(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


thanks for the link.. i will try and give one grain of rice. then see how bree reacts.

mango, i did try olive oil n butter to cook bake fish and french toast for my girl b4 but she seems like not v interested also leh.
After u put the rice powder into the slow cooker, do you have to keep stirring? If not, will be be lumpy? Btw, how much water did u add to avoid it being too watery.

Jo mummy, yes. Yesterday i started to cook abt lunch time. After u mentioned 2hr, i went to turn it off. Started to cook again at 3pm unti 6pm. I thought it will be something like cantonese porridge but its not. Still got the chicken bits and whole pieces of potato/carrot. In the end, I blend it. Maybe i should chop the potato/carrot smaller and really minced finely the chicken. But really, i think my slow cooker really slow. Its not bubbling at all.

Gotta admit using slow cooker, the porridge taste so much better than steaming individual items. The porridge water taste so sweet. Going to try this everyday.

Alamak, forgot to add sishen powder this afternoon again!!
agnes, act dun need to keep on stir. normally i only stir like once or twice only. it wont be lumpy. hee hee for me i agar agar one hee hee if now enough water then i will add some during cooking.

the chicken, u can use a fork to mesh it then it will be v thin liao
donroxx, where do you get the lactulose? From the PD? I'm so worried now, aft baby pooed on Wed, no poo today.. Think i'll get a lactulose first thing tomorrow..

re carters sale, hee, i think i the most ks, i bought $127 all of rompers and t-shirts..hee... think i bought almost all the designs, cos i'm a lazy mummy, only buy his clothes once a year so far..
hi mummies,

Will like join you all for lunch
added my name in the list.

Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Venue: White Dog cafe?

Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & Lucas
6. babe & shayna
7. mangogal
8. meerkat & baby
hi mummies..

back to smh to read.
hope u all are doing good..

i went to the carter sales also in fact i went ytd and tdy. haha. damage ok la over all less than $150.

so nice u all meeting up. got to give it a miss. hopefully can catch u all the next round if any..

Happy Weekend. !
agnes - i only stir 2 times. once when i put the powder, rice n meat ... i stir to mix all together and break up the minced meat into little bits... 2nd time is when i add the pureed veggie in...
kirs likes her porridge sticky n pasty.. so its just nice for her... i add in like 1/3cup of water to 3scoops... u can do trial and error? i did trial and error... then luckily ended up oK... i totally prefer using the slow cooker! fast & efficient! just on the switch, dump everything in, leave it, come back in 30mins... dump in veg... and voila...! done! hee hee! erm... slow cooker shldnt bubble leh... shld it? mine doesnt... lol.. its not a fire thingy. its like induction... jus heat... hmmm... u try my style.. its like canto porridge... maybe a bit thicker.. lol...

blurjen - becos Kirs is thin ba... so move faster.. heee heee... for the beef, i buy minced beef... all of them i use minced meats...

for my veggies, once a week, i steam n puree whatever i buy.. be it sweet potato, brocoli, normal potato, yam, spinach... and put into cubes.. then put into the freezer... so every night, i will bring down 2 cubes into the refrigerator frm the freezer to be used the next day...

for meats, i buy ard 300g packs... then i pack them into little bags... ard 2tablespoons or so... and also put into the freezer... and like the veg, every night bring dwn 2 packs for the following day to be cooked n eaten...
Re: Isetan Private Sale
Wooahh... it was a bit of a "nightmare" for me. It was super crowded and really hard to shop. Yea, I bought Shayna with me and she was getting cranky after 1hr. Just managed to buy a few tops for her, didn't get anything for myself.

Re: Porridge
I have a slow cooker but don't really use it. I just make the porridge using the claypot and heat over the stove. It's really fast and simple.

Method (enough for 2 meals at this stage)
1) Wash the rice thoroughly (2 flat Chinese soup spoon)
2) Fill claypot with rice and water (est. 3/4 cup). Let it soak for 15 mins.
3) Bring to boil for 2 mins. Stir and let it cool to room temp. (Usually I'd do this in the morning and leave it till I'm ready to feed bb.)
4) Reboil the porridge.
5) Add whole meat/ fish/ poultry into the porridge, cook, then use a blender to mince to desired texture.
6) Add preprepared frozen veggie cubes and bring to boil.
7) Add water if too thick. Ready to serve.

Tip: Don't buy minced meat from markets as they are quite fatty. Just buy whole meat and mince yourself.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Thanks blurjen, missy,babe. Going to try again. Gotta grind the grains first.

Slow cooker shouldn't bubble? Ok, then mine is normal. hehe
Annt.. bought them from a BP long time back. if you are keen i'll dig up the contact for you. Think of one of the mummies in here was selling too but can't remember who.

Viven.. the one i have is from PD. but can get from pharmacy or GP too. best to ask PD or GP how much to give cos babies and adults different la.

Re Isetan Private Sale
agree with babe that it is a nightmare. so stuffy with so many people. who pushes hardest wins. understandably it is like that for sales but i'm just not keen to rub backsides with so many people. my first isetan sale is now my last too.
Isetan Private Sale:

I din go this round. Actually it is not always a nightmare. There are about 4 sales a year. THe Mar one got the least crowd and the crowd increases with each sale. So the worst is the Dec one cos everyone take leave. Looking forward to going in Mar, hopefully by then, I slim down a bit more and can buy more clothes. Still got 8kg stuck to me.. sian!
Hi Mummies,

I would like to ask abt feeding our baby wit cheese. Can we feed them with cheese? my gak now is 8mths+. If yes, where can we buy those cheese? over the counter at ntuc etc or there's a special type of cheese for baby?
I've been feeding the Happy Cow cheese cube to my boy since 8mths+, but not on a daily basis. About 3-4 cubes a week. As his milk intake was low, thought the cheese cubes can help compensate the calcium intake a bit.
Hi jasmin,

the happy cow cheese cube can be bought frm ntuc rite? How u feed him? If those low fat cheese which I bought for myself, can I use that to feed her? I intend to cook pasta for my gal. Thus, wan ask cheese in her pumpkin puree wit pasta.
carters sales,
went ytd & bought 9 tops, 10 dresses, 1 3/4 pants, 1 pj... it's quite a good deal i think as this is my 1st time to carters sale...

i usually soak the rice the night b4 and dump the carrot, pumpkin(or sweet potato)(carrot/sweet potatoes must cut into real small, like the size of 1/3 rice, pumpkin can leave it as shredded size as it will melt into porridge after few hrs cook)into the slow cooker. (*Don't really know how much water i put as it's by my feel, if too thick, u can always add some water in during simmer time. If too watery, just turn it to 'high' & let it boil in bubble then the water will be dried up)
I boil it on the stove for 15 mins before i put it in the slow cooker. Use the 'high' and let the porridge boil (in bubble) for almost 1hr, then change it to 'slow' to simmer it for 1hr.
Add fish and continue simmer for another 1+hr. Sometimes i add some vege just 10-20mins b4 serve.
The porridge will be like the cantonese porridge and it taste real nice even without any seasoning.
I don't blend it as the porridge is well cook soft enough even i can still see a little bit of rice and Moiiesha is able to eat/swallow as it is.
hi mummies

i have a set of almost-new Baby Can Read double sided flashcards (Set 1 and Set 2) for sale at $35. this is quite a good set of flashcards, just that i didnt realise that I had a similar set already. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Cheers!

Hehee, yes my first Isetan Private Sale too! Shocking. Think everyone took leave that day! A mummy was so nice behind me in the looooong queue to sing and entertain Shayna.

Re: Porridge
I think the trick to cook porridge fast is the cooling down after boiling then reboil.
Just to share another way of cooking porridge.

You can also steam the porridge in the pot. So every morning while i get the veges and meat ready..i will put water in the pot and bring it to a boil. In the mean time, i will prepare my veges (brocoli(small florets) or zuchini(diced) or spinach(finely chopped), Pumpkin (diced), Potato (into big chunks) or even parnip (in big chunks). So in her porridge usually its one vege, one root vege and meat/fish.
Put everything into a stainless steel bowl. Andrea takes about 4 tbsp of rice. to that add about 3/4 cup of water and the veges. steam the porridge for about half and hour on high fire. then i will add in my mince meat or fish. cook on medium fire for another half an hour or so. Then after that i will dish out the potatoes or parsnip to smash using a fork..and then mix into the porridge again. Then its ready to serve.

the porridge will be like cantonese porridge but much thicker. That is how Andrea like hers...Thick a bit chuncky..so i dont cut the zuchini or brocoli.

i tried putting beef into andrea's porridge today. What cut did u buy? i find mine a bit tough. And the smell is strong. But then Andrea didnt mind the smell. hahahaha
im nt sure what cut it is.. i bought the ready minced ones... yes the smell is a bit strong... hmmm hers nt very tough leh.. still okie... maybe cooked too lonG?
good morning mummies

re cheese... i'm not giving my boy cheese cos i have not found any that does not have salt.

re low fat food... most baby websites do not recommend feeding low fat food to babies.

last night we brought our boy for his first Christmas party. he was so excited, he missed his bedtime. had a hard time getting him to calm down and sleep.

here's a pic of him enjoying himself =D

Hi Mummies,

Would also like to join you all for lunch. But have not met anyone before. Guess will just wait at the entrance of White Dog Cafe. I have a tin of MamilGold Step 2 to give away. Mummies going for the lunch, anyone interested?

Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Venue: White Dog cafe?

Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & Lucas
6. babe & shayna
7. mangogal
8. meerkat & baby
9. Jacqueline & baby Jovan
hmmm. i have ergo. hoho if u wana try, i cn ask my hb to pass to u to try at wrk. lolx! im nt using it for now. its quite bulky for a person ur frame. maybe ask hb to let u try then u see u wana buy or not?
Hi mummies, I would like join you gals.

Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Venue: White Dog cafe?

Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & Lucas
6. babe & shayna
7. mangogal
8. meerkat & baby
9. Jacqueline & baby Jovan
10. fatfish

see ya
u try to dig hard n c can lend me or not hor.

xie xie..

if not will relay on website liao.

btw, is it easy to use?
why u dun wan use ah?
Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Hi mummies, can't join all of you for lunch tmr. My little one is quite sick today. vomitted and having diarrhea. Gonna bring him to see the pd tmr.
wow..so hope i can meet up with u mummies..bcos i have so many things to ask..

meerkat..don worry, ur LO will be alright..mayb viral infection..hope he get well soon ya..
Morning mummies!!

Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon) <today>

Venue: White Dog cafe?

Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny &amp; Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx &amp; Lucas
6. babe &amp; shayna
7. mangogal
8. Jacqueline &amp; baby Jovan
9. fatfish

Do we need to make reservation??
Morning Lenny,

Read b4 that you have put your Bree on the Gina Ford method? As in she can sleep thru the night without the nightfeeds. Can you share on the timetable you have for Bree?

My girls are currently still waking up for night feeds once or twice, now in the midst of training them to forgo the night feed, somehow, my eldest and youngest girls couldn't take it. Would cry and cry and cry.

My second girl can do without the night feed liao..but still have to pat pat her to sleep. My mil is not too happy with us for this, her rationale being babies should drink more milk, what if they do not get enough? It will stunt their growth..but. I have 3 bbies leh, i hope all my helpers can get enough rest also.

yr boi so cute!!!

dun worry, yr boi will be fine soon...
my boi still down w cold... dun noe when will completely recover... *sighz*
northvirgo, same here...my boy still wake up for night feed..now is better, can sleep thru 5hrs then wake up..last time is like 3hrs sharp! can Lenny pls share how to put them on GF method so tat he can sleep thru de night?

northvirgo, my MIL also same as u..sometimes my boy just flip n cry a while, she will run to prepare milk for him..she will not take the effort to calm him n mayb feed him some water 1st..mayb he is not hungry..but her rationale is "already 3hrs and baby is already hungry"!
night feeding

hmmm Andrea sleeps at 8 or even before sometimes. Her night feed is 240ml of fm with 1.5 scoops (the same scoop for milk) of cereal.

And then before i sleep i will make another 210 or 180 with 1.5 scoops of cereal and feed her while she is still sleeping. this feed will be around 11 plus to 12. then she sleeps through till 7.30am.

i find that if i dont do that she will wake up at 4-5 for milk.

i hope it helps. my mom taught me this way. just sharing with u girls.
hi mommies,

Lunch reservation is made at white dog cafe under my name at 12.30pm

Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon) <today>

Venue: White Dog cafe

Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny &amp; Bree
3. alfafa + gracie
4. Donroxx &amp; Lucas
5. babe &amp; shayna
6. mangogal
7. Jacqueline &amp; baby Jovan
8. fatfish
jo's mummy,

think the old folks care about our bbies but i think our bbies should be old enough to sleep thru without the need to drink milk during night time. sometimes i think it's just a habit for them rather than actual hunger. What time is your last feed for your boy? How much does he drink? My girls very teeny weeny appetite, only drink 120 - 150 ml per feed. My youngest girl don't like to drink nor eat. aiyoo.

Normally i will soak the rice for about 1 hr b4 cooking it for porridge.
Hi mummies,

tks for the concern. brought my bb to the pd this morning. She told me that the vomitting cld have been caused by the flu bug. Anyway, luckily no phelgm in the lungs. Just fed him with the medication and he is resting well now. Enjoy your lunch today!
Northvirgo, ya totally agree..its their habit! and also our LO know we will feed him if he wakes up..tats y..but very hard to ask "MIL" to follow wat we want them to do..althou our intention is to let them rest more also..

my boy drinks 180ml(Isomil 2), last feed is anytime btw 10-11pm(his dinner at 5-5.30pm-porridge). think every baby is really unique &amp; different..really envy those tat can sleep thru the nite and with very good appetite in the day time...

ya, hav u bought any bags from Subaru before?
