(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

i ordered fr both b4... i prefer mummycent's wetbag (L size) coz i find the material more thick compare to joann one... but mummycent will cost more...
i tink you better get bigger size coz u can dump additional stuffs if needed...

icic... thks hor!!! once u find out the english name for heng cai, let me know ya!!!

so puay leng & bo cai is the same veg huh...

re: fitti diapers..
its ok la.. good that little moomoo upgrade to L size liao.. hehe..

i will see how it goes by end oct.. then decide if i need to buy more..
I had Joann wetbag M & L size, i find that L is better can put more and now Joann is having 20% off. But me still thinking of buying XL cos can put in whole family towels and swimsuits.
anyone wanna share order with me on GOO.N diapers??? coz need $80 for free delivery...
pm me ok!!!
anyone got good teething gel or tablets to recommend that are made of all natural ingredients?? My boy has been cranky these few days before napping / sleeping. Driving me up the wall. He has already 3 teeth out, the last one seems to be coming out too, not sure if its due to that.

Also, anyone knows where to buy clips that can attach to BB shirt to hold items eg pacifier, teether? He keeps dropping his teether when on the rocker and he is so strong now he can do sit up on his own and bend to the side to pick it up, almost toppling over. Need to set up the play pen this weekend liao. My boy is really like a cow man, so strong. He lifted up the FP grand piano with both hands b4 and dismantled a few toys already.
HI Mummies,

Does any of you know where i can get nice plain coloured t-shirts in mens, women and baby (1yr old) sizes? Im going to customise family tees for my photoshoot coming nov.


any of you knows where i can do tee shirt printing in small qty ? I got a quote for $80 to print 3 pcs of t-shirt. Is this ex or cheap?

Btw, can the philip hand blender blend ikan bilis too? anyone tried?
Hi everyone,

i'm back in sg, 2kg lighter and darker eyebags. long flights with baby is no joke. salute all mummies who travel with babies.

going back to bed. ZzZzzz
Dear all mummies,

I am from Aug's mummies.

calling Similac baby
I have 3 tin of 400g Similac 2 to let go! anyone interested pls PM me! selling cheap cheap since my boy drinking Friso now! i stay north.
im using hyland's teething tablets , got it from seabreeze. like not bad leh. when tristan cranky its the antidote for the both of us.. haha

BP have adults one if im not wrong. $80 is so expensive..
sunshinebaby ...

Dunno ler heehee you just add me using that address k ... cos I only added those march mummies that i have met before and my frens =)

This one only deals with the BP stuff ... if I see you missing from my personal FB then I will add you on that too heehee

My office is in such a deepavali mood last night ... there was a dry run for their countdown programme near my office hahahaha and music started blasting at 5.30pm
Do you still have hyland teething tablets in stock? Cos i remember i ordered 1 box from you but didnt heard from you about the payment, maybe i missed the threads.

Asura, actually this is my second time to genting with my bb. The first time is by car n second time is by plane. But I think drove there is better cos my bb get cranky in the plane n the whole plane is her shouting voice. Overall is ok but the food is a problem, i dunno y she reject the cereal n bottle food which i bring from sin. Maybe she is too used to homecook puree. And i think once the bb is v used to the routine they will get cranky when in oversea. BTW rem to bring good moisture n some diaper cloth or some cloth to cover the bedsheet on the part that the bb is sleeping. Cos my bb face got some rashes so i dunno is it becos the bedsheet is dirty. Which hotel u staying?
May i know how you bath your baby in hotel? Need to bring baby tub? haha. Anyway we are planning to bring baby to genting next year too.
Serene, u can either use bath tub or u can bring a portable baby bath tub. I bought the Munckin Duckie Bath Tub there cos it is faster to fill the water in the duckie tub than the bath tub hee hee. but i dunno y my bb cried everyday during bath time. Maybe becos of the environment.
haha yes im referring to the lil stylos.

u are most welcome!

I havent decide when to go yet. Need to check schedule first. Just know that i toying with the idea of 2 nites in KL and 1 nite in Genting. Hee
starflower, lenny,

Everytime someone tells me Mikaela might be teething soon, I say "touchwood"!!! No teeth no teeth until 9 months please!!
Ouch, that must be painful. My boy also almost 4 teeth out, been cranky and wanting to latch for so long. This morning latch for 1.5hr, he refuses to let go. Nipple feeling sore now
I donno if he drinking or juz sucking for comfort. Heng I latch him in sleeping position, cos been very tired. Else will get muscle ache!

*ouch* sayang sayang... i pray hard that charlene's tooth come out as late as her dad's which is 11 mths.. hee
Hi Queenie,
thanks...i also kinda feel tat $80 is ex tats y decided to ask around. i heard queenstown area do have t-shirts printing services, tomolo go and check them out.

Hi Ann,

I've looked at their t-shirts but they are only printing on white or black t shirts i think. Im looking for coloured tees.

Hi teddybaby,
Wow...Your bb really like a bull. mine is the same. just turn 7mths and he's became very bold.
Can stand up after supporting himself on babycot and then let go of both his hands...haiz...
but unlike yours, mine seems to be refusing milk (FM) i stopped BF at 5mths cos he rejected my BM. >_<

Hee hee, have been a silent reader :p Mikaela is well. I just introduced solids about 2 weeks back and she is loving it! She prefers solids over milk (grrr!!).

How is Bree? I have been reading about the foods you have been introducing her. Sounds like she is eating a varied variety of food!

Hope both of our daughters don't bite when we are latching!!
asura...e ak website is yummy...but, can bbs take cheese n butter frm 7mths n above?

btw, is it ok to let bb swim in condo bb pool using a neckfloat? Ani1's LO has skin allergy due to chlorinated water? I hav a swimming tub @ home but just filling up w tap water is a little bit time consuming n res wasting...Tks for sharing!

hehe... good that Mikaela is taking her soldis well. i am still tyring Bree out on the veges and the combinations. its really obvious that she prefer sweet ones.. haiz..

i was very stressed about her not wanting to eat sometimes for the past week. oh well.. i think i will just let her be, she will get her feed after that. don't want to force it on her. Meal times should be fun for both of us..

Keeping my fingers crossed that she won't bite when she got her pearlies..
Tusky- I brought my boy to swim at condo pool with neck float. He has eczema but dnt show sign of sensitivity. I will apply moisturizer on him aft swimming
hi mummies, just want to let you all know that baby A and I had rotavirus.
Symptoms - vomiting, diarrhoea and low grade fever.

Besides keeping your family hygienic, make sure your helpers also maintain the same standard! We suspect my mum's helper may be the one who passed it on.
Ended up in hospital and managed to keep only 5 spoonfuls of porridge down in the last 48 hours. Baby A threw up all FM but luckily can drink BM. Am so thankful that I still have BM for her to drink. No solids for now except watery rice cereal.

Take care everyone!

P seed, aiyo hope baby A discharged frm hospital!
U take care too, both of you drinks lots of liquid to hydrate the body. Hugs frm me!
