(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Oh yah.... my hb's shipment has arrived. So i can officially start to sell my Lansinoh Milkbags. Each box is 25 pcs. PM if u are interested or need. Special price for mar mummies so I dont want to post the prices here cos already post in WTS. Hee..


Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me

Location: Jalan Kayu
Lenny.. yes yes not kaypoh. thanks for adding me, my boy is Lucas and he is coming. first time he is meeting everyone

Jo's mummy.. ya headache leh dun know what theme for the cake. so many to choose from. think i will look for cake toppers first then decide

Teddybaby.. i make mine "extendable" and with more than 1 fastener for bigger toys. how to explain.. see the ones i made? this is the web address: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=141572&id=608870836&l=48b6059f5b

Alfafa.. very nice tutu!! for a moment i thought Gracie was holding a wand. it would complete the princess look :D
hi mummies, long time never post too..read so many of you talking about solids, so i want to emphasize to give water to your baby as much as possible. Apparently, my baby had hard poo poo for several days and MIL and hubby never tell me (Baby always poo in daytime somehow). And last sat and sun, he was crying and straining away until he pooed the last poo upon which he fell asleep instantly on my shoulder cos he exerted so much strength and his head of full of sweat. The most heartbreaking thing was his last poo was lined with blood, yes blood.. My tears kept falling.. so heartbreaking to see him keep crying and unable to help him. No choice, we brought him to KK to put a supository, which will give him the urge to poo remaining poo out, cos the doc said he still has a loo of poo inside and i dont want to see him crying and bleeding after pooing for the next few days. Doc said one of his skin tissue was broken hence, he bleed aft pooing..

thankfully, yest, his poo was alright aft i consistently tell MIL MUST FEED water more..and she have the cheek to tell me i must not drink so much cold water cos it affects breastmilk.. I have never heard that cold water cause constipation.. Anyway, i just hope he keeps getting better. And just want to alert fellow mummies here as well..
Vivien.. oh my, poor baby! if your baby tends to constipate, you can keep a bottle of lactulose at home/MIL place. the doc/PD can advise how much to give.

my boy use to have hard stools so PD advise to give lactulose to soften stools. now i give him a dose if he had not pooed for 2 days. once his poo is normal, i stop giving. my PD advise not to give continuously for more than a 1 week. so far it has been effective.
alfafa, thanks for hosting me today!! sorry for being late and leaving late ahhaha!!

starflower, think pat's and eton charge the same for the half or full day. at least that is what i know cause travis is in eton. It's the same price. For now it costs 770 after subsidy. they are upping the school fees next yr to 830 i think!! OMG! haha wonder how to support the 2 of them!! also different branches have different prices. u might also wanna check out different prices. - based on school compound size and facilities.
I was at Carters today around noon, too! Didn't stop to spot any of you mummies as I just want to shop as fast as poss as it was stuffy. Not as good as last year. A lot of last year repeat items for girls and not really many good designs. I still managed to get 10 items for $37.

Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)
Would love to join!!
Venue: Vivo - restaurant to be determined ... have a strong feeling that we may end up at Swensons hahahaha
Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & baby ?
6. babe & shayna
Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Venue: Vivo - restaurant to be determined ... have a strong feeling that we may end up at Swensons hahahaha
Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & Lucas
6. babe & shayna

how to recognize each other ah? carry a red rose or a copy of straits times under armpit?

wah.. like going on blind date. u so cute... Muahahaha... as long as u see mommies with babies.. for sure its us..

i PM you my HP no.. that should make u feel better..
That's a better way to shop with a filled tummy. I shopped then went down to taka to eat after. Was starving plus tired carrying shayna all the way.

Are any of you going to head to the Isetan private sale tomorrow?

i was wanting to go robinsons to get the christmas wreath.. hope i can get it done before christmas..

i just went to taka last night.. keke..

cancelled my card.. plus.. my part time cleaner is here tomorrow.. stuck at home.. got to prepare for a gathering with my friends at my place on sat,..

the crowd is really bad during sale.. u gonna bring shayna?
Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Venue: Vivo - restaurant to be determined ... have a strong feeling that we may end up at Swensons hahahaha
Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & Lucas
6. babe & shayna
7. mangogal

Carter sale: Where is the location?

Jtho: Glad that Oli's IFC give variety of food for the menu

BTW, besides porridge, do you all give other forms of grains? I am thinking of Ballamy's brown rice pasta star..Any of you intro pasta? Cos I think eating porridge everyday is kind of boring esp at IFC..
Lenny.. thanks!

re Isetan sale.. i'll be there if i can wake up. still trying to finish some unexpected work at this hour.. grrr...

mangogal.. i give my boy oatmeal or barley cereal on some days.
Lenny, WOW! You bought so many clothings? Mostly you bought which size? I bought mostly 18 mths, but i find very limited sizes leh.

Somemore very difficult to buy same size same pattern in 3 sets.
so many mummies go carter sales...
i oso wanna go... see tmr hb wanna drive me there anot...

i brought my boi to orchard twice to see lighting both on wkend... i find the crowd still ok but if u plan to go during tis wkend, tink the crowd will be worst coz approaching xmas liao...

i oso wanna try out pasta... bought 1 box of ballamy's brown rice pasta star not yet open... lolx btw, oso dun noe how to cook...
tink pumpkin mentioned can use babycook to cook it...
i dun tink i can finish up the whole box, give you half? kekeke

ya, really bought quite a lot.. cos to be honest.. i only buy 5 rompers for her to go out in so far.. all the rest are hand-me-downs..

now that she has to go for play group.. i got to buy lor.. heheh..i bought diff sizes.. bree is petite.. she currently fits in the 6 mths size from carters..

so i bought 6 mths, 9 mths, 12 mths and 18 mths..

the staff there are very helpful.. you can ask if the design u pick have sizes..

they came over to help me when i was there.. think they saw me carrying bree, they gave me a bag.. then before i pay, they help me sort out my purchase.. like let me go thru each piece before i pay..

silly me .. still buy repetition of designs..
brown rice pasta star

Just cook it the same way as normal pasta. Normally i boil in a pot of boiling water for about 5 mins. BB C takes about 1.5 tablespoon.
Then when done, i mix with puree to feed bb. 1 box is just nice lah.. cos i intend for no outside food until 18 mths old. BB C would eat my dinners with me when she is 12 mths old. Cant wait to stop having to bring so much bb food out!
brown rice pasta star

I tried once but seems like my BB don't really know how to chew it cos the texture is abit harder than porridge. maybe i will try it again this wkend. i also think tat everyday eat porridge is abit boring... but the foods that they can eat also limited. cant wait for her to be 12 mths so can intro noodles liao hee hee
the sales person at cater was good to help u

and agree think last year has more items...was quite disappointed too
ST, u can take the pasta frm Sunshine

I actually bought one box yesterday at Central
Asura will try ur method tomr
I will boil longer to make the pasta soft, 10mins isit ok?

Blurjen, yalor I also find boring of eating porridge everyday

BTW I want to let my gal eat salmon, anyone let ur LOs liao?

Asura & Sunshine, BTW babycook had the mini recipe booklet suggest using butter or olive oil to cook pasta something like dat...so hv u gals tried using butter or any kind of oil to cook or steam? Cos slow cooker do nt need any oil to cook porridge.
BTW to those organic fan: Central at Clarke Quay opened a organic retail cum cafe outlet.
It is at basement named Real Food, I am their regular customer. I will lunch there & purchase their vege and cook for weekend

Their concept is the same as Fourseason Market at GWC sell everything, the only diff is they ha ve a cafe there and their food is yummy:p
THose mummies who are interested can chk it out !
Re: Lunch on 21 Dec (Mon)

Venue: White Dog cafe?

Time: 12.30pm

Mummies who are keen pls add on your name

1. Seabreeze
2. Lenny & Bree
3. Blurjen
4. alfafa + gracie
5. Donroxx & Lucas
6. babe & shayna
7. mangogal
hello! went to carters sales jus nw during lunch. hahaha! jus grab n grab n grab. lol. agree nt as nice as last yrs... this yr for girls more of tops... hmmm... but i they were selling some cloth bags at $2 each which i found quite nice... gd to give as xmas gifts! whoopee! hee... my total damage is $106! i bought 9 bags, 2 sets of PJS, 2 blankies and 21 tops/rompers

eh plus my cab fare... hee.. $12 each trip.. to n fro $24... so total damage is $130! happie happie!

now.. hw to get sneak into the house without letting HB see... hmmm... lolx!
u very cute leh .. sneak into house without lettng hb see ... haha
i am going later leh, should have go with u..aiyoo.
eh i tried salmon for kirs before.. added into her porridge.. she didnt like it... wil prolly skip it for now... her meats r threadfin, minced chicken, minced pork and minced beef.. only one for each meal...

for mummies who havent brought their babies out alone before, dont worry so much.. just do it!!! a lot of mummies here have done it.. hee hee... sure can one la... we r Super Mommies!!! =P
alamak. hmmm yalo.. wait HB nag... becos kirs still has clothes kept in bags... that r too big for her to wear now... lololx! i went frm wrkplc wor... hee hee... wad time r u going? nw 2+ liao...
okie.. for my porridge, i grind the rice into powder. i do it in bulk and keep into air tight tupperware. everytime we cook 1 portion... i use the Friso tin scoop as my measurement... Kirs takes 3 spoons of that scooper... Use mini slow cooker.. add water, add raw minced meat... leave it to slow cook... takes ard 30-45mins only... after that, add in cube of veggie... then feed her...
she likes her food thick n pasty... and warm...
wow so many mummies going for the carters sale. That day i went to Life Baby at vivo n they had some off seasons clothes going at 70% (4 pcs n abv) so average each pc is less than $10 n i bought like 5 rompers for SH n 2 for YC n my happiest purchase was a rompers n singlet w same design for both of kids heehee

That day oso went to dig out YC old clothes for SH so now my mum is complaining that SH toyogo drawers are bursting =p

So now its time to shop for myself haha thinking of going for J8 late night shopping later
thanks missy!! Will the porridge be oily if add in minced meat? how is the beef taste like? I havent let Nicole try beef yet dunno she will like it anot hee hee! i will try this wkend, thanks!
hmmm my porridge not oily leh... doesnt appear oily to me.. i use lean meat... beef like not bad... okie... smell not very strong... she is okie with it as well.. hee hee...
hws lil nicole? hee... shes really chubby n cute! any new stunts? kekeke... if u worried abt chunkiness of the mince meat, u go to the places like wet markets or super markets where they can re-mince it for you... so will be softer in a way and not so lumpy... initially when i tried pork, Kirs will vomit becos cnt swallow -_-"

lenny forgot - for rice, if u wana try, just try 1 grain and see if she cn swallow or not...

missy thanks! nicole is good! v active lor. now she like to play hide n seek. ha ha. ur kirs is fast leh, she can stand without support rite? WOW impress!! So for the beef, did u use lean meat or minced meat? I wanted to try the pork minced meat but i dunno she will know how to swallow anot. now i only use lean pork or chicken.
