided to take a day off to rest.

all March babies are progressing well huh...My boy has yet to stand by himself and must hold on to something to lift himself up and no new tooth in sight except the the lower two. His ever increasing weight is also stabalising, his clothes are looser now.

And my latest update on baby no.2. Just did my oscar scan last week, everything is fine. As for gender, gynae said got 70% chance is a girl but no guarantee cos bb wasn't cooperative when scanning. However, my hubby said he thought he saw something stick out between the legs...urhh...boy again??? Should be able to confirm gender by the next visit.
I miss all babies here.

Update on myself here:
Having sore throat and running nose. I just spread the virus to Baby K. Now she is so feeling unwell that she vomitted everytime she drank milk. She just recovered from fever but still having slight fever. Hope that she will get well and play real soon.

Hope Kristen get well too. And goes to Kayla baby.

Oh and sunshinebaby! Cheers!
Hi mummies,

I have not been visiting this thread eversince I started work back in late June! Still, want to come in and wish all mummies and babies a wonderful 2010!

Time flies, our babies are coming 1... and I really miss those times I get to go for lunch gatherings with mummies here during my maternity leave. On the work front, it has been quite crazy for me. In fact, shortly after I returned to work I had to go for 2 work trips, which kind of forced me to stop bf also. So, I only managed to tbf for 6 months this time.

Have not been following the thread so don't know much about the developments of the babies here. Baby K hates porridge and rice! She only wants cereals. So, I get plain brown rice and oatmeal cereal for her and she will take that with meat/veg/soup. Any babies still on such "babyish food" here?
hi mummies: i need an advise here...if i wana switch formula, wat shld i do? heard i cant immediate switch so its alternate feeds or mix 2 diff formula??
scrumpee - so exciting!!!

pink - i didnt go by any fast and hard rule. i jus switched. =P i started with enfalac. then friso. then hipp organic. then stage 2 i gave her promil. mamil gold. and now similac follow on. lolx! but PD did mention all the switching also nt good la. but so far Kirs is fine. =P

queenie - i also cnt believe i tahan u for 1.5yrs liao... HA HA HA HA HA HA =P
Anyone watched the chinese version of the Wong Li Lin programme on ch 8 at 10.30pm today? It showed a small boy being burnt from head to upper part of his body and he was in so much pain when changing his dressing. My god!! my tears just flowed and couldn't imagine such a thing could happen to a young innocent child. Kept thinking what if that is my boy...I just shudder and feel so heartpain for the little boy. He was so chubby before the incident but he is all red and inflamed now from the burnt and his fingers had to be removed due to the bad burns. sob sob!
Queenie, missycandy,
yah time flies.. I din realised it till I saw Jerlynn's first birthday photos (Gingal's bb). Cant believe it that I hv stayed at home for 1 yr.
Haha..glad to know all the mummies here

Queenie, ask your hubby bring you there (mt faber) for V day.

good progress for bb k. My girl still toothless but can clap, wave byebye and stand with support. U take care k.

I watched too (Unexpected access). Feel so sad for the boy. He is so brave to bear with so much pain. The 4 month old boy under going op also very poor thing.
haha ya man... time passes so fast. so glad to have know all of you thru out these special moments of my life. hehe.

V day so sian falls on 1st of CNY. donno wann to be happy or what. haha..

cd: touch boh .. haha

Good nights to all!

hoping tristan can don wake up for night feeds. :x
Hi All Mummies,

Haven't been coming in here for abt 1 mth and there's so much updates for me 2 read through. Wow, all ur babies r developing quite fast. here's some updates on my gal. She's still toothless! Hoping can c it soon as she's already 9mths+ liao. Nowadays have to look at her 100% caused she will lift herself up whenever she holds onto sometink. She will even hold her walker and stand up and try to push and walk wit her walker but ultimately fell caused can't catch up wit e speed!

some babies here are so smart. can clap hands and do gong xi fa cai! my gal is really lazy. Only know how to beat ppl and wave bye bye. Sometimes lazy till bye bye also dnt wan 2 do.

Here's a photo of my gal playing wit her bulldozer!
Sharlin.. your gal is so cute! can she ride the bulldozer on her own?

and dun worry, my boy is not doing much also. he does not know bye bye, clap hands, etc. he used to say 'hiiii' when he sees people (esp pretty ladies, faint!) but now also stop saying. infact i don't think he can do any thing on demand. haha.
queenie - ar buay Si leh... wan me to Si ah? not so fast la... =P touch simi? touch u? cannot la... for ur hb to touch nt for me to touch leh... =PpPpPppp~~

fatfish - wa.. u are SAHM ah? cool! cadence is very lucky!

Dont worry... my bb C is 10 months old this friday and until now can only see 1 line on her gums... it is not white color... lol... But she gum stuff really well despite being toothless.
yes don worry.. my niece after 1yo still bo gey, now coming 14.5mths only have 2 tooths..
maybe u wan can give her more calcium food? hehe.
she look so cute with the bulldozer!
my gal cant really ride on e bulldozer by herself. she will move an inch only. then she will need we all 2 push 4 her. ur boy so chicky, looks at pretty gal. haha. so cute.

i'm just worried tat how come so slow she still havent teething lor. my gal same as urs lor. although no teeth, she likes 2 chew toys / food! she dnt like too watery food. she wan food tat she can chew.

is it? ur niece after 1 yr still bo gey. it's it normal 4 teething very late mah? ur boy looks so cute! he looks mature!
Seems like our March babies very super lehz.. So many babies can do this and that.. I think Eddric will look stupid beside them. Haha..

queenie, missy,
Ya lah, she very R{A} one. She can paint a very good image in her mind. hahaha..

Hey, welcome back! Rare visitor lehz..how's ur girl?

Thinking of gg back work? Itchy itchy?

Dont worry... Eddric doesnt look stupid at all! Think so far all the babies are displaying physical developments. Maybe Eddric is developing faster mental wise so more difficult to see difference. They would all grow up fine..

I am worry for Caroline too..cos she cant really stand long, her knee like no strength to stand with support leh...
agreed wit asura. ur eddric will not look stupid. different babies have different stages of development. Sometimes i also tink how come my gal cant do tis n tat. but tink back, at least she's developing well, will be fine.

dnt worry. maybe caroline build is on the smaller side thus she cant stand too long. I'm sure there are other tink tat she's developing and faster than other babies. dnt be like my gal, she's huge till i find tat she cao lao! n she's not gentle at all lor. very scared she will be tomboy when she grow older.
Sharlin, thks for ur words

Caroline can clap, wave and nod her head, recently even like to wink her eyes...so she is good at fine motor skills but gross motor skills she is lacking,hmm....
Like u all say, babies develop differently.. Anyway, my PD says if they are fast in gross motor skills, fine motor skills or vocal skills may slow down and vice versa or unless ur baby is really a genius baby.. haha..
jojo, really ma? haha then i worry for my #1. He only knew how to walk at 15months and only now then he know how to say some words (at 25months) haha!! and somemore those words, must still hear carefully then can make them out! haha but whatever la. don't worry so much mommies, whatever it is, how slow or how fast, our babies will GET THERE.
jojo - yes pls dun stress urself! dun see eddric tupit lor... he is observing all of us and the babies... hee... he's just playing it cool! why be so kan cheong to walk n talk? can depend on mummy n daddy 1st la.. lolx! take own sweet time also good leh... hee hee hee and babe u tk care hor! dun overstress urself! *hugs*

ya my imagination always run amok! lolx

queenie - orh. i also "touched" hee hee... not RA la... aiyooo... RA only in MSN... lolx!

kirs cnt clap. only cn bye bye n twinkle little star. hmmm. give n take la. no hurry to rush into the world. let them slack while they still can. hee. then she only papa and byebyebye. or mummum. or smack her lips n play with her tongue.

yesyes. always hear. walk 1st talk later. talk 1st, walk later. but of cos there r exceptions la.
asura, missy
yesterday night the rashes gone... tis morning i oso didn't see any... i presume should be fine... will bring him to PD if the rashes appear again... thks for yr concern!!!

hope bb K faster recover fr nappy rash!!! mayb other than apply the cream, u try to chg her diaper freq coz urine hv bacteria which might slow down the recovery... if can, try to clean w cotton pad for her every chg to keep her below clean... u bz with her bd stuff huh... me wanna to apply my co bungalow to celebrate my boi bd... hope i can get the slot i wan... hee hee

hope is bb ger!!! i hope my 2nd one will be a ger!!! haha

u must take care wor... hope bb K faster recover!!!!

i gave my boi both cereal n porridge for his lunch n dinner... initially he oso dun like porridge, but we slowly 'force' him to eat n gradually he loves it now... hahaha
but his fav food is white bread!!!! lolx

u wanna switch FM??? why huh?? u using NAN2 right? did u notice tat NAN2 quite hard to dissolve??? norm can see lump of FM in the bottle whereas NAN1 no such prob...

bb K no prpb w the switching huh... so envy...
my boi cannot lor... i've difficult time to switch him fr NAN1 to NAN2... actually i oso tot of switching him to other brand but dun dare coz not sure how long he'll take to get use to the taste...

yr ger so cute!!! my boi still cannot stand by himself... he's very lazy oso, he'll sit unassisted if there's toy for him to play else he'll just lean backward onto the playmat... buay ta han him... lazy little ox!!!

i agreed w asura... dun worry... mayb he'll give u a surprise... =)

There u see it! Even your PD agrees so dont stress yourself too much. Actually eddric looks ok leh.. he is crawling.. maybe he do army style cos very tired on his fours.. he heavy leh... hee hee.. And hor... from how i managed to bribe him with 1 gerber graduate puff... he is not stupid lor... very strong survival instinct.. probably tot there's going to be more! Hahahaha
So dont worry ok? *Hugs*

BB C can only bye bye, gong xi gong xi, sit down and stand up upon command but only if she is in the mood. She cant clap or other stuff. And sometimes she is too lazy to crawl, prefer to just lie down and roll about. I only lament not so fun... I think if all our babies progresses appear in 1 particular baby, that baby is genius!!
jojo, agree with ALL of them. Eddric is definitely not stupid. HAHA. not to worry. He might surprise you later on. All of us are not stupid, so how can our bb be stupid? HEHEH! love his chunky thighs!
sunshine, prob ur boy's fever is viral fever cos rashes is gone, phew!

Haa..ur boy so cute..he like to crawl?

yalor Jojo, think so long as PD said one area is faster than the other vice vesa la..paranoid me :p
BTW, will u mummies put ur kids at ur office childcare ctr for 18 months above?

I just chk out Kinderland at my office here is only $161 after subsidy...but there are pros & cons putting kids at own office childcare ctr..hmm...
tat's call viral fever huh, glad tat the rashes is gone...

my boi like to flip more... actually his crawling like army style... not on 4...

re: childcare ctr
i tot of it b4... but less likely ba...
if i hv my #2 next yr, most probably will quit and be SAHM to take care of them...
haha, she is damn mischevious and behaviour is like boy! faint!

i had put my gal on waiting list at zee junior (duman rd). kinderland is full day or halfday ar? zee junior rate for alternate days (mon, wed, fri) - half day session, it about $400+ before subsidy lei. Full day will be $1.2k+.
Hehe I'm having fun reading all that your bbs can do. Don't worry abt lack of progress in a certain aspect cos in the end they all get there and grow up healthy and normal

I can't wait for my boy to start walking iindependently. Its getting tiring to heave him up into my arms as he has been clingy in illness and with not seeing us being in nursery the whole day. He has started to daringly try to stand on his own but falls down of course. Otherwise cruising around and trying to recklessly climb onto short chairs/stools to reach the table top. Faint. He has also learned to point so it makes it easier to know what he wants. Worst is he has mastered the technique of throwing things, and he sure has a strong aim. *_* actually I regret not having the time and energy to train him in signing man..
hi all ,

i am organising a spree for happy belly cereals and puffs.

happy bellies cereal -$8.20 per tin
happy puffs - $7.10 per canister

i also have organix baby food and munchkin products

shipment will arrive latest next friday and my bp will be up soon. do email me at [email protected] if you wish to order first

collection tentaively will be at Bedok/AMK/Clementi/Hougang.
yo mummies, long time no post and a happy new year to everyone :D
achievements for her is that she loves to play catching and she would waddle away and giggle to me to catch her..for my achievement is to shed more kilos if i continue chasing after her all the time. ha ha..

anybody organising outings to join this month?

don't worry about Eddric.. yep.. as all of us said.. our babies will get there.

Einstein didn't talk till he is 4 yrs old. and he is a genius!
hi mommies..

came in to catch up and breathe, been busy trying to re-org Bree's nursery.

Just finished painting 1st coat for her room.. letting the colour settle before we go for second round on Thursday.

trying to touch up my walls.. one by one.. hopefully can get things done before hubby goes off end jan

Bree has not been sleeping well alone lately. she has been holding on to me when she sleep.. either her leg on my thigh, or her hands on my chest or holding my fingers when she sleep.. after i had gone off.. she kinda knows it and cries for me..

if i don't get to her soon enough.. she would have sit herself up and woke up.. opened her eyes wide.. and start partying.. by trying to "crawl" on my bed.. *faint*

she don't really crawl on all fours or on her tummy.. she kinda shift her butt to move around.. hahah....

so far.. she does point, clap, wave her hands and pats herself on her chest.. she just started shaking her head earlier this evening.. hehe.. looks funny.. don't know what she is trying to do. muahahahah...
Hi hi. Looks like only you remember me! Haha.
Baby K is doing fine, just picky about food and definitely a girl with a mind of her own!

Baby K will either reject outright or oblige and eat her porridge but thereafter, she will merlion all out. *sweat*
Tristan is sooo adorable.. Its interesting to our lil ones' pics from till now

yah, wanted to return back to work but hv to wait till she is 18 months. Currently, I m helping my hubby, cant focus on work with bb around especially no helper. Lousy mummy.

haha am still sahm
No choice, will hv to wait sep to put her in childcare. was thinking on IFC though. btw, din know u only RA in MSN lol

I am putting my girl in childcare when she reaches 18 mth. Caroline can wink..Interesting

dun worry on bb's progress. They are capable in giving surprises. Actually, I always clap my hands, shake my head, wave bye bye infront of her..so she picks up from there.

I heard from my mum that bbs either move their butt or crawl.. not sure true or not.

tks starflower for the link...really help a lot...

sun: oh i wana change to enfapro cos i feel like giving elixir smth better...Ya nan abit diff to dissolve but i normally make using slightly hotter water n dissolve it first then feed him...
